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Принятие приглашения участвовать в работе конференции

Благодарность за приглашение

1. Быть членом организационного/программного коми­ тета.

Thank you for your letter of (data), informing me about the preparations for the conference. I am very grateful for your kind invitation to cooperate with you on the Organiz­ ing/Program Committee and I accept it with pleasure. Best regards.

2. Участвовать в конференции.

Thank you very much for your letter of invitation...

Thank you very much for your invitation...

I am deeply honoured by your invitation.

Please convey my sincere thanks to the Program Committee for your kind invitation.

I would like to thank the Program Committee for their generous invitation to me to attend the conference.

3. Выступить с докладом.

Thank you (very much) for your letter inviting me to attend the conference and present a paper.

Thank you (very much) for your invitation to speak at the conference.

4. Выступить с докладом на предложенную тему.

Thank you very much for your letter of(date) convey­ ing the request of the Program Committee for the confer­ ence that I present a talk on subject.

Согласие участвовать в конференции

1. Подтверждение принятия приглашения.

I am very happy to accept your invitation and I will be looking forward to participating in the conference.


It is a great honour and pleasure for me to accept here­ with your kind invitation. I am sure it will be a most signifi­ cant and interesting experience.

I will be pleased to accept your invitation.

I have much pleasure in accepting your invitation. I am very pleased to be able to accept.

I accept with pleasure.

I will indeed be most happy to attend your conference and give a talk on the topic suggested by the Committee. I was very flattered by the interest of the Committee and will strive to fulfil their expectation. Thank you for conveying the invitation of the Committee.

2. Подтверждение выступить с докладом на предло­ женную тему.

I shall be glad to accept your invitation to present a minute talk on the subject...

I am indeed happy to accept an invited paper on the subject...

3. Выражение надежды воспользоваться приглашением.

I am very pleased to accept and I anticipate that I will have no difficulty in attending.

4. Выражение желания обсудить перспективы развития науки.

I am most pleased to be able to accept this opportunity to join such a distinguished group in developing the future of the science.

5. Проявление интереса к конференции.

I am very interested in the subject of this meeting and I shall be very pleased to come and take part in it.

6.Выражение желания посетить данную конференцию

ивсе последующие.

Nothing would give me a greater pleasure than attend­ ing this meeting and visiting the conference again.


7. Выражение надежды на встречу с коллегами и друзь­ ями.

I shall be very pleased to come and take part in it be­ cause it will give me an occasion not only to talk about sci­ ence, but also to see many of my colleagues and friends.

Сообщение названия доклада, обсуждение его ха­ рактера, уведомление организаторов об отказе выступать с докладом

1. Сообщение названия доклада.

I would like to present a paper with the following title...

The title of my paper will be...

I would like to suggest the following title for my pa­


I would like to present (deliver) a paper (talk) on...

I would be happy to discuss some (new) ideas (that I

have been developing) about... with the following title...

I would be honoured to present a paper on...

As title of my paper I would propose...

I would be very happy to present a paper (if you wish)

and (if so) I would suggest a title of...

2.Доклад включает обсуждение темы. This will include the discussion of...

3.Доклад посвящается проводимой нами работе. This will cover our work in...

4.Уточнение характера доклада: обзорный или о по­ следних авторских исследованиях.

I am uncertain of the type of talk which you are re­ questing. Would you like me to present a review about some aspects of.., or a talk about my latest interest? In the former case, I am uncertain what topic would fit most read­ ily into your program: (title) or a review entitled. If you pre­ fer a more detailed talk about my most recent interest I will choose to speak about... Please, let me know which type of talk you would like me to present.


5. Выбор темы выступления из нескольких предложен­ ных.

I should certainty be delighted to contribute to this meeting and to submit a report on my current research. There are several topics which I could take up. We have, for instance, a number of new results which throw light on the controversial question of... Another topic would be... and the calculation we have made recently regarding...

The results of these calculations are certainly consis­ tent with the estimates made by scientists. Such a topic would fall within the scope of (subject) which you indicate as one of the topics to be taken up at the meeting. A third topic could be the discussion of new experiment, and I would report on our progress, nothing some new results obtained with our experiment.

6. Уточнение возможности повторить ранее представ­ ленный доклад на одной из конференции.

