- •Foreword
- •Preface to the Fourth Edition
- •Contents
- •Instructions for Use
- •Bones
- •Sutures, joints and ligaments
- •Muscles
- •Muscles, synovial bursae and sheaths
- •Digestive system
- •Digestive and respiratory system
- •Urogenital system
- •Peritoneum
- •Endocrine glands
- •Heart
- •Veins
- •Lymphatic system
- •Spinal cord
- •Cranial nerves
- •Autonomic nervous system
- •Sense organs
- •Skin and its appendages
- •General terms
- •References
- •Index
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412 Index
2parietal lymph nodes 262.1
visceral lymph nodes 262.13 Abdominal
3aorta 216.19
aortic plexus 348.10
4cavity 176.18 muscles 86.1
opening of uterine tube 166.30
of esophagus 120.5
6of pectoralis major 84.6 of thoracic duct 254.21 of ureter 156.20
7regions 400.1
veins, subcutaneous 234.16
Abducens nerve, nucleus 286.2
8Abducent nerve 326.18 Aberrant ductules 160.7
9inferior 160.9 superior 160.8
10carpal bone 40.3 cephalic vein 244.22
11cuneate nucleus 280.18 hemiazygos vein 246.4 lacrimal glands 368.14
12nasal cartilages 134.29 nerve 332.31
trunk 332.34
13nodes 258.12
nucleus of oculomotor nerve
obturator artery 224.24
15nerve 342.30 vein 250.24a
16organs of eye 364.1 pancreas 128.30 parotid gland 110.10
17phrenic nerves 336.11 process 2.29
ramus, middle meningeal
18artery 198.17 saphenous vein 252.8
19spleen 268.2
suprarenal glands 182.39 thymic nodules 182.25
20thyroid glands 182.6 vertebral
21vein 234.11 Accompanying
22of median nerve 214.23 of sciatic nerve 222.25
vein 406.44
23 of profunda femoris artery
24Acetabular branch
medial circumflex femoral
25artery 226.7
obturator artery 222.16
Acetabular fossa 42.7
ligament, transverse 66.27 lip 66.26
notch 42.8 Acetabulum 42.5 margin 42.6
Achilles tendon 96.19 Acoustic
external 16.3, 386.2 cartilage 386.5 cartilaginous part 386.4 opening 16.4, 386.3
internal 14.13, 378.5 opening 14.12
radiation 300.27, 318.23 Acromial
angle 34.12 articular surface
of clavicle 34.32 of scapula 34.11
axillary artery 212.13 suprascapular artery 212.2
end (clavicle) 34.31 network 212.14
Acromioclavicular joint 60.16 ligament 60.17
Acromion 34.10 Adductor
canal 98.17 tubercle 46.23
Adenohypophysis 182.14 Adenoids 116.27
Adhesio interthalamica 296.21 Adipose body of ischioanal fossa
176.14 Aditus
ad antrum 380.10 laryngis 142.24 orbitalis 32.13
cortex 182.37 gland 182.29
anterior surface 182.30 posterior surface 182.31 renal surface 182.32
medulla 182.38 Aequator 354.18 Afferent
glomerular arteriole 156.5 lymphatic vessels 254.24 nerve fibers 407.6
Agger nasi 136.18
Aggregated lymphatic follicles (nodules) 122.33
of vermiform appendix 124.24 Air cells 384.17
ethmoidal 20.7 Ala(-ae)
cristae galli 20.4
lobuli centralis (cerebellum) 288.22
major ossis sphenoidalis 10.23 minor ossis sphenoidalis 10.19 nasi 134.22
ossis ilii 42.13 sacralis 4.19 vomeris 20.29
Alar cartilage
greater 134.25 lesser 134.28
folds 68.11 ligaments 58.3
part of nasal muscle 78.15 Alcock’s canal 176.15 Alimentary canal 120.1 Alveolar
arch 24.9, 26.27 artery
anterior superior 200.2 inferior 198.12
posterior superior 198.28 bone 112.17
branches of infraorbital nerve anterior 324.5
middle 324.4 posterior 324.3
canals 22.16 ducts 152.3 foramina 22.15 juga 24.13, 26.31 nerve
inferior 326.9 superior 324.2
part of mandible 26.26 process 24.8
sacs 152.4 Alveoli
dentales 24.10, 26.28 pulmonis 152.5
Alveus 314.18 Ambient cistern 270.9
Amiculum olivare 280.29 Ampulla(-ae) 124.3
canaliculi lacrimalis 368.20 ductus deferentis 160.14
diverticula 160.15 hepatopancreatica 134.14 membranaceae 370.18
anterior 370.19 lateral 370.21 posterior 370.20
osseae 376.10 anterior 376.11 lateral 376.13 posterior 376.12
recti 126.16
tubae uterinae 166.34 Ampullar
anterior 330.10 lateral 330.11 posterior 330.13
Ampullary crest 370.23
Index 413 |
Ampullary |
Anococcygeal |
Anterior |
membranous crura 370.28 |
ligament 174.12 |
branch(-es) |
osseous crura 376.17 |
nerves 346.26 |
great auricular nerve 334.30 |
Amygdaloid body 318.1 |
Anocutaneous line 126.30 |
left superior pulmonary vein |
Anal |
Anorectal |
230.32 |
canal 126.24 |
line 126.28 |
lumbar nerves 342.6 |
columns 126.25 |
lymph nodes 266.12 |
medial antebrachial cu- |
pecten 126.29 |
Ansa |
taneous nerve 338.6 |
region 400.16 |
cervicalis 334.23 |
obturator |
sinuses 126.26 |
thyrohyoid branch 334.26 |
artery 222.17 |
sphincter |
hypoglossi 334.23 |
nerve 342.26 |
external 126.31 |
lenticularis 302.9 |
portal vein of liver 248.3 |
internal 126.20 |
nucleus of 302.15 |
renal artery 220.19 |
valves 126.27 |
peduncularis 302.10 |
spinal nerve 334.9, 334.21 |
Anastomosis arteriolovenularis |
subclavia 352.9 |
superior |
(arteriovenosa) 406.11 |
Anserine bursa 106.1 |
mesenteric artery 220.2a |
Anastomotic |
Antebrachial |
right pulmonary vein 230.8 |
atrial branch of left coronary |
fascia 92.20 |
ulnar recurrent artery 214.16 |
artery 192.22 |
median vein 244.25 |
calcanean facet 50.15 |
branch |
region |
carpal region 400.35 |
lacrimal artery 202.4 |
anterior 400.30 |
cecal artery 220.7 |
superior tympanic artery |
posterior 400.31 |
cerebral |
198.23 |
Antebrachium 400.29 |
artery 204.1, 208.14 |
vein |
Anterior 396.13, 396.15 |
veins 240.23 |
inferior 240.20 |
ampullar nerve 330.10 |
cervical lymph nodes 256.17 |
superior 240.19 |
amygdaloid area 318.2 |
chamber of eye 360.15 |
vessel 406.37 |
antebrachial region 400.30 |
choroidal artery 202.22 |
Angiology (angiologia) 406.10 |
arch of atlas 4.5 |
ciliary |
Angle, of rib 6.16 |
articular surface of dens 4.14 |
arteries 202.9 |
Angular |
ascending branch |
veins 244.2 |
artery 196.14 |
left pulmonary artery 190.33 |
circumflex |
branch, occipital artery 196.17 |
right pulmonary artery |
humeral artery 212.23 |
gyrus 208.9 |
190.18 |
scapular vein 244.13a |
ligament, of stapes 382.29 |
atlanto-occipital |
clinoid process 10.21 |
notch 120.20 |
ligament 56.28 |
cochlear nucleus 282.17 |
spine of sphenoid 10.38 |
membrane 56.27 |
column 274.17 |
vein 236.6 |
auricular |
of rugae 170.15 |
Angulus |
branches, transverse facial |
commissure 312.20, 318.30 |
acromialis 34.12 |
artery 198.4 |
communicating artery 204.6, |
costae 6.16 |
ligament 388.11 |
208.15 |
frontalis 16.35 |
nerves 324.29 |
conjunctival arteries 202.10 |
inferior (scapula) 34.17 |
veins 236.27 |
corticospinal tract 276.22 |
infrasternalis 6.41 |
axillary line 396.52 |
cranial fossa 30.2 |
iridocornealis 360.16 |
basal |
cruciate ligament of knee 68.8 |
lateralis (scapula) 34.18 |
branch |
cubital region 400.24 |
mandibulae 28.2 |
left inferior pulmonary |
cusp |
mastoideus 16.38 |
vein 232.10 |
atrioventricular valve 188.27 |
occipitalis 16.36 |
left pulmonary artery |
pulmonary valve 188.4 |
oculi |
190.40 |
cutaneous branch, intercostal |
lateralis 366.11 |
right pulmonary artery |
nerve 340.24 |
medialis 366.12 |
190.26 |
deep temporal artery 198.25 |
oris 108.11 |
root 230.23 |
descending branch |
sphenoidalis 16.37 |
segment |
left pulmonary artery 190.31 |
sterni (sternalis) 6.27 |
of lower lobe of left lung |
right pulmonary artery 190.17 |
subpubicus 44.23 |
150.25 |
divisions, brachial plexus 336.17 |
superior (scapula) 34.19 |
of lower lobe of right lung |
end of spleen 268.9 |
Ankle 400.23 |
150.13 |
epithelium of cornea 356.7 |
bone 50.3 |
segmental bronchus 146.13, |
ethmoidal |
joint 70.1 |
146.25 |
artery 202.15 |
Annular |
border, radius 38.10 |
foramen 32.21 |
ligament |
brachial region 400.21 |
nerve 322.5 |
of the radius 62.7 |
branch(-es) |
external |
of trachea 144.22 |
cutaneous 344.3 |
arcuate fibers 278.24, 282.23 |
part of fibrous sheath 92.28, |
iliohypogastric nerve 342.17 |
vertebral venous plexus |
100.23 |
gluteal nerve 342.12 |
246.17 |
414 Index
Anterior |
Anterior |
Anterior |
1 |
facet |
for the talus 52.1 |
mediastinal lymph nodes 260.9 |
septal branches of anterior |
fasciculi proprii 276.20 |
mediastinum 152.27 |
ethmoidal |
2 |
fontanelle 32.28 |
membranous ampulla 370.19 |
artery 202.16a |
funiculus 274.2, 276.19 |
meningeal branch |
side of knee 402.9 |
gastric branches, vagal trunk |
anterior ethmoidal artery |
sinus 138.6 |
3 |
332.26 |
202.16 |
spinal |
glandular branch, superior thy- |
vertebral artery 206.9 |
artery 206.11 |
4 |
roid artery 194.15 |
meniscofemoral ligament 68.3 |
veins 246.20a |
gluteal line 42.26 |
nasal spine 22.12 |
spinocerebellar tract 278.3 |
gray commissure 276.16a |
notch 386.24 |
spinothalamic tract 276.25 |
5 |
horn 274.18, 314.4 |
nucleus(-i) |
sternoclavicular ligament |
hypothalamic nucleus 302.20 |
of thalamus 198.13 |
60.24 |
inferior cerebellar artery 206.18 |
of trapezoid body 286.15 |
superior |
6 |
intercondylar area 46.32 |
obturator tubercle 44.18 |
alveolar arteries 200.2 |
intercostal |
osseous ampulla 376.11 |
alveolar branches, infraorbi- |
7 |
branches, internal thoracic |
palpebral surface 366.5 |
tal nerve 324.5 |
artery 210.10 |
papillary muscle 188.16, 190.8 |
pancreaticoduodenal artery |
veins 234.18 |
paraventricular nuclei 198.18 |
218.22 |
8 |
intermuscular septum of leg |
parietal |
surface |
100.9 |
arteries 204.33 |
of adrenal gland 182.30 |
9 |
internal vertebral venous |
peritoneum 180.12 |
of cornea 356.5 |
plexus 246.18 |
part |
of iris 358.4 |
interosseous |
of anterior commissure 318.31 |
of kidney 154.8 |
10 |
artery 214.22 |
of fornix of vagina 170.3 |
of lens 362.19 |
nerve of forearm 338.11 |
of midbrain 290.29 |
of lower leg 402.13 |
veins 244.19a |
of pons 284.8 |
of maxilla 22.8 |
11 |
interventricular |
of tongue 112.32 |
of prostate 162.13 |
branch, left coronary artery |
perforated substance 212.2 |
of scapula 34.4 |
12 |
192.17 |
pole 354.16 |
of stomach 120.16 |
groove 184.18 |
of lens capsule 362.17 |
of ulna 38.26 |
vein 232.16 |
pontomesencephalic vein |
talocrural region 402.16 |
13 |
intraoccipital synchondrosis |
242.14 |
talofibular ligament 70.8 |
56.6 |
process, malleus 380.17 |
temporal |
14 |
jugular |
radicular artery 216.10d |
artery 204.26 |
lymph nodes 256.18 |
ramus, lateral sulcus 306.18 |
branches, lateral occipital |
vein 238.4 |
recess of tympanic membrane |
artery 208.3 |
15 |
labial |
384.8 |
diploic vein 238.26 |
branches, external pudendal |
region of hypothalamus 302.16 |
thalamic radiations 302.1, |
arteries 224.34 |
root 334.5 |
318.9 |
16 |
commissure 170.27 |
sacral foramina 4.27 |
thigh region 402.5 |
nerves 342.20 |
sacrococcygeus muscle 88.3 |
tibial |
17 |
veins 252.6 |
scalene muscle, tubercle 6.18 |
artery 226.22 |
lacrimal crest 22.26 |
scrotal |
node 266.21 |
ligament |
branches, external pudendal |
recurrent artery 226.24 |
18 |
of head of fibula 68.21 |
arteries 224.33 |
veins 252.16 |
of malleus 382.23 |
nerves 342.19 |
tibiofibular ligament 68.25 |
19 |
limb of internal capsule 318.8 |
veins 252.6 |
tibiotalar part, medial (deltoid) |
limiting membrane 356.8 |
segment |
ligament 70.5 |
lingual glands 108.37 |
of kidney |
triangle of neck 398.23 |
20 |
lip of uterine ostium 168.19 |
lower 154.19 |
tubercle 2.19 |
lobe of cerebellum 288.18 |
upper 154.18 |
of atlas 4.7 |
longitudinal ligament 56.19 |
of liver 130.19 |
of calcaneus 50.26 |
21 |
lymph nodes 258.5, 258.10 |
of upper lobe of left lung |
of thalamus 296.22 |
mallear fold 384.6, 389.24 |
150.18 |
tympanic artery 198.11 |
22 |
margin |
of upper lobe of right lung |
vagal trunk 332.24 |
fibula 48.25 |
150.5 |
vein |
lung 148.17 |
segmental |
of right ventricle 232.22 |
23 |
radius 38.13 |
artery 218.7 |
of septum pellucidum 242.5 |
testis 158.21 |
bronchus 146.5, 146.18 |
ventral nucleus 300.4 |
24 |
tibia 48.8 |
semicircular |
vertebral vein 234.10 |
ulna 38.30 |
canal 376.7 |
wall of vagina 170.6 |
median |
duct 370.12 |
white commissure 276.18 |
25 |
fissure 272.19, 278.18 |
semilunar cusp of pulmonary |
Anteroventral nucleus, thalamus |
line 396.47 |
valve 188.11 |
298.15 |
Index 415 |
Anterodorsal nucleus, thalamus |
Apertura |
Aponeurosis 405.23 |
298.14 |
externa |
epicranialis 78.11 |
Anterolateral |
aquaeductus |
glutealis 94.8a |
central arteries 204.20 |
cochleae 372.14 |
lingualis 114.17 |
fontanelle 32.30 |
vestibuli 14.16 |
m. bicipitis brachii (bicipitalis) |
nucleus 274.19 |
canaliculi cochleae 14.22 |
88.16 |
sulcus 272.22, 278.21 |
inferior 88.23 |
palatina 116.18 |
surface |
lateralis (ventriculi quarti) |
palmaris 92.24 |
arytenoid cartilage 140.13 |
288.10 |
plantaris 100.17 |
humerus 36.13 |
mediana (ventriculi quarti) |
Apophysis anularis 2.3b |
Anteromedial |
288.9 |
Apparatus |
central arteries 204.3, 208.16 |
pelvis (pelvica) |
digestorius 108.1 |
frontal branch, callosomarginal |
inferior 44.28 |
lacrimalis 368.9 |
artery 204.11 |
superior 44.27 |
respiratorius 134.17 |
nucleus 274.20 |
piriformis (nasalis anterior) |
urogenitalis 154.1 |
thalamus 298.16 |
32.3 |
Appendicular |
surface (humerus) 36.13 |
sinus |
artery 220.9 |
thalamostriate arteries 204.3 |
frontalis 18.29 |
lymph nodes 264.7 |
Antihelix (anthelix) 386.15 |
sphenoidalis 10.17 |
skeleton 402.40 |
crura 386.17 |
superior 88.23 |
vein 248.26 |
fossa 388.6 |
thoracis |
Appendix(-ces) |
transverse sulcus 388.4 |
inferior 6.37 |
epididymidis 160.11 |
Antitragus 386.22 |
superior 6.36 |
epiploicae (omentales) 124.34 |
Antrum |
tympanica canaliculi chordae |
fibrosa hepatis 130.14 |
mastoideum 380.9 |
tympani 380.16 |
testis 160.10 |
pyloricum 120.28 |
Apex |
ventriculi laryngis 144.2 |
Anulus |
auricularis 386.27 |
vermiformis 124.22 |
conjunctivae 356.2 |
capitis fibulae 48.18 |
vesiculosae 170.20 |
femoralis 100.1 |
cartilaginis arytenoidea 140.21 |
Approximal surface, tooth |
fibrocartilagineus 380.30 |
of cochlea 376.19 |
110.27 |
fibrosus 56.11 |
cordis 184.16 |
Aquaeductus |
dexter/sinister 186.6 |
cuspidis 110.15 |
cochleae 372.13 |
inguinalis |
dentis 4.13 |
mesencephali (cerebri) 292.20 |
profundus 86.29 |
linguae 112.37 |
vestibuli 14.15 |
superficialis 86.14 |
nasi 134.21 |
apertura externa 14.16 |
iridis |
ossis sacri 4.36 |
Aqueous humor 360.17, 362.2 |
major 358.6 |
partis petrosae 12.25 |
Arachnoid granulations |
minor 358.7 |
patellae 48.33 |
270.12 |
lymphaticus cardiae 262.16 |
posterior horn 276.3 |
Arachnoidea mater |
tendineus communis 364.9 |
prostatae 162.12 |
cranialis (encephali) 270.1 |
tympanicus 16.2 |
pulmonis (pulmonalis) 148.9 |
spinalis 270.13 |
umbilicalis 86.23 |
radicis dentis 110.22 |
Arbor |
Anus 126.32 |
vesicae (vesicalis) 156.26 |
bronchialis 144.29 |
Aorta 192.3 |
Apical 396.24 |
vitae (cerebelli) 290.10 |
abdominal 216.19 |
branch |
Archaecortex 314.20 |
arch 194.1 |
to inferior lobe of right pul- |
Archicerebellum (archaeocere- |
ascending 192.4 |
monary |
bellum) 290.6 |
bifurcation 222.5 |
artery 190.23 |
Archicortex 314.20 |
bulb 192.5 |
left pulmonary artery 190.30 |
Archipallium 314.20 |
ostium 184.31 |
right pulmonary artery 190.15 |
Arcuate |
Aortic |
superior right pulmonary |
artery(-ies) 156.3 |
hiatus 84.29 |
vein 230.5 |
of foot 228.4 |
lymph nodes, lateral 262.3 |
foramen, of root of tooth 112.4 |
crest 140.15 |
sinus 192.6 |
ligament of dens 58.4 |
eminence 14.3 |
valve 190.2 |
lymph nodes 258.17 |
fibers |
left semilunar cusp 190.5 |
segment of upper lobe of right |
anterior external 278.24, |
posterior semilunar cusp |
lung 150.3 |
282.23 |
190.3 |
segmental bronchus 146.3 |
cerebrum 316.14 |
right semilunar cusp 190.4 |
Apicalis 396.24 |
externae posteriores 282.24 |
Aortic plexus |
Apicoposterior |
ligament |
abdominal 348.10 |
branch of pulmonary vein |
lateral 84.34 |
thoracic 348.4 |
230.29 |
medial 84.33 |
Aorticorenal ganglia 348.13 |
segment of upper lobe of left |
median 84.35 |
Apertum ductus nasolacrimalis |
lung 150.17 |
line 42.14, 86.7 |
136.23a |
segmental bronchus 146.17 |
nucleus 282.22, 302.22, 304.5 |
416 Index
Arcuate |
Areolar |
Arteria(-ae) |
palpebrales |
glands (of Montgomery) |
circumflexa |
inferior 202.19 |
394.28 |
femoris |
superior 202.18 |
venous plexus 244.16 |
lateralis 226.8 |
plantaris |
Arteria(-ae) 190.10, 406.12 |
medialis 226.3 |
profundus 228.22 |
alveolaris |
iliaca |
superficialis 228.26a |
inferior 198.12 |
profunda 224.27 |
popliteal ligament 68.15 |
superior |
superficialis 224.31 |
pubic ligament 66.17 |
anterior 200.2 |
posterior humeri 212.24 |
veins 156.11 |
posterior 198.28 |
scapulae 212.22 |
Arcus |
angularis 196.14 |
colica |
alveolaris 24.9, 26.27 |
appendicularis 220.9 |
dextra 220.10 |
anterior atlantis 4.5 |
arcuata(-ae) 156.3 |
media 220.11 |
aortae 194.1 |
of foot 228.4 |
sinistra 220.13 |
cartilaginis cricoideae 140.2 |
ascendens 220.12a |
collateralis |
costalis 6.39 |
auricularis |
media 212.30 |
dentalis |
posterior 196.22 |
radialis 212.31 |
inferior 112.19 |
profunda 198.10 |
ulnaris |
superior 112.18 |
axillaris 212.9 |
inferior 212.33 |
ductus thoracici 254.18 |
azygoi vaginae 224.3 |
superior 212.32 |
iliopectineus 98.21 |
basilaris 206.17 |
combitans |
inguinalis 86.10 |
brachialis 212.25 |
nervi ischiadici 222.25 |
palatoglossus 116.6 |
superficialis 212.26 |
nervi mediani 214.23 |
palatopharyngeus 116.7 |
buccalis 198.27 |
communicans |
palmaris |
bulbi |
anterior 204.6, 208.15 |
profundus 214.11 |
penis 224.14 |
posterior 208.18 |
superficialis 214.27 |
vestibuli 224.15 |
coronaria |
posterior atlantis 4.8 |
caecalis |
dextra 192.7 |
pubis 44.22 |
anterior 220.7 |
sinistra 192.16 |
superciliaris 18.5 |
posterior 220.8 |
cremasterica 224.25 |
tendineus 405.28 |
callosomarginalis 204.10 |
cystica 218.5 |
fasciae pelvis 174.27 |
canalis pterygoidei 200.4 |
descendens genicularis 226.1a |
musculi |
capsulares 220.17a |
digitales |
levatoris ani 174.11 |
caroticotympanicae 200.14 |
dorsales 214.8, 228.6 |
solei 96.18 |
carotis |
palmares |
venae azygos 246.1a |
communis 194.6 |
communes 214.28 |
venosus |
externa 194.9 |
propriae 214.29 |
dorsalis pedis 252.18 |
interna 200.10, 208.13 |
plantares |
jugularis 238.5 |
caudae pancreatis 218.30 |
communes 228.25 |
palmaris |
centralis(-es) |
propriae 228.26 |
profundus 244.32 |
anterolaterales 204.20 |
dorsalis |
superficialis 244.30 |
anteromedialis 204.3, 208.16 |
clitoridis 224.19 |
plantaris 252.24 |
brevis 204.4 |
nasi 202.21 |
vertebrae (vertebralis) 2.4 |
