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Экзамен 3 курс / advertising

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  1. Advertising is one of many ways in which manufacturers persuade customers to buy their products. In today’s world people are bombarded with advertising, with calls on their time, with picking up the kids from school, taking the dog for a walk, paying gas bill. They haven’t got time to make judgments on which can of tomatoes is the best one for me, or which brand of coffee gives me the best flavor.

  2. First of all advertisement should be interesting and colorful so as attract attention of customers. If it is advertisement on radio or TV the music is important. Funny and eye-catching ads are popular. It appeals to sense of fun. A related phenomenon is product endorsement, where a celebrity is used in advertising of particular product. Some very creative minds come up with seductive combination of sound, image and words, but tests show that we often don’t remember the brand being advertised.

  3. I think that there are things, which are unacceptable in advertising. For example promoting alcohol on TV has bad influence on children and teenagers. Because they want to seem adult and don’t expect harm effect of alcohol. Using nudity in advertisements is unethical. Besides

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