In (year)I am contributing a paper of about (number) minutes to a meeting in (city) on (topic). This will not be published and I could give a similar account at your meet­ ing under headings... I would prefer only a brief publica­ tion, if any, which might note a few new results.

7. Высказывание предпочтения присутствовать на кон­ ференции без доклада.

It seems to me that I would prefer to attend this meet­ ing without delivering a paper.

I should prefer not to deliver a formal paper unless you feel that it is desirable. At the moment it is difficult to tell what the audience will be interested in hearing. I have worked in the past on... More recently I have studies...

Much of my attention has recently been devoted to... Would you. please, let me know whether you wish me to present a formal communication.

8. Обещание сообщить о решении делать доклад.

I will let you know before (date) whether I plan to de­ liver a paper.


Информация по тезисам доклада

1. Запрос о необходимости прислать тезисы.

I do not know whether or not an abstract is required for the invited paper, but in any case, I will prepare one and will mail it to you soon.

2. Сообщение об отправке тезисов.

An abstract of my paper will follow in due course

3. Сообщение об отправке тезисов в ближайшее время.

I shall shortly be sending you the (day, month) word abstract of my paper (prepared according to the instructions in your letter).

4. Сообщение о последующей отправке тезисов.

I will send you an abstract of my talk in the next few weeks (or by the end of this month).

5. Сообщение об отправке тезисов заблаговременно.

I shall send you an abstract for this talk well before the deadline of (month, date).

6. Сообщение об отправке тезисов по получении ин­ формации по их оформлению.

I will send an abstract after the Call of Papers is dis­ tributed.

7. Сообщение о невозможности выслать тезисы в срок.

Unfortunately, it sometimes takes a rather long time to process a technical paper for such a meeting, so that I am unable to meet your abstract deadline (on short notice).

Информация о докладе

1. Запрос о необходимости выслать текст доклада до начала конференции.

Do you need the manuscript prior to the meeting? If not I would plan to bring it when I come.

2. Сообщение, что доклад будет послан.

I will try to get the manuscript of my talk to you as re­ quested.


3. Сообщение, что доклад будет послан к указанному сроку.

I shall forward to you the manuscript before (date) so that it will reach your office in good time before the meet­ ing.

4. Сообщение, что доклад будет послан к началу кон­ ференции.

I will send you the complete text prior to the begimiing of the meeting.

5. Сообщение, что текст доклада может быть выслан не ранее указанного срока.

Unfortunately, my typewritten manuscript will not be available until (date). Please, let me know if the date for the manuscript is all right.

6. Сообщение, что текст доклада будет готов только к началу конференции.

Unfortunately, I will be unable to meet your deadline of a completed manuscript by (date). The earliest that I can anticipate delivering a complete manuscript to you is the time of the meeting.

Благодарность за финансовую поддержку

1. За предоставление средств для оплаты расходов.

Thank you for your kindly providing funds to meet the cost of my board and room in (city) during the meeting.

Thank you for your support while attending the meet­


2. За предоставление средств для оплаты части расхо­ дов.

I should like to thank the organizers of the meeting for providing funds to defray some of my living costs.

3. За предоставление средств для оплаты регистрацион­ ного взноса.

I do appreciate your offering me a grant for my stay at the conference covering my registration fee.


Завершение письма

1. В ожидании конференции.

With many thanks to the Organizing Committee for their kind invitation and looking forward to this meeting (participating in the meeting, the possibility of taking part in the meeting).

2.Благодарность за приглашение. Thank you again for the invitation.

3.Ожидание встречи.

I am very much looking...

I hope to see you again in the near future.

I hope to meet with you and your colleagues.

I hope to discuss problems of mutual interests (with you and your associates). Perhaps, we may develop much better cooperation on these problems.

4. Благодарность за посещение конференции, города.

I would like to thank you and the Organizing Commit­ tee for the kind invitation, and I look forward to... Please, give my best regards to all of your colleagues. My pleasant memories of the stay in the country are still very strong. (They remain fresh on my mind).

5. Дальнейшие сведения о конференции.

Thank you again for the invitation and I look forward hearing more about the meeting.

6. Выражение надежды принять участие в конференции.

