- •Переклад термінології інформаційних систем з англійської на українську мову
- •Передмова
- •Unit 1 What is an Information System?
- •Active Words and Phrases:
- •Text What Is an Information System?
- •Supplementary list of words and phrases
- •Listening comprehension: Computer applications
- •Word List
- •Unit 2 Basic Types of Information Systems
- •Active Words and Phrases:
- •Text Basic Types of Information Systems
- •Transaction Processing System
- •Management Information System
- •Decision Support System
- •Supplementary list of words
- •Listening comprehension: Computer languages
- •Unit 3 Expert Systems. Office Information Systems. Executive Suppоrt Systems
- •List of active terms
- •Text Expert Systems
- •Office Information Systems
- •Executive Support Systems
- •Listening comprehension: Numbers (1). Artificial Intelligence
- •I. Understanding discourse: Numbers (1)
- •II. Understanding a lecture: Artificial Intelligence
- •Text e-commerce
- •Supplementary list of words and phrases
- •Listening comprehension: Understanding numbers (2)
- •Text Marketing on the World Wide Web
- •1. Дозвіл на охолодження
- •2. Розмова з пральною машиною
- •2. Translate into English:
- •Variant II
- •1. Translate into Ukrainian: How the Web works
- •2. Translate into English:
- •Information Systems and Databases. File Storage
- •List of active terms
- •Information Systems and Databases. File storage
- •Supplementary list of words and phrases
- •Listening comprehension: Smart house
- •Unit 7 Database Models
- •List of active terms
- •Text Database Models
- •2. Network Model
- •3. Relational Model
- •4.Object-Oriented Model
- •Supplementary list of words and phrases
- •Listening comprehension: Internet technologies for authentic language learning experiences
- •Unit 8 Banner Displays
- •List of active terms
- •Text Banner displays
- •Supplementary list of words and phrases
- •2. Провайдери програмно-апаратних ресурсів
- •Listening comprehension: America online
- •Text e-mail
- •Listening comprehension: New online trading information system sees early
- •Information is power
- •Supplementary list of words and phrases
- •1. Телефон з функцією wap
- •2. Мобільний Інтернет
- •Listening Comprehension: Staying legal in cyberspace
- •Active Words and Phrases:
- •Text II Expanding the Internet Service through the Cable
- •Text Технологія „Блютус”
- •Listening Comprehension: Fiber optic cable
- •Final test
- •Variant I
- •1. Translate into Ukrainian:
- •Internet
- •2. Translate into English:
- •Variant II
- •1. Translate into Ukrainian:
- •Internet protocols
- •2. Translate into English:
- •Texts for listening comprehension and oral translation Unit 1. Computer Applications
- •Unit 2. Computer Languages
- •Unit 3.
- •I. Understanding discourse: Numbers (1)
- •II. Understanding a lecture: Artificial Intelligence
- •Unit 4. Numbers (2)
- •Unit 5. Operating systems
- •I. Understanding a lecture
- •II. Understanding discourse
- •Unit 6: Smart House
- •Unit 7. Internet Technologies for Authentic Language Learning Experiences
- •Unit 8. America online
- •Unit 9. New Online Trading Information System Sees Early Successes
- •Unit10. Staying Legal in Cyberspace
- •Unit 11. Fiber Optic Cable
- •Texts for independent class and home translation Text 1. Computer science
- •Text 2. Computer
- •Text 3. Software
- •Text 4. Expert system
- •Text 5. Computer memory
- •Text 6. Nonvolatile memories
- •Text 7. Computer program
- •Text 8. Computer programming language
- •Text 9. Computer-aided engineering(cae)
- •Text 10. Computer simulation
- •Text 11. Computer graphics
- •Text 12. Hypertext
- •Text 13. Computer network
- •Text 14. Computer security
- •Text 15. Computer crime
- •Text 16. Computer virus
- •English-Ukrainian Vocabulary
- •Appendix 1 The most widely used computer terminology dictionary
- •Appendix 2 e-mail abbreviations
- •Література
Національний Технічний Університет
„Харківський політехнічний інститут”
А.А.Бадан, С.О. Царьова
Переклад термінології інформаційних систем з англійської на українську мову
Харків НТУ „ХПІ” 2009
ББК 30у:81.2
Ц 18
УДК 088.8:03:811.111
Рецензенти: М.Д. Годлевський, д. техн. наук, проф. НТУ “ХПІ”;
П.М. Донець, д. філол. наук, проф., Харківський національний університет ім. В. Каразіна;
В.М. Сердюк, канд. філол. наук, доц., Харківський національний університет ім. В. Каразіна.
