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Chapter 22. Modification of Biochemical and Cellular Processes


Red wine


↑ NO

↓ ET-1

↓ hs-CRP

Maintenance of endothelial function

↓ Atherosclerosis

FIGURE 22.2. Effect of red wine on maintenance of endothelial function. HDL, highdensity lipoproteins; NO, nitric oxide; ET-1, endothelin-1; hs-CRP, high sensitivity C-reactive protein; , increase; , decrease.

formation, is also reduced by red wine, quercetin, and catechin in atherosclerotic apoE knockout mice [64]. These observations were further verified by treating LDL, isolated from human volunteers, who consumed wine for a period of 2 weeks. Cu2+-induced lipid peroxidation manifested by the formation of lipid peroxides, thiobarbituric acid reaction substances, and conjugated dienes was reduced 72%, 54%, and 46%, respectively in these subjects after red wine consumption [65]. Two possible mechanisms have been proposed; firstly, the phenolic compounds complex with Cu2+ reductase and covert Cu2+ to Cu+, which in turn reduces hydroperoxides; secondly, phenols in wine may act as self-regenerating reducing components [61]. Although grape juice has been reported to inhibit the Cu2+ catalyzed human LDL oxidation in vitro, red wine consumption-induced enhancement of LDL resistance to oxidation in vivo was not mimicked by grape juice consumption [66]. Increased intestinal absorption of flavonoids due to alcohol content of red wine may be the reason for such an effect [67]. In addition, it has been demonstrated that alcohol is a natural stabilizing agent for polyphenolic components in red wine [68] and thus the effectiveness of polyphenols in red wine and grape juice appears to be different. Red wine polyphenols have also been reported to prevent LDL oxidation by reducing oxidative stress in macrophages through inhibition of oxygenases such as NADPH oxidase, 15-lipoxygenase, cytochrome P450, myeloperoxidase as well as by increasing the cellular antioxidants such as glutathione system [69].

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Modification of VSMC Proliferation by Red Wine

VSMC proliferation and migration are the critical events associated with the progressive intimal thickening and arterial wall sclerosis [16]. Red wine polyphenols have been shown to inhibit the SMC proliferation and DNA synthesis in rat aortic SMCs [38]. Different mechanisms have been proposed; the potential pathway involves the downregulation of activating transcriptional factor-1 and cAMP response element leading to the decreased expression of cyclin A, a cell cycle regulator in DNA replication at G1/S transition and in the S and G2/M phases [38]. Red wine polyphenol, resveratrol, has been shown to be the major component linked with inhibition of the cell cycle progression at S/G2 phase transition and prevention of VSMC proliferation [70]. Resveratrol-mediated production of reactive oxygen species by binding with DNA and subsequent reduction of Cu2+ to Cu+ has also been suggested as the DNA cleaving effect of resveratrol [71]. Another mechanism involves the downregulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and p38 mito- gen-activated protein kinase activity [38]. In addition, red wine polyphenols has been shown to be associated with inhibition of VSMC-mediated migration during atherosclerosis [72]. Inhibition of PDGFβ has also been linked with red wine polyphenol-mediated VSMC proliferation and migration [72]. Furthermore, PDGF-induced overexpression of vascular endothelial growth factor and other growth factors such as α-thrombonin and transforming growth factor-β, which are mainly involved in VSMC proliferation, have been shown to be inhibited by red wine polyphenols [73].

