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right (n)

a just, proper or legal claim; a thing that one is entitled to do


or have by law;

violation (n)

breaking a rule, principle, law; rights


Task 1. Study the following words, add missing words of the same family.

Word-Form Chart











to restrict












to justify




to inform













restrained; restraining

Task 2.




a) Give synonyms to the following words.



to reduce



to comply with



to participate



lack of smth.


b) Give antonyms to the following words.



to suffer





to be allowed






Task 3. Match the words with their definitions.

1. insight

a) the act of limiting something and reducing it;

2. caring

b) a sudden but clear understanding of a complicated


problem or situation;


3. neglect

c) general rule, instruction or advice;

4. restriction

d) not giving or not receiving enough care or attention;

5. alleviate

e) king and giving emotional support to others;

6. liberty

f) make something less severe;

7. submit

g) without reservation;

8. completely

h) the right to do as one chooses;

9. guideline

i) present something for consideration.

Task 4. Finish the statements using the verbs from the box below:

1. Rights can (should) be …

3. Rights shouldn’t be …

to abuse, to enforce, to exercise, to infringe on, to impinge on, to compose, to distribute equally, to respect, to interfere with, to violate, to provide, to impose, to recognize, to protect, to place, to promote

2. Restraints can be…

4. Restraints shouldn’t…

Task 5. Fill in the blanks, choosing the appropriate word from the following list.

No longer, the right, prosecuted, repeatedly, law, unlike, terminally, court, defend, guidelines.

In the Netherlands, the (1) … allows doctor to help (2) … ill patients to die if they state. (3)… that this is their wish. The doctor must follow very strict (4)…, and must be prepared to (5) … the decision (6)… in However (7) in most other countries, he cannot be (8) … if he has followed the guidelines correctly. Elsewhere in the world “Voluntary Euthanasia’ groups continue to campaign for

(9) … to decide if you (10) … wish to live.

Task 6. Translate from Russian into English.

1.В большинстве стран мира служба в армии все еще является обязательной для молодых людей. Но срок службы в разных странах разный. В таких странах, как Польша, Италия, Германия, это год или полтора. В Израиле в армии должны служить как мужчины, так и женщины.

2.Степень свободы зависит в основном от типа общества. Фактиче- ски существуют две крайности: с одной стороны — тоталитарное общество, где очень мало или нет вообще свободы личности, и с другой — демократическое общество, где уважаются все основные свободы.



T E X T 1

Pre-reading Activity

Before you read the text about freedom try to define this notion.

1.What is freedom?

2.To be freewhat does it mean for you?

3.What associations do you have when reading the phrase “a free society”?

Reading Activity

(!) Read the text and

a)state its topic and main idea;

b)name the key-words of the text.


Freedom is the ability to make choices and carry them out. The words freedom and liberty mean much the same thing. For people to have complete freedom, there must be no restrictions on how they think, speak or act. They must be aware of what their choices are, and they must have the power to decide among those choices. They must also have the means and opportunity to think, speak and act without being controlled by anyone else. However, no organized society can actually provide all these conditions at all times.

From a legal point of view, people are free if society imposes no unjust, unnecessary or unreasonable limits on them. Society must also protect their rights – that is, their basic liberties and privileges. A free society tries to distribute the conditions of freedom equally among the people.

Most legal freedoms can be divided into three main groups: (1) political freedom, (2) social freedom and (3) economic freedom.

Political freedom includes the right to vote, to choose between rival candidates for public office, and to run for office oneself. It includes the right to criticize government policies, which is part of free speech. People who are politically free can form and join political parties and organizations. This right is part of the freedom of assembly.

In the past, many people considered political freedom the most important freedom. They believed that men and women who were politically free could vote all other freedoms for themselves. But most people now realize that


political liberty means little unless economic and social freedom support it. For example, the right to vote does not have much value if people lack the information to vote in their own best interests.

Social freedom

Freedom of speech is the right of people to say what they believe. Political liberty depends on this right. People need to hold free discussions and to exchange ideas so they can make an informed decision on political issues.

Freedom of the press is the right to publish facts, ideas and opinions without interference. This right extends to radio, television and films as well as to printed material. It may be considered a special type of freedom of speech.

Freedom of religion means the right to believe in and practice the faith of one’s choice. It also includes the right to have no religion at all.

Freedom of assembly is the right to meet together and to form groups with others of similar interests. It also means that people may associate with anyone they wish. On the other hand, no one may be forced to join an association against one’s will.

