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Unit 5. Operating systems

I. Understanding a lecture

So, just a final word to recap on operating systems. There are at least six different operating systems available for use with microcomputers. As we said, it is the operating system that determines which software can be run on the computer. For example, a system with a CP/M operating system will not be able to run the software written for an MS/DOS based system. This is because these operating systems are different.

However, operating systems themselves are not compatible with every computer. They are generally designed for specific computers and certain CPUs. In addition, just because a program is a CPU/M does not mean that it will run on any CP/M system. Programs have to be formatted for a specific computer. As you know, programs are stored on disk in the form of files, and a disk formatted (or initialised) for one system cannot usually be used on another computer. When a disk is formatted it becomes dedicated to that system. Any programs or data files stored on that disk are therefore not transferable to another system without the use of additional software called file transfer programs. Hardware in the form of a connecting (interface) cable is also required to link the machines. Fortunately the ports on the CPUs for connecting these cables have been standardised and most systems come equipped with such a port, generally called an RS-232 port.

II. Understanding discourse

Telephone ringing

K. Hello, 725255.

T. Kaleni, hi, it’s Tariq. Sorry I can’t come to the Caribbean restaurant. I’m behind with my notes so I’ll have to stay in and try to catch up. Tell the others I’m sorry.

K. Fine, I’ll do that. But it’s a pity. Anyway, what’s the problem now?

T. Well, I seem to have the numbers under control, now it’s the mysterious letters.

K. What???

T. You Know, ROM and RAM and COM and CAM, it’s like a foreign language!

K. They’re acronyms – words made out of the initial letters of something.

T. I know that, but it’s the spelling that really bothers me. I know ROM is read only memory. How do you spell memory?

K. M-E-M-O- R- Y.


K. Computer Aided Manufacture. That’s spelt …

T. How about DOS?

K. Disk Operating System. That’s D-I-S-K…

T. Have you come across EAROM?

K. Oh yes. That’s Electronically Alterable ROM.

T. How about GIGO?

K. Something you certainly need to know – Garbage in – garbage out.

T. Oh, nicecompliment. Now, today I came across MISP. Any idea? Oh Kaleni, the pips are going and I haven’t any m…

K. Microelectronics Industry Support Programme (pip pip pip…)

Unit 6: Smart House

Computers and sensors linked by miles of wire and electronic adapters, enable the smart house to control security systems, entertainment centers, appliances, lights, blinds, heating and cooling systems, swimming pool systems, and other systems that can be activated by electrical apparatus. The goal of a smart house is to coordinate all domestic systems to minimize the expenditure of energy and maximize the comfort of its occupants. The central computer, called a controller, ties everything together. We

interact with the home automation system via telephone, hand-held remotes, keypads, touch screen televisions, and voice commands.

Do you want your home warm and cozy when you return from a trip? Just head for the nearest phone booth, call your smart house’s controller, and tell it to turn up the heat. Do you want your washing machine to turn itself on at a time when electricity costs less? Just tell the controller when you want it to start.

In Japan, an experimental smart house has been built that seems warm and inviting — anything but technological. It, in fact, is filled with dozens of hidden sensors

monitoring temperature, humidity, airflow, carbon dioxide, and even human presence in the house. Its sensors are part of a network linking three PCs with appliances, motor-driven windows and blinds, humidifiers, and so on.

There are lots of possibilities with a smart house. If the homeowner selects the

“going out” mode on the master panel, the computer can arm the security system and adjust the lighting and ventilation systems. If it’s time to celebrate at home instead of going out, the “party” setting might close the drapes, adjust the lighting, and tune in background music — all from one switch in the living room. The controller can be

programmed to create whatever mood you want.

Research in Holland reflects environmental concerns. On the roof of a smart house, a tunnel-like structure collects rainwater, which is sent to a holding tank. The water

collected is used to flush the toilets and water the garden. It reduces the need to use costly drinking-quality water when rainwater is more appropriate.

A solar boiler heats washing and bath water in the smart house, and a row of photo-voltaic panels collects solar energy to change batteries for emergency power. Gas, electricity, and water meters are integrated with the controller so that utilities and homeowners can monitor consumption.

Smart house technology isn’t just a luxury for the wealthy. Those who are energy savers and environmentally minded will probably end up using at least some smart house features in their own homes.

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