longa 204.5 |
pedis 228.1 |
zygomaticus 30.12 |
posterolaterales 206.27 |
penis 224.17 |
Area(-ae) |
posteromediales 206.25 |
scapulae 210.24a |
amygdaloidea, anterior 318.2 |
retinae 202.2 |
ductus deferentis 222.27 |
cochleae 378.10 |
cerebri |
epigastrica |
contingens 110.29a |
anterior 204.1, 208.14 |
inferior 224.21 |
cribrosa 154.34 |
media 204.18, 208.17 |
superficialis 224.30 |
gastricae 122.14 |
posterior 206.23, 208.24 |
superior 210.12 |
intercondylaris |
cervicalis |
episclerales 202.12 |
anterior 46.32 |
ascendens 210.20 |
ethmoidalis |
posterior 46.33 |
profunda 212.4 |
anterior 202.15 |
nervi facialis 378.9 |
choroidea, anterior 202.22 |
posterior 202.14 |
nuda 128.29 |
ciliares |
facialis 196.7 |
postrema 286.34 |
anteriores 202.9 |
femoralis 224.29 |
preoptica 296.31 |
conjunctivales |
fibularis 228.12 |
pretectalis 296.14 |
anteriores 202.10 |
flexura, dextra 220.10a |
retro-olivaris 278.26 |
posteriores 202.11 |
frontobasalis |
subcallosa 312.4 |
posteriores |
lateralis 204.25 |
vestibularis 286.26 |
breves 202.6 |
medialis 204.9 |
inferior 378.13 |
longae 202.7 |
gastrica |
superior 378.12 |
circumflexa |
dextra 218.3 |
Areola mammae 394.27 |
anterior humeri 212.23 |
sinistra 216.29 |
Index 417
Arteria(-ae) |
Arteria(-ae) |
Arteria(-ae) |
gastrici |
masseterica 198.24 |
plantaris |
breves 218.34 |
maxillaris 198.9 |
profunda 228.7 |
posterior 218.35a |
media genus 226.16 |
pontis 206.20 |
gastro-omentalis |
medullaris segmentalis 216.10e |
poplitea 226.13 |
dextra 218.19 |
meningea |
praepancreatica 218.28a |
sinistra 218.31 |
media 198.16 |
precunealis 204.16 |
gastroduodenalis 218.13 |
mediae sulcus 16.26b |
princeps pollicis 214.9 |
glutealis |
posterior 194.18 |
profunda |
inferior 222.24 |
mesencephalicae 206.21 |
brachii 212.27 |
superior 222.19 |
mesenterica |
clitoridis 224.18 |
gyri, angularis 204.34 |
inferior 220.12 |
femoris 226.2 |
helicinae 164.18 |
superior 220.1 |
linguae 196.5 |
hepatica |
metacarpales |
penis 224.16 |
communis 218.1 |
dorsales 214.7 |
pterygomeningea 198.23a |
propria 218.2 |
palmares 214.12 |
pudenda(-ae) |
hyaloidea 362.5 |
metatarsales, plantares 228.23 |
externae 224.32 |
hypophysialis |
musculophrenica 210.11 |
interna 224.8 |
inferior 200.23 |
nasales posteriores laterales |
pulmonalis |
superior 200.25 |
200.9 |
dextra 190.14 |
ileales 220.4 |
nasi externa 202.21 |
sinistra 190.29 |
ileocolica 220.5 |
nutriens (nutricia) 406.13 |
radialis 214.1 |
iliaca |
fibulae 228.17a |
indicis 214.10 |
communis 222.6 |
tibialis 228.11a |
radicularis |
externa 224.20 |
nutrients (nutriciae) |
anterior 216.10d |
interna 222.7 |
femoris 226.12a |
posterior 216.10c |
iliolumbalis 222.8 |
humeri 212.28 |
rectalis |
inferior |
obturatoria 222.14 |
inferior 224.9 |
anterior cerebelli 206.18 |
accessoria 224.24 |
media 224.7 |
lateralis genus 226.18 |
occipital sulcus 12.20 |
superior 220.15 |
medialis genus 226.19 |
occipitalis 196.15 |
recurrens 204.5 |
posterior cerebelli 206.12 |
lateralis 208.2 |
radialis 214.2 |
infraorbitalis 200.1 |
medialis 208.6 |
tibialis |
insulares 204.24 |
ophthalmica 202.1 |
anterior 226.24 |
intercostalis(-es) |
ovarica 222.3 |
posterior 226.23 |
posterior 212.6 |
palatina |
ulnaris 214.15 |
posteriores 216.8 |
ascendens 196.8 |
renalis(-es) 156.1, 220.17 |
suprema 212.5 |
descendens 200.5 |
retroduodenales 218.18 |
interlobares 156.2 |
major 200.6 |
sacralis(-es) |
interlobulares 132.3, 156.4 |
minores 200.7 |
laterales 222.12 |
intermesenterica 220.12a |
palpebrales |
mediana 216.25 |
interossea |
laterales 202.5 |
segmenti |
anterior 214.22 |
mediales 202.17 |
anterioris 218.7 |
communis 214.19 |
pancreatica |
inferioris 220.22 |
posterior 214.20 |
dorsalis 218.27 |
superioris 220.21 |
recurrens 214.21 |
magna 218.29 |
inferioris 220.23 |
jejunales 220.3 |
pancreaticoduodenalis |
medialis 218.11 |
labialis |
inferior 220.2 |
posterioris 218.8, 220.25 |
inferior 196.12 |
superior |
superioris 220.20 |
superior 196.13 |
anterior 218.22 |
sigmoidea 220.14 |
labyrintha 374.11 |
posterior 218.15 |
sphenopalatina 200.8 |
labyrinthi 206.19 |
paracentralis 204.15 |
spinalis |
lacrimalis 202.3 |
parietales |
anterior 206.11 |
laryngea superior 194.13 |
anterior 204.33 |
posterior 206.16 |
laryngealis inferior 210.15 |
posterior 204.33 |
splenica 218.25 |
lienalis 218.25 |
parieto-occipitalis 204.17 |
stylomastoidea 196.23 |
ligamenti teretis uteri 224.26 |
pericardiacophrenica 210.5 |
subclavia(-ae) 206.1 |
lingualis 196.1 |
perinealis 224.10 |
sulcus 6.19 |
lobi caudati 218.6, 218.10 |
pharyngea, ascendens 194.17 |
subcostalis 216.16 |
lumbales 216.22 |
phrenica(-ae) |
sublingualis 196.3 |
imae 216.26 |
inferior 216.20 |
submentalis 196.10 |
malleolaris anterior |
superiores 216.7 |
subscapularis 212.20 |
lateralis 226.25 |
plantaris |
sulci |
medialis 226.26 |
lateralis 228.21 |
centralis 204.30 |
marginalis coli 220.11a |
medialis 228.18 |
postcentralis 204.32 |
418 Index
Arteria( |
-ae) |
Arterial |
Articular |
1 |
sulci |
glomeruli of cochlea 374.14 |
process |
precentralis 204.31 |
grooves 30.8 |
superior 2.14, 4.20 |
2 |
superior |
plexus 406.26 |
surface |
cerebelli 206.22 |
Arteriola(-ae) 406.14 |
for arytenoid cartilage 140.4 |
lateralis genus 226.14 |
glomerularis |
of arytenoid cartilage 140.11 |
3 |
medialis genus 226.15 |
afferens 156.5 |
of clavicle 34.27 |
supraduodenalis 218.14 |
efferens 156.6 |
acromial 34.32 |
4 |
supraorbitalis 202.13 |
macularis |
of dens |
suprarenalis(-es) |
inferior 360.13 |
anterior 4.14 |
inferior 220.18 |
superior 360.12 |
posterior 4.15 |
5 |
media 220.16 |
medialis retinae 360.14 |
of malleolus 48.12, 48.28 |
superiores 216.21 |
nasalis retinae |
of scapula, acromial 34.11 |
suprascapularis 212.1 |
inferior 360.11 |
for thyroid cartilage 140.5 |
6 |
supratrochlearis 202.20 |
superior 360.10 |
of tibia |
surales 226.17 |
rectae 156.8 |
inferior 48.14 |
7 |
tarsalis(-es) |
temporalis retinae |
superior 46.28 |
dorsales 228.5 |
inferior 360.9 |
tubercle 16.22 |
lateralis 228.2 |
superior 360.8 |
veins 236.29 |
8 |
mediales 228.3 |
Arteriole 406.14 |
Articulatio(-nes) |
temporalis |
Arteriovenous anastomosis 406.11 |
acromioclavicularis 60.16 |
9 |
anterior 204.26 |
Artery(-ies) 190.10, 406.12 |
atlanto-axialis |
media 198.6, 204.27 |
of angular gyrus 204.34 |
lateralis 58.1 |
sulcus 16.15 |
of bulb |
mediana 58.2 |
10 |
posterior 198.25a, 204.28 |
of penis 224.14 |
atlanto-occipitalis 56.26 |
profunda anterior 198.25 |
of vestibule 224.15 |
bicondylaris 404.29 |
superficialis 198.1 |
to caudate lobe 218.6, 218.10 |
calcaneocuboidea 70.17 |
11 |
testicularis 222.1 |
of central sulcus 204.30 |
capitis costae (costales) 58.11 |
thalamostriatae |
of ductus deferens 222.27 |
carpi 62.15a |
12 |
anterolaterales 204.20 |
of postcentral sulcus 204.32 |
carpometacarpales 64.7 |
anteromediales 204.3 |
of precentral sulcus 204.31 |
pollicis 64.10 |
thoracica |
to right colic flexure 220.10a |
cartilagineae 404.19 |
13 |
interna 210.1 |
of round ligament of uterus |
cinguli |
lateralis 212.18 |
224.26 |
pectoralis 60.12 |
14 |
superior 212.11 |
Arthrology (arthrologia) 404.11 |
pelvici 66.1 |
thoracicoacromialis 212.12 |
Articular |
columnae vertebralis 56.8 |
thoracodorsalis 212.21 |
branch(-es) 408.7 |
composita (complexa) 404.24 |
15 |
thyroidea |
descending genicular artery |
condylar 404.27 |
ima 194.5 |
226.1c |
costochondrales 58.28 |
inferior 210.14 |
capsule of cricoarytenoid joint |
costotransversaria 58.14 |
16 |
superior 194.10 |
140.24 |
costovertebrales 58.10 |
tibialis |
carpal surface (radius) 38.17 |
cotylica 404.26 |
17 |
anterior 226.22 |
cartilage 404.33 |
coxae 66.20 |
posterior 228.8 |
cavity 404.34 |
cranii 56.8 |
transversa |
circumference |
cricoarytenoidea 140.23 |
18 |
cervicis 210.22 |
radius 38.4 |
cricothyroidea 140.6 |
faciei (facialis) 198.3 |
ulna 38.33 |
cubiti (cubitalis) 62.1 |
19 |
tympanica |
corpuscles 390.27 |
cuneocuboidea 70.17a |
anterior 198.11 |
disc (disk) 60.3, 60.18, 60.23, |
cuneonavicularis 70.18 |
inferior 194.20 |
62.13, 404.35 |
ellipsoidea 404.27 |
20 |
posterior 196.24 |
facet |
fibrosae 404.12 |
superior 198.19 |
of costa tubercle 6.15 |
humeri (glenohumeralis) 60.29 |
ulnaris 214.14 |
for fibula 46.31 |
humeroradialis 62.3 |
21 |
umbilicalis 222.26 |
inferior 4.4 |
humeroulnaris 62.2 |
urethralis 224.13 |
superior 4.3 |
iliofemoralis 66.20 |
22 |
uterina 224.2 |
fovea 38.3 |
incudomallearis 382.19 |
vaginalis 224.6 |
genus (genualis) 66.1 |
incudostapedialis 382.20 |
vertebralis 206.2 |
ligaments 404.44 |
intercarpales 62.16 |
23 |
sulcus 4.9 |
lip 404.37 |
interchondrales 58.27 |
vesicalis(-es) |
muscle 405.14 |
intercuneiformes 70.18a |
24 |
inferior 224.1 |
network |
intermetacarpales 64.11 |
superiores 222.29 |
of elbow 214.18 |
intermetatarsales 72.13 |
zygomatico-orbitalis 198.5 |
of the knee 226.20 |
interphalangeales |
25 |
Arterial |
process |
manus 64.20 |
circle 406.15 |
inferior 2.15 |
pedis 72.22 |
Index 419 |
Articulatio(-nes) |
Ascending |
Auditory |
intertarseae 70.10 |
lumbar vein 246.10 |
tube |
laryngeales 138.13 |
palatine artery 196.8 |
semicanal 12.30 |
lumbosacralis 66.4 |
part of duodenum 124.6 |
tympanic ostium 384.14 |
manus 64.1 |
pharyngeal artery 194.17 |
Auerbach’s plexus 350.5 |
mediocarpalis 62.17 |
ramus, lateral sulcus 306.18 |
Auricle 386.8 |
membri |
Association neurofibers 318.33 |
apex 386.27 |
inferioris liberi 66.19 |
Asterion 30.10b |
concha 386.19 |
superioris liberi 60.28 |
Atlantal part of vertebral artery |
Auricula 386.8 |
metacarpophalangeales 64.16 |
206.7 |
atrialis 184.27 |
metatarsophalangeales 72.18 |
Atlanto-axial joint |
dextra 186.22 |
ossiculorum auditorium 380.18 |
lateral 58.1 |
sinistra 188.21 |
ossis pisiformis 64.3 |
median 58.2 |
Auricular |
ovoidalis 404.32 |
Atlanto-occipital |
artery |
pedis 70.11 |
joint 56.26 |
deep 198.10 |
plana 404.25 |
membrane |
posterior 196.22 |
radiocarpalis 62.15 |
anterior 56.27 |
branch(-es) 196.27 |
radioulnaris 62.9 |
posterior 56.29 |
posterior auricular nerve |
distalis 62.12 |
Atlas 4.1 |
328.8 |
proximalis 62.4 |
anterior |
vagus nerve 332.5 |
sacrococcygea 56.21 |
arch 4.5 |
cartilage 386.10 |
sacroiliaca 66.11 |
tubercle 4.7 |
isthmus 388.1 |
simplex 404.23 |
dental fovea 4.6 |
ligaments 388.10 |
sphaeroidea 404.26 |
lateral mass 4.2 |
anterior 388.11 |
stellaris 404.31 |
posterior arch 4.8 |
posterior 388.13 |
sternoclavicularis 60.22 |
Atrial |
superior 388.12 |
sternocostales 58.20 |
branches |
nerves |
subtalaris 70.13 |
left coronary artery 192.27a |
anterior 324.29 |
synoviales 404.22 |
right coronary artery 192.9a |
great 334.28 |
cranii 60.1 |
veins |
posterior 328.6 |
talocalcaneonavicularis 70.12 |
left 232.24 |
sulcus, posterior 386.28 |
talocruralis 70.1 |
right 232.24 |
surface (ilium) 4.22, 42.30 |
tarsi transversa 70.16 |
Atrioventricular |
tubercle 386.26 |
tarsometatarsales 72.9 |
branches |
vein(-s) |
temporomandibularis 60.2 |
left coronary artery 192.22a |
anterior 236.27 |
thoracic 56.8, 58.9 |
right coronary artery 192.7a |
posterior 238.3 |
tibiofibularis 68.20, 68.23 |
bundle 186.10 |
Auriculotemporal nerve 324.24 |
trochoidea 404.30 |
groove 184.20 |
Auris |
zygapophysiales 56.14 |
node 186.9 |
externa 386.1 |
Aryepiglottic |
branch, left coronary artery |
interna 370.2 |
fold 142.25 |
192.27 |
media 378.15 |
part of oblique arytenoid |
opening, right 188.2 |
Autonomic |
muscle 142.21a |
septum 184.25 |
column 276.11 |
Arytenoid |
valve |
ganglia 407.16 |
cartilage 140.10 |
left 188.26 |
nerve 408.12 |
apex 140.21 |
right 188.3 |
fibers 407.9 |
articular surface for 140.4 |
veins 232.26 |
nervous system 348.1 |
base 140.12 |
Atrium |
plexus 348.2, 408.13 |
muscle |
auricle 184.27 |
ganglia 348.3 |
oblique 142.21 |
cordis 184.26 |
ramus 408.12 |
transverse 142.22 |
dextrum 186.14 |
Axial skeleton 402.39 |
Ascending |
meatus medii 136.22 |
Axialis 396.30 |
aorta 192.4 |
sinistrum 188.20 |
Axillary |
branch |
Auditory |
artery 212.9 |
deep circumflex iliac artery |
meatus see Acoustic meatus |
fascia 92.15 |
224.28 |
ossicles 382.1 |
fossa 398.41 |
lateral circumflex femoral |
articulations 380.18 |
hairs 392.9 |
artery 226.9 |
ligaments 382.22 |
line 396.53 |
medial circumflex femoral |
muscles 384.1 |
anterior 396.52 |
artery 226.5 |
teeth 372.27 |
posterior 396.54 |
transverse cervical artery |
tube 384.13 |
lymph nodes 258.16 |
210.23a |
glands 384.24 |
lymphatic plexus 258.15 |
cervical artery 210.20 |
groove 10.39 |
nerve 340.13 |
colon 124.26 |
osseous part 384.15 |
process, mammary gland |
intermesenteric artery 220.12a |
pharyngeal opening 118.2 |
394.22 |
420 Index
Axillary |
Basis |
Body |
1 |
region 398.40 |
pedunculi 290.29 |
of vertebra 2.3 |
vein 244.13 |
cerebri 292.1 |
Bones |
2 |
Axis 4.11 |
phalangis 40.29, 52.29 |
thoracic 6.1 |
bulbi |
posterior horn 276.6 |
of upper limb 34.1 |
externus 354.20 |
prostatae 162.11 |
see also Os(-sa) |
3 |
internus 354.21 |
pulmonis (pulmonalis) 148.8 |
Bony |
cylinder 408.20 |
pyramidis 154.32 |
nasal septum 32.2 |
4 |
dens (odontoid process) 4.12 |
stapedis 382.6 |
palate 30.22 |
lens 362.21 |
Basivertebral veins 246.19 |
part 402.31 |
opticus 354.22 |
Basolateral part of amygdaloid |
spinal lamina 378.1 |
5 |
pelvic 44.29 |
body 318.3 |
hook 378.2 |
Axon 408.20 |
Biceps muscle 88.12 |
Bowman’s |
Azygos |
Bicipital |
capsule 154.39 |
6 |
arteries of vagina 224.3 |
aponeurosis 88.16 |
membrane 356.8 |
vein 246.1 |
groove |
Brachial |
7 |
arch 246.1a |
lateral 400.27 |
artery 212.25 |
medial 400.28 |
superficial 212.26 |
Bicipitoradial bursa 102.18 |
fascia 92.17 |
B |
8 |
Bicondylar joint 404.29 |
lymph nodes 258.18, 258.24 |
Barba 392.6 |
Bifurcate ligament 70.28 |
plexus 336.12 |
9 |
Bartholin’s gland 172.3 |
Bifurcatio |
region |
Basal 396.25 |
aortae 222.5 |
anterior 400.21 |
lamina 356.18, 356.28 |
carotica 194.8a |
posterior 400.22 |
10 |
membrane of semicircular |
trachea (trachealis) 144.24 |
veins 244.17 |
duct 370.16 |
trunci pulmonalis 190.13 |
Brachiocephalic |
nuclei 316.20 |
Big toe 402.26 |
trunk 194.4 |
11 |
part |
Bile duct |
veins |
of left pulmonary artery |
common 134.12 |
left 232.28 |
12 |
190.38 |
sphincter muscle 134.13 |
right 232.28 |
of right pulmonary artery |
Biliary glands 134.16 |
Brachium 400.20 |
190.24 |
Bipennate muscle 405.9 |
colliculi |
13 |
tentorial branch of internal |
Biventral lobule 288.37 |
inferioris 292.16, 294.20, |
carotid 200.17 |
Bladder see Urinary bladder |
300.26 |
14 |
vein 240.22 |
Blood 406.18 |
superioris 292.17, 294.23, |
common 230.21, 232.8 |
Body |
300.28 |
inferior 232.13 |
of caudate nucleus 316.24 |
conjunctivum 290.26 |
15 |
superior 230.22, 232.9 |
of cerebellum 288.15 |
pontis 290.25 |
Basalis 396.25 |
of clavicle 34.29 |
Brain 278.14 |
Basilar 396.26 |
of epididymis 160.3 |
Brainstem 278.15 |
16 |
artery 206.17 |
of gallbladder 134.3 |
Branch(-es) |
crest 374.5 |
of humerus 36.11 |
to atrioventricular node (right |
17 |
membrane 372.20 |
of hyoid 28.17 |
coronary artery) 192.14 |
part of pons 284.8 |
of ilium 42.11 |
to carotid sinus (glossopharyn- |
plexus 238.12 |
of incus 382.8 |
geal nerve) 330.28 |
18 |
sulcus of pons 284.4 |
of ischium 44.2 |
communicating with facial |
Basilaris 396.26 |
of mammary gland 394.20 |
nerve 324.28 |
19 |
Basilic vein 244.23 |
of mandible 26.12 |
to conus arteriosus (right coro- |
median 244.27 |
of maxilla 22.3 |
nary artery) 192.8 |
Basioccipital bone 8.6 |
of metacarpal bone 40.19 |
to isthmus of fauces (lingual |
20 |
Basion 8.4 |
of nail 392.26 |
nerve) 326.2 |
Basis |
of pancreas 128.5 |
to maxillary sinus (naso- |
cartilaginis arytenoideae |
of penis 162.29 |
palatine nerve) 322.20e |
21 |
140.12 |
of phalanx 40.30 |
to nasal septum (nasopalatine |
cochlea 376.20 |
of pubis 44.9 |
nerve) 322.20b |
22 |
cordis 184.11 |
of radius 38.6 |
to sinuatrial node (right coro- |
cranii |
of rib 6.13 |
nary artery) 192.9 |
externa 30.16 |
of sphenoid bone 10.2 |
to tail of caudate nucleus |
23 |
interna 30.1 |
of sternum 6.31 |
208.23 |
mandibulae 26.13 |
of stomach 120.25 |
to trigeminal ganglion (inter- |
24 |
metacarpalis 40.18 |
of talus 50.6 |
nal carotid) 200.20 |
metatarsalis 52.18 |
of tongue 112.29 |
Breast 394.18 |
modioli 376.23 |
of ulna 38.24 |
suspensory ligaments 394.31 |
25 |
ossis sacri 4.17 |
of urinary bladder 156.27 |
Bregma 28.29 |
patellae 48.32 |
of uterus 168.7 |
Broad ligament of uterus 180.24 |
Index 421
Bronchial branches
aorta 216.3
internal thoracic artery 210.4
segmental 148.1 vagus nerve 332.21
glands 148.5 tree 144.29
veins 234.5, 246.6 Bronchioles 152.1
respiratory 152.2 Bronchioli 152.1
respiratorii 152.2 Bronchoesophageal muscle 120.9 Bronchomediastinal trunk, right/
left 254.12 Bronchopulmonary segments
150.1 Bronchus(-i) 144.28
lingularis inferior 146.20 superior 146.19
lobaris(-es) 146.1 inferior
dexter 146.9 sinister 146.21 medius dexter 146.6
superior dexter 146.2
sinister 146.16 principalis (dexter/sinister)
144.30 segmentalis(-es) 146.1
anterior 146.5, 146.18 apicalis 146.3 apicoposterior 146.17 basalis
anterior 146.13, 146.25 lateralis 146.14, 146.26 medialis 146.12, 146.24 posterior 146.15, 146.27
lateralis 146.7 medialis 146.8 posterior 146.4
subapicalis 146.11, 146.23 superior 146.10, 146.22
Bruch’s membrane 356.18 Brunner’s glands 124.14 Bucca 108.12
artery 198.27
branches of facial nerve 328.15 fat pad 108.13
glands 108.33 nerve 324.23 region 398.20
surface of tooth 110.25a Buccinator node 256.11 Buccopharyngeal fascia 80.18,
Bulbar conjunctiva 368.1 Bulboid corpuscles 290.22 Bulbopontine sulcus 284.3 Bulboreticulospinal tract 276.30
Bulbourethral gland 162.24 duct 162.25
aortae 192.5
cornus occipitalis (posterioris) 314.12
duodeni 124.3
inferior venae jugularis 234.24
oculi 354.15 olfactorius 310.27 penis 164.10
pili 392.15
superior venae jugularis 234.22
vestibuli 170.34
Bulla ethmoidalis 20.10, 138.9 Bundle of His 186.11 Bursa(-ae)
anserina 106.1 bicipitoradialis 102.18 cubitalis interossea 102.19 iliopectinea 104.14 infrahyoidea 102.5
infrapatellaris profunda 104.22 intermusculares mm.