Academic freedom is the group of freedoms claimed1 by teachers and students. It includes the right to teach, discuss, research, write and publish without interference. It promotes2 the exchange of ideas and the spread of knowledge.

Due process of law3 is a group of legal requirements that must be met before a person accused of crime is punished. It includes people’s right to know the charges against them. The law also guarantees the right to obtain a legal order called a writ4 of habeas corpus, which orders the police to free a prisoner if no legal charge can be made against them. It protects people from being imprisoned unjustly.

Economic freedom enables people to make their own economic decisions. This freedom includes the right to own property, to use it and to profit from it. Workers are free to choose and change jobs. People have the freedom to save money and to invest it as they wish. Such freedoms form the basis of the economic system called capitalism


1 ñlaimed (here): believed to be their right

2 promotes: helps to improve

3 due process of law: the correct procedure to be fallowed in law 4 writ:document from a court, ordering smb. to do smth


Post-reading Activity

Task 1. Answer the following questions.

1.What is freedom?

2.What must people have to be free?

3.Can any organized society provide all these conditions at all times? Why? (Why not?)

4.What is society’s must?

5.In what way can most freedoms be divided?

6.What does political freedom mean?

7.What do most people realize now?

8.Provided what does the right to vote have no value?

9.What does social freedom include? (Dwell on each point)

10.What is economic freedom?

Task 2. Make a short summary of the text.

Task 3. Here are some opinions about freedom. Read and translate them. Choose one and make your comments. (You may work in pairs).

Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.

Martin Luther King

A society in which men recognize no check upon their freedom soon becomes a society where freedom is a possession of only a savage few.

Juge Learned Hand

Do not believe in freedom in the philosophical sense. Everybody acts not only under external compulsion but also in accordance with inner necessity.

Albert Einstein

It is often safer to be in chains than to be free.

Franz Kafka

In our country we have three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience and the prudence never to practise either.

Mark Twain

Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.

George Bernard Shaw


Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.

George Orwell

Man is condemned to be free.

Jean-Paul Sartre

Task 4. Agree or disagree with the following statements — support your opinion by some facts or examples.

Since freedom is responsibility, and young people are not responsible enough (due to their young age) they shouldn’t have all freedoms.

It is necessary to defend the Rights of the Child.

Pupils should be allowed to leave school whenever they or their parents like.

Any ways (efforts) to strengthen the state inevitably lead to the suppression of political freedom.

Today the media are being put on a short leash, the information space is being gradually brought under state control.

The number of women in parliament should be equal to the number of men.

To conscript (draft) to military service is to restrict freedom of the individual.

Task 5. Comment on the following “Matters of Fact”.

Governance. More than 70 % of the world’s people live under relatively democratic regimes. In Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States, almost all the countries have held multiparty elections since 1990. In South Asia, 15 parliamentary elections have taken place in the last decade. So far, 144 countries have ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Many countries have taken steps to increase women’s participation in economical and political arenas. Political parties in 34 countries have binding quotas for women in governing borders and in legislative elections.

(Human Development Report commissioned by the UNDP)

T E X T 2

Pre-reading Activity

Task 1. Answer the questions.

1.For people to have freedom, they must have the power to decide on the choices they make in life. Does this include “the right to die”?

2.Have you ever heard the word — euthanasia?

3.Can you explain what it means?

4.Are there any countries where euthanasia is considered to be legal, is not forbidden by the law?


Task 2. Look up the following words in the Glossary to make sure you know their meanings: euthanasia, decriminalize, hospice, terminally ill.

Reading Activity

Task 1. Scan this article and say if euthanasia is an important issue in our society.


Voluntary euthanasia in Britain is an open secret in the Health Service. Each year, evidence mounts that doctors, nurses and relatives, often for the very best of motives, are helping patients to die with dignity rather than have their lives prolonged by medical technology for no clear purpose.

So what does the public think? Two surveys published last week provide some insights. The pensioners’ magazine, Yours, asked its 2,500 readers, whose average age is 69, for their views. Nine out of 10 thought that doctors should be allowed to end the lives of terminally ill people and wanted the law changed; eight out of 10 had told someone they preferred to die rather than suffer in pain. More than half said that they would help a friend, relative or spouse to die in such circumstances.

The issue is too sensitive and the ethical questions too profound to come to a simple conclusion. But events are forcing some kind of reform. The Government should appoint a Royal Commission now to ensure that such a sensitive debate is both well informed and conducted in a dignified manner.

Task 2. Read the arguments for and against euthanasia. Say what you think are the reasons for an increase in euthanasia.