Розраховано на студентів спеціальності “Переклад (англійська мова)” і аспірантів технічних спеціальностей.
Бадан А.А., Царьова С.О. Переклад термінології інформаційних систем: Навч.-метод. посібник. – Харків: НТУ “ХПІ”, 2009. – 208 с. ISBN – Укр.; англ.
The book presents
For the students of "Translation and Interpreting" departments and post-graduate students of technical specialties.
Ill. Bibl. titles
ISBN © Бадан А.А., С.О. Царьова, 2009 р.
Передмова 5
Unit 1 6
What is an Information System? 6
Listening comprehension: Computer applications 11
Unit 2 13
Basic Types of Information Systems 13
Listening comprehension: Computer languages 19
Unit 3 20
Expert Systems. Office Information Systems. Executive Suppоrt Systems 20
Text 21
Listening comprehension: Numbers (1). Artificial Intelligence 25
I. Understanding discourse: Numbers (1) 25
II. Understanding a lecture: Artificial Intelligence 26
Unit 4 27
E-commerce 27
Listening comprehension: Understanding numbers (2) 31
Unit 5 32
Marketing on the World Wide Web 32
Listening comprehension: Operating systems 35
I. Understanding a lecture 35
II. Understanding discourse 35
Progress Test 36
Variant I 36
Variant II 37
Unit 6 39
Information Systems and Databases. File Storage 39
Listening comprehension: Smart house 43
Unit 7 45
Database Models 45
Listening comprehension: Internet technologies for authentic language learning experiences 50
Unit 8 51
Banner Displays 51
Listening comprehension: America online 55
Unit 9 57
Web Marketing Poised for Boom in Ukraine 57
Listening comprehension: New online trading information system sees early 61
successes 61
Unit 10 62
Information is Power 62
Listening Comprehension: Staying legal in cyberspace 67
Internet Service through the Cable 69
Text I. Internet Facts 69
Text II 71
Expanding the Internet Service through the Cable 71
Listening Comprehension: Fiber optic cable 72
Variant I 74
Variant II 75
Texts for listening comprehension and oral translation 77
Unit 1. Computer Applications 77
Unit 2. Computer Languages 78
Unit 3. 78
I. Understanding discourse: Numbers (1) 78
II. Understanding a lecture: Artificial Intelligence 79
Unit 4. Numbers (2) 80
Unit 5. Operating systems 80
Unit 6: Smart House 81
Unit 7. Internet Technologies for Authentic Language Learning Experiences 82
Unit 8. America online 83
Unit 9. New Online Trading Information System Sees Early Successes 84
Unit 10. Staying Legal in Cyberspace 84
Unit 11. Fiber Optic Cable 85
Texts for independent class and home translation 87
Text 1. Computer science 87
Text 2. Computer 87
Text 3. Software 88
Text 4. Expert system 89
Text 5. Computer memory 91
Text 6. Nonvolatile memories 93
Text 7. Computer program 93
Text 8. Computer programming language 94
Text 9. Computer-aided engineering (CAE) 95
Text 10. Computer simulation 96
Text 11. Computer graphics 96
Text 12. Hypertext 98
Text 13. Computer network 99
Text 14. Computer security 99
Text 15. Computer crime 100
Text 16. Computer virus 101
English-Ukrainian Vocabulary 103
Appendix 1 115
The most widely used computer terminology dictionary 115
Appendix 2 117
E-mail abbreviations 117
Література 120