gluteorum 104.12 intratendinea olecrani 102.16 ischiadica (sciatica)
m. glutei maximi 104.13 m. obturatoris interni
104.10 membri
inferioris 104.4a superioris 102.5a
bicipitis femoris superior 104.16
coracobrachialis 102.10 piriformis 104.9 poplitei 106.3 semimembranosi 106.6
tensoris veli palatini 102.2 omentalis 176.30 pharyngealis 118.1 retrohyoidea 102.4 subacromialis 102.8 subcutanea 405.31
acromialis 102.7 calcanea 106.17 infrapatellaris 104.21 malleoli
lateralis 106.7 medialis 106.8
olecrani 102.15 prepatellaris 104.17 prominentiae laryngealis
102.3 trochanterica 104.5
tuberositas tibiae 104.23 subdeltoidea 102.9 subfascialis 405.33 subfascialis prepatellaris
104.18 submuscularis 405.32
Bursa(-ae) subtendinea 405.34
iliaca 104.15 musculi
bicipitis femoris inferior 106.2
gastrocnemii lateralis 106.4 medialis 106.5
infraspinati 102.11 latissimi dorsi 102.14 obturatoris interni 104.11 sartorii 104.24 subscapularis 102.12 tertis majoris 102.13 tibialis anterioris 106.16 trapezii 102.6
tricipitis brachii 102.17 prepatellaris 104.19
suprapatellaris 104.20 synovialis(-es) 405.30 trochlearis 364.12
tendinis calcanei (Achilles) 106.18
trochanterica musculi glutei
maximi 104.6 medii 104.7 minimi 104.8
cupulare 372.16 vestibulare 372.17
Calcaneal region 402.18 Calcanean
peroneal artery 228.16 posterior tibial artery 228.11
anterior 50.15 middle 50.14 posterior 50.12
network 228.17 process 52.15
Calcaneocuboid joint 70.17 ligament 70.30
dorsal 70.31a plantar 72.3
Calcaneofibular ligament 70.9 Calcaneonavicular ligament
70.29 plantar 72.4
Calcaneus 50.22 anterior tubercle 50.26 lateral process 50.25 medial process 50.24
Calcar avis 314.13 Calcarine
medial occipital artery 208.10
sulcus 310.12
422 Index
Calf 402.15 |
Canalis(-es) |
Caput |
Calices |
semicirculares |
longum |
renales 156.16 |
anterior 376.7 |
(biceps femoris) 96.3 |
majores 156.17 |
lateralis 376.9 |
(triceps) 88.20 |
minores 156.18 |
ossei 376.6 |
lymph nodes 256.2 |
Caliculus gustatorius 388.27 |
posterior 376.8 |
mallei 382.14 |
Callosomarginal artery 204.10 |
spiralis |
mandibulae 28.13 |
Calx 402.18 |
cochleae 376.21 |
mediale |
Camerae |
modioli 376.25 |
(flexor hallucis brevis) |
anterior 360.15 |
vertebralis 2.2 |
98.2a |
bulbi 360.14a |
vomerorostralis 30.30 |
(gastrocnemius) 96.16 |
posterior 362.1 |
vomerovaginalis 30.29 |
(triceps) 88.22 |
vitrea 362.3 |
Canine |
metacarpale 40.20 |
Canal of Schlemm 354.30 |
fossa 22.10 |
metatarsale 52.20 |
Canaliculus(-i) |
teeth 112.21 |
muscle 405.3 |
caroticotympanici 12.27 |
Capillary 406.38 |
nuclei caudati 316.23 |
chordae tympani 12.24 |
Capilli 392.3 |
obliquum |
cochleae 14.21 |
Capitate 40.12 |
(adductor hallucis) 98.4 |
apertura externa 14.22 |
Capitulum humeri 36.23 |
(adductor pollicis) 92.7 |
innominatus 10.37 |
Capsula |
pancreatis 128.2 |
lacrimalis 368.19 |
adiposa 154.14 |
phalangis |
mandibulae 28.8 |
articularis 66.21, 404.38 |
fingers 40.31 |
mastoideus 14.25 |
cricoarytenoidea 140.24 |
toes 52.31 |
tympanicus 14.28 |
cricothyroidea 140.7 |
posterior horn 276.4 |
Canalis(-es) |
externa 318.6 |
profundum (flexor pollicis |
adductorius 98.17 |
extrema 318.5 |
brevis) 92.4 |
alimentarius 120.1 |
fibrosa 154.15 |
radiale (flexor digitorum su- |
alveolares 22.16 |
perivascularis 132.2 |
perficialis) 90.8 |
analis 126.24 |
(thyroid gland) 182.7 |
radii 38.2 |
caroticus 12.26 |
ganglii (ganglionica) 407.11 |
stapedis 382.3 |
carpi (carpalis) 64.6 |
glomerularis (Bowman’s) |
superficiale (flexor pollicis |
centralis 274.12 |
154.39 |
brevis) 92.3 |
cervicis uteri 168.21 |
interna 318.7 |
tali (talare) 50.4 |
condylaris 8.15 |
lentis 362.16 |
transversum |
diploici 28.24 |
pancreatis 128.24 |
(adductor hallucis) 98.5 |
facialis 12.22 |
prostatica 162.19 |
(adductor pollicis) 92.8 |
genu 12.23 |
tonsillaris 116.12 |
ulnae 38.32 |
femoralis 98.24 |
Capsular |
ulnare |
gastricus (ventricularis) |
arteries 220.17a |
(extensor carpi ulnaris) |
120.26 |
branches, interlobular arteries |
90.20 |
hyaloideus 362.6 |
156.7 |
(flexor carpi ulnaris) 90.5 |
hypoglossalis 8.16 |
ligaments 404.46 |
(pronator teres) 88.28 |
incisivus 24.4, 30.25 |
veins 246.20a |
Cardiac |
infraorbitalis 22.5 |
Caput |
ganglia 348.6 |
inguinalis 86.30 |
breve |
impression 128.25 |
longitudinales |
(biceps brachii) 88.15 |
of lung 148.14 |
modioli 376.26 |
(biceps femoris) 96.4 |
nerve |
musculotubarius 12.28 |
costae 6.8 |
cervical |
septum 12.31 |
epididymidis 160.2 |
inferior 352.10 |
nasolacrimalis 32.7 |
femoris 46.3 |
middle 352.7 |
nervus |
fibulae (fibulare) 48.16 |
superior 352.4 |
petrosi majoris, hiatus 14.4 |
humerale |
notch 120.24, 148.18 |
petrosi minoris, hiatus 14.5 |
(extensor carpi ulnaris) |
orifice 120.22 |
nutriens 404.7 |
90.19 |
part of stomach 120.21 |
obturatorius 66.3 |
(flexor carpi ulnaris) 90.4 |
plexus 348.5 |
opticus 10.20 |
(pronator teres) 88.27 |
veins 232.14 |
palatini minores 24.22 |
humeri (humerale) 36.3 |
small 232.21 |
palatinus major 30.17 |
humeroulnare (flexor digi- |
smallest 232.23 |
palatovaginalis 30.28 |
torum superficialis) 90.7 |
Carina |
paraurethrales 164.36 |
laterale |
tracheae 144.25 |
pterygoideus (vidii) 12.12 |
(flexor hallucis brevis) 98.2b |
urethralis vaginae 170.16 |
pudendalis (Alcock) 176.15 |
(gastrocnemius) 96.15 |
Caroticotympanic |
pyloricus 120.29 |
(triceps) 88.21 |
arteries 200.14 |
radicis dentis 112.3 |
longum |
canaliculi 12.27 |
sacralis 4.34 |
(biceps brachii) 88.13 |
nerves 330.24 |
Index 423 |
Carotid |
Cartilago(-ines) |
Cavitas(-tes) |
artery |
nasi (nasalis) 134.23 |
pharyngis 116.24 |
common 194.6 |
accessoriae 134.29 |
pleuralis 152.11 |
external 194.9 |
lateralis 134.24 |
thoracis (thoracica) 6.35a, |
internal 200.10, 208.13 |
septi nasi 134.30 |
152.6 |
bifurcation 194.8a |
sesamoidea 140.27 |
trigeminalis 268.29 |
body 194.7 |
thyroidea 138.14 |
tympanica 14.30, 378.16 |
canal 12.26 |
tracheales 144.20 |
uteri 168.12 |
groove 10.11 |
triticea 138.28 |
Cavum |
nerve |
vomeronasalis 134.32 |
Retzii 176.16 |
external 350.31 |
Caruncula(-ae) |
septi pellucidi 312.28 |
internal 350.29 |
hymenales 170.9 |
Cecal |
plexus |
lacrimalis 366.26 |
artery, anterior 220.7 |
common 352.2 |
sublingualis 108.26 |
fold 180.7 |
external 352.1 |
Cauda |
vascular 180.3 |
internal 350.30 |
epididymidis 160.4 |
Cecum (caecum) 124.18 |
sheath 82.25 |
equina 334.13 |
Celiac |
sinus 194.8, 200.12 |
helicis 386.14 |
branches, vagus nerve 332.29 |
triangle 398.25 |
nuclei caudati 316.25 |
ganglia 348.12 |
inferior 398.26 |
pancreatis 128.13 |
lymph nodes 262.14 |
tubercle 2.21 |
Caudal 396.22 |
plexus 348.11 |
wall 380.19 |
retinaculum 390.8 |
trunk 216.28 |
Carpal |
Caudalis 396.22 |
Cellulae |
bones 40.2 |
Caudate |
ethmoidales 20.7, 138.4 |
accessory 40.3 |
branches, portal vein of liver |
mastoideae 380.17 |
canal/tunnel 64.6 |
248.7 |
pneumaticae 384.17 |
groove 40.15 |
lobe of liver 130.26 |
tympanicae 380.18 |
joints 62.15a |
left duct of 132.16 |
Cementum 112.16 |
ligament, radiate 62.21 |
right duct of 132.15 |
Central 396.35 |
region |
nucleus 316.22 |
artery(-ies) |
anterior 400.35 |
body 316.24 |
anteromedial 204.3, 208.16 |
posterior 400.36 |
head 316.23 |
long 204.5 |
surface, articular (radius) |
tail of 316.25 |
posterolateral 206.27 |
38.17 |
process, liver 130.28 |
posteromedial 206.25 |
Carpometacarpal |
Caval lymph nodes, lateral 262.8 |
short 204.4 |
joint of thumb 64.10 |
Cavernae |
canal 274.12 |
ligaments |
corporis spongiosi 164.17 |
fovea 360.4 |
dorsal 64.8 |
corporum cavernosorum |
gray matter 292.11 |
palmar 64.9 |
164.16 |
intermediate 276.12 |
Carpus 40.1, 400.34 |
Cavernous |
lobule, cerebellum 288.20 |
Cartilaginous |
nerves |
lymph nodes 258.21, 264.3 |
joints 404.19 |
of clitoris 350.20 |
nervous system 272.12, |
lamina |
of penis 350.19 |
406.50 |
lateral 384.21 |
part of internal carotid 200.16 |
nucleus 274.24 |
medial 384.20 |
plexus of concha 136.17 |
lateral 298.28 |
nasal septum 134.30, |
sinus 200.22, 238.21 |
medial 298.29 |
136.5a |
veins 164.19 |
part of lateral ventricle 314.2 |
part |
Cavitas(-tes) |
retinal artery 202.2 |
of auditory tube 384.18 |
abdominalis 176.18 |
sulcus 306.16 |
of skeleton 402.37 |
articularis 404.34 |
of insula 308.30 |
Cartilago(-ines) |
conchalis 386.21 |
tegmental tract 294.26 |
alaris |
coronae 112.2 |
tendon 84.31 |
major 134.25 |
cranii 28.20a |
of perineum 174.4 |
minores 134.28 |
dentis (pulparis) 112.1 |
thalamic radiations 302.2, |
articularis 404.33 |
glenoidalis 34.20 |
318.20 |
arytenoidea 140.10 |
infraglottica 144.8 |
vein 132.5, 182.36 |
auricularis 386.10 |
laryngis 142.23 |
of retina 244.4 |
corniculata 140.28 |
intermedia 142.29a |
Centralis 396.35 |
costalis 6.6 |
medullaris 404.3 |
Centromedian nucleus 298.25 |
cricoidea 140.1 |
nasi (nasalis) 32.1, 136.1 |
Centrum |
cuneiformis 142.1 |
oris 108.2 |
ossificationis 404.8 |
epiglottica 142.6 |
propria 108.14 |
primarium 404.9 |
epiphysialis 402.49 |
pelvis (pelvica) 44.21a |
secondarium 404.10 |
laryngeales 138.13 |
pericardialis 184.7 |
tendineum 84.31 |
meatus acustici 386.5 |
peritonealis 176.19 |
perinei 174.4 |
424 Index
Cephalic |
vein 244.20 |
Ceruminous glands 394.16 |
Choroid |
1 |
accessory 244.22 |
Cervical |
branch of posterior inferior |
median 244.26 |
artery |
cerebellar |
2 |
Ceratocricoid |
ascending 210.20 |
artery 206.13 |
ligament 140.7a |
deep 212.4 |
fissure 314.9 |
muscle 142.16 |
transverse 210.22 |
glomus 272.7 |
3 |
Cerebellar |
branch of facial nerve 328.18 |
plexus 298.10 |
anterior lobe 288.18 |
canal 168.21 |
fourth ventricle 272.3, 288.6 |
4 |
artery |
enlargement 272.14 |
lateral ventricle 272.6, 314.11 |
anterior inferior 206.18 |
fascia 82.12 |
third ventricle 272.5 |
posterior inferior 206.12 |
ganglion |
vein |
5 |
superior 206.22 |
middle 352.5 |
inferior 240.29 |
cortex 290.13 |
superior 350.27 |
superior 242.3 |
fissure 288.13 |
glands 168.23 |
Choroidal |
6 |
fossa 8.34b |
lymph nodes |
artery, anterior 202.22 |
hemisphere 288.17 |
anterior 256.17 |
veins of eye 242.29 |
7 |
peduncles 290.23 |
inferior deep 258.7 |
Choroidea 356.13 |
inferior 280.2, 282.4, 290.24 |
lateral 258.1 |
Cilia 366.15, 392.5 |
middle 284.5, 290.25 |
nerves 334.14 |
Ciliary |
8 |
superior 290.26, 292.19 |
transverse 336.1 |
arteries |
sections 290.9 |
part |
anterior 202.9 |
9 |
veins 242.18 |
of esophagus 120.3 |
long posterior 202.7 |
precentral 242.23 |
of internal carotid 200.11 |
short posterior 202.6 |
Cerebellum 288.11 |
of thoracic duct 254.19 |
body 356.19 |
10 |
body 288.15 |
of trachea 144.18 |
folds 356.22 |
folia 288.12 |
plexus 334.22 |
ganglion 320.8, 352.29 |
nucleus 290.17 |
regions 398.22 |
glands (of Moll) 368.6 |
11 |
tonsil 288.38 |
rib 6.22 |
margin 358.3 |
vermis 288.16 |
segment of spinal cord 274.6 |
muscle 356.24 |
12 |
Cerebellomedullary cistern |
septum, intermediate 272.10 |
nerves |
270.5 |
veins |
long 322.3 |
Cerebral |
deep 234.12 |
short 320.10 |
13 |
aqueduct 292.20 |
transverse 238.7 |
processes 356.21 |
arterial circle 208.12 |
vertebrae 2.16 |
veins 244.1 |
14 |
artery |
Cervicothoracic ganglion 352.8 |
anterior 244.2 |
anterior 204.1, 208.14 |
Cervix |
zonule 362.24 |
middle 204.18, 208.17 |
dentis 110.20 |
Cingular branch, callosomarginal |
15 |
posterior 206.23, 208.24 |
posterior horn 276.5 |
artery 204.14 |
cortex 306.3, 316.2 |
uteri 168.15 |
Cingulate |
crus 290.29 |
vesicae 156.29 |
gyrus 310.3 |
16 |
fossa 8.34a |
Chambers of the eye 360.14a |
isthmus 310.4 |
gyri 306.4 |
anterior 360.15 |
sulcus 310.5 |
17 |
hemisphere 306.14 |
posterior 362.1 |
Cingulum 110.30, 316.15 |
lobes 306.6 |
vitreous 362.3 |
membri |
part of internal carotid 200.24 |
Cheek 108.12 |
inferioris (pelvicum) 42.2 |
18 |
peduncle 290.28 |
muscle 80.10 |
superioris (pectorale) 34.2 |
sulci 306.5 |
Chiasma |
Circle of Willis 208.12 |
19 |
surface 10.24, 16.23 |
opticum 296.32 |
Circular |
veins 240.9 |
tendinum 92.34 |
connection of vessels 406.16 |
anterior 240.23 |
Chiasmatic |
fibers 356.26 |
20 |
deep 240.21 |
branch, posterior communicat- |
folds, small intestine 122.29 |
middle 240.24 |
ing artery 208.19 |
layer |
great 242.1 |
cistern 270.7 |
of colon 126.7 |
21 |
inferior 240.16 |
Choanae 32.10, 136.3 |
of small intestine 122.25 |
internal 242.2 |
Choanal crest of vomer 20.30a |
of stomach 122.7 |
22 |
superficial 240.10 |
Chondrocranium 8.1a |
of tympanic membrane 380.32 |
middle 240.18 |
Chopart’s joint 70.16 |
sulcus of insula 308.31 |
superior 240.11 |
Chorda(-ae) |
Circulus |
23 |
Cerebrospinal fluid 270.3, |
obliqua 62.11 |
arteriosus 406.15 |
270.15 |
tendineae 186.4 |
cerebri 208.12 |
24 |
Cerebrum 306.2 |
tympani nerve 328.21 |
iridis |
arcuate fibers 316.14 |
canaliculus 12.24 |
major 358.15 |
lateral fossa 306.9 |
utero-ovarica 166.28 |
minor 358.16 |
25 |
longitudinal fissure 306.7 |
Choriocapillaris 356.17 |
vasculosus 406.16 |
transverse fissure 306.8 |
Choroid 356.13 |
nervi optici 360.7 |
Index 425
Circumanal glands 394.15 |
Coccygeal |
Colliculus 140.16 |
Circumferentia articularis |
plexus 346.25 |
facialis 286.24 |
(radius) 38.4 |
segment of spinal cord 274.10 |
inferior 292.14 |
(ulna) 38.33 |
Cochlea 376.18 |
seminalis 164.26 |
Circumflex |
apex 376.19 |
superior 292.15 |
branch of left coronary artery |
base 376.20 |
Collum |
192.21 |
Cochlear |
anatomicum (humerus) 36.4 |
scapular |
aqueduct 372.13 |
chirurgicum (humerus) 36.5 |
artery 212.22 |
branch of labyrinthine artery |
costae 6.11 |
vein 244.13a |
374.13 |
dentis 110.20 |
Circumvallate papillae 114.7 |
canaliculus 14.21 |
femoris 46.5 |
Cistern 406.17 |
external opening 14.22 |
fibulae 48.19 |
ambient 270.9 |
duct 372.15 |
glandis 164.4 |
Cisterna(-ae) 406.17 |
tympanic wall 372.18 |
lymph nodes 256.2 |
ambiens 270.9 |
ganglion 330.16 |
mallei 382.15 |
cerebellomedullaris 270.5 |
labyrinth 372.9 |
mandibulae 28.14 |
chiasmatica 270.7 |
nerve 330.3, 330.15 |
radii 38.5 |
chyli 254.22 |
area 378.10 |
scapulae 34.23 |
fossae lateralis cerebri 270.6 |
nuclei 282.16, 286.13 |
tali 50.5 |
interpeduncularis 270.8 |
anterior 282.17 |
vesicae biliaris 134.4 |
magna 270.5 |
posterior 282.18 |
Colon 124.25 |
pericallosa 270.10 |
recess 376.1 |
ascendens 124.26 |
pontocerebellaris 270.11 |
Cochleariform process 380.5 |
descendens 124.30 |
subarachnoideae 270.4 |
Colic |
sigmoideum 124.31 |
Claustrum 316.32 |
artery |
transversum 124.28 |
Clavicle (clavicula) 34.25 |
left 220.13 |
Columna(-ae) |
body (shaft) 34.29 |
marginal 220.11a |
anales 126.25 |
Clavicular |
middle 220.11 |
anterior 274.17 |
branch of axillary artery 212.15 |
right 220.10 |
autonomica 276.11 |
notch 6.25 |
branch of ileocolic artery 220.6 |
fornix 312.25 |
part of pectoralis major 84.4 |
flexure |
griseae 274.16 |
Clavipectoral |
left 124.29 |
interomediolateral 276.11 |
fascia 84.10 |
right 124.27 |
lateralis 276.9 |
triangle 398.36 |
impression 130.11 |
posterior 276.1 |
Clinical |
lymph nodes |
renales 154.36 |
crown of tooth 110.19 |
left 264.10 |
rugarum 170.13 |
root of tooth 110.23 |
middle 264.10 |
anterior 170.15 |
Clinoid process |
right 264.10 |
posterior 170.14 |
anterior 10.21 |
surface of spleen 268.7 |
thoracica 276.14 |
middle 10.7 |
vein |
vertebralis 2.1 |
posterior 10.10 |
left 248.34 |
Commissura |
Clitoris 172.4 |
middle 248.28 |
alba |
body 172.6 |
right 248.27 |
anterior 276.18 |
cavernous nerves of 350.20 |
Collar bone 34.25 |
posterior 276.18a |
corpus cavernosum 172.10 |
Collateral |
anterior 312.20, 318.30 |
crus 172.5 |
artery |
colliculorum |
dorsal nerve of 346.23 |
inferior ulnar 212.33 |
inferiorum 294.21 |
frenulum 172.8 |
middle 212.30 |
superiorum 294.24 |
glans 172.7 |
radial 212.31 |
epithalamica 296.8, 296.16 |
prepuce 172.9 |
superior ulnar 212.32 |
fornix 312.26 |
suspensory ligament 86.25 |
branch of posterior intercostal |
grisea anterior/posterior 276.16a |
Clival branch of internal carotid |
arteries 216.13 |
habenularum (habenularis) |
200.26 |
eminence 314.14 |
296.7, 296.13 |
Clivus 8.6a, 30.5 |
ligaments 64.17, 72.19, 72.23 |
labiorum 108.10 |
Clunial nerves |
fibular 68.12 |
anterior 170.27 |
inferior 344.15 |
of interphalangeal joints |
posterior 170.28, 232.8 |
medial 342.11 |
64.21 |
palpebralis |
superior 342.5 |
radial 62.6 |
lateralis 366.9 |
Coccygeal |
carpal 62.23 |
medialis 366.10 |
body 216.27 |
tibial 68.13 |
supraoptica |
bone 4.37 |
ulnar 62.5 |
dorsalis 304.12 |
cornu (horn) 4.38 |
carpal 62.22 |
ventralis 304.13 |
foveola 390.7 |
sulcus 310.18 |
Commissural |
muscles 88.1 |
trigone 314.15 |
neurofibers 318.34 |
nerve 342.7, 346.24 |
vessel 406.39 |
nucleus 282.19 |
426 Index
Common |
Communicating |
Convoluted |
1 |
annular tendon 364.9 |
ramus(-i) |
uriniferous tubules 154.23 |
basal vein 230.21, 232.8 |
to chorda tympani nerve |
Cor 184.10 |
2 |
bile duct 134.12 |
326.4 |
Coracoacromial ligament 60.13 |
carotid |
to hypoglossal nerve 326.3 |
Coracobrachial bursa 102.10 |
artery 194.6 |
with zygomatic nerve 320.22 |
Coracoclavicular ligament 60.19 |
3 |
plexus 352.2 |
Compact |
tuberosity for 34.31a |
digital nerves 338.15 |
bone 402.35 |
Coracohumeral ligament 60.31 |
4 |
hepatic artery 218.1 |
part of substantia nigra 292.8 |
Coracoid process 34.24 |
iliac |
Compages thoracis 6.35 |