The meeting sounds quite exciting and I very much hope to be able to attend it. In the meantime, with (warm) personal regards.

Again I would like to thank the Committee for the in­ vitation and hope to be able to join you for the meeting.

Название доклада

1. Сообщение названия доклада.

Thank you for your letter of (date) in which you ask me for a title of my presentation. It will be called...

2. Извинение за задержку сообщения темы.

I am sorry that I was amiss in not sending you the title of my paper in time. I might suggest for my report the fol­ lowing title...

3. Выражение надежды, что задержка информации о на­ звании доклада не нарушит планов адресата.

The title of my communication is... I am sorry I have not sent it to you earlier and I hope that the delay will not have inconvenienced you. Best wishes for a most successful conference. I am looking forward to a most interesting and stimulating meeting.

Сопроводительная информация

1. О тезисах доклада.

Please, find enclosed an abstract of my invited talk for the conference.

2. Доклад является широким обзором исследований, проводимых в данной области знании.

I am preparing a talk covering studies of wide spec­ trum for the meeting.

3. Объяснение задержки в отправлении тезисов стрем­ лением как можно шире представить проводимую работу.

I regret the (slight) delay in sending this to you. It is probably worthwhile that my talk present a view of current work in the field by various people, so I tried to find out a bit more about this. I hope that my tardiness will not have caused inconveniences. Looking forward to the meeting.

4. В дополнение к заявленному докладу представляется доклад в соавторстве.

Enclosed I send the abstracts for my invited talk, and for the contributed paper with Dr. N. I would appreciate your earliest response and look forward to participating in what I know will be a stimulating and productive meeting.


Текст доклада сопровождается письмом

I have the pleasure to send you (number) copies of my invited paper on (title) for publication in the Proceedings of the conference.

Отказ от участия в работе конференции по причине болезни

The time is getting close to the meeting.

I had looked forward very much to this event and to meeting you and many other colleagues. Sometimes, how­ ever, exterior factors change our plans and I am afraid this has happened now. I suddenly developed high fever. The fever is now on its way. This is the mam factor beyond my control and I am really sorry to cause you this inconven­ ience and to upset a well-planned program.

Просьба опубликовать доклад в трудах


Thank you very much for your kind letter of (date). I am touched by your concern about my health. My talk at the conference should have covered the manuscript I had sent to you earlier with the addition of... (a new method we have worked out for... and the application of this technique in a learning experiment. Please, feel free to publish the manuscript as my contribution to your conference. Kind­ ness regards and best wishes for a successful conference and friendly regards to colleagues taking part in it.

Благодарственное письмо за присланные труды конференции

Thank you very much for a copy of the program of the conference and the fine book of the Conference Proceed­ ings. I was truly sorry not to be able to come to your con­ ference. I am completely restored and the work at the labo­ ratory is in full swing again. I am sure that I missed a stimulating and most rewarding meeting with many col­ leagues.


Условное принятие приглашения участвовать в работе конференции

Благодарность за приглашение

1. Участвовать в конференции.

Thank you very much for your letter of (date) extend­ ing the invitation to attend your conference.

2. Выступить с докладом.

Thank you very much for your letter of (date) extend­ ing the invitation to give a lecture on (subject)

3. Выступить с докладом на предложенную тему.

Thank you very much for your letter of (date) extend­ ing the invitation to present a paper on (subject) at your conference.

Согласие участвовать в конференции

1. Сообщение о возможности участвовать в конференции.

In answer to your letter I want to accept this invitation in principle. Our research grants contain ample funds for a trip to your important conference. However, certain restric­ tions are imposed of the use of research funds for overseas travel. All research groups are required to obtain permission from the Rector to use funds for this purpose. Thus, I would like to inform you that my acceptance of your invitation is conditional upon receiving this permission, and I am un­ certain at this time as to how easily it can be obtained. I will give you a positive acceptance or rejection at the earliest possible moment.

I am pleased to accept your invitation. I hope very much that I shall be able to arrange my participation. Nor­ mally, this would not be a problem. However, at present, I estimate my chances of attending the conference at about...

per cent.

It is probable that I will be able to participate, although I must explain that my attendance will be contingent upon the success of my attempt to arrange a trip in (year). I will