Modification of Inflammation by Red Wine

Moderate amount of red wine has been reported to inhibit the expression of MCP-1, a potent chemoattractant for circulating monocytes, and to cause reduction in neointimal hyperplasia after balloon injury in cholesterol fed rabbits [74]. In addition, red wine prevents the activation of nuclear factor kappa B (NFκB), a transcriptional factor involved in immune and inflammatory response, in peripheral blood mononuclear cells [75]. Furthermore, a significant reduction in the inflammatory mediators of atherosclerosis such as lymphocyte function associated antigen-1, Mac-1, very late activation antigen-4, VCAM-1, ICAM-1, IL-1α, hs-CRP, and fibrogen content was observed in healthy individuals by red wine consumption [51]. Although no effect on serum TNF-α content was observed after red wine polyphenols, TNF-α induced VCAM-1 expression was reduced by polyphenols especially proanthocyanidines in human umbilical endothelial cells leading to reduced adhesion with leukocytes and T-cells [76, 77]. Recent studies have demonstrated that resveratrol in red wine has the capability to reduce TNF-α and lipopolysaccharide stimulated expression of VCAM-1 in HUVEC [78]. This effect of red wine was simulated by N-acetyl cysteine, a known antioxidant, suggesting the involvement of reactive oxygen species in this process [78].

Chapter 22. Modification of Biochemical and Cellular Processes


Since VCAM-1 promoter has various binding regions for transcriptional factors such as NFκB and activator protein-1, resveratrol has also been shown to inhibit the activation of these transcriptional factors in addition to VCAM-1

[79].Previous studies have shown that quercetin and resveratrol prove to be effective inhibitors of 5-lipoxygenase pathways, which are known to be involved in the synthesis of leukotriens, powerful mediators of inflammation

[80].Resveratrol also inhibits the release of elastase and β-glucuronidase from neutrophil, which inhibits the expression of β2-integrin as well as Mac-1, and therefore it downregulates the adhesion-dependent thrombogenic functions

[81].From these observations, it emerges that red wine consumption causes the inhibition of LDL oxidation, VSMC proliferation and migration, as well as various inflammatory mediators, which are important targets for impairment of the plaque formation and progression as shown in Figs. 22.3 and 22.4.

Modification of Platelet Aggregation and Thrombosis by Red Wine

Red wine supplementation has been shown to prevent experimental thrombosis in mechanically stenosed canine coronary arteries independent of its alcohol content [82]. Xia et al. [83] have demonstrated that polyphenols are responsible for the antiplatelet aggregation effect of red wine. Keevil et al. [84] have further confirmed the involvement of polyphenols in the inhibition of platelet aggregation as drinking approximately two cups of purple grape juice for 1 week inhibits the platelet aggregation in healthy humans as

Red wine


↓ VCAM-1

↓ MCP-1

↓ Macrophage

↓ NF-κB








Impairment of plaque formation

↓ Atherosclerosis

FIGURE 22.3. Effect of red wine on impairment of plaque formation. LDL, lowdensity lipoprotein; VCAM-1, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1; MCP-1, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1; NFκB, nuclear factor kappa B; , decrease.

486 Harjot K. Saini et al.

Red wine







Attenuation of plaque progression

↓ Atherosclerosis

FIGURE 22.4. Effect of red wine on attenuation of plaque progression. LDL, lowdensity lipoprotein; SMC, smooth muscle cell; , decrease.

determined by whole blood aggregometry with collagen, ADP or thrombin. To further establish whether ethanol or phenolic components of red wine exert inhibitory effect on hemostasis and thrombosis, Wollny et al. [85] treated rats with both of these components. The authors concluded that red wine causes attenuation of hemostatic parameters, such as template bleeding time and platelet adhesion to fibrillar collagen as well as prevents the experimental thrombosis regardless of its alcohol content [85]. In addition, alcohol-free red wine has been shown to be as effective as original wine suggesting that red wine components other than alcohol may be responsible for the observed effects [85]. In vitro experiments have demonstrated that polyphenols such as resveratrol and quercitin have the maximum antiplatelet aggregating effect [86]. Quercitin and resveratrol have also been found to potentiate PGI2 levels by increasing cAMP in platelets, which cause a decrease in cytosolic Ca2+ leading to prevention of platelet aggregation [86]. Resveratrol has also been reported as an inhibitor of cyclooxygenase pathway as it causes a decrease in thromboxane A2 production [87]. In addition, quercetin inhibits lipoxygenase system by impairing 12-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic production. Furthermore, it has been observed that red wine polyphenols inhibit phosphodiesterase, phopsholipase A2 and reduce oxidative stress on thrombocytes [87]. Wolley et al. [85] have demonstrated the involvement of NO in the prevention of experimental thrombosis by red wine polyphenol treatment. It is pointed out that ethanol has no effect on hemostatic parameters, whereas it causes a reduction in experimental thrombosis [85]. These studies indicated that alcohol and nonalcoholic components of red wine have different effects on atherosclerosis