Cords (brachial plexus) 336.18a |
artery 222.6 |
Companion vein of hypoglossal |
lateral 336.25 |
5 |
lymph nodes 264.15 |
nerve 234.30 |
medial 336.26 |
vein 248.37 |
Composite joint 404.24 |
posterior 336.27 |
integument 390.1 |
Concha(-ae) |
Corium 390.15 |
6 |
interosseous artery 214.19 |
auricularis 386.19 |
Cornea 356.1 |
membranous crus 370.29 |
cavity 386.21 |
Corneoscleral |
7 |
osseous crus 376.15 |
eminence 388.7 |
junction 354.26, 356.3 |
palmar |
nasalis |
part of trabecular meshwork |
digital arteries 214.28 |
inferior 20.17, 136.13 |
354.28 |
8 |
digital nerves 338.23 |
media 20.15, 136.12 |
Corniculate |
peroneal (fibular) nerve 344.18 |
superior 20.14, 136.11 |
cartilage 140.28 |
9 |
communicating branch |
suprema 20.13 |
tubercle 140.29, 142.9 |
344.20 |
sphenoidalis 10.18 |
Cornu |
plantar digital |
Conchal crest 22.20, 24.23 |
anterius 274.18, 314.4 |
10 |
arteries 228.25 |
Condylar |
coccygeus 4.38 |
nerves 346.10, 346.14 |
canal 8.15 |
frontale 314.4 |
sheath of flexor muscles 104.2 |
emissary vein 240.4 |
inferius 314.6 |
11 |
tendinous ring 364.9 |
fossa 8.17 |
(margo falciformis) 100.6 |
tendon sheath for peroneal |
joint 404.27 |
(thyroid) 138.23 |
12 |
muscles 106.15 |
process 28.12 |
laterale 276.10 |
Communicating |
Condylus(-i) |
majus 28.19 |
artery |
humeri 36.22 |
minor 28.18 |
13 |
anterior 204.6, 208.15 |
lateralis |
occipitale 314.5 |
posterior 208.18 |
(femur) 46.24 |
posterius 276.2, 314.5 |
14 |
branch(-es) 350.25, 408.11 |
(tibia) 46.30 |
sacrale 4.33 |
with auriculotemporal nerve |
medialis |
superius |
330.34 |
(femur) 46.21 |
(margo falciformis) 100.5 |
15 |
of auriculotemporal nerve |
(tibia) 46.29 |
(thyroid) 138.22 |
with facial nerve 324.28 |
occipitalis 8.14 |
temporale 314.6 |
with chorda tympani 330.35 |
Confluence of sinuses 238.10 |
uteri dextrum/sinistrum 168.9 |
16 |
with cochlear nerve 330.6 |
Confluens sinuum 238.10 |
Corona |
of facial nerve |
Conical papillae 114.5 |
ciliaris 356.20 |
17 |
with glossopharyngeal |
Conjoined tendon 86.21 |
clinica 110.19 |
nerve 328.11 |
Conjugate diameter (pelvis) 44.30 |
dentis 110.13 |
with tympanic plexus |
Conjunctival |
glandis 164.2 |
18 |
328.4 |
arteries |
radiata 318.29 |
with vagus nerve 328.5 |
anterior 202.10 |
Coronal 396.5 |
19 |
of glossopharyngeal nerve |
posterior 202.11 |
suture 54.2 |
with branch |
glands 368.8 |
Coronalis 396.5 |
of vagus nerve 330.25 |
ring 356.2 |
Coronary |
20 |
inferior laryngeal nerve |
sac 368.5 |
artery |
332.19 |
veins 244.7 |
left 192.16 |
with meningeal branch of |
Connective tissue capsule of |
right 192.7 |
21 |
mandibular nerve 330.33 |
spleen 268.14 |
groove 184.20 |
of nasociliary nerve with cil- |
Connexus intertendineus 90.16 |
ligament 178.21 |
22 |
iary ganglion 322.2 |
Conoid |
sinus 232.15 |
peroneal artery 228.14 |
ligament 60.21 |
opening 186.27a |
peroneal (fibular) nerve, |
tubercle 34.33 |
vein |
23 |
common 344.20 |
Conus |
left 232.16a |
with recurrent laryngeal |
arteriosus 188.8 |
right 232.20b |
24 |
nerve 332.13 |
elasticus 144.12 |
Coronoid |
spinal nerve 334.11 |
medullaris 272.16 |
fossa 36.26 |
to ulnar nerve 338.14, 340.9 |
Convoluted |
process |
25 |
of vagus nerve with glos- |
part of renal cortex 154.27 |
mandible 28.10 |
sopharyngeal nerve 332.6 |
seminiferous tubules 158.29 |
ulna 38.20 |
Index 427 |
Corpus(-ora) |
Corpus(-ora) |
Costal |
adiposum |
trapezoideum 286.14 |
notches 6.33 |
buccae 108.13 |
ulnae 38.24 |
part |
fossae ischioanalis 176.14 |
unguis 392.26 |
of diaphragm 84.27 |
infrapatellare 68.19 |
uteri 168.7 |
of parietal pleura 152.16 |
pararenale 154.13 |
vertebrae 2.3 |
pleura 152.17 |
prae-epiglotticum 138.26a |
vesicae 156.27 |
process 2.13 |
adiposum orbitae 364.23 |
biliaris 134.3 |
surface |
albicans 166.27 |
vitreum 362.4 |
of lung 148.10 |
amygdaloideum 318.1 |
Corpusculum(-a) |
of scapula 34.4 |
callosum 312.6 |
articularia 390.27 |
tubercle 6.14 |
radiation of 312.11, 316.19 |
lamellosa 390.23 |
articular facet 15 |
sulcus 310.2 |
bulboidea 390.22 |
Costocervical trunk 212.3 |
cavernosum |
genitalia 390.25 |
Costochondral joints 58.28 |
clitoridis 172.10 |
nervosa terminalia 390.21 |
Costoclavicular |
penis 164.8 |
renale 154.37 |
ligament 60.26 |
tunica albuginea 164.11 |
tactus 390.24 |
impression for 34.28 |
cerebelli 288.15 |
Cortex |
Costodiaphragmatic recess 152.20 |
ciliare 356.19 |
adrenal 182.37 |
Costomediastinal recess 152.21 |
claviculae (claviculare) 34.29 |
cerebellaris 290.13 |
Costotransverse |
clitoridis 172.6 |
cerebralis (pallium) 306.3, |
foramen 58.19 |
costae 6.13 |
316.2 |
joint 58.14 |
epididymidis 160.3 |
lentis 362.12 |
ligament 58.15 |
femoris 46.12 |
lymph node 254.26 |
lateral 58.17 |
fibulae 48.20 |
ovarii 166.16 |
superior 58.16 |
of fornix 312.23 |
renalis 154.26 |
Costovertebral joints 58.10 |
gastricum (ventriculare) |
thymi 182.27 |
Costoxiphoid ligaments 58.24 |
120.25 |
Cortical |
Cowper’s gland 162.24 |
geniculatum |
labyrinth 154.27 |
Coxa 402.3a |
laterale 296.28 |
lobules 154.29 |
Cranial 396.21 |
mediale 296.27 |
substance 402.34 |
arachnoid 270.1 |
humeri 36.11 |
Corticolobular fibers 292.2 |
bones 8.1 |
ilii 42.11 |
Corticomedial part of amyg- |
cavity 28.20a |
incudis 382.8 |
daloid body 318.4 |
dura mater 268.23 |
lingulae 112.29 |
Corticonuclear |
fontanelles 32.27 |
luteum 166.26 |
fibers 280.12, 284.11, 292.3 |
fossa |
Luysii 300.17 |
tract 318.12 |
anterior 30.2 |
mamillare 296.36 |
Corticopontine fibers 284.13, |
middle 30.3 |
mammae 394.20 |
292.4 |
posterior 30.4 |
mandibulae 26.12 |
Corticoreticular fibers 284.12, |
nerves 320.2, 408.1 |
maxillae 22.3 |
292.23, 318.17 |
nuclei 408.2 |
medullare 290.11 |
Corticorubral fibers 318.16 |
part of parasympathetic sys- |
metacarpale 40.19 |
Corticospinal |
tem 352.26a |
metatarsale 52.19 |
fibers 280.11, 284.10, 292.2, |
pia mater 272.1 |
neurale 408.19 |
318.15 |
roots of accessory nerve |
nuclei caudati 316.24 |
tract |
332.32 |
ossis |
anterior 276.22 |
synchondroses 56.1 |
hyoidea 28.17 |
lateral 276.28 |
Cranialis 396.21 |
ischii 44.2 |
Corticotectal fibers 318.24 |
Craniospinal ganglia 407.13 |
pubis 44.9 |
Corticothalamic fibers 318.18 |
Cranium 28.20 |
sphenoidalis 10.2 |
Costa(-ae) 6.2 |
internal base of 30.1 |
pancreatis 128.5 |
cervicalis 6.22 |
Cremasteric |
para-aortica 194.3 |
fluitantes 6.5 |
artery 224.25 |
penis 162.29 |
prima 6.17a |
fascia 160.29 |
phalangis |
secunda 6.20a |
Cribriform |
fingers 40.30 |
spuriae 6.4 |
fascia 100.7 |
toes 52.30 |
verae 6.3 |
foramina 20.2 |
pineale 182.22, 296.9, 296.17 |
Costal |
plate 20.2 |
radii 38.6 |
arch 6.39 |
Cricoarytenoid |
spongiosum penis 164.9 |
cartilage 6.6 |
joint 140.23 |
tunica albuginea 164.12 |
fovea |
articular capsule 140.24 |
sterni 6.31 |
inferior 2.26 |
ligament 140.25 |
striatum 316.21 |
superior 2.25 |
Cricoarytenoid muscle |
tali 50.6 |
transverse 2.27 |
lateral 142.17 |
tibiae (tibiale) 48.1 |
groove 6.17 |
posterior 142.15 |
428 Index
Cricoesophageal tendon 120.8 |
Crown |
Culmen 288.21 |
Cricoid |
of head 28.30 |
pulmonis sinistri 148.22a |
cartilage 140.1 |
pulp 112.6 |
Cumulus oophorus (ovifer) |
arch 140.2 |
of tooth 110.13 |
166.24 |
lamina 140.3 |
Cruces pilorum 392.19 |
Cuneate |
Cricopharyngeal ligament 140.26 |
Cruciate |
fasciculus 280.4, 280.16 |
Cricothyroid |
ligaments of knee 68.7 |
nucleus 280.17 |
branch of superior thyroid |
anterior 68.8 |
accessory 280.18 |
artery 194.14 |
posterior 68.9 |
tubercle 280.5 |
joint 140.6 |
part of fibrous sheath 92.29, |
Cuneiform |
capsule 140.7 |
100.24 |
bone |
ligament, median 140.8 |
Cruciate muscle 405.13 |
intermediate 52.10 |
Cricotracheal ligament 140.9 |
Cruciform |
lateral 52.11 |
Crista(-ae) |
eminence 8.28 |
medial 52.9 |
ampullaris 370.23 |
ligament of dens 58.5 |
cartilage 142.1 |
arcuata 140.15 |
longitudinal fasciculi 58.6 |
part of vomer 20.30b |
basilaris 374.5 |
Crural fascia 100.8 |
tubercle 142.2 |
capitis costae 6.10 |
Crus(-ra) 402.12 |
Cuneocuboid |
choanalis vomeris 20.30a |
anterius capsulae internae |
joint 70.17a |
colli costae 6.12 |
318.8 |
ligament |
conchalis 22.20, 24.23 |
anterius (stapes) 382.4 |
dorsal 70.26 |
cutis 390.4 |
anthelicis 386.17 |
interosseous 70.21 |
ethmoidalis 22.28, 24.24 |
breve (incus) 382.11 |
plantar 72.8 |
fenestrae cochleae 380.4 |
cerebri 290.29 |
Cuneometatarsal ligaments, in- |
frontalis 18.15 |
clitoridis 172.5 |
terosseous 72.12 |
galli 20.3 |
of conducting system of heart |
Cuneonavicular |
ala 20.4 |
186.12 |
joint 70.18 |
iliaca 42.15 |
dextrum 84.25 |
ligaments |
infratemporalis 10.32 |
of fornix 312.22 |
dorsal 70.31 |
intertrochanterica 46.11 |
helicis 386.12 |
plantar 72.5 |
lacrimalis |
laterale |
Cuneus 310.11 |
anterior 22.26 |
(alar cartilage) 134.27 |
Cupula 370.25 |
posterior 20.22 |
(inguinal ring) 86.16 |
cochlea 376.19 |
marginalis (tooth) 110.31 |
longum (incus) 382.9 |
pleurae 152.13 |
matricis unguis 392.22 |
mediale |
Cupular |
medialis 48.24 |
(alar cartilage) 134.26 |
cecum 372.16 |
musculi supinatoris 38.31 |
(inguinal ring) 86.15 |
part of epitympanic recess |
nasalis 24.2, 24.32 |
membranacea 370.26 |
378.18 |
obturatoria 44.16 |
ampullaria 370.28 |
Curvatura gastrica (ventricularis) |
occipitalis |
commune 370.29 |
major 120.18 |
externa 8.24 |
simplex 370.27 |
minor 120.19 |
interna 8.30 |
osseum(-a) 376.14 |
Cusp of tooth 110.14 |
palatina 24.33 |
ampullaria 376.17 |
Cuspis |
pubica 44.12 |
commune 376.15 |
anterior |
sacralis |
simplex 376.16 |
atrioventricular valve 188.27 |
intermedia 4.31 |
penis 162.30 |
pulmonary valve 188.4 |
lateralis 4.32 |
posterius |
commissurales 188.28a |
mediana 4.29 |
capsulae internae 318.13 |
dentis 110.14 |
sphenoidalis 10.13 |
(stapes) 382.5 |
posterior |
spiralis 372.21 |
sinistrum 84.26 |
atrioventricular valve 188.28 |
supracondylaris |
Cryptae tonsillares 116.11, 116.29 |
pulmonary valve 188.5 |
lateralis 36.20 |
Cubital |
septalis 188.6 |
medialis 36.17 |
fossa 400.26 |
Cutaneous |
supramastoidea 16.17 |
lymph nodes 258.25 |
branch(-es) 408.6 |
supraventricularis 188.7 |
region |
anterior |
temporalis 28.10a |
anterior 400.24 |
femoral nerve 344.3 |
terminalis 186.17 |
posterior 400.25 |
iliohypogastric nerve |
transversa 378.8 |
vein, median 244.24 |
342.17 |
transversalis (tooth) 110.17 |
Cubitus 400.23 |
intercostal nerve 340.24 |
triangularis (tooth) 110.18 |
Cuboid |
lateral |
tuberculi |
bone 52.12 |
iliohypogastric nerve |
majoris 36.9 |
tuberosity 52.14 |
342.16 |
minoris 36.10 |
Cuboideonavicular ligament |
intercostal nerve 340.21 |
urethralis 164.25, 172.21 |
dorsal 70.27 |
medial, of the leg 344.6 |
vestibuli 374.24 |
plantar 72.6 |
obturator nerve 342.27 |
Index 429
Cutaneous |
Deep |
Deep |
branch(-es) |
branch |
vein(-s) 406.47 |
posterior, thoracic nerves |
plantar nerve 346.16 |
of clitoris 250.18 |
340.19 |
radial nerve 340.6 |
of penis 250.17 |
glands 394.9 |
superior gluteal artery |
Deferential plexus 350.15 |
layer of tympanic membrane |
222.21 |
Deltoid |
380.29 |
transverse cervical artery |
branch |
muscle 405.16 |
210.24 |
axillary artery 212.16 |
nerve |
ulnar nerve 338.25 |
brachial artery 212.29 |
intermediate dorsal 344.24 |
cerebral veins 240.21 |
fascia 92.16 |
lateral |
cervical |
ligament, talocrural joint 70.2 |
antebrachial 338.3 |
artery 212.4 |
region 400.19 |
brachial 340.3 |
vein 234.13 |
tuberosity 36.21 |
dorsal 346.6 |
circumflex iliac |
Deltopectoral lymph nodes 258.23 |
femoral 342.24 |
artery 224.27 |
Dendrite 408.21 |
sural 344.19 |
vein 250.25 |
Dendritum 408.21 |
medial |
dorsal |
Dens(-tes) 110.12 |
antebrachial 338.5 |
sacrococcygeal ligament |
acustici 372.27 |
brachial 338.4 |
56.23 |
apex 4.13 |
dorsal 344.23 |
vein |
articular surface |
sural 346.4 |
of clitoris 250.12 |
anterior 4.14 |
perforating 344.16a |
of penis 250.11 |
posterior 4.15 |
posterior |
facial vein 236.14 |
axis 4.12 |
antebrachial 340.4 |
fascia 405.26b |
canini 112.21 |
brachial 340.2 |
of penis 164.21 |
decidui 112.25 |
femoral 344.14 |
head of flexor pollicis brevis |
incisivi 112.20 |
superior lateral brachial |
92.4 |
molares 112.23 |
340.14 |
infrapatellar bursa 104.22 |
permanentes 112.26 |
vein 406.45 |
inguinal |
premolares 112.22 |
Cuticle 394.4 |
lymph nodes 266.18 |
serotinus 112.24 |
Cutis 390.2 |
ring 86.29 |
Dental |
Cymba conchalis 386.20 |
lamina of levator tendon |
alveoli 24.10, 26.28 |
Cystic |
364.16 |
arch |
artery 218.5 |
layer, temporal fascia 80.22 |
inferior 112.19 |
duct 134.10 |
lingual |
superior 112.18 |
node 262.30 |
artery 196.5 |
branches (rami) |
vein 248.15 |
vein 234.32 |
anterior superior alveolar ar- |
lymph nodes 256.19, 258.28 |
teries 200.3 |
superior 258.3 |
inferior alveolar artery 198.13 |
D |
lymphatic vessel 254.8 |
posterior superior alveolar |
Dartos muscle 166.4 |
middle cerebral vein 240.24 |
artery 198.28 |
Darwin’s tubercle 386.26 |
palmar |
fovea of atlas 4.5 |
Decidua |
arch 214.11 |
papilla 112.8 |
basalis 172.26 |
branch, ulnar artery 214.26 |
plexus |
capsularis 172.25 |
venous arch 244.32 |
inferior 326.11 |
parietalis 172.24 |
parotid lymph nodes 256.6 |
superior 324.6 |
Decidual membranes 172.23 |
part |
tubercle 110.16 |
Deciduous teeth 112.25 |
of external anal sphincter |
Dentate |
Declive 288.26 |
174.17 |
gyrus 310.13 |
Decussatio(-nes) |
of masseter muscle 80.14 |
nucleus 290.18 |
lemniscorum medialum 280.20 |
of parotid gland 110.9 |
hilum 290.19 |
pedunculorum cerebellarium |
perineal space 176.2 |
suture 404.15 |
superiorum 294.8 |
peroneal (fibular) nerve 344.26 |
Dentatorubral fibers 294.9 |
pyramidum 278.20, 280.13 |
petrosal |
Dentatothalamic tract 302.4 |
tegmenti (tegmentales) 294.7 |
nerve 328.25 |
Denticulate ligament 272.9 |
trochlearis 25, 294, 320.14 |
plantar |
Dentine (dentinum) 112.9 |
Deep 396.32 |
arch 228.22 |
Dermal ridges 390.4 |
artery |
artery 228.7 |
Dermis 390.15 |
of clitoris 224.18 |
popliteal lymph nodes 266.20 |
Descemet’s membrane 356.10 |
of penis 224.16 |
temporal |
Descending |
auricular artery 198.10 |
nerves 324.16 |
aorta 216.1 |
branch |
veins 236.25 |
branch |
medial circumflex femoral |
transverse |
lateral circumflex femoral |
artery 226.4 |
metacarpal ligament 64.19 |
artery 226.10 |
medial plantar artery 228.19 |
metatarsal ligament 72.21 |
medial circumflex femoral |
artery 226.6 |
430 Index
Descending |
Digital |
Dorsal |
1 |
branch |
veins |
cuneonavicular ligaments 70.31 |
occipital artery 196.21 |
palmar 244.31 |
digital |
2 |
transverse cervical artery |
plantar 252.26 |
arteries 214.8, 228.6 |
210.23b |
Digits 40.23, 400.43 |
nerves |
colon 124.30 |
Digitus(-i) 400.43, 402.25 |
of foot 344.25 |
3 |
genicular artery 226.1a |
anularis 400.47 |
of hand 338.20, 340.10 |
palatine artery 200.5 |
medius 400.46 |
of lateral surface of great |
4 |
part of duodenum 124.4 |
minimus 400.48, 402.28 |
toe 344.28 |
Descensus testis 162.7 |
primus 400.44, 402.26 |
of medial surface of sec- |
Desmodontium 112.15 |
quartus 400.47, 402.27 |
ond toe 344.28 |
5 |
Detrusor muscle of bladder 158.4 |
quintus 400.48, 402.28 |
veins of foot 252.19 |
Dexter 396.7 |
secundus 400.45, 402.27 |
hypothalamic |
Diagonal stria of Broca 312.3 |
tertius 400.46, 402.27 |
nucleus 304.3 |
6 |
Diameter (pelvis) |
Dilator muscle 405.11a |
region 302.14 |
conjugata 44.30 |
Diploë 28.23 |
intercarpal ligaments 62.24 |
7 |
obliqua 44.32 |
Diploic |
lateral nucleus 300.3 |
transversa 44.31 |
branch 202.13a |
ligaments of tarsus 70.23 |
Diaphragm 84.23 |
canals 28.24 |
lingual vein 234.29 |
8 |
urogenitale 176.1 |
veins 238.24 |
longitudinal fasciculus 304.14 |
Diaphragma |
anterior temporal 238.26 |
medial nucleus 298.22 |
9 |
pelvis 174.5 |
frontal 238.25 |
mesentery 178.1 |
sellae 268.28 |
occipital 238.28 |
metacarpal |
Diaphragmatic |
posterior temporal 238.27 |
arteries 214.7 |
10 |
part of parietal pleura 152.18 |
Discus |
ligaments 64.12 |
pleura 152.18 |
articularis 60.3, 60.18, 60.23, |
veins 244.33 |
surface |
62.13, 404.35 |
metatarsal |
11 |
of heart 184.13 |
interpubicus 66.18 |
ligaments 72.15 |
of liver 128.23 |
intervertebralis 56.10 |
veins 252.20 |
12 |
of lung 148.15 |
nervi optici 360.1 |
muscles 74.1 |
of spleen 268.3 |
Distal 396.34 |
nasal artery 202.21 |
Diaphysis 402.47 |
end of phalanx 40.31 |
nerve |
13 |
Diastema 112.27 |
phalanx |
of the clitoris 346.23 |
Diencephalon 296.2 |
fingers 40.27 |
of the penis 346.22 |
14 |
Digastric |
toes 52.27 |
pancreatic artery 218.27 |
branch of facial nerve 328.9 |
tuberosity 40.28, 52.28 |
radiocarpal ligament 62.18 |
fossa 26.20 |
radioulnar joint 62.12 |
regions 400.8 |
15 |
triangle 398.24 |
surface, tooth 110.29 |
root 334.6 |
Digestive |
Distalis 396.34 |
ganglion 334.7 |
system 108.1 |
Diverticula ampullae 160.15 |
sacrococcygeus muscle 88.4 |
16 |
tract 120.1 |
Divisiones |
sacroiliac ligaments 66.14 |
Digital |
anteriores 336.17 |
scapular |
17 |
arteries |
posteriores 336.18 |
artery 210.24, 210.24a |
common |
Dorsal 396.16 |
nerve 336.20 |
palmar 214.28 |
artery |
vein 244.11 |
18 |
plantar 228.25 |
of clitoris 224.19 |
side of finger 400.50 |
dorsal 214.8 |
of penis 224.17 |
supraoptic commissure 304.12 |
19 |
proper |
branch(-es) |
surface |
palmar 214.28 |
abdominal aorta 216.23 |
