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Лабораторные работы (КИ МГОУ) / Units 1-5 vs Additional reading.doc
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2. Use the countable and uncountable (c / u) nouns in the sentences of your own to show the difference.

Example: There is a lot of paper on the table. (бумага)

The story was in all the papers. (газета)

С. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

  1. I need some informations.

  1. The furnitures are very old.

  1. The window is made of bullet-proof glasses.

  1. My lawyer always gives me good advices.

  1. Do you think she is making a progress with her English?

  1. The suspect had blue eyes and very long hairs.

  1. Is there any scales in the kitchen?

  1. The police is ready to prevent crime.

  1. The trousers is dirty with bloods.

  1. My knowledges of Administrative Law are limited.

  1. There are a lot of crimes in this part of the town.

  1. She is famous for stealing a jewelry from Mr. Smith’s house.

D. Use “(a) few, (a) little, much, many” to complete the following sentences. Translate them.

  1. I’ve got ………ideas on the topic.

  1. It’s a pity that there are so ………… people in the courtroom.

  1. There are not ………witnesses of the accident.

  1. There are …………prisoners in the cell.

  1. There is ……..money on my account.

  1. Is there …………evidence to the case?

  1. She has ………..news to tell you.

  1. How ………jurors are there in the criminal case?

  1. I’ve got ……….time so I can help you.

  1. She has made very …………progress.

E. Fill in: a lot of, many, few, much and little.

Daren isn’t happy in his new job. He doesn’t earn 1) ………. money even though he has 2) ……….. responsibilities. Very 3) ……….. companies he has worked for in the past have paid him so 4) ……………. money for so 5) ……………… hard work. He has sent 6) …………. applications to other companies, but there are very 7) ……….. jobs and too 8) ……… people looking for work these days. In the current economic climate he has 9) …….. hope of finding anything better, but when things improve he’ll probably find a job which pays him 10) ……….. more money.

Task 2.

A. Read and fill in the gaps with the verb “to be” in the appropriate form.

Coke listens for several seconds but he can’t hear anything at all. And yet there … smoke coming from the chimney and there …. a light on in the front room! “Why is it so quiet? …the police waiting for me in there?” he asks himself. He goes to the front door and pushes it. To his surprise it …..open! He goes in very quietly. In the front room there ….. a fire burning in the fire place. The room is clean, small and very warm. There …. very little furniture in it – only a table and two old-fashioned chairs. There …. also some photographs on the shelf above the fire. They …. yellow and old. One of them …. a young man in a World War I uniform. There … also a few photos of the same man and a woman.

B. Make the sentences negative and interrogative. Translate them.

  1. There are some files on the desk.

  1. There is a knife in his pocket.

  1. There are old clothes on the floor.

  1. There are a lot of different kinds of crimes.

  1. There is no crime in our town.

  1. There is a smell of blood coming from the basement.

  1. There are three branches of government: legislative, executive and judicial.

  1. There is no evidence against him.

  1. There are three accused in the case.

10. There is a lot of information about the murder in the newspapers.

C. Put special questions to the sentences.

1. There are three witnesses to this case.(How many?)

2. There is an interview with the Prosecutor General in the Times.(What?)

3. There are plenty of counterfeit banknotes in circulation in our country.(Why?)

4. There is little time left. (How much?)

5. There are only two detectives in our police station.(How many?)

6. There are some guns in the drawer.(What?)

7. There is no news about this case.(Why?)

8. There is somebody at the door.(Who?)

D. Now you are going to describe the scene of crime. Make use of “there is / there are” and the words from three columns.

A body next to the cupboard

Some drops of blood on the windowsill

A knife between the desk

A 100-dollar banknote under the safe

A piece of paper in the armchair

A footprint at the floor

Some signs the wall

No money the body and the desk

Some red wine the coffee-table

Two glasses the sofa

A coffee-table the glasses

Work in pairs. Read your descriptions, listen and draw the picture. Check how correct it is.

Task 3. Translate the sentences into English. Mind the grammar.

  1. В нашем здании располагаются три юридические фирмы.

  1. Сколько факультетов в вашем институте? – У нас четыре факультета, но десять специальностей.

  1. В сумке подозреваемого были темные очки и веревка.

  1. Это оборудование слишком старое.

  1. Ты всегда даешь мне много полезных советов.

  1. По этому делу еще очень много работы.

  1. В зале суда присутствуют судья, адвокат, прокурор и обвиняемый.

  1. Есть ли улики по этому делу? – Да, есть, но немного.

  1. Посмотри! С этим мужчиной что-то не так. Он падает.

  1. В комнате много людей. Они все ждут вас.

  1. В здании нашего офиса пожар. – Не беспокойтесь. Полиция уже едет туда.

  1. На столе стоит бутылка виски и три стакана, но только на одном стакане есть отпечатки пальцев.

  1. Полицейские сейчас допрашивают подозреваемого.

  1. В камере есть заключенные? – Нет.

  1. В сейфе очень мало денег, а времени нет, так как похитители (kidnappers) наших детей требуют (demand) их через час.

Task 4. Read and translate the text.

Bristol Girl in Canal Drama (by Mike Sanders)

Mandy Ingrams, a pretty, fair-haired, six-year-old girl, nearly drowned last Wednesday in the canal in Moss Park. Here is the report of the accident:

“Mandy is on her way to school. It is her teacher’s birthday and Mandy wants to buy her some flowers. She is going to the local sweet shop on Central Estate, but the owner, Mrs Marjorie Hawkins, is telling her that she doesn’t sell flowers. So Mandy is going to the bank of the canal in Moss Park to pick some wild flowers to her teacher.


