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Nikolay M.Amosov Biography in Brief

Voices of Time (fragments of the book)

My World Outlook

On Ukraine

Innermost things


Thoughts on the experiment.

January 2001 (addition to "My system of health").

Some of my books



Your opinion

Links   Ukrainian      Russian Some of my books N.Amosoff. The Open Heart., - 1966. Simon and Suster. New York. N.Amosoff. Notes from the Future., - 1971. Jonathan Cape London. N.Amosoff. PPG 2266., - Henry Regnery Company. 1975. Chicago. N.Amosoff. Modeling of thinking and the mind. - 1967. Sparten books, New York. N.Amosoff. Thoughts on the experiment. May 2000. (addition to "My system of health") N.Amosoff. Voices of Time (in Russian) Vagrius, series XX th Centure, Moscow, 1999, 428 p. N.Amosoff. Overcoming Aging "Your health", Moscow, 1996, 190 p. N.Amosoff. Overcoming Aging "Your health", Moscow, 1996, 190 p. You can find part 15 "Result of medical treatment" (50 kb)

of this book in Russian and part 17 "Overcoming old age" (210 kb) in Russian in WinWord 97 format. N.Amosoff. My system of health recovery Kyiv, Health, 1997. 56 p., ISBN 5-311-02742-8 Whole text of book in Russian in WinWord 97 (307 kb) You can find here. N.Amosoff. Thoughts on Health Moscow, Physical culture and sport, 1987. 64 p. Full text of the book in Russian in WinWord 97 (398 kb) You can find here. Nikolay M.Amosov. World outlook.

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