of sacrum 4.28 |
plantar 228.26 |
azygos vein 246.14 |
of toe 402.28b |
20 |
impressions 30.6 |
to corpus callosum, medial |
tarsal arteries 228.5 |
nerves |
occipital artery 208.7 |
tarsometatarsal ligaments |
common 338.15 |
great auricular nerve 334.29 |
72.10 |
21 |
palmar 338.23 |
posterior intercostal arteries |
thalamus 296.20 |
plantar 346.10, 346.14 |
212.7, 216.9, 216.17 |
tubercle 38.15 |
22 |
dorsal |
spinal nerve 334.10, 334.15 |
vagal nucleus 282.7 |
of the foot 344.25 |
ulnar nerve 338.19 |
vein of corpus callosum 242.12 |
of hand 338.20, 340.10 |
calcaneocuboid ligament 70.31a |
venous |
23 |
of lateral surface of great |
carpal |
arch of foot 252.18 |
toe 344.28 |
branch |
network of foot 252.17 |
24 |
of medial surface of sec- |
radial artery 214.5 |
plexus of hand 244.28 |
ond toe 344.28 |
ulnar artery 214.25 |
Dorsalis 396.16 |
proper |
network 214.6 |
Dorsolateral tract 278.5 |
25 |
palmar 338.16 |
carpometacarpal ligaments |
Dorsomedial hypothalamic nu- |
plantar 346.11, 346.15 |
64.8 |
cleus 304.2 |
Index 431 |
Dorsum |
Ductus(-i) |
Eminentia |
linguae 112.31 |
submandibularis 110.6 |
conchae 388.7 |
manus 400.38 |
sudorifer 394.13 |
cruciformis 8.28 |
nasi 134.20 |
thoracicus 254.17 |
fossae triangularis 388.9 |
pedis 402.19 |
dexter 254.16 |
frontalis 18.4 |
penis 162.31 |
thyroglossalis 114.13 |
hypothenaris 400.41 |
sellae 10.9 |
utriculosaccularis 370.9 |
iliopubica (iliopectinea) 44.14 |
of tongue 112.31 |
venosus 248.9 |
intercondylaris 46.34 |
Ductulus(-i) |
Duodenal |
maxillaris 22.17 |
aberrantes 160.7 |
branches |
medialis 286.23 |
inferior 160.9 |
anterior superior pancreati- |
orbitalis 26.6a |
superior 160.8 |
coduodenal |
pyramidalis 380.13 |
alveolares 152.3 |
artery 218.24 |
scaphae 388.8 |
biliferi 132.7 |
posterior superior pancreati- |
thenaris 400.40 |
efferentes testis 158.32 |
coduodenal |
Emissary |
excretorii 368.13 |
artery 218.17 |
veins 240.1, 406.46 |
interlobulares 132.6 |
flexure |
condylar 240.4 |
prostatici 162.21 |
inferior 124.8 |
mastoid 240.3 |
transversi epoophorontis |
superior 124.7 |
occipital 240.5 |
170.19 |
fold |
parietal 240.2 |
Ductus(-i) |
inferior 178.30 |
Enamel (enamelum) 112.10 |
arteriosus 192.1 |
superior 178.28 |
Encephalon 278.14 |
choledochus (biliaris) 134.12 |
glands 124.14 |
End bulbs of Krause 390.22 |
cochlearis 372.15 |
impression 130.10 |
Endocardium 186.13 |
cysticus 134.10 |
papilla |
Endocrine |
deferens 160.13 |
greater 124.12 |
glands 182.1 |
ampulla 160.14 |
lesser 124.13 |
pancreas 128.21 |
diverticula 160.15 |
recess |
Endolymph 370.4 |
vestigialis 170.22 |
inferior 178.31 |
Endolymphatic |
ejaculatorius 160.19 |
superior 178.29 |
duct 370.7 |
endolymphaticus 370.7 |
Duodenojejunal |
sac 370.8 |
epididymidis 160.6 |
flexure 124.9 |
Endomysium 405.25 |
epoophorontis longitudinalis |
fold 178.28 |
Endoneurium 407.3 |
170.18 |
Duodenomesocolic fold 178.30 |
Endopeduncular nucleus 294.6 |
excretorius (seminal vesicle) |
Duodenum 124.1 |
Endopelvic fascia 174.21 |
160.24 |
Dura mater |
Endosteum 402.33 |
glandula bulbourethralis |
cranial 268.23 |
Endothoracic fascia 152.8 |
162.25 |
spinal 268.31 |
Enteric plexus 350.3 |
hepaticus |
Dural sinuses 238.8 |
Ependyma 406.55 |
communis 132.8 |
Epicanthus 366.6 |
dexter 132.9 |
Epicondylus |
E |
sinister 132.12 |
lateralis |
incisivus 136.25 |
Ear |
(femur) 46.25 |
lactiferi 39.25 |
external 386.1 |
(humerus) 36.30 |
lobi caudati |
internal 370.2 |
medialis |
dexter 132.15 |
lobe 386.9 |
(femur) 46.22 |
sinister 132.16 |
middle 378.15 |
(humerus) 36.28 |
lymphaticus(-i) 254.15 |
Eardrum 380.21 |
Epidermis 390.9 |
dexter 254.16 |
Eccrine sweat glands 394.11 |
Epididymal branches of testicu- |
mesonephricus 172.32 |
Efferent |
lar artery 222.2a |
nasolacrimalis 368.23 |
ductules of testis 158.32 |
Epididymis 160.1 |
pancreaticus 128.17 |
glomerular arteriole 156.6 |
body 160.3 |
accessorius 128.19 |
lymphatic vessel 254.25 |
duct 160.6 |
paramesonephricus 172.33 |
nerve fibers 407.7 |
head 160.2 |
paraurethrales 164.36, |
Ejaculatory duct 160.19 |
inferior ligament 162.5 |
172.20 |
Elbow 400.23 |
lobules (cone) 160.5 |
parotideus 110.11 |
joint 62.1 |
sinus 162.6 |
reuniens 372.1 |
Ellipsoidal joint 404.27 |
superior ligament 162.4 |
semicirculares 370.11 |
Elliptical recess of vestibule |
tail 160.4 |
anterior 370.12 |
374.23 |
Epidural space 268.33 |
lateral 370.14 |
Emboliform nucleus 290.20 |
Epigastric |
posterior 370.13 |
Embryological terminology 172.22 |
artery |
sublingulis |
Eminentia |
inferior 224.21 |
major 110.3 |
arcuata 14.3 |
superficial 224.30 |
minor 110.4 |
collateralis 314.14 |
superior 210.12 |
432 Index
Epigastric |
Ethmoidal |
External |
fold 180.18 |
bulla 138.9 |
laryngeal nerve 332.11 |
lymph nodes, inferior 262.12 |
crest 22.28, 24.24 |
lip of iliac crest 42.16 |
region 400.3 |
foramina 18.25, 20.12 |
male genitalia 162.26 |
vein(-s) |
anterior 32.21 |
medullary laminae 296.23, |
inferior 250.24 |
posterior 32.22 |
298.23 |
superficial 252.4 |
infundibulum 20.8 |
nasal |
superior 234.15 |
labyrinth 20.6 |
branch(-es) |
Epigastrum 400.3 |
nerve |
of anterior ethmoidal |
Epiglottis 142.3 |
anterior 322.5 |
nerve 320.10 |
stalk 142.4 |
posterior 322.4 |
of infraorbital nerve |
Epimysium 405.23a |
process 20.20 |
324.10 |
Epineurium 407.5 |
sinus 138.5 |
veins 236.10 |
Epiphysial |
sulcus 20.27 |
nose 134.18 |
cartilage 402.49 |
veins 242.27 |
occipital |
line 404.1 |
Ethmoidolacrimal suture 54.21 |
crest 8.24 |
Epiphysis 296.9, 402.46 |
Ethmoidomaxillary suture 54.20 |
protuberance 8.22 |
Epiploic foramen 176.29 |
Eustachian tube 384.13 |
opening |
Episclera 354.31 |
Excavatio |
of acoustic canal 386.3 |
Episcleral |
disci 360.2 |
of cochlear canaliculus 14.22 |
arteries 202.12 |
rectouterina 180.31 |
of female urethra 172.14 |
space 364.22 |
rectovesicalis 180.33 |
of vestibular aqueduct 14.16 |
veins 244.5 |
vesicouterina 180.32 |
palatine vein 236.16 |
Epistropheus 4.11 |
Excretory duct(-s) |
pudendal |
Epithalamic commissure 296.8, |
of lacrimal glands 368.13 |
arteries 224.32 |
296.16 |
of seminal vesicle 160.24 |
veins 252.2 |
Epithalamus 296.3 |
Exocrine pancreas 128.15 |
pyramidal layer, cerebral cor- |
sections 296.10 |
Extensor 396.45 |
tex 316.5 |
Epithelium |
retinaculum 92.22 |
sheath, optic nerve 354.12 |
anterius, of cornea 356.7 |
inferior 100.13 |
spermatic fascia 160.27 |
ductus semicircularis 370.17 |
superius 100.11 |
spiral sulcus 372.29 |
folliculare 166.23 |
side of fingers 400.50 |
surface |
lentis 362.15 |
External 396.30a |
frontal bone 18.3 |
mucosae 405.41 |
abdominal oblique muscle |
parietal bone 16.27 |
pigmentosum (iris) 358.13 |
86.9 |
table (lamina) 28.22 |
posterius (cornea) 356.11 |
acoustic (auditory) meatus |
urethral orifice 164.33 |
Epitympanic recess (attic) 378.18 |
16.3, 386.2 |
wall of cochlear duct 374.4 |
Epo-ophoron 170.17 |
cartilaginous part 386.4 |
Externus 396.30a |
duct 170.18 |
hairs 392.7 |
Extracapsular ligaments 404.45 |
Eponychium 394.4 |
opening 16.4 |
Extraperitoneal |
Eptiglottic |
anal sphincter 126.31 |
fascia 176.21 |
cartilage 142.6 |
aperture, perilymphatic duct |
organ 176.22 |
tubercle 142.5 |
372.14 |
space 176.19a |
Equator 354.18 |
axis of eyeball 354.20 |
Extreme capsule 318.5 |
of lens 362.22 |
branch |
Extremitas |
Esophageal |
accessory nerve 332.36 |
acromialis 34.31 |
branches 352.15b |
superior laryngeal nerve |
anterior (spleen) 268.9 |
aorta 216.4 |
332.11 |
inferior (testis) 158.18 |
inferior thyroid artery 210.18 |
capsule 318.6 |
posterior (spleen) 268.8 |
left gastric artery 216.30 |
carotid |
sternalis 34.26 |
vagus nerve 332.17 |
artery 194.9 |
superior (testis) 158.17 |
glands 120.14 |
nerves 350.31 |
tubaria (tubalis) 166.12 |
hiatus 84.30 |
plexus 352.1 |
uterina 166.13 |
impression 130.8 |
ear 386.1 |
Eye 354.3 |
plexus 332.23, 348.7 |
filum terminale 268.32 |
accessory organs 364.1 |
veins 234.7, 246.5 |
granular layer, cerebral cortex |
muscles 364.2 |
Esophagus 120.2 |
316.4 |
Eyeball 354.15 |
Ethmoid |
iliac |
Eyebrow 366.1 |
bone 20.1 |
artery 224.20 |
hairs 392.4 |
notch 18.27 |
lymph nodes 264.21 |
Eyelashes 366.15, 392.5 |
Ethmoidal |
vein 250.23 |
Eyelids 366.2 |
air cells 20.7 |
intercostal |
lower 366.4 |
artery |
membrane 58.25, 84.16 |
upper 366.3 |
anterior 202.15 |
muscles 84.15 |
posterior 202.14 |
jugular vein 238.1 |
Index 433
F |
Facies |
Facies |
articularis |
lateralis |
Facial |
malleoli 48.12, 48.28 |
(fibula) 48.21 |
artery 196.7 |
navicularis (talus) 50.16 |
(ovary) 166.9 |
transverse 198.3 |
(patella) 48.34 |
(radius) 38.11 |
bones 22.1 |
posterior (axis) 4.15 |
(testis) 158.19 |
canal 12.22 |
sternalis (clavicle) 34.27 |
(tibia) 48.6 |
genu 12.23 |
superior |
(zygomatic bone) 26.2 |
colliculus 286.24 |
(atlas) 4.3 |
lingualis (tooth) 110.26 |
ganglion 328.20 |
(tibia) 46.28 |
lunata (acetabulum) 42.9 |
lymph nodes 256.10 |
talaris |
malleolaris |
muscles 78.5 |
anterior 52.1 |
lateralis (talus) 50.10 |
nerve 328.1 |
media 52.2 |
medialis (talus) 50.9 |
area 378.9 |
posterior 52.3 |
masticatoria dentis 110.24 |
genu 286.4, 328.2 |
(temporal bone) 16.21 |
maxillaris |
nucleus 286.3 |
thyroidea 140.5 |
(palatine bone) 24.18 |
sensory root 328.19 |
tuberculi costae (rib) 6.15 |
(sphenoid) 10.26 |
regions 398.14 |
auricularis (ilium) 4.22, 42.30 |
medialis |
vein 236.5 |
brachialis |
(arytenoid cartilage) 140.19 |
deep 236.14 |
anterior 400.21 |
(fibula) 48.22 |
Facies |
posterior 400.22 |
(hemispherii cerebri) 310.1 |
antebrachialis |
cerebralis 10.24, 16.23 |
(lung) 148.11 |
anterior 400.30 |
colica (spleen) 268.7 |
(ovary) 166.8 |
posterior 400.31 |
costalis |
(testis) 158.19 |
anterior |
(lung) 148.10 |
(tibia) 48.3 |
(adrenal gland) 182.30 |
(scapula) 34.4 |
(ulna) 38.27 |
(cornea) 356.5 |
cruralis |
mediastinalis (lung) 148.13 |
(iris) 358.4 |
anterior 402.13 |
mesialis (tooth) 110.28 |
(kidney) 154.8 |
posterior 402.14 |
nasalis 24.17 |
(lens) 362.19 |
cubitalis |
(maxilla) 22.18 |
(maxilla) 22.8 |
anterior 400.24 |
(palatine bone) 24.17 |
palpebralis 366.5 |
posterior 400.25 |
occlusalis dentis 110.24 |
(pancreas) 128.6 |
diaphragmatica |
orbitalis |
partis petrosae 14.1 |
(heart) 184.13 |
(frontal bone) 18.22 |
(patella) 48.35 |
(liver) 128.23 |
(maxilla) 22.4 |
(prostate) 162.13 |
(lung) 148.15 |
(sphenoid) 10.27 |
(radius) 38.10 |
(spleen) 268.3 |
(zygomatic bone) 26.4 |
(scapula) 34.4 |
digitalis(-es) |
palatini 24.29 |
(ulna) 38.26 |
dorsales 400.50, 402.28b |
patellaris (femur) 46.26 |
anterolateralis |
plantaris 28a |
pelvica (sacrum) 4.24 |
(arytenoid cartilage) 140.13 |
ventrales 400.49 |
poplitea (femur) 46.20 |
(humerus) 36.13 |
distalis (tooth) 110.29 |
posterior |
anteromedialis (humerus) |
dorsalis ossis sacri 4.28 |
(adrenal gland) 182.31 |
36.12 |
externa |
(arytenoid cartilage) 140.20 |
approximalis (tooth) 110.27 |
(frontal bone) 18.3 |
(cornea) 356.6 |
articularis 404.2 |
(parietal bone) 16.27 |
(fibula) 48.23 |
acromii |
facilis dentis 110.25 |
(humerus) 36.14 |
(clavicle) 34.32 |
femoralis |
(iris) 358.5 |
(scapula) 34.11 |
anterior 402.5 |
(kidney) 154.9 |
anterior (axis) 4.14 |
posterior 402.7 |
(lens) 362.20 |
(arytenoid cartilage) 140.11 |
gastrica (spleen) 268.6 |
palpebralis 366.7 |
arytenoidea 140.4 |
glutealis (ilium) 42.25 |
(pancreas) 128.7 |
calcanea |
inferior |
partis petrosae 14.11 |
anterior 50.15 |
hemispherii cerebri 310.1 |
(prostate) 162.14 |
media 50.14 |
linguae 112.34 |
(radius) 38.9 |
posterior 50.12 |
(pancreas) 128.8 |
(scapula) 34.6 |
capitis |
partis petrosae 14.23 |
(tibia) 48.4 |
costae (rib) 6.9 |
inferolateralis 162.15 |
(ulna) 38.25 |
fibulae 48.17 |
infratemporalis (maxilla) 22.14 |
pulmonalis (heart) 184.14 |
carpalis (radius) 38.17 |
interlobaris (lung) 148.16 |
renalis |
cuboidea 52.6 |
interna |
(adrenal gland) 182.32 |
fibularis 46.31 |
(frontal bone) 18.14 |
(spleen) 268.5 |
inferior |
(parietal bone) 16.25 |
sacropelvina (ilium) 42.29 |
(atlas) 4.4 |
intervertebralis 2.3a |
sternocostalis (heart) 184.12 |
(tibia) 48.14 |
intestinalis (uterus) 168.11 |
superior (talus) 50.8 |
434 Index
Facies |
Fascia(-ae) |
Female pudendum 170.24 |
superolateralis hemispherii |
penis |
Femoral |
306.15 |
profunda 164.21 |
artery 224.29 |
symphysialis (pubis) 44.11 |
superficialis 164.20 |
lateral circumflex 226.8 |
temporalis |
perinei superficialis 176.12 |
medial circumflex 226.3 |
(frontal bone) 18.10 |
peritoneoperinealis 174.23 |
branch of genitofemoral nerve |
(sphenoid) 10.25 |
pharyngobasilaris 118.15 |
342.23 |
(temporal bone) 16.14 |
phrenicopleuralis 152.10 |
canal 98.24 |
(zygomatic bone) 26.3 |
profundus 405.26b |
cutaneous nerve |
urethralis (penis) 162.32 |
prostatae 174.22 |
lateral 342.24 |
vesicalis (uterus) 168.13 |
renalis 154.12 |
posterior 344.14 |
vestibularis dentis 110.25 |
retinens rostralis 178.27 |
nerve 344.1 |
visceralis |
spermatica |
plexus 350.8 |
(liver) 130.1 |
externa 160.27 |
ring 100.1 |
(spleen) 268.4 |
interna 160.30 |
septum 100.2 |
Falciform |
superficialis 405.26a |
triangle 98.23, 402.6 |
ligament of liver 178.22 |
temporalis 80.21 |
veins 252.1 |
margin 100.4 |
thoracica 84.22 |
lateral circumflex 252.11 |
process 66.7 |
thoracolumbalis 76.20 |
medial circumflex 252.10 |
Fallopian tube 166.29 |
transversalis 86.28 |
Femur 46.2, 402.4 |
False ribs 6.4 |
Fasciculus(-i) |
head 46.3 |
Falx |
atrioventricularis 186.10 |
ligament of 66.28 |
cerebelli 268.27 |
brachial plexus 336.18a |
pit (fovea) 46.4 |
cerebri 268.24 |
cuneatus 278.13, 280.4, 280.16 |
neck 46.5 |
inguinalis 86.21 |
gracilis 278.12, 280.6, 280.14 |
shaft 46.12 |
septi 188.22 |
hypothalamici 304.10 |
Fenestra |
Fascia(-ae) 405.26 |
interfascicularis 278.11 |
cochleae (rotunda) 380.1 |
antebrachii 92.20 |
lateralis 336.25 |
vestibuli (ovalis) 378.23 |
axillaris 92.15 |
lenticularis 302.9 |
Fetal part of placenta 172.29 |
brachii (brachialis) 92.17 |
longitudinalis(-es) |
Fibrae |
buccopharyngea 80.18, |
(cruciform ligament) 58.6 |
arcuatae |
118.34a |
dorsalis 304.14 |
cerebri 316.14 |
bulbi 364.21 |
inferior 316.17 |
externae |
cervicalis 82.12 |
medialis 280.23, 284.19, |
anteriores 278.24, 282.23 |
clavipectoralis 84.10 |
292.24 |
posteriores 282.24 |
clitoridis 172.12 |
posterior 280.24, 284.20, |
internae 280.19 |
cremasterica 160.29 |
292.25 |
circulares 356.26 |
cribrosa 100.7 |
superior 316.16 |
corticonucleares 280.12, |
cruris 100.8 |
mamillothalamicus 302.7, |
284.11, 292.3 |
deltoidea 92.16 |
304.16 |
corticopontinae 284.13, 292.4 |
diaphragmatis |
mamillotegmentalis 304.15 |
corticoreticulares 284.12, |
pelvis |
medialis 336.26 |
292.23, 318.17 |
inferior 174.29 |
parieto-occipitopontinus |
corticorubrales 318.16 |
superior 174.26 |
318.28 |
corticospinales 280.11, 284.10, |
urogenitalis |
peduncularis 302.10 |
292.2, 318.15 |
inferior 176.6 |
posterior 336.27 |
corticotectales 318.24 |
superior 176.5 |
proprii |
corticothalamicae 318.18 |
dorsalis |
anteriores 276.20 |
dentatorubrales 294.9 |
manus 92.21 |
laterales 276.27 |
frontopontinae 292.6 |
pedis 100.16 |
posteriores 278.8 |
intercrurales 86.17 |
endopelvina 174.21 |
prosencephalicus |
intrathalamicae 302.11 |
endothoracica 152.8 |
medialis 304.19 |
lentis 362.14 |
extraperitonealis 176.21 |
pyramidalis 280.10 |
longitudinales 356.25 |
iliaca 98.19 |
septomarginalis 278.10 |
meridionales 356.25 |
lata femoris 98.13 |
subthalamicus 302.6 |
obliquae (stomach) 122.9 |
masseterica 80.19 |
sulcomarginalis 276.21 |
paraventriculares 304.22 |
musculares 364.20 |
thalamicus(-i) 300.21, 302.5 |
parietotemporopontinae 292.5 |
nuchae 76.21 |
transversi 92.25, 100.18 |
periventriculares 302.12, |
obturatoria 174.20 |
uncinatus 316.18 |
304.11 |
orbitales 364.17 |
Fastigial nucleus 290.22 |
pontis |
parotidea 80.20 |
Fat pad, infrapatellar 68.19 |
longitudinales 284.9 |
pectoralis 84.9 |
Fatty capsule 154.14 |
transversae 284.14 |
pelvis 174.18 |
Fauces 116.2 |
pontocerebellares 284.15 |
parietalis 174.19 |
isthmus 116.3 |
radiales 356.27 |
visceralis 174.21 |
muscles of 116.17 |
striae terminalis 304.18 |
Index 435 |
Fibrae |
Fissura |
Folliculus(-i) |
supraopticae 304.21 |
cerebelli 288.13 |
ovarici |
temporopontinae 318.25 |
choroidea 314.9 |
primarii 166.18 |
thalamoparietales 318.19 |
horizontalis |
vesiculosi 166.19 |
zonulares 362.25 |
(cerebellum) 288.34 |
pili 392.11 |
Fibroelastic membrane of larynx |
(pulmonis dextri) 148.27 |
Fonticulus(-i) |
144.9 |
ligamenti |
anterior 32.28 |
Fibrous |
teretis 130.3 |
cranii 32.27 |
capsule 154.15 |
venosi 128.31 |
mastoideus (posterolateralis) |
of thyroid gland 182.7 |
limitans 306.13 |
32.31 |
joints 404.12 |
longitudinalis |
posterior 32.29 |
layer, tendon sheath 405.19 |
cerebralis 306.7 |
sphenoidalis (anterolateral) |
membrane 404.39 |
mediana anterior 272.19, |
32.30 |
pericardium 184.2 |
278.18 |
Foot 402.17 |
ring 186.6 |
obliqua (lung) 148.26 |
dorsal digital nerves 344.25 |
sheaths |
orbitalis |
dorsum 402.19 |
of digits of foot 100.22 |
inferior 32.24 |
joints 70.11, 72.22 |
of fingers 92.27 |
superior 10.22, 32.23 |
lateral margin 402.21 |
trigone 186.5 |
petro-occipitalis 30.20 |
medial margin 402.22 |
tunic of eyeball 354.23 |
petrosquamosa 14.32 |
plantar surface 402.20 |