Hospice physician, Dr Anthony Smith, explores the controversy

The case for...

Sometimes, to some people, death seems preferable to life.

We think of someone who requests termination of life because of terminal illness, incurable disability, pain, suffering and hopelessness.

Surely, they say, to assist such a person to commit suicide, or to help him die when he cannot bring it about for himself, is simply an extension of suicide and ought to be acceptable in a caring society where suicide has been decriminalized.

“You would not treat a dog like this,” they say.

Sometimes, indeed, it is argued that this is a final self-sacrifice that the aged, infirm or terminally ill wish to make on behalf of others.


The case against...

The answer to requests for euthanasia is that pain, sickness and other distres sing symptoms can be effectively relieved these days.

Euthanasia would diminish a person’s self-worth. The request for termination of life often springs from a feeling that life is not worth living

But to respond with euthanasia is to agree that the person’s life is worthless. Everyone is inherently worth more than a dog or cow (or, even, many sparrows!) and his or her very life is worthy of respect.

For whatever motive it may be done, all religions and civilizations have regarded this as morally wrong.

To expect the medical (or nursing) professions to undertake this action would seem an improper extension of their role as careers whose concern was to cure or alleviate suffering.

To expect this to happen in hospitals, hospices or nursing homes is to change the nature of these caring institutions into places of fear.

One of the sadnesses of the recent Dutch experience has been that, where as a large proportion of younger people have welcomed it, 64 % of elderly people in residential homes live in fear that they will be candidate.

Post-reading Activity

Task 1. Give your reasons why you are for or against euthanasia.

Task 2. Some people predict that active euthanasia will be a standard part of medical service. Organize a discussion between 2 groups to find out what effect it will have on society. Work under the mediator’s guidance, he will present the results of the discussion afterwords.

Task 3. Work in groups of 3 or 4. Discuss the situation below. Try to find the solution of the problem or at least give some advice. One of you will present the results of your discussion.

Situation: “The Trud” newspaper has recently published a letter of a mother who was asking to let the doctors to terminate her daughter’s life. The girl had terribly suffered in an automobile crash. And the mother sees no way out both for her and her daughter but to die.


T E X T 3

Pre-reading Activity

Answer the following questions.

1.What ideas or associations come to your mind when you hear the word “censorship”?

2.Can you give some examples.

3.Do you agree that censorship has got as long history as the printed word itself?

Reading Activity

(!) Read the text and

a)state its topic and main idea;

b)name the key-words or phrases to support the main idea.


Censorship is universal. There is always someone trying to stop someone else doing, saying or showing something that the first person doesn’t like. It can be moral, political or religious censorship. It is a battle between those who believe that everyone should have the right to see, read, talk or write about what they choose. And those who believe that the State or Church or Party should decide what everyone is allowed to see, read, talk or write about.

The discussion usually centres on the amount of sex in films, books or TV programmes, but also concerns the use of bad language and excessive violence. The disagreement is usually between those who say erotic films or books are “obscene” and those who believe they are “realistic” or “artistic”. But these value judgments are more political. For the difference is really between those who believe “I don’t like this book or film or idea, but you can decide for yourself” and those who believe “I don’t like this book or film or idea, so you must not be allowed to find out about it.”

But censorship is not only concerned with sex or violence. It is concerned with ideas — social ideas, artistic ideas, political ideas. It concerns people’s right to freedom of speech, freedom of expression. And because people disagree about the meaning of freedom, there is disagreement about the meaning and necessity of censorship.


Post-reading Activity

Task 1. Make a summary of the text.

Task 2. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Support your opinion by the information from the text, your personal experience, the knowledge you’ve gained at the classes.

Censorship is universal.

A really democratic society has no need in censorship.

The main concern of censorship should be sex and violence problems in the society.

The notion of censorship is closely connected with the people’s right of speech.


Pre-listening Activity

Answer the following questions.

1.What do you think of piercing?

2.Do you have any piercings? Would you like to get some?

3.Do any of your friends have parts of their bodies pierced (ears, nose)?

Listening Activity

Task 1. Listen to the dialogue.

Phil is talking with his friend Brian. Phil is unhappy with his girlfriend, Michelle. Why is he unhappy?

Task 2. Check your understanding.

1.How does Phil feel about Michelle’s piercings?

2.What does Brian think about them?

3.What does Michelle want Phil to do?

Task 3. Read these three opinions.

Amber: If Phil really loves her, he will get used to her body piercing. Anton: If Michelle really loves Phil, she will stop wearing her piercing. Monica: Body piercing is neither natural, nor beautiful.