Two hours later, the police find Mandy. She is lying near the water and she is unconscious. She also has a broken leg. She is lying three inches from the edge of the canal. Police Constable Peggy Booth tells me, “Mandy is very lucky to be alive. She had a very narrow escape.”

Mandy is now in the children’s ward at Bristol General Hospital.

Next Time?

Once again, the Moss Park Canal is the scene of a near fatal accident. The canal passes very close to Saint Johns First School. At this point it is over two meters deep. There are no fences. In fact, there is nothing to stop small children from falling into the water. It is time for the local authorities to do something about the dangerous playground. The next time little Mandy may not be so lucky.

Task 5. Answer the questions.

  1. How does the reporter describe Mandy?

  1. Did she drown?

  1. Where is she going to, according to the report?

  1. Why is she going to the bank of the canal?

  1. According to the report, where do the police find her?

  1. Is she hurt?

  1. Where is she now?

  1. Where is the canal situated?

  1. Why is it dangerous?

Task 6. Make questions for the following answers.

1. ____________ - Six.

2. ____________ - Fair.

3. ____________ - Because it is her teacher’s birthday.

4. ____________ - Mrs. Marjorie Hawkins.

5. ____________ - Three hours later.

6. ____________ - Three inches from the edge of the canal.

7. ____________ - It is two meters deep.

8. ____________ - Because she had a very narrow escape.

9. ____________ - No, there aren’t any fences.

10. ____________ - Yes, it’s time to do something about the canal.

Task 7. Read the text. Complete it with the verbs in the Present Continuous Tense.

The police of our town …………... (to investigate) a very strange crime. Somebody has broken into Jack Bloom’s house. He is famous for his collection of ancient vases. But the thieves

haven’t taken any. It’s strange. The detectives are at a loss.

Fortunately, there are a lot of surveillance cameras inside and outside the house.

At the moment two policemen ……….. (to sit) in the room and ………. (to watch) the tape. They ……… (to discuss) what ………. (to go on).

Mike: Peter, look! The door …….. (to open). Somebody ……… (to come in).

Peter: Who do you think it is?

Mike: I guess it’s a thief…Oh, he ………….. (to wear) a mask.

Peter: I’m not surprised…. He …… (to go) to the living-room. He ……. (to come) up to the wall. There is only one picture there. What …. he ….. (to do)?

Mike: I think he is going to steal it. Look! He ……….. (to take) it down. There is a safe under the picture!...

Peter: Oh, my god! The curtains on the window …………. (to move). There is somebody behind them. A person ……….. (to wear) expensive shoes.

Mike: Look at the man in the mask! He ………(to open) the safe, ……… (to take) something out of it ... Wow, it’s a diamond! How big it is!.......

Make up the end of the story. Mind that the man behind the curtains is Mr. Bloom. Who do you think the thief is? Why hasn’t Mr. Bloom reported to the police?

Task 8.

A. Bill Adams is a private investigator. It’s 6.20 p.m. on Friday, October 5th and he is looking for a missing person – a young man called Peter Cooper. He is standing outside the Calypso Club and looking at the people in the street. What are they doing? Make up sentences.

1. An old lady / stand / at the bus stop. She / light / a cigarette.

2. Two young men / sit / on the pavement. They / put away / their guitars.

3. A girl / stand / out of the cafй. She / eat / a hamburger.

4. A boy / sit / at a newspaper stand. He / count / his money.

5. A person in a hat / wait for / somebody at the corner of the club.

6. Two young women / sit / on the motorbike. They / put on / their helmets.

7. A man / come out of / the takeaway. He / carry / a large suitcase.

8. A doorman / open / the door of the club.

9. There are a lot of people outside. They / queuing / in front of the door.

B. Make the sentences negative and interrogative.

  1. Our organization is setting up an in-house legal department.

  1. We are looking for business lawyers.

  1. The judge is reading the sentence at the moment.

  1. People are protesting against the unjust sentence.

  1. The police are investigating the burglary.

  1. A policeman is chasing the suspect.

  1. Sam is patrolling the streets now.

  1. Crime is going up in our area.

  1. They are serving a 10-year term in the prison.

  1. Listen! This witness is providing some evidence of his crime.

  1. His company is serving business customers nowadays.

  1. The President of Check Republic is visiting our country next week.

Task 9. Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Петр – студент юридической академии. Сейчас он изучает уголовное право.

  1. Посмотри! Он едет на красный свет!

  1. Мr. Brown занят сейчас. Он опрашивает свидетеля ДТП (road accident).

  1. Где Джейн и Сандра? Они в полицейском участке. Они дают показания (to testify) по делу о нападении (assault).

  1. Mrs. Jackobs сейчас готовит дело о мошенничестве (fraud) для суда.

  1. Прямо сейчас полицейские обыскивают (to search) его машину.

  1. В данный момент присяжные обсуждают вердикт в той комнате.

  1. Что вы делаете завтра вечером? – Я иду в библиотеку. Я готовлю доклад по налоговому праву в США.

  1. Господи, посмотри! Где ты пишешь? Это же вещественное доказательство! (physical evidence)

  1. В какой тюрьме Brian отбывает свой срок? – В Алькатрасе.


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