Fibula 48.15 |
petrotympanica 14.31 |
Foramen(-ina) |
articular facet for 46.31 |
posterolateralis 288.39 |
alveolaria 22.15 |
head 48.16 |
prima 288.24 |
apicis radicis dentalis 112.4 |
anterior ligament 68.21 |
pterygomaxillaris 30.15 |
caecum (cecum) 18.17 |
apex 48.18 |
secunda 288.30 |
linguae 114.12 |
posterior ligament 68.22 |
sphenopetrosa 30.19 |
costotransversarium 58.19 |
neck 48.19 |
telodiencephalica 306.8 |
cribrosa 20.2 |
shaft 48.20 |
transversa cerebralis 306.8 |
epiploicum 176.29 |
Fibular 396.39 |
tympanomastoidea 14.34 |
ethmoidale 18.25, 20.12 |
artery 228.12 |
tympanosquamosa 14.33 |
anterius 32.21 |
circumflex branch, posterior ti- |
Flat |
posterius 32.22 |
bial artery 228.9 |
bone 402.43 |
frontale 18.9 |
collateral ligament 68.12 |
suture 404.17 |
incisivum 24.14, 30.26 |
margin of foot 402.21 |
Flexor 396.44 |
infraorbitale 22.9 |
nerve 344.18 |
retinaculum 92.26, 100.12 |
interventriculare 298.3, 314.3 |
communicating branch |
side of fingers 400.49 |
intervertebrale 2.7, 4.26 |
344.20 |
Flexura(-ae) |
jugulare 30.18 |
deep 344.26 |
coli |
lacerum 30.21 |
superficial 344.21 |
dextra 124.27 |
of Luschka 288.10 |
node 266.23 |
sinistra 124.29 |
of Magendie 288.9 |
notch 48.13 |
duodeni |
magnum 8.3 |
retinaculum |
inferior 124.8 |
mandibulae 28.6 |
inferior 100.15 |
superior 124.7 |
mastoideum 12.21 |
superior 100.14 |
duodenojejunalis 124.9 |
mentale 26.18 |
veins 252.22 |
perinealis 126.15 |
nasalia 20.27a |
Fibularis 396.39 |
sacralis 126.14 |
nervosa 372.22 |
Fila radicularia 334.4 |
Floating ribs 6.5 |
nutriens 404.6 |
Filiform papillae 114.4 |
Flocculonodular lobe 290.1 |
obturatum (obturatorium) 42.4 |
Filum terminale 272.17 |
Flocculus 290.3 |
omentale 176.29 |
externum 268.32 |
peduncle 290.4 |
ovale 10.34, 186.21 |
internum (piale) 272.11 |
Flumina pilorum 392.17 |
valve 188.22 |
Fimbria(-ae) 314.19 |
Foliate papilla 114.9 |
palatine minora 24.30 |
ovarica 166.33 |
Folium(-a) |
palatinum majus 30.23 |
tubae 166.32 |
cerebelli 288.12 |
papillaria 154.35 |
Fimbriated fold 112.35 |
of vermis 288.27 |
parietale 16.39 |
Fingers 40.23, 400.43 |
Follicular epithelium 166.23 |
petrosum 10.37 |
fibrous sheaths 92.27 |
Folliculus(-i) |
rotundum 10.33 |
index 400.45 |
linguales 114.15 |
sacralia |
little 400.48 |
lymphatici 406.22 |
anteriora (pelvica) 4.27 |
middle 400.46 |
aggregati 122.33 |
posteriora 4.30 |
ring 400.47 |
appendicis vermiformis |
sciaticum (ischiadicum) |
synovial sheaths 92.30 |
124.24 |
majus 66.9 |
First rib 6.17a |
gastrici 122.19 |
minus 66.10 |
Fissura |
solitarii 122.32 |
singulare 378.14 |
antitragohelicina 388.3 |
splenici (lienales) 268.20 |
sphenopalatinum 32.11 |
436 Index
Foramen(-ina) |
Fossa(-ae) |
Foveola(-ae) 360.5 |
1 |
spinosum 10.36 |
intercondylaris 46.18 |
coccygea 390.7 |
stylomastoideum 14.27 |
interpeduncularis 290.32 |
gastricae 122.16 |
2 |
supraorbitale 18.8 |
ischioanalis 176.13 |
granulares 28.27 |
thyroideum 138.24 |
jugularis 14.24 |
suprameatica (suprameatalis) |
transversarium 2.18 |
lateralis cerebralis 306.9 |
16.18 |
3 |
venae cavae 84.32 |
malleoli lateralis 48.30 |
Free margin |
venarum minimarum 186.28 |
mandibularis 16.20 |
nail 394.2 |
4 |
venosum 10.35 |
navicularis urethrae 164.31 |
ovary 166.10 |
vertebrale 2.10 |
olecrani 36.25 |
Frenulum(-a) |
zygomatico-orbitale 26.8 |
ovalis 186.19 |
of clitoris 172.8 |
5 |
zygomaticofaciale 26.9 |
ovarica 180.29 |
labii |
zygomaticotemporale 26.10 |
paravesicalis 180.21 |
inferioris 108.21 |
Foraminal node 262.31 |
poplitea 402.11 |
superioris 108.20 |
6 |
Foraminous spiral tract 378.11 |
pterygoidea 12.5 |
labiorum pudendi 170.31 |
Forceps |
pterygopalatina 30.14 |
linguae 114.2 |
7 |
frontalis 312.12 |
radialis 36.27 |
preputii 164.6 |
major 312.14 |
rhomboidea 286.20 |
valvae ilealis 124.21 |
minor 312.12 |
sacci lacrimalis 20.25, 32.22b |
veli medullaris superioris |
8 |
occipitalis 312.13 |
scaphoid 12.6 |
288.3 |
Forearm 400.29 |
subarcuata 14.14 |
Frons 28.33 |
9 |
Forebrain 296.1 |
subscapularis 34.5 |
Frontal 396.17 |
Forehead 28.33 |
supraclavicularis |
angle 16.35 |
Formatio reticularis 276.16, |
major 398.31 |
bone 18.1 |
10 |
280.27, 284.23, 292.22, 406.53 |
minor 398.29 |
external surface 18.3 |
Fornix 304.17, 312.21 |
supraspinata (supraspinosa) |
nasal part 18.18 |
body of 312.23 |
34.8 |
orbital part 18.21 |
11 |
conjunctivae |
supratonsillaris 116.16 |
squama 18.2 |
inferior 368.4 |
supravesicalis 180.14 |
zygomatic process 18.13 |
12 |
superior 368.3 |
temporalis 30.11 |
border |
crus of 312.22 |
tonsillaris 116.15 |
parietal bone 16.34 |
gastricus (ventricularis) |
triangularis 386.16 |
sphenoid 10.29 |
13 |
120.23a |
trochanterica 46.7 |
branch |
of lacrimal sac 368.22 |
vesicae biliaris 130.2 |
superficial temporal artery |
14 |
pharyngis 116.25 |
vestibuli vaginae 170.33 |
198.7 |
sacci lacrimalis 368.22 |
Fossula(-ae) |
superior tympanic artery |
of stomach 120.23a |
fenestrae cochleae 380.3 |
198.20 |
15 |
vaginae 170.2 |
fenestrae vestibuli 378.24 |
crest 18.15 |
Fossa(-ae) 178.26 |
petrosa 14.29 |
diploic vein 238.25 |
acetabuli (acetabularis) 42.7 |
tonsillae 116.10, 116.28 |
gyrus |
16 |
anthelicis 388.6 |
Fourth |
inferior 306.30 |
axillaris 398.41 |
ventricle 286.19 |
medial 310.7 |
17 |
canina 22.10 |
choroid plexus 272.3, 288.6 |
middle 306.28 |
cerebellaris 8.34b |
lateral aperture 288.10 |
superior 306.26 |
cerebralis 8.34a |
median aperture 288.9 |
lobe 306.22 |
18 |
condylaris 8.17 |
tegmen 288.1 |
nerve 320.23 |
coronoidea 36.26 |
tela choroidea 272.2, 288.5 |
notch/foramen 18.9 |
19 |
cranii (cranialis) |
tenia 288.7 |
operculum 306.31 |
anterior 30.2 |
Fovea(-ae) |
pole 306.23 |
media 30.3 |
articularis 38.2 |
process 26.6 |
20 |
posterior 30.4 |
capitis femoris 46.4 |
of maxilla 22.25 |
cubitalis 400.26 |
centralis 360.4 |
region 398.10 |
digastrica 26.20 |
costalis |
sinus 18.28, 138.4 |
21 |
glandulae lacrimalis 18.26 |
inferior 2.26 |
opening 18.29 |
hyaloidea 362.7 |
processus transversi 2.27 |
septum 18.30 |
22 |
hypophysalis 10.8 |
superior 2.25 |
sulcus |
iliaca 42.24 |
dentis atlantis 4.5 |
inferior 306.29 |
incisiva 30.24 |
inferior 286.29 |
superior 306.27 |
23 |
incudis 380.14 |
oblonga 140.17 |
suture 18.6a, 54.11 |
infraclavicularis 398.35 |
pterygoidea 28.15 |
temporal line of 18.12 |
24 |
infraspinata (infraspinosa) 34.9 |
sublingualis 26.24 |
tuber (tuberosity) 18.4 |
infratemporalis 30.13 |
submandibularis 26.25 |
veins 240.13 |
inguinalis |
superior 286.27 |
Frontalis 396.17 |
25 |
lateralis 180.19 |
triangularis 140.18 |
Frontoethmoidal suture 54.15 |
medialis 180.16 |
trochlearis 18.24 |
Frontolacrimal suture 54.17 |
Index 437
Frontomaxillary suture 54.16 |
Ganglion(-a) |
Gastro-omental |
Frontonasal suture 54.14 |
oticum 324.19, 326.17, 330.31, |
vein |
Frontoparietal operculum 308.7 |
352.31 |
left 248.32 |
Frontopontine |
parasympatheticum (parasym- |
right 248.22 |
fibers 292.6 |
pathicum) 407.22 |
Gastrocolic ligament 178.17 |
tract 318.10 |
pelvica 352.35 |
Gastroduodenal artery 218.13 |
Frontozygomatic suture 54.18 |
phrenica 348.17 |
Gastroepiploic artery 218.19 |
Fundic stomach 120.23 |
plexuum autonomicorum |
Gastrolienal ligament 178.16 |
Fundiform ligament of penis 86.26 |
(visceralium) 348.3 |
Gastropancreatic folds 176.35 |
Fundus |
pterygopalatinum 322.16, |
Gastrophrenic ligament 178.15 |
gastricus (ventricularis) 120.23 |
328.22, 352.30 |
Gastrosplenic ligament 178.16 |
of internal auditory meatus |
renalis 348.24 |
Gemma gustatoria 388.27 |
378.7 |
sacralia 352.23 |
General terminology 396.1, 405.36 |
meatus |
sensorium(-a) 334.7 |
Genicular |
acustici interni 378.7 |
neuricum cranialium 407.15 |
artery |
of urinary bladder 156.28 |
spinale(-ia) 334.7, 407.14 |
descending 226.1a |
uteri 168.8 |
spirale cochlearis 374.9 |
lateral |
vesicae 156.28 |
stroma 407.12 |
inferior 226.18 |
biliaris 134.2 |
sublinguale 328.29, 352.33 |
superior 226.14 |
Fungiform papillae 114.6 |
submandibulare 326.8, 328.26, |
medial |
Funiculus(-i) |
352.32 |
inferior 226.19 |
anterior 274.2, 276.19 |
superius 330.18, 332.2 |
superior 226.15 |
lateralis 274.3, 276.26, 278.22 |
sympatheticum (sympathi- |
middle 226.16 |
medullae spinalis 274.1 |
cum) 407.19 |
veins 252.14 |
posterior 274.4, 278.8 |
terminale 352.28 |
Geniculate |
separans 286.32 |
thoracicum(-a) 352.14 |
body |
spermaticus 160.25 |
splanchnicum 352.17 |
lateral 296.28 |
umbilicalis 172.30 |
trigeminale 320.17 |
medial 296.27 |
Fusiform |
trunci sympathetici 350.23 |
ganglion 328.20 |
layer |
tympanicum 330.21 |
Geniculum canalis facialis 12.23 |
cerebral cortex 316.8 |
vertebrale 352.6 |
Genital |
muscle 405.5 |
vestibulare 330.5 |
branch of genitofemoral nerve |
visceralia 407.16 |
342.22 |
Ganglionic branches |
corpuscles 390.25 |
G |
lingual nerve 326.7 |
Genitalia |
Galea aponeurotica 78.11 |
maxillary nerve 322.15 |
female |
Gallbladder 134.1 |
Gasserian ganglion 320.17 |
external 170.23 |
body 134.3 |
Gaster 120.15 |
internal 166.5 |
fundus 134.2 |
Gastric |
male |
neck 134.4 |
areas 122.14 |
external 162.26 |
Ganglion(-a) 407.10 |
artery(-ies) |
internal 158.15 |
aorticorenalia 348.13 |
posterior 218.35a |
Genitofemoral nerve 342.21 |
autonomica 407.16 |
right 218.3 |
Genitoinguinal ligament 162.9 |
capsule 407.11 |
short 218.34 |
Genu 312.9 |
cardiaca 348.6 |
branches |
capsulae internae 318.11 |
cell layer (retina) 358.25 |
gastroepiploic artery 218.20, |
nervi facialis 286.4, 328.2 |
cervicale |
218.32 |
Genus 402.8 |
medium 352.5 |
vagal trunk |
Gingiva(-ae) 108.22, 112.13 |
superius 350.27 |
anterior 332.26 |
Gingival |
cervicothoracicum (stellatum) |
posterior 332.27 |
branches of inferior alveolar |
352.8 |
canal 120.26 |
nerve 326.16a |
ciliare 320.8, 352.29 |
folds 122.12 |
margin 108.23 |
cochleare 330.16 |
glands, proper 122.17 |
papilla 108.24 |
coelica 348.12 |
impression 130.9 |
sulcus 108.25 |
craniospinalia 407.13 |
lymph nodes 262.15 |
Ginglymus 404.28 |
extracraniale 330.19 |
pits (foveolae) 122.16 |
Glabella 18.6 |
geniculi (geniculatum) 328.20 |
plexus 348.20 |
Gland 406.4 |
impar 352.25 |
surface of spleen 268.6 |
Glandula(-ae) 406.4 |
inferius 330.19, 332.3 |
vein(-s) |
adrenalis 182.29 |
intermedia 350.26 |
left 248.17 |
areolares 394.28 |
intracraniale 330.18 |
right 248.18 |
biliares 134.16 |
lumbalia (lumbaria) 352.21 |
short 248.31 |
bronchiales 148.5 |
mesentericum |
Gastro-omental |
buccales 108.33 |
inferius 348.16 |
artery, left 218.31 |
bulbourethralis (Cowper’s) |
superius 348.14 |
lymph nodes (left/right) 262.17 |
162.24 |
438 Index
Glandula(-ae) |
Glans |
Gray |
1 |
ceruminosae 394.16 |
clitoridis 172.7 |
commissure, anterior/posterior |
cervicalis (uteri) 168.23 |
penis 164.1 |
276.16a |
2 |
ciliares (Molli) 368.6 |
Glaserian fissure 14.31 |
communicating ramus 334.11a |
circumanales 394.15 |
Glenohumeral |
matter 274.13, 406.51 |
conjunctivales 368.8 |
joint 60.29 |
central intermediate 276.12 |
3 |
cutis 394.9 |
ligaments 60.32 |
lateral intermediate 276.13 |
duodenales 124.14 |
Glenoid |
ramus communicans 407.21 |
4 |
endocrinae 182.1 |
cavity 34.20 |
Great |
esophageae 120.14 |
lip 60.30 |
auricular nerve 334.28 |
gastrica propria 122.17 |
Globose nucleus 290.21 |
cerebral |
5 |
glomiformes 394.10 |
Globus pallidus |
vein 242.1 |
intestinales 122.31, 126.11 |
lateralis 316.29 |
Greater |
labiales 108.32 |
medialis 316.31 |
alar cartilage 134.25 |
6 |
lacrimalis 368.10 |
Glomerular |
arterial circle of iris 358.15 |
accessoriae 368.14 |
arteriole |
curvature of stomach 120.18 |
7 |
fossa for 18.26 |
afferent 156.5 |
duodenal papilla 124.12 |
laryngeales 144.15 |
efferent 156.6 |
horn (cornu) 28.19 |
linguales 108.36 |
capsule 154.39 |
occipital |
8 |
anterior 108.37 |
Glomerulus(-i) 154.38 |
nerve 334.19 |
mammaria 394.21 |
arteriosi cochleae 374.14 |
omentum 178.14 |
9 |
molares 108.34 |
Glomus |
palatine |
mucosa 406.7 |
caroticum 194.7 |
artery 200.6 |
nasales 136.16a |
choroideum 272.7 |
canal 30.17 |
10 |
olfactoriae 388.25 |
coccygeum 216.27 |
foramen 30.23 |
oris 108.30a |
Glossoepiglottic fold |
nerve 322.22 |
palatinae 108.35 |
lateral 118.11 |
sulcus 22.23, 24.20 |
11 |
parathyroidea |
median 118.10 |
pelvis 44.24 |
inferior 182.12 |
Glossopharyngeal nerve 330.17 |
petrosal nerve 328.24 |
12 |
superior 182.11 |
Glottis 144.3 |
groove for 14.6 |
parotidea 110.7 |
Gluteal |
hiatus of canal 14.4 |
accessoria 110.10 |
aponeurosis 94.8a |
ring (circle) of iris 358.6 |
13 |
pharyngis 118.18 |
artery |
saphenous vein 252.7 |
pinealis 182.22, 296.9, 296.17 |
inferior 222.24 |
sciatic |
14 |
pituitaria 182.13 |
superior 222.19 |
foramen 66.9 |
preputiales 164.22 |
fold 402.3 |
notch 44.6 |
prostatica 162.10 |
line |
splanchnic nerve 352.16 |
15 |
pylorica 122.18 |
anterior 42.26 |
trochanter 46.6 |
salivariae |
inferior 42.28 |
tubercle (humerus) 36.6 |
majores 110.1 |
posterior 42.27 |
crest 36.9 |
16 |
minores 108.31 |
lymph nodes |
tympanic spine 16.5 |
sebaceae (Zeiss) 368.7, 394.17 |
inferior 266.3 |
vestibular glands 172.3 |
17 |
seromucosa 406.9 |
superior 266.2 |
wing of sphenoid 10.23 |
serosa 406.8 |
nerves |
Groove |
sublingualis 110.2 |
inferior 344.13, 344.15 |
for auditory tube 10.39 |
18 |
submandibularis 110.5 |
medial 342.11 |
for greater petrosal nerve |
sudorifer merocrina (eccrina) |
superior 342.5, 344.12 |
14.6 |
19 |
394.11 |
region 402.2 |
for inferior petrosal sinus 8.7, |
suprarenalis(-es) 182.29 |
surface, ilium 42.25 |
14.18 |
accessoriae 182.39 |
tuberosity 46.17 |
for lesser petrosal nerve 14.7 |
20 |
tarsales 366.21 |
veins |
for middle meningeal artery |
thyroidea 182.2 |
inferior 250.3 |
16.26b |
accessoriae 182.6 |
superior 250.2 |
for middle temporal artery |
21 |
tracheales 144.27 |
Gnathion 26.17 |
16.15 |
tubariae 384.23 |
Gomphosis 112.11 |
for occipital artery 12.20 |
22 |
urethrales 164.35, 172.18 |
Gonion 28.3 |
for occipital sinus 8.33a |
uterinae 168.30 |
Graafian follicles 166.19 |
for peroneus longus tendon |
vestibularis(-es) |
Gracile |
52.4, 52.13 |
23 |
major 172.3 |
lobule 288.36 |
for popliteus 46.25a |
minores 172.2 |
tubercle 280.7 |
for radial nerve 36.15 |
24 |
Glandular branches |
Granular pits 28.27 |
for sigmoid sinus 8.33, 12.19, |
inferior thyroid artery 210.16 |
Granulationes arachnoideae |
16.26 |
submandibular ganglion |
270.12 |
for spinal nerve 2.22 |
25 |
328.28 |
Gray |
for subclavian artery 6.19 |
submental artery 196.11 |
columns 274.16 |
for subclavian vein 6.20 |
Index 439 |
Groove |
Hair(-s) |
Helix |
for superior petrosal sinus 14.10 |
follicle 392.11 |
spine 386.13 |
for superior sagittal sinus 8.31, |
of nasal vestibule 392.8 |
tail 386.14 |
16.26a, 18.16, 28.26 |
papilla 392.12 |
Hemiazygos vein 246.3 |
for transverse sinus 8.32 |
pubic 392.10 |
accessory 246.4 |
for ulnar nerve 36.29 |
root 392.14 |
Hemisphaerium |
see also Sulcus |
scalp 392.3 |
cerebelli 288.17 |
Gubernaculum testis 162.8 |
shaft 392.13 |
cerebralis 306.14 |
Gums 108.22 |
streams 392.17 |
Hemorrhoidal plexus 250.7 |
Gustatory organ 388.26 |
whorled pattern of growth |
Hepar 128.22 |
Gyrus(-i) |
392.18 |
Hepatic |
angularis 308.9 |
Hallux 402.26 |
artery |
breves insulae 308.27 |
Hamate 40.13 |
common 218.1 |
cerebrales 306.4 |
hamulus (hook) of 40.14 |
proper 218.2 |
cinguli (cingulatum) 310.3 |
Hamulus |
branches of vagus nerve |
dentatus 310.13 |
lacrimalis 20.24 |
332.28 |
fasciolaris 312.18 |
laminae spiralis 378.2 |
duct |
frontalis |
ossis hamati 40.14 |
left 132.12 |
inferior 306.30 |
pterygoideus 12.10 |
right 132.9 |
medialis 310.7 |
sulcus 12.11 |
ligaments 178.20 |
medius 306.28 |
Hand 400.37 |
lobules 132.1 |
superior 306.26 |
dorsum 400.38 |
lymph nodes 262.29 |
hippocampi (parahippo- |
fascia of 92.21 |
plexus 348.18 |
campalis) 310.15 |
joints 64.1, 64.20 |
veins 246.24 |
insulae 308.26 |
palm 400.39 |
intermediate 246.26 |
lingualis 310.17 |
Hard palate 30.22, 108.16 |
left 246.27 |
longus insulae 308.28 |
Haustra coli 124.33 |
right 246.25 |
occipitotemporalis |
Head |
Hepatocolic ligament 178.13 |
lateralis 310.22 |
of caudate nucleus 316.23 |
Hepatoduodenal ligament 178.12 |
medialis 310.20 |
crown of 28.30 |
Hepatogastric ligament 178.11 |
olfactorii |
of epididymis 160.2 |
Hepatopancreatic |
lateralis 310.31 |
of femur 46.3 |
ampulla 134.14 |
medialis 310.31 |
pit (fovea) 46.4 |
fold 176.35a |
orbitales 310.25 |
of fibula 48.16 |
Hepatorenal |
paraterminalis 312.5 |
apex 48.18 |
ligament 178.25 |
postcentralis 308.2 |
of humerus 36.3 |
recess 180.11 |
precentralis 306.25 |
lymph nodes 256.2 |
Hiatus |
rectus 310.23 |
of mandible 28.13 |
adductorius 98.18 |
supramarginalis 308.8 |
of metacarpal bone 40.20 |
aorticus 84.29 |
temporalis(-es) |
of metatarsal bone 52.20 |
canalis |
inferior 308.24 |
of muscle 405.3 |
nervus petrosi majoris 14.4 |
medius 308.22 |
muscles of 76.22 |
nervus petrosi minoris 14.5 |
superior 308.19 |
of pancreas 128.2 |
maxillaris 22.22 |
transversi 308.18 |
of posterior horn 276.4 |
oesophageus 84.30 |
of radius 38.2 |
sacralis 4.35 |
regions 398.9 |
saphenus 100.3 |
H |
of rib 6.8 |
semilunaris 20.9, 138.11 |
Habenula 296.4 |
joints 58.11 |
tendineus 98.18 |
commissure 296.7, 296.13 |
of stapes 382.3 |
Highest |
