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Образцы темы My speciality / My speciality (1)

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My speciality

I am Ivanov Ivan.

I am a 6-year student of Moscow Power Engineering Institute. It gives the students the highest standard of academic education and professional training.

This year is quite difficult for me because I have to combine my work (I think all students work being a 6-year students) and studies. I have also had to attend classes in English, to read a lot of material, to get ready for my final exams.

By the way, I study at the faculty of Problems in Energy Efficiency.

My speciality is Industrial Power Engineering.

My future research deals with study of irrigated heat exchangers.

The subject of my research is “The use of irrigated heat exchangers for air conditioning systems”.

I have already started collecting and working up the material for my master’s paper. My master’s paper consists of 3 chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the overview of use of irrigated heat exchangers at present time. In the second chapter I’m going to provide the results of experiments made in the laboratory. In the third chapter I’m going to compare the results of experiments with theoretical knowledge and suggest a design of irrigated heat exchanger.

The most interesting aspect, I think, is that the use of irrigated heat exchangers in air conditioning systems will greatly reduce the size and the price of industrial air conditioners.

I hope my future research will be of some great importance for developing new schemes of air conditioning.

After graduating from the Institute I’m going to take a postgraduate course. This course lasts 3 years. At the third stage of research a postgraduate is to defend his (or her) thesis and if he (or she) does it successfully, he (or she) is awarded the Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences.

Each postgraduate has a supervisor. The supervisor’s role comes to giving practical recommendations, making suggestions, criticizing and modifying the plan of the research.

During the years of my postgraduate course, I believe, I’ll have contacts with various enterprises, firms and research centers working in the related (similar) fields. I also hope to have some publications and present my findings to conference.

By the way, when a 5-th year student I took part in the student’s conference and made report there. It was developed to the same subject as my master’s paper. It was a success, I think.

The conference took place in Moscow at our Institute but many students from other towns and cities took part in it.

It should be noted that sometimes a talented postgraduate happens to break a new ground in some particular field. Others succeed in creating new theory or advancing hypothesis and even proving it. I also hope to do something important good in my particular field.

I cannot help mentioning the importance of learning foreign languages. I think that knowledge of foreign languages is absolutely necessary just to keep place with today’s level of scientific development.

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