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Version 3.02 (November 19, 2001)
+ A signal after testing
+ If variants of the answer do not enter into the place allocated for them there is a vertical scrolling bar
Errors are corrected:
- Incorrect work of inquiry of the password on testing
- Incorrect work parser the answer from the keyboard
- At the included mode "Frame around the answer" this frame truncated the answer to a floor of a line and it became impossible to read the answer
- At a choice of the answer from the small digital keyboard automatically there was a transition to the following answer even if the mode "Autochoice" was switched - off
- Incorrect work in an examination mode. Sometimes resulted in emergency closing the program.

+ The system of search and replacement under the test is realized.
+ More flexible mask of the reference answer. Now it is possible to insert a symbol * (asterisk) into any place of the reference answer, and not just before and after the reference answer.
Errors are corrected:
- Did not give out the message on change of the test and inquiry about saving
- There was no updating a question and variants of the answer at an insert from the clipboard
- Wrong work of the warning of empty questions at saving of the test
- Sometimes arising mistake "RichEdit line insertion" at export of the test in RTF a format
- Value of parameters of copying "Points" and "Correctness" is mixed
- At the entered name of the test the message that the test without the name
- Incorrect removal of a theme from the test

+ New reports in a matrix of answers:
1. The most difficult and easiest questions
2. For everyone tested: the common and average quantity of points for the test
3. For group as a whole: the common and average quantity of points for the test
- Wrong work at creation of the report and a matrix. Arose when the user has not passed this test

Version 3.0 (September 29, 2001)
Bug fixed release

Version 3.0 beta (August 27, 2001)
The tests' format was changed.
The results' format was changed.
There are 3 kinds of license: Personal, Standard and Enterprise.

******New in tests******
!A new format of questions and answers. It allows to make their appearance more exactly:
*Make up questions and variants of answers from unlimited quantity of paragraphs with different alignment.
*Make up numbered and bullet lists.
*Use symbols with superscript and subscript indexes.
*Set up the colour of the text background.
+You can limit the time for answering a question.
+If the answer is wrong the file with additional information can be shown. It has information on the theme of the question in details. The formats of the files are different (audio, video, HTML etc.).
+ A new parameter of a test - "Next step after the right answer" allows to go to another question in only case if the answers was correct.
* New formats of multimedia files: HTML and different OLE documents (as MS Word etc.).

! The appearance of the program can be changed easily using different skins (as in WinAmp).
! The window of choosing test is changed. There are no files' names but tests'. That makes the choosing of the test very simply.
+ All the tests can be divided into different sections.
+ The property of the program is protected by a password.
+ A new parameter: "Automatic question's height".
+ The name of the groups can be edit visually using a special form of the program.

! Interface of the program was changed completely.
Question navigation is changed.
The order of the questions can be changed easily just drag-and-drop a question with the mouse.
The properties of a test, themes and conclusions are taken aside into special windows and called if they are necessary.
+ You can convert old tests into the new format.
+ Check of the test is embedded. It is in operation automatically before you want to save the test.
+ Making up WEB tests.
+ All the parameters of variants of answers from one question to others can be copied and not only format as in old version.
* The mode of making up paper tests is changed. Now you can edit, save and print them.
* The speed of opening and saving tests is increased GREATLY.
* You can delete themes from the test in two modes. 1. All the questions from this theme will be deleted as well. 2. The questions from this theme will be given to another theme (as you like).
* You can adjust the test in Tester without user registration.

+ You can convert old results into the new format.
+ You can delete the results of testing.
+ New information about the results of testing: completed/not completed.
+ You can make up a matrix of answers not only on the base of Correct/Wrong answer but points for the answer.
- The redaction of the results of testing is not available.

Version 2.4 (March 02, 2001)
* The editing of user's results is moved into the TestAdmin. ResEditor is removed from the package SunRav TestOfficePro.

******New in tests******
* Common conclusion if in the test more than one theme


+Renewal possibility of selection of selected variant by colour
- If the question with multialternative choice in the file of results was saved only one marked variant of the answer. Is corrected.
- The read error of some tests prepared in the version 2.2 and earlier is corrected


+ Definition of a conclusion on percent of right answers
+ At an exit from the program the fonts of question and answers are saved
+ Import from Microsoft Excel is available.
* At start of the test in the Tester it will automatically be saved in the temporary file. You do not need to save the test before debugging any more.
* Some "hot" keys are changed
- If after editing the test at once to create the new test, will not follow warnings about saving the old test and he remain not saved. Is corrected
- The error of export of the test in RTF format was corrected

! Creation of a matrix of the answers (only for a new results)
+ In a headline on printing of the report on passing the test the date of testing is supplemented
+ In the report on passing the test the indicator of a regularity of the answer on a question (only for a new results) is supplemented

Version 2.3 (November 24, 2000)
English Online Help was updated!

******New in tests******

* Quantity of conclusions was increased up to 13


* Window of results was changed.
* Open Test Dialog was changed. Network file names (like '\\host\groups\tm04') are supported now.
* Multimedia window was changed.
* Command line was changed.
* Icons on the toolbar was changed
- Bug in the "Examination mode" (if the quantity of themes more then one) was fixed.
- Error #5 of saving results was fixed.


! Import of tests from *.txt and *.rtf files now is available.
+ New shortcut keys for moving in variants of questions and in conclusions.
* Some icons on the toolbar were changed.


- The restrictions on the size of a file of results are removed

Version 2.2 (September 14, 2000)

******New in tests******

+ New properties - show quantity of points


* Dialogue of opening of the test and window of the description are incorporated in one dialogue

+ The parameters of a command line were added

+ Now it is possible free-of-charge to build SunRav Tester in the various electronic textbooks etc. TestMaker

* Allows setting in an examination mode for each theme quantity of questions

Version 2.1 (August 01, 2000)


- The arising sometimes errors of reading of files are corrected.

* The size of buttons by the control panel is increased.

+ The signatures on buttons of the control panel (this opportunity can be switched - off in a window of adjustments)


- The arising sometimes errors of reading and record of files are corrected .

- The error arising at removal by one of themes is corrected. TestAdmin

+ Opportunity of opening report (in a format MS Excel).

+ New column in the report - " Date of testing ".

+ Adjustment of parameters HTML of converting of the reports.

* The adjustment of parameters of a seal of the report is changed.

* The arrangement of a choice of group and test for the report is changed.

* The converting of the report is valid in a textual format.
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