trigone 296.6 |
of talus 50.4 |
intercostal artery 212.5 |
Habenular |
of ulna 38.32 |
nuchal line 8.26 |
nuclei (medial/lateral) 296.11 |
Heart 184.10 |
Hilum |
sulcus 296.5 |
base 184.11 |
adrenal gland 182.35 |
Habenulointerpeduncular tract |
conducting system 186.7a |
liver 130.6 |
296.12 |
vortex 186.2 |
lung 148.20 |
Haema (hema) 406.18 |
Heel 402.18 |
lymph node 254.28 |
Hair(-s) |
bone 50.22 |
nuclei |
axillary 392.9 |
Helicine |
dentati 290.19 |
of beard 392.6 |
arteries 164.18 |
olivaris inferioris 280.30 |
bulb of 392.15 |
branches of uterine artery |
ovarii 166.7 |
cruciate pattern of growth |
224.2a |
pulmonis 148.20 |
392.19 |
Helicotrema 378.3 |
renale 154.6 |
of external acoustic meatus |
Helix 386.11 |
splenicum 268.12 |
392.7 |
crus 386.12 |
Hindbrain 278.16 |
of eyebrow 392.4 |
groove of 388.5 |
Hinge joint 404.28 |
440 Index
Hip |
Hypoglossal |
Iliac |
bone 42.3 |
nerve 334.1 |
fascia 98.19 |
joint 66.20 |
trigone 386.31 |
fossa 42.24 |
capsule 66.21 |
nucleus 282.5 |
lymph nodes |
socket 42.5 |
Hyponychium 394.5 |
common 264.15 |
region 402.3a |
Hypophysial |
external 264.21 |
Hippocampal sulcus 310.14 |
fossa 10.8 |
interiliac external 264.28 |
Hippocampus 314.16 |
portal veins 240.8a |
intermediate |
Hirci 392.9 |
Hypophysis 182.13 |
common 264.17 |
His‘ bundle 186.11 |
Hypothalamic |
external 264.23 |
Horizontal 396.3 |
branch of posterior communi- |
internal 266.1 |
fissure |
cating artery 208.22 |
lateral |
of cerebellum 288.34 |
fasciculi 304.10 |
common 264.18 |
of right lung 148.27 |
nucleus |
external 264.24 |
part of duodenum 124.5 |
anterior 302.20 |
medial |
plate 24.27 |
dorsal 304.3 |
common 264.16 |
Horizontalis 396.3 |
dorsomedial 304.2 |
external 264.22 |
Humeral |
posterior 304.8 |
obturator external 264.29 |
artery |
ventromedial 304.1 |
promontory common 264.20 |
anterior circumflex 212.23 |
region |
subaortic common 264.19 |
posterior circumflex 212.24 |
anterior (ventral) 302.16 |
plexus 350.7 |
head |
dorsal (posterior) 302.14, |
region 400.6 |
of externsor carpi ulnaris |
304.6 |
spine |
90.19 |
intermediate 302.21 |
anterior |
of flexor carpi ulnaris 90.4 |
lateral 302.24 |
inferior 42.21 |
of pronator teres 88.27 |
sulcus 298.2 |
superior 42.20 |
Humeroradial joint 62.3 |
tract 304.10 |
posterior |
Humeroulnar |
Hypothalamohypophysial tract |
inferior 42.23 |
head of flexor digitorum su- |
304.20 |
superior 42.22 |
perficialis 90.7 |
Hypothalamus 296.30 |
tuberosity 42.31 |
joint 62.2 |
sections 302.13 |
vein |
Humerus 36.2 |
Hypothenar eminence 400.41 |
common 248.37 |
body 36.11 |
deep circumflex 250.25 |
capitulum 36.23 |
external 250.23 |
I |
condyle 36.22 |
internal 250.1 |
head 36.3 |
Ileal branch(-es) |
superficial circumflex 252.3 |
neck |
ileocolic artery 220.9a |
Iliofemoral ligament 66.23 |
anatomical 36.4 |
superior mesenteric |
Iliohypogastric nerve 342.15 |
surgical 36.5 |
artery 220.4 |
Ilioinguinal nerve 342.18 |
trochlea 36.24 |
vein 248.21a |
Iliolumbar |
Humor |
Ileocecal |
artery 222.8 |
aquosus 360.17, 362.2 |
fold 180.5 |
ligament 66.5 |
vitreus 362.9a |
recess |
vein 348.39 |
Hyaloid |
inferior 180.4 |
Iliopectineal |
artery 362.5 |
superior 180.2 |
arch 98.21 |
canal 362.6 |
valve 124.19 |
bursa 104.14 |
fossa 362.7 |
opening 124.20 |
eminence 44.14 |
membrane 362.8 |
Ileocolic |
Iliopubic eminence 44.14 |
Hymen 170.8 |
artery 220.5 |
Iliotibial tract 98.14 |
Hymenal caruncle 170.9 |
lymph nodes 264.4 |
Ilium 42.10 |
Hyoid |
vein 248.25 |
body 42.11 |
body 28.17 |
Ileum 124.16 |
wing (ala) 42.13 |
bone 28.16 |
Iliac |
Impressio(-nes) |
Hypochondriac region 400.2 |
artery |
cardiaca 128.25, 148.14 |
Hypochondrium 400.2 |
common 222.6 |
colica 130.11 |
Hypoepiglottic ligament 142.8 |
deep circumflex 224.27 |
digitatae (gyrorum) 30.6 |
Hypogastric |
external 224.20 |
duodenalis 130.10 |
nerve, right/left 350.10 |
internal 222.7 |
gastrica 130.9 |
plexus |
superficial circumflex 224.31 |
ligamenti costoclavicularis |
inferior 350.11 |
branch of iliolumbar artery |
34.28 |
superior 350.9 |
222.11 |
oesophagea 130.8 |
region 400.7 |
crest 42.15 |
renalis 130.12 |
vein 250.1 |
external lip 42.16 |
suprarenalis 130.13 |
Hypoglossal |
internal lip 42.19 |
trigeminalis 12.8 |
canal 8.16 |
tubercle 42.17 |
Incisal margin 110.32 |
Index 441 |
Incisive |
Inferior |
Inferior |
bone 24.3 |
aberrant ductules 160.9 |
ganglion 330.19, 332.3 |
canal 24.4, 30.25 |
alveolar |
gingival branches of inferior |
duct 136.25 |
artery 198.12 |
alveolar nerve 326.13 |
foramen 24.14, 30.26 |
nerve 326.9 |
gluteal |
fossa 30.24 |
anastomotic vein 240.20 |
artery 222.24 |
papilla 108.30 |
angle (scapula) 34.17 |
line 42.28 |
scapulae (scapularis) 34.16 |
anterior segmental artery |
lymph nodes 266.3 |
suture 24.5 |
220.22 |
nerve 344.13 |
Incisor teeth 112.20 |
aperture 88.23 |
veins 250.3 |
Incisura(-ae) |
articular |
horn 314.6 |
acetabuli (acetabularis) 42.8 |
facet 4.4 |
falciform margin 100.6 |
angularis 120.20 |
process 2.15 |
thyroid cartilage 138.23 |
anterior (auris) 386.24 |
surface, tibia 48.14 |
hypogastric plexus 350.11 |
apicis cordis 184.17 |
basal |
hypophysial artery 200.23 |
cardiaca 120.24, 148.18 |
segment 230.26 |
ileocecal recess 180.4 |
cartilaginis meatus acustici |
vein 232.13 |
labial |
386.6 |
branch(-es) |
artery 196.12 |
clavicularis 6.25 |
superior gluteal artery |
veins 236.13 |
costales 6.33 |
222.23 |
laryngeal |
ethmoidalis 18.27 |
transverse cervical nerve |
artery 210.15 |
fibularis 48.13 |
336.3 |
nerve 332.18 |
frontale 18.9 |
bulb of jugular vein 234.24 |
vein 232.31 |
interarytenoidea 142.26 |
carotid triangle 398.26 |
ligament of epididymis 162.5 |
intertragica 386.25 |
cerebellar peduncle 24, 290, |
lingular |
ischiadica (ischialis) |
280.2, 282.4 |
bronchus 146.20 |
major 44.6 |
cerebral veins 240.16 |
segment of upper lobe of |
minor 44.7 |
cervical |
left lung 150.19 |
jugularis 6.26, 8.19, 14.19 |
cardiac branches of vagus |
longitudinal |
lacrimalis 22.27 |
nerve 332.14 |
fasciculus 316.17 |
ligamenti teretis 130.16 |
cardiac nerve 352.10 |
muscle of tongue 114.24 |
mandibulae 28.11 |
choroid vein 240.29 |
lymph nodes 266.17 |
mastoidea 12.18 |
clunial (gluteal) branch 344.15 |
macular arteriole/venule 360.13 |
nasalis 22.11 |
colliculus 292.14 |
margin |
pancreatis 128.4 |
brachium 292.16, 294.20, |
of cerebral hemisphere |
parietalis 16.12 |
300.26 |
306.11 |
preoccipitalis 308.14 |
commissure 294.21 |
of liver 130.15 |
pterygoidea 12.4 |
nucleus 294.19 |
of lung 148.19 |
radialis 38.23 |
costal fovea 2.26 |
mediastinum 152.26 |
sphenopalatina 24.19 |
deep cervical lymph nodes |
medullary velum 288.4 |
supraorbitalis 18.8 |
258.7 |
mesenteric |
tentorii 268.26 |
dental |
artery 220.12 |
terminalis auricularis 388.2 |
arch 112.19 |
ganglion 348.16 |
thyroidea |
branches, inferior alveolar |
lymph nodes 264.11 |
inferius 138.18 |
nerve 326.12 |
plexus 350.1 |
superior 138.17 |
plexus 326.11 |
vein 248.33 |
trochlearis 38.22 |
duodenal |
nasal |
tympanica 16.8, 386.3a |
flexure 124.8 |
arteriole/venule of retina |
ulnaris 38.16 |
fold 178.30 |
360.11 |
vertebralis |
recess 178.31 |
concha 20.17, 136.13 |
inferior 2.9 |
end of testis 158.18 |
meatus 32.6, 136.23 |
superior 2.8 |
epigastric |
nuchal line 8.27 |
Inclinatio pelvis 44.33 |
artery 224.21 |
oblique muscle 364.13 |
Incudal |
lymph nodes 262.12 |
olivary nucleus 280.28 |
fold 384.11 |
vein 250.24 |
ophthalmic vein 244.8 |
fossa 380.14 |
extensor retinaculum 100.13 |
orbital fissure 32.24 |
Incudomallear joint 382.19 |
fascia |
palpebral |
Incudostapedial articulation |
of pelvic diaphragm 174.29 |
arch 202.19 |
382.20 |
of urogenital diaphragm |
branches, infraorbital nerve |
Incus 382.1, 382.7 |
176.6 |
324.9 |
body 382.8 |
fornix of conjunctiva 368.4 |
pancreatic lymph nodes |
Index finger 400.45 |
fovea 286.29 |
262.24 |
Indicis artery, radialis 214.10 |
frontal |
pancreaticoduodenal |
Indusium griseum 312.15 |
gyrus 306.30 |
artery 220.2 |
Inferior 396.20 |
sulcus 306.29 |
lymph nodes 262.28 |
442 Index
Inferior |
Inferior |
Inguinal |
1 |
parathyroid gland 182.12 |
vena cava 246.21 |
ligament 86.10 |
parietal lobule 308.6 |
foramen 84.32 |
lymph nodes |
2 |
part |
opening 186.24 |
deep 266.18 |
of duodenum 124.5 |
valve 186.26 |
superficial 266.14 |
of left superior pulmonary |
ventricular vein 240.28 |
region 400.6 |
3 |
vein 232.3 |
vesical artery 224.1 |
ring |
peroneal (fibular) retinaculum |
vestibular |
deep 86.29 |
4 |
100.15 |
area 378.13 |
superficial 86.14 |
petrosal |
nucleus 282.13 |
trigone 180.17 |
sinus 238.18 |
wall 32.18 |
Inion 8.23, 32.25a |
5 |
groove for 8.7, 14.18 |
Inferolateral surface 162.15 |
Inner 396.30a |
pharyngeal constrictor muscle |
Infra-auricular lymph nodes 256.8 |
ear, vessels 374.10 |
118.32 |
Infraclavicular |
margin of foot 402.22 |
6 |
phrenic |
fossa 398.35 |
Insula |
artery 216.20 |
lymph nodes 258.23 |
central sulcus 308.30 |
7 |
lymph nodes 262.11 |
part |
circular sulcus 308.31 |
veins 246.22 |
brachial plexus 336.24 |
long gyrus 308.28 |
ramus |
Infraglenoid tubercle 34.21 |
short gyri 308.27 |
8 |
of oculomotor nerve 320.7 |
Infraglottic cavity 144.8 |
Insular |
of pubis 44.20 |
Infrahyoid |
arteries 204.24 |
9 |
rectal |
branch of superior thyroid |
lobe 308.25 |
artery 224.9 |
artery 194.11 |
part of middle cerebral artery |
nerves 346.18 |
bursa 102.5 |
204.23 |
10 |
veins 250.20 |
lymph nodes 256.19a |
veins 240.25 |
rectus muscle 364.5 |
muscles 82.13 |
Integumentum commune 390.1 |
right pulmonary vein 230.17 |
Infralobar part of superior right |
Interalveolar septa 24.11, 26.29 |
11 |
sagittal sinus 238.16 |
pulmonary vein 230.12 |
Interarytenoid |
salivary nucleus 282.21 |
Inframammary region 398.39 |
fold 144.7a |
12 |
segment of kidney 154.20 |
Infraorbital |
notch 142.26 |
segmental artery 220.23 |
artery 200.1 |
Interatrial septum 184.28 |
semilunar lobule 288.35 |
canal 22.5 |
Intercapitular veins 244.29, |
13 |
subtendinous bursa of biceps |
foramen 22.9 |
252.26a |
femoris 106.2 |
groove 22.6 |
Intercarpal |
14 |
suprarenal artery 220.18 |
margin |
joints 62.16 |
surface |
maxilla 22.7 |
ligaments |
of petrous temporal 14.23 |
orbit 32.16 |
dorsal 62.24 |
15 |
of tongue 112.34 |
nerve 324.1 |
interosseous 64.2 |
synovial membrane 60.7 |
region 398.19 |
palmar 62.25 |
tarsal |
Infrapatellar |
Intercartilaginous part of rima |
16 |
muscle 366.23 |
branch of saphenous nerve |
glottidis 144.7 |
plate 366.17 |
344.5 |
Intercavernous sinus 238.22 |
17 |
temporal |
fat pad 68.19 |
Interchondral joints 58.27 |
arteriole/venule of retina |
synovial fold 68.10 |
Interclavicular ligament 60.27 |
360.9 |
Infrascapular region 400.12 |
Intercondylar |
18 |
gyrus 308.24 |
Infraspinous fossa 34.9 |
area |
line 16.29 |
Infrasternal angle 6.41 |
anterior 46.32 |
19 |
sulcus 308.23 |
Infratemporal |
posterior 46.33 |
thalamic peduncle 302.8 |
crest 10.32 |
eminence 46.34 |
thalamostriate veins 240.26 |
fossa 30.13 |
fossa 46.18 |
20 |
thoracic aperture 6.37 |
surface 22.14 |
line 46.19 |
thyroid |
Infratrochlear nerve 322.11 |
tubercle |
artery 210.14 |
Infundibular nucleus 304.5 |
lateral 46.36 |
21 |
notch 138.18 |
Infundibulum 182.20, 188.8, 296.38 |
medial 46.35 |
tubercle 138.20 |
ethmoidale 20.8, 138.10 |
Intercostal |
22 |
veins 232.30 |
recess 298.5 |
artery(-ies) |
tracheobronchial lymph nodes |
tendon 186.6a |
highest 212.5 |
260.15 |
tubae uterinae 166.31 |
posterior 212.6, 216.8 |
23 |
transverse scapular ligament |
Inguinal |
lymph nodes 260.4 |
60.15 |
branches of external pudendal |
membrane |
24 |
tympanic artery 194.20 |
arteries 224.35 |
external 58.25, 84.16 |
ulnar collateral artery 212.33 |
canal 86.30 |
internal 58.26, 84.18 |
vein(-s) |
fossa |
muscles |
25 |
of cerebellum 242.22 |
lateral 180.19 |
external 84.15 |
of vermis 242.20 |
medial 180.16 |
innermost 84.19 |
Index 443 |
Intercostal |
Intermuscular bursae of gluteal |
Internal |
muscles |
muscles 104.12 |
thoracic |
internal 84.17 |
Internal 396.30a |
artery 210.1 |
nerves 340.20 |
abdominal oblique muscle |
veins 234.14 |
vein(-s) |
86.18 |
tunic of eyeball 358.18 |
anterior 234.18 |
acoustic (auditory) meatus |
Internasal suture 54.26 |
left superior 234.20 |
14.13, 378.5 |
Internus 396.30a |
posterior 246.13 |
fundus 378.7 |
Interomediolateral column 276.11 |
right superior 246.2 |
opening 14.12 |
Interosseous |
supreme 234.19 |
anal sphincter 126.20 |
artery |
Intercostal space 6.40 |
arcuate fibers 280.19 |
anterior 214.22 |
Intercostobrachial nerves 340.23 |
axis of eyeball 354.21 |
common 214.19 |
Intercrural fibers 86.17 |
branch of accessory nerve |
posterior 214.20 |
Intercuneiform |
332.35 |
recurrent 214.21 |
joints 70.18a |
capsule 318.7 |
border, ulna 38.28 |
ligament |
anterior limb 318.8 |
cuneometatarsal ligaments |
dorsal 70.25 |
genu 318.11 |
72.12 |
interosseous 70.22 |
posterior limb 318.13 |
intercarpal ligaments 64.2 |
plantar 72.7 |
carotid |
ligaments of tarsus 70.19 |
Interdental papilla 108.24 |
artery 200.10, 208.13 |
margin |
Interfascicular fasciculus 278.11 |
cavernous part 200.16 |
fibula 48.26 |
Interfoveolar ligament 86.31 |
cerebral part 200.24 |
radius 38.8 |
Interganglionic branches 350.24 |
cervical part 200.11 |
tibia 48.9 |
Interiliac external iliac lymph |
petrous part 200.13 |
membrane |
nodes 264.28 |
nerve 350.29 |
forearm 62.10 |
Interlobar |
plexus 350.30 |
tibiofibular joint 68.24 |
arteries 156.2 |
cerebral veins 242.2 |
metacarpal ligaments 64.14 |
sulci 306.21 |
ear 370.2 |
metatarsal ligaments 72.14 |
surface of lung 148.16 |
female genitalia 166.5 |
nerve of forearm, anterior |
veins 156.10 |
filum terminale 272.11 |
338.11 |
Interlobular |
granular layer, cerebral cortex |
sacroiliac ligaments 66.13 |
arteries 132.3, 156.4 |
316.6 |
spaces |
ductules 132.6 |
iliac |
metacarpal 64.15 |
veins 132.4, 156.12 |
artery 222.7 |
metatarsal 72.17 |
Intermaxillary suture 54.30 |
lymph nodes 266.1 |
veins |
Intermediate 396.11 |
vein 250.1 |
anterior 244.19a |
atrial branch |
intercostal |
posterior 244.19b |
left coronary artery 192.24 |
membrane 58.26, 84.18 |
Interosseous nerve of the leg |
right coronary artery 192.11 |
muscles 84.17 |
346.3 |
branch of medial segmental |
jugular vein 234.21 |
Interparietal bone 8.13 |
artery 218.12a |
laryngeal nerve 332.12 |
Interpectoral lymph nodes |
cervical septum 272.10 |
lip of iliac crest 42.19 |
258.22 |
common iliac lymph nodes |
male genitalia 158.15 |
Interpeduncular |
264.17 |
medullary laminae 296.23, |
cistern 270.8 |
cuneiform 52.10 |
298.23 |
fossa 290.32 |
dorsal cutaneous nerve 344.24 |
nasal branches |
nucleus 292.31 |
external iliac lymph nodes |
of anterior ethmoidal nerve |
perforated substance 290.33 |
264.23 |
322.7 |
Interphalangeal |
ganglia 350.26 |
of infraorbital nerve 324.11 |
joints of foot 72.22 |
hepatic veins 246.26 |
nuclear layer, retina 358.24 |
joints of hand 64.20 |
hypothalamic region 302.21 |
occipital |
collateral ligaments 64.21 |
lacunar node 264.26 |
crest 8.30 |
Interpubic disc 66.18 |
laryngeal cavity 142.29a |
protuberance 8.29 |
Interradicular septa 24.12, 26.30 |
lumbar lymph nodes 262.6 |
pudendal |
Intersectiones tendineae 86.3, |
part of bulb of vestibule |
artery 224.8 |
405.27 |
170.35 |
vein 250.16 |
Intersegmental part |
sacral crest 4.31 |
pyramidal layer, cerebral cor- |
inferior right pulmonary vein |
supraclavicular nerves 336.6 |
tex 316.7 |
230.20, 230.25 |
tendon 405.27a |
sheath optic nerve 354.13 |
left inferior pulmonary vein |
ventral nucleus 300.5 |
spermatic fascia 160.30 |
232.7 |
Intermembranous part of rima |
spiral sulcus 372.28 |
left superior pulmonary vein |
glottidis 144.6 |
surface |
230.31, 230.34 |
Intermesenteric plexus 348.15 |
frontal bone 18.14 |
superior basal vein 232.12 |
Intermetacarpal joints 64.11 |
parietal bone 16.25 |
superior right pulmonary vein |
Intermetatarsal joints 72.13 |
table (lamina) 28.25 |
230.7, 230.10 |
444 Index
Intersigmoid recess 180.1 |
Intraparietal sulcus 308.5 |
Joint(-s) |
Interspinal |
Intraparotid plexus 328.12 |
condylar 404.27 |
ligaments 56.16 |
Intrasegmental part |
ellipsoidal 404.27 |
plane 398.6 |
inferior right pulmonary vein |
fibrous 404.12 |
Interstitial nucleus of Cajal 294.1 |
230.19, 230.24 |
of foot 70.11 |
Intertarsal joints 70.10 |
left inferior pulmonary vein |
of free lower limb 66.19 |
Intertendinous connections 90.16 |
232.6 |
of free upper limb 60.28 |
Interthalamic adhesion 296.21 |
left superior pulmonary vein |
of hand 64.1 |
Intertragic incisure 386.25 |
230.30, 230.33 |
hinge 404.28 |
Intertrochanteric |
superior basal vein 232.11 |
ovoidal 404.32 |
crest 46.11 |
superior right pulmonary |
of pelvic girdle 66.1 |
line 46.10 |
vein 230.6, 230.9 |
plane 404.25 |
Intertubercular |
Intratendinous bursa, of |
saddle 404.31 |
groove 36.8 |
olecranon 102.16 |
sellar 404.31 |
plane 398.5 |
Intrathalamic fibers 302.11 |
of shoulder girdle 60.12 |
tendon sheath 88.14 |
Intratransverse ligaments 56.15 |
simple 404.23 |
Interureteric ridge 158.11 |
Intumescentia |
of skull 56.8 |
Intervaginal spaces 354.14 |
cervicalis 272.14 |
spheroidal 404.26 |
Intervenous tubercle 186.25 |
lumbosacralis 272.15 |
surface 494.2 |
Interventricular |
