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А. А. Колобова по книге Дж.К. Роулинг «Гарри Поттер и философский камень»; assignment 10 (задание 10) - Harry Potter

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А. А. Колобова


по книге Дж.К. Роулинг «Гарри Поттер и философский камень»

Assignment 10






to leak out (p. 180)

If secret information leaks out, people find out about it.

But the news that he was playing Seeker had leaked out somehow…

News of the pay cuts had somehow leaked out.

somehow (p. 180)

in a way which you do not know or do not understand

But the news that he was playing Seeker had leaked out somehow…

Somehow or other they managed to get in.

to lend (p. 181)

to give something to someone for a period of time, expecting that they will then give it back to you

She had also lent him Quidditch Through the Ages, which turned out to be a very interesting read.

I do have a bike but I've lent it to Sara.

to tell smb off (p. 181)

to tell someone that they have done something wrong and that you are angry about it

He hadn’t seen the fire, but he seemed to be looking for a reason to tell them off anyway.

Darren got told off for talking in class.

to make smth up (p. 182)

to say or write something that is not true

“He’s just made that rule up,” Harry muttered angrily as Snape limped away.

I made up some story about having to go and see my sick mother.

to change into smth (p. 184)

to take off your clothes and put on different ones

Meanwhile, in the locker room, Harry and the rest of the team were changing into their scarlet Quidditch robes (Slytherin would be playing in green).

He changed out of his school uniform into jeans and a T-shirt.

to tell (which / smb from smb) (p. 186)

to know or recognize something from what you hear, see, etc

— sent his way by Fred or George Weasley, can’t tell which —

You can never tell whether Hajime's being serious or not.

to be no good (p. 190)

to be of low quality or not useful:

The whole crowd was on its feet, watching, terrified, as the Weasleys flew up to try and pull Harry safely onto one of their brooms, but it was no good — every time they got near him, the broom would jump higher still.

Food aid isn't much good until the fighting stops.

to find out about smth (p. 192)

to get information about something, or to learn a fact for the first time

“I found out something about him,” he told Hagrid.

I must find out the train times.

to meddle in smth (p. 193)

to try to influence people or change things that are not your responsibility

yer meddlin’ in things that don’ concern yeh.

He's always meddling in other people's business.


  • versus

  • an interesting read

  • relaxed

  • conjure sth up

  • mangled

  • diversion

  • wouldn’t put anything past sb

  • be after

  • clobber

  • reserve

  • speck

  • loop-the-loop

  • jinx

  • be on fire

  • get past

  • bundled up

  • (a jam) jar

  • bandage

  • saint

  • stands

  • Neck and neck

  • buck sb off, unseat

  • involved

  • furious with sb


to defrost (p. 180)


the staffroom (p. 182)


twisted with fury (p. 183)

Искривлённый от ярости

the locker room (p. 184)


a fair game (p. 185)

Честная игра

cheating (p. 188)


hem (p. 191)

Кромка, подол

on all fours (p. 191)

на четвереньках

Fluffy (p. 192)


top secret (p. 192)



Producing sounds


to snore (p. 183),


to limp (p. 181),

to sprint (p. 183),

to clamber (p. 185),

to belt along (p. 186),

to spin (p. 188),

to dangle (p. 190),

to swing off (p. 190),


  1. dunno – don’t kow; bin watching, me hut, bein' = been watching, my hut, being; oughta, coulda, outta (p. 188) = ought to, could have, out of; las' (p. 192), yeh (p. 192), yer (p. 192), don' (p. 192), an' (p. 192) = last, you, you’re, don’t, and

  2. “Football” I guess. The UK variant.

  3. referee

  4. swallow – to make a movement with your throat as if you are eating, sometimes because you are nervous

gulp - to swallow suddenly, sometimes making a noise, because you are nervous or surprised

  1. Constantly. It’s an important game, and the day before that he saw something shocking. The poster.

  2. He was muttering nonstop without blinking while Harry was about to fall. And his leg was mangled.

  3. Jordan. He’s joking, and he’s on the side of Gryffindor.

  4. It couldn’t be controlled by him. Hermione set Snape on fire.

  5. Gryffindor wins.

  6. Didn’t believe at all. He spilled the beans.

VI. (p. 185)

or else - used as a warning or threat


  1. reserves

  2. stands

  3. unseated

  4. bundled

  5. twisted

  6. find out

  7. yelped

  8. told

  9. put

  10. change

  11. lending

  12. diversion

  13. Somehow

  14. out


  1. out

  2. after

  3. use

  4. meddling

  5. make

  6. versus

  7. tell

  8. told

  9. specks


1. Она записалась на вечерние курсы при местном колледже. 2. По сравнению с нашей маленькой квартирой дом Билла - просто дворец. 3. Двое полицейских вывели его под руки. 4. Я поброжу по торговому центру полчасика. 5. У меня мурашки от этого дома. 6. Меня внезапно осенило, как мы можем решить проблему. 7. Другие дети бывало дразнили его из-за того, что он был близорук и на носу у него была бородавка. 8. Остальные члены банды угрожали, что прикончат его, если он пойдет в полицию. 9. Он нацарапал свое имя в низу страницы. 10. Когда я проснулась, камин уже погас. 11. Я чуть не погиб сегодня утром - какой-то идиот почти сбросил меня с моего велосипеда. 12. Карен всегда чувствовала, что ее знаменитая старшая сестра затмевает ее. 13. Это ее роспись? Она совершенно неразборчивая. 14. На Рождество дома в европейских странах украшаются остролистом, омелой и гирляндами. Дети обожают поджаривать зефир на огне и взрывать хлопушки. 15. Оливер еще не спит? - Нет, у него сна ни в одном глазу и он бегает по комнате. 16. У меня плохое предчувствие по поводу этого совещания.

  1. The twins were so alike I couldn’t tell which is which.

  2. For the government the war was a diversion to distract from the economic problems of the country.

  3. He’s after the job of Jane.

  4. How did the badger manage to go past the zookeeper?

  5. How did you find out about the party?

  6. I’ve always considered thrillers to be an exciting read.

  7. I tried to make up a good excuse for my being late.

  8. If you do it once again, I’ll clobber you!

  9. If you need an overcoat, I’ll lend you one of mine.

  10. If your house were on fire and you could pull out of it just a single thing, what would it be?

  11. I’ll have to tell him off for leaving the door ajar.

  12. It won’t be easy, but somehow we’ll fight our way through the river.

  13. I warned you — don’t meddle in something you don’t understand.

  14. You’ve made it all up!

  15. My parents are calm about me walking till late.

  16. She offered to put a bandage round his hand.

  17. The baby was on all fours, watching the laundry going round in the washing machine.

  18. Why does she think she can criticise others’ behaviour? She’s not a saint herself!


1. My money. Not yet.

2. Yes, but that was bad of me.

3. I try to warn and ignore them.

4. The Bible.

5. I try to have them nice.