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Максимов удп Блер фрагмент з телепрограми

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The Iron Lady has been able to suggest that the country that has long been accustomed to honer its institutions(establishments) during centuries, from the monarchy to the Anglican Church. She was the inspirator of the radical changes now proposed by Blair 'блеер, including the abolition эбэ'лишн the right to vote in the House of Lords for hereditary peers, the formation of an independent Parliament in Scotland and the Bill of Rights. The situation in one of the two Houses of Parliament, indeed, attracts the attention of the contemporary politician, the House of Lords, consisting of hereditary and life peers and ladies, as well as hierarchs хай'ракс of the Anglican Church and it has a thousand members and has virtually no impact on the legislative process. Since 1707, it has not been the case for a monarch to approve a law passed пасд by the House of Commons, another chamber чеимбэ of the British Parliament . The point is not only the influence, but also that despite the high paid wages of each member of the House of Lords for each session, there are rarely more than a hundred of them at sessions. Quorum кворем for adoption эдопшн of decisions consists of three men!

Blair won because it is the quintessence квин'тэснс of a new Britain that his wife earns much more than Blair, the mass media believes. Colouring people and natives of Asia are among his friends. Blair speaks French fluently and he feel himself in France just as in the English 'province. He likes to use terms as "patriotism" or "national unity" that the previous generation of British politicians would consider hypocritical demagogy. 'Дэмэгоги According to the press(mass media), the energetic and emotional Blair personified пе'сонифайд everything new and he is more like a European than an Englishman, but only by behavior.

So, as we can see, the era of Margaret Thatcher does not really end with the election of Anthony Blair as British Prime Minister. But there is a rather interesting difference between the Labor Prime Minister and his conservative predecessors 'придисэсоз. What do I mean? Winston Churchill 'чёчил, for example, said: "I am not going to preside призайд over the funeral of the British Empire." Indeed, the Laborists had to be elected in order to bury 'бэри the British Empire "from sea to sea». And 'Clement 'Attlee's этлис government really gave independence to many British colonies and dominions, and then Churchill чёчл returned to power to help the British economy return to the pre-Labourist(labor) period so that the Conservatives would return again to Britain the respect for its own values. There is something similar here: John Major, despite having negotiated негоушиэйтид with the Northern нозен Irish separatists 'сэпрэтистс, still found himself incapable of a real negotiation process. In London people again began to fear bombing. And, as we know, it is not groundless. Anthony Blair promised a much more mobile negotiation process with Northern Ireland separatists, and it is necessary to add that the background of the Northern Irish-British negotiation process also imposes the problem of the explosion of certain separatist 'сэпрэтист or autonomous э'тонэмэс sentiments in Scotland, and even in Wales вэилз, the quietest part of the UK. The Laborists said that they were able to give the Scots an autonomous government, their parliament, and there is the same in the end! Obviously, this is a huge problem because it changes the tissue of British statehood . Well, first it is the breakup брейк ап of the empire, the loss of the colonies, then the problems with Northern Ireland ( everyone is used to it), and now the problem with Scotland. Well, this is already an organic part of the UK, and we have to say that in Scotland, in general, the Conservatives did not get into Parliament , it shows how many Scots believe in Anthony Blair. He will have to pay his debts дэтс. Plus there is the economy. In Britain, it is said that Laborists initially promised the country two hundred years of prosperity, and then the Conservatives come to power eight years later and provide this prosperity. Everyone is afraid that now it will not become a reality.

- How do you characterize that the Conservatives were defeated in the elections to the British Parliament?

- Even in the countries of traditional democracy, the elections sometimes are determined дитёминд by the voter's emotions., although it seems that British voters are experienced and have extensive experience of election, but still, when I watched, well, through the mass media, the election campaign, I have noticed that the election team, it was guided not only, well, let's say, by great program goals, though it was, but an attention was paid to the character and emotional side of the election campaign. And the second was that the people are already tired of conservatives that in power for a long time, and that was the main reason. I think there were other reasons. To my mind, today the socialist idea , the idea of ​​social protection, the idea of ​​equality ик'волити of people, the idea of ​​justice, that always present in the agenda , if we take our time from the time of Christ - it wanders in the minds of people and sometimes determines ди'тёминс the nature of their actions . As for Major, I have met with him, I think that he is a serious politician, well-balanced politician, able to communicate and protect the interests of the people, and his state. But the cause of defeat, was that he, it seemed to me, and his party believed in their victory. This was one of the main reasons. Although, I think that both parties of the UK are strong and a change, the transfer of power to each other will still take place and continue, but this will not lead to a radical change in the policy, that we are afraid of in Ukraine. Taking power of our leftists would mean a radical change in the policy and economy , which could be a tragedy for us. There in the West, and this is fine, the strategy remains unchanged, tactical steps, priorities are determined дитёминд by a party and implemented.