Chapter 22. Modification of Biochemical and Cellular Processes


plaque development and progression [85]. On the other hand, Pellegrini et al. [88] in a randomized crossover study have reported that alcoholic content of red wine, unlike nonalcoholic components, causes a decrease in collageninduced platelet aggregation and fibrinogen content suggesting that beneficial effects of red wine on platelet aggregation and haemostatic variables are associated with the alcohol content. Nonetheless, both alcohol and polyphenolic compounds in red wine have antithrombotic properties as the reduction in the levels of tissue factor, von Willebrand factor and factor VII was observed after moderate amounts of alcohol consumption [89] with an increase in tissue plasminogen activator and reduction in plasminogen activator inhibitor antigen-1 after red wine intake [90, 91]. The schematic representation of antithrombotic effect of red wine is given in Fig. 22.5.


From the forgoing discussion, it is evident that we have described the sequence of events associated with the biochemical and cellular processes for the development and progression of atherosclerosis. Various factors such as hypercholesterolemia, oxidative stress, inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, SMC proliferation and migration, platelet activation, and adhesion of monocytes seem to play a critical role in the genesis and progression of atherosclerosis. Although a variety of possible mechanisms have been proposed for the antiatherosclerotic effects of alcoholic and polyphenolic

Red wine

↓ TF, vWF,

↓ Fibrinogen

↓ Platelet

↑ tPA

factor VII





Reduction of


↓ Atherosclerosis

FIGURE 22.5. Effect of red wine on reduction of thrombus formation. TF, tissue factor; vWF, von Willebrand factor; tPA, tissue plasminogen activator; , increase; , decrease.

488 Harjot K. Saini et al.


↓ Coagulation

↓ Platelet

↓ Thrombosis

↓ Inflammation







↓ Atherosclerosis

FIGURE 22.6. Effect of red wine ethanol on different mediators of atherosclerosis. , increase; , decrease.

components of red wine [92, 93] as shown in Figs. 22.6 and 22.7, the conclusions drawn from different studies vary from each other. The differences in the amount of wine consumption, experimental conditions, and varieties of wines in terms of the type of grapes, the region in which grown or the method of cultivation may be the reason for such discrepancies [94]. Because of the multifactorial nature of the disease, the results are also influenced by the socioeconomic, genetic, dietary, and environmental factors. Furthermore, American Heart Association Science Advisory Committee has stated that red wine consumption is no more beneficial than moderate amounts of other alcoholic beverages [95]. In fact, the additional beneficial effects due to red wine polyphenolic components can be achieved by grape juice consumption [95]. Therefore, the question related to the therapeutic recommendation of red wine consumption remains unanswered and still a

Polyphenolic components

↓ Thrombosis

↑ Endothelial


↓ Inflammation








↓ Atherosclerosis

FIGURE 22.7. Effect of red wine polyphenolic components on different mediators of atherosclerosis. , increase; , decrease.

Chapter 22. Modification of Biochemical and Cellular Processes


matter of discussion between the patient and the physician. Further studies focusing on differentiating the effects of types of alcoholic beverages, identifying and adjustment of the confounding factors, as well as assessing the pattern of consumption, may provide definitive evidence of the antiatherosclerotic potential of red wine.

Acknowledgments: The work reported in the article was supported by a grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. HKS is a predoctoral fellow of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. SKC holds a New Investigator Award from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.


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