tympanica 330.21 |
synovial 404.22 |
foramen 298.3, 314.3 |
Iridial folds 358.8 |
of thorax 56.8, 58.9 |
groove |
Iridocorneal angle 360.16 |
trochoidal 404.30 |
anterior 184.18 |
Iris 358.1 |
of vertebral column 56.8 |
posterior 184.19 |
Irregular bone 402.44 |
Juga alveolaria 24.13, 26.31 |
septum 184.22 |
Ischial |
Jugular |
vein |
bursa |
foramen 30.18 |
anterior 232.16 |
of gluteus maximus muscle |
fossa 14.24 |
posterior 232.20 |
104.13 |
ganglion 330.18, 332.2 |
Intervertebral |
of obturator internus muscle |
nerve 350.28 |
disc 56.10 |
104.10 |
notch 6.26, 8.19, 14.19 |
foramen 2.7, 4.26 |
spine 44.5 |
process 8.20 |
symphysis 56.9 |
tuberosity 44.4 |
trunk, right/left 254.14 |
vein 246.15 |
Ischioanal fossa 176.13 |
tubercle 8.18 |
Intestinal |
adipose body 176.14 |
vein |
glands 122.31, 126.11 |
Ischiofemoral ligament 66.24 |
anterior 238.4 |
surface of uterus 168.11 |
Ischium 44.1 |
external 238.1 |
trunks 254.11 |
body 44.2 |
inferior bulb 234.24 |
villi 122.30 |
ramus 44.3 |
internal 234.21 |
Intestinum |
Isthmus |
superior bulb 234.22 |
crassum 124.17 |
aortae 194.2 |
venous arch 238.5 |
tenue 122.20 |
cartilaginis auricularis |
wall 378.20 |
Intra-articular |
388.1 |
Jugulo-omohyoid node 258.8 |
ligament of head of rib 58.13 |
faucium 116.3 |
Jugulodigastric node 258.6 |
sternocostal ligament 58.21 |
glandulae thyroidea 182.4 |
Jugum sphenoidale 10.3 |
Intracanalicular part of optic |
gyri cinguli (cingulatus) 310.4 |
Junctio neurocentralis 2.6a |
nerve 354.6 |
prostatae 162.17 |
Juncturae tendineum 90.16 |
Intracapsular ligaments 404.47 |
tubae auditoriae 384.16 |
Juxtaintestinal lymph nodes |
Intracranial part |
tubae uterinae 166.35 |
264.2 |
of optic nerve 354.5 |
uteri 168.14 |
of vertebral artery 206.8 |
K |
Intraglandular lymph nodes |
J |
256.9 |
Keith-Flack sinus node 186.8 |
Intrajugular process 14.20 |
Jacobson’s |
Kerckring’s folds 122.29 |
of occipital bone 8.21 |
cartilage 134.32 |
Kidney 154.3 |
Intralaminar nuclei of thalamus |
organ 136.7 |
lower pole 154.11 |
298.24 |
Jejunal |
upper pole 154.10 |
Intralobar part of superior right |
branches of superior mesen- |
Knee 402.8 |
pulmonary vein 230.13 |
teric artery 220.3 |
anterior side 402.9 |
Intraoccipital |
veins 248.21 |
cap 48.31 |
synchondrosis 56.4a |
Jejunum 124.15 |
joint 68.1 |
Intraoccipital synchondrosis |
Joint(-s) |
posterior side 402.10 |
anterior 56.6 |
bicondylar 404.29 |
posterior 56.5 |
capsule 66.21, 404.38 |
Intraocular part of optic nerve |
cartilaginous 404.19 |
354.8 |
composite 404.24 |
Index 445
L |
Lacrimal |
Lamina(-ae) |
Labial |
crest |
granularis |
anterior 22.26 |
externa (cerebral cortex) |
artery |
posterior 20.22 |
316.4 |
inferior 196.12 |
fold 368.24 |
interna (cerebral cortex) |
superior 196.13 |
gland 368.10 |
316.6 |
branches of inferior alveolar |
accessory 368.14 |
horizontalis 24.27 |
nerve 326.16 |
fossa for 18.26 |
interna 28.25 |
commissure |
hamulus 20.24 |
lateralis (processus ptery- |
anterior 170.27 |
lake 368.16 |
goidei) 12.2 |
posterior 170.28 |
margin of maxilla 22.21 |
limitans anterior (Bowman) |
glands 108.32 |
nerve 320.21 |
356.8 |
nerves |
notch 22.27 |
limitans posterior (Descemet) |
anterior 342.20 |
nucleus 286.6 |
356.10 |
posterior 346.20 |
part of m. orbicularis oculi |
medialis (processus ptery- |
part of m. orbicularis oris |
78.20 |
goidei) 12.3 |
78.28 |
process 20.18 |
medullaris(-es) |
surface of tooth 110.25b |
punctum 368.18 |
interna/externa 296.23, 298.23 |
vein(-s) |
sac 368.21 |
lateralis 316.28 |
anterior 252.6 |
fossa 20.25, 32.22b |
medialis 316.30 |
inferior 236.13 |
sulcus 20.23, 22.19, 32.22a |
membranacea 384.22 |
posterior 250.21 |
vein 242.28 |
modioli 374.24 |
superior 236.12 |
Lacrimoconchal suture 54.29 |
molecularis (cerebral cortex) |
Labium(-a) |
Lacrimomaxillary suture 54.28 |
316.3 |
anterius (uterine ostium) |
Lactiferous |
multiformis (cerebral cortex) |
168.19 |
ducts 394.25 |
316.8 |
externum (iliac crest) 42.16 |
sinus 394.26 |
muscularis mucosae 405.43 |
inferius 108.9 |
Lacuna(-ae) |
(colon) 126.10 |
internum (iliac crest) 42.19 |
laterales 238.15 |
(esophagus) 120.13 |
laterale (linea aspera) 46.14 |
musculorum 98.20 |
(small intestine) 122.28 |
limbi |
urethrales 164.34, 172.19 |
(stomach) 122.13 |
tympanicum 372.25 |
vasorum 98.22 |
orbitalis 20.11 |
vestibulare 372.24 |
Lacunar |
parietalis 184.5 |
majus pudendi 170.26 |
ligament 86.11 |
(tunica vaginalis testis) |
mediale (linea aspera) 46.15 |
node |
162.2 |
minus pudendi 170.30 |
intermediate 264.26 |
perpendicularis 20.5, 24.16 |
oris 108.5 |
lateral 264.27 |
plexiformis (cerebral cortex) |
posterius (uterine ostium) |
medial 264.25 |
316.3 |
168.20 |
Lacus lacrimalis 368.16 |
posterior (rectus sheath) 86.6 |
superius 108.6 |
Lambda 32.26 |
pretrachealis (fascia cervicalis) |
Labrum |
Lambdoid margin of occipital |
82.23 |
acetabulare 66.26 |
bone 8.12 |
prevertebralis (fascia cervi- |
articulare 404.37 |
Lambdoidal suture 54.4 |
calis) 82.24 |
glenoidale 60.30 |
Lamellated corpuscles 390.23 |
profunda 364.16 |
Labyrinthine |
Lamina(-ae) 2.6 |
(fascia temporalis) 80.23 |
artery 206.19, 374.11 |
affixa 314.8 |
propria mucosae 405.42 |
veins 238.19, 374.15 |
alba 290.12 |
pyramidalis |
wall 378.22 |
anterior (rectus sheath) |
externa (cerebral cortex) |
Labyrinthus |
86.5 |
316.5 |
cochlearis 372.9 |
arcus vertebrae (vertebralis) |
interna (cerebral cortex) |
ethmoidalis 20.6 |
2.6 |
316.7 |
membranaceus 370.3 |
basalis 356.28, 372.20 |
quadrigemina 292.13, 294.18 |
osseus 374.20 |
cartilaginis |
septi pellucidi 312.29 |
vestibularis 370.6 |
cricoideae 140.3 |
sinistra (larynx) 138.16 |
Lacerate foramen 30.21 |
lateralis 384.21 |
spiralis |
Lacertus |
medialis 384.20 |
ossea 378.1 |
fibrosus 88.16 |
choroidocapillaris 356.17 |
secundaria 378.4 |
musculi recti lateralis 364.8 |
cribrosa 20.2, 354.34 |
superficialis 364.15 |
Lacrimal |
dextra (larynx) 138.16 |
(fascia cervicalis) 82.22 |
apparatus 368.9 |
episcleralis 354.31 |
(fascia temporalis) 80.22 |
artery 202.3 |
externa 28.22 |
suprachoroidea 356.14 |
bone 20.21 |
fusca 356.14 |
tectalis 292.13, 294.18 |
canaliculus 368.19 |
sclerae 354.33 |
terminalis 312.19 |
ampulla 368.20 |
ganglionaris (cerebral cortex) |
tragi 386.7 |
caruncle 366.26 |
316.7 |
vasculosa 356.16 |
446 Index
Lamina( |
-ae) |
Lateral |
Lateral |
1 |
visceralis 184.6 |
basal |
funiculus 274.3, 276.26, 278.22 |
(tunica vaginalis testis) 162.3 |
segmental bronchus 146.14, |
geniculate |
2 |
Lanugo 392.2 |
146.26 |
body 296.28 |
Large intestine 124.17 |
bicipital groove 400.27 |
nucleus |
Laryngeal |
border, radius 38.11 |
dorsal part 300.12 |
3 |
artery |
brachial cutaneous nerve 340.3 |
ventral part 300.15 |
inferior 210.15 |
branch(-es) |
glandular branch of superior |
4 |
superior 194.13 |
cutaneous, iliohypogastric |
thyroid artery 194.16a |
cartilages 138.13 |
nerve 342.16 |
globus pallidus 316.29 |
cavity 142.23 |
left coronary artery 192.19 |
glossoepiglottic fold 118.11 |
5 |
intermediate 142.29a |
lumbar nerves 342.4 |
habenular nucleus 296.11 |
glands 144.15 |
middle cerebral artery 204.22 |
head |
inlet (aditus) 142.24 |
portal vein of liver 248.11 |
of flexor hallucis brevis 98.2b |
6 |
joints 138.13 |
posterior ramus, spinal |
of gastrocnemius 96.15 |
musculature 142.10 |
nerve 334.17 |
of triceps 88.21 |
7 |
nerve |
right pulmonary artery |
horn 276.10 |
external 332.11 |
190.21 |
hypothalamic region 302.24 |
inferior 332.18 |
sacral/coccygeal nerves |
inferior genicular artery 226.18 |
8 |
internal 332.12 |
342.10 |
inguinal fossa 180.19 |
recurrent 332.15 |
supraorbital nerve 320.25 |
intermediate gray matter 276.13 |
9 |
superior 332.10 |
calcaneal branches 346.7 |
intermuscular septum |
prominence 138.15 |
tibial nerve 346.7 |
of arm 92.19 |
vein |
cartilaginous lamina 384.21 |
of thigh 98.15 |
10 |
inferior 232.31 |
caval lymph nodes 262.8 |
lacunae 238.15 |
superior 236.4 |
central nucleus 298.28 |
lacunar node 264.27 |
Laryngopharyngeal branches 352.3 |
cervical lymph nodes 258.1 |
lemniscus 286.17, 294.13, 300.22 |
11 |
Laryngopharynx 118.12 |
circumflex |
nucleus 286.18 |
Larynx 138.12 |
femoral artery 226.8 |
ligament |
12 |
fibroelastic membrane 144.9 |
femoral veins 252.11 |
of malleus 382.25 |
lymph nodes 144.15 |
column 276.9 |
temporomandibular joint 60.4 |
saccule 144.2 |
common iliac lymph nodes |
lip of linea aspera 46.14 |
13 |
ventricle 144.1 |
264.18 |
longitudinal stria, corpus callo- |
vestibule 142.27 |
condyle |
sum 312.17 |
14 |
Lateral 396.12 |
femur 46.24 |
lymph nodes 258.4, 258.9 |
ampullar nerve 330.11 |
tibia 46.30 |
malleolar |
angle |
cord 336.25 |
branches of peroneal artery |
15 |
of eye 366.11 |
corticospinal (pyramidal) tract |
228.15 |
of scapula 34.18 |
276.28 |
fossa 48.30 |
antebrachial cutaneous nerve |
costal branch of internal |
network 226.27 |
16 |
338.3 |
thoracic artery 210.9 |
surface, talus 50.10 |
anterior |
costotransverse ligament 58.17 |
malleolus 48.28 |
17 |
malleolar artery 226.25 |
cricoarytenoid muscle 142.17 |
mammary branches |
nasal branches of anterior |
crus |
axillary artery 212.19 |
ethmoidal |
alar cartilage 134.27 |
intercostal nerve 340.22 |
18 |
artery 202.16b |
inguinal ring 86.16 |
posterior intercostal arteries |
aortic lymph nodes 262.3 |
cuneiform 52.11 |
216.15 |
19 |
aperture of fourth ventricle |
cutaneous branch |
margin |
288.10 |
intercostal nerve 340.21 |
foot 402.21 |
arcuate ligament 84.34 |
posterior intercostal arteries |
forearm 400.32 |
20 |
atlanto-axial joint 58.1 |
216.12, 216.14 |
humerus 36.19 |
atlanto-occipital membrane |
direct veins 242.10 |
kidney 154.4 |
56.30 |
dorsal cutaneous nerve 346.6 |
nail 394.1 |
21 |
atrial vein of lateral ventricle |
epicondyle |
orbit 32.16a |
242.8 |
femur 46.25 |
scapula 34.14 |
22 |
basal |
humerus 36.30 |
tongue 112.36 |
branch |
external iliac lymph nodes |
marginal vein 252.26b |
left pulmonary artery |
264.24 |
mass |
23 |
190.41 |
fasciculi proprii 276.27 |
of atlas 4.2 |
right pulmonary artery |
femoral cutaneous nerve |
of sacrum 4.21 |
24 |
190.27 |
342.24 |
medullary |
segment |
flattened surface of testis |
branch of posterior |
of lower lobe of left lung |
158.19 |
inferior |
25 |
150.26 |
fossa of cerebrum 306.9 |
cerebellar artery 206.15 |
of lower lobe of right lung |
frontobasal artery 204.25 |
lamina 316.28 |
150.14 |
Index 447
Lateral |
Lateral |
Left |
membranous ampulla 380.21 |
semicircular |
hepatic |
meniscus 68.2 |
canal 376.9 |
artery 218.9 |
muscular branches of thoracic |
duct 370.14 |
duct 132.12 |
nerves 340.18 |
subtendinous bursa of |
veins 246.27 |
nasal |
gastrocnemius muscle 106.5 |
horn of uterus 168.9 |
branches |
sulcus 306.17 |
inferior |
anterior ethmoidal nerve |
superior genicular artery 226.14 |
lobar bronchus 146.21 |
322.8 |
supraclavicular nerves 336.7 |
pulmonary vein 232.4 |
nasopalatine nerve |
supracondylar |
jugular trunk 254.14 |
322.20d |
line 46.20b |
lamina, larynx 138.16 |
cartilage 134.24 |
ridge 36.20 |
lobe |
nuclei of mamillary body |
sural cutaneous nerve 344.19 |
of liver 130.21 |
304.7 |
surface |
of prostate 162.16 |
occipital artery 208.2 |
of fibula 48.21 |
lumbar |
occipitotemporal gyrus 310.22 |
of ovary 166.9 |
lymph nodes 262.2 |
olfactory |
of tibia 48.6 |
trunk 254.10 |
gyri 310.31 |
of zygomatic bone 26.2 |
lung 148.7 |
striae 310.30 |
talocalcaneal ligament 70.14 |
culmen 148.22a |
osseous ampulla 376.13 |
tarsal artery 228.2 |
lingula 148.22 |
palpebral |
thoracic |
lower lobe 150.21 |
arteries 202.5 |
artery 212.18 |
upper lobe 150.16 |
commissure 366.9 |
vein 244.14 |
main bronchus 144.30 |
ligament 366.20 |
thyrohyoid ligament 138.27 |
margin of uterus 168.10 |
raphe 366.19 |
tract 74.10a |
marginal branch 192.23 |
part |
tubercle, talus 50.20 |
ovarian vein 246.31 |
of fornix of vagina 170.5 |
umbilical fold 180.18 |
posterior ventricular branch of |
of superior right pulmonary |
ventricle 314.1 |
left coronary artery 192.25 |
vein 230.15 |
choroid plexus 272.6, 314.11 |
pulmonary |
pectoral nerve 336.29 |
vesicular lymph nodes 266.9 |
artery 190.29 |
pericardial lymph nodes 260.8 |
vestibular nucleus 282.15, 286.11 |
veins 230.27 |
plantar |
wall of orbit 32.19 |
superior 230.27, 230.28 |
artery 228.21 |
Lateralis 396.12 |
semilunar cusp |
nerve 346.12 |
Lateropharyngeal space 118.37 |
of aortic valve 190.3 |
posterior |
Left 396.8 |
of pulmonary valve 188.13 |
nasal branches of spheno- |
atrial veins 232.24 |
subclavian trunk 254.13 |
palatine artery 200.9 |
atrium of heart 184.26, 188.20 |
superior |
superior nasal branches of |
auricle 188.21 |
intercostal vein 234.20 |
pterygopalatine gan- |
brachiocephalic veins 232.28 |
lobar bronchus 146.16, |
glion 322.18 |
branch |
146.21 |
preoptic nucleus 302.17 |
to conus arteriosus (left |
suprarenal vein 246.29 |
process |
coronary |
testicular vein 246.30 |
calcaneus 50.25 |
artery) 192.18 |
triangular ligament 178.24 |
malleus 382.16 |
hepatic artery proper 218.9 |
umbilical vein 248.12 |
mammary gland 394.22 |
portal vein of liver 248.5 |
ventricle of heart 184.21, |
nasal septum 134.30a |
bronchomediastinal trunk |
188.24 |
talus 50.11 |
254.12 |
Lemniscus |
pterygoid |
colic |
lateralis 286.17, 294.13, 300.22 |
muscle 80.16 |
artery 220.13 |
medialis 280.21, 284.21, |
plate 12.2 |
flexure 124.29 |
294.14, 300.23 |
recess 286.21 |
lymph nodes 264.10 |
spinalis 284.24, 294.15, 300.24 |
rectus muscle 364.7 |
vein 248.34 |
trigeminalis 284.28, 294.16, |
retinaculum of patella 68.18 |
coronary |
300.25 |
root 296.34, 338.10 |
artery 192.16 |
trigone 292.18 |
sacral |
vein 232.16a |
Lens 362.10 |
arteries 222.12 |
duct of caudate lobe 132.16 |
capsule 362.16 |
branches 216.26a |
fibrous |
cortex 362.12 |
crest 4.32 |
ring 186.6 |
epithelium 362.15 |
veins 250.5 |
trigone 186.5 |
fibers 362.14 |
sacrococcygeal ligament 56.25 |
gastric |
nucleus 362.13 |
segment |
artery 216.29 |
radii 362.23 |
of liver 130.24 |
vein 248.17 |
Lenticular |
of middle lobe of right lung |
gastro-omental |
fossa 362.7 |
150.7 |
artery 218.31 |
papillae 114.8 |
segmental bronchus 146.7 |
vein 248.32 |
process, incus 382.10 |
448 Index
Lentiform nucleus 316.24 |
Ligamentum(-a) |
Ligamentum(-a) |
1 |
Lesser |
capitis |
extracapsularia 404.45 |
alar cartilages 134.28 |
costae |
falciforme (hepatis) 178.22 |
2 |
arterial circle of iris 358.16 |
intra-articulare 58.13 |
flava 56.13 |
curvature of stomach 120.19 |
radiatum 58.12 |
fundiforme penis 86.26 |
duodenal papilla 124.13 |
femoris 66.28 |
gastrocolicum 178.17 |
3 |
horn (cornu) 28.18 |
fibulae |
gastrophrenicum 178.15 |
occipital nerve 334.27 |
anterius 68.21 |
gastrosplenicum (gastrol- |
4 |
omentum 178.10 |
posterius 68.22 |
ienale) 178.16 |
palatine |
capsularia 404.46 |
genitoinguinale 162.9 |
arteries 200.7 |
carpi |
glenohumeralia 60.32 |
5 |
canals 24.22 |
dorsum 92.22 |
hepatis 178.20 |
foramina 24.30 |
transversum 92.26 |
hepatocolicum 178.13 |
nerves 322.24 |
carpometacarpalia |
hepatoduodenale 178.12 |
6 |
pelvis 44.25 |
dorsalia 64.8 |
hepatogastricum 178.11 |
petrosal nerve 330.32 |
palmaria 64.9 |
hepatorenale 178.25 |
7 |
groove for 14.7 |
ceratocricoideum 140.7a |
hyoepiglotticum 142.8 |
hiatus of canal 14.5 |
collaterale |
iliofemorale 66.23 |
ring (circle) of iris 358.7 |
carpi |
iliolumbale 66.5 |
8 |
sac of peritoneum 176.30 |
radiale 62.23 |
incudis |
sciatic |
ulnare 62.22 |
posterius 382.27 |
9 |
foramen 66.10 |
fibulare 68.12 |
superius 382.26 |
notch 44.7 |
radiale 62.6 |
inguinale 86.10 |
supraclavicular fossa 398.29 |
tibiale 68.13 |
intercarpalia |
10 |
trochanter 46.8 |
ulnare 62.5 |
dorsalia 62.24 |
tubercle (humerus) 36.7 |
collateralia 64.17, 64.21, 72.19, |
interossea 64.2 |
crest 36.10 |
72.23 |
palmaria 62.25 |
11 |
tympanic spine 16.6 |
conoideum 60.21 |
interclaviculare 60.27 |
vestibular glands 172.2 |
coracoacromiale 60.13 |
intercuneiformia |
12 |
wing of sphenoid 10.19 |
coracoclaviculare 60.19 |
dorsalia 70.25 |
Lien 268.1 |
coracohumerale 60.31 |
interossea 70.22 |
Lienal |
coronarium 178.21 |
plantare 72.7 |
13 |
lymph nodes 262.25 |
costoclaviculare 60.26 |
interfoveolare 86.31 |
plexus 348.19 |
costotransversarium 58.15 |
interspinalia 56.16 |
14 |
Lienorenal ligament 178.19 |
laterale 58.17 |
intertransversaria 56.15 |
Ligamentum(-a) 404.44 |
superius 58.16 |
intracapsularis 404.47 |
acromioclaviculare 60.17 |
costoxiphoidea 58.24 |
ischiofemorale 66.24 |
15 |
alaria 58.3 |
cricoarytenoideum |
lacunare 86.11 |
anococcygeum 174.12 |
140.25 |
laterale (temporomandibular |
anulare |
cricopharyngeum 140.26 |
joint) 60.4 |
16 |
radii 62.7 |
cricothyroideum medianum |
latum uteri 180.24 |
stapediale 382.29 |
140.8 |
lienorenale 178.19 |
17 |
anularia, tracheae 144.22 |
cricotracheale 140.9 |
longitudinale |
apicis dentis 58.4 |
cruciata genus (genualia) 68.7 |
anterius 56.19 |
arcuatum |
anterius 68.8 |
posterius 56.20 |
18 |
laterale 84.34 |
posterius 68.9 |
lumbocostale 58.18 |
mediale 84.33 |
cruciforme atlantis 58.5 |
mallei |
19 |
medianum 84.35 |
cuboideonaviculare |
anterius 382.23 |
pubis 66.17 |
dorsale 70.27 |
laterale 382.25 |
arteriosum 192.2 |
plantare 72.6 |
superius 382.24 |
20 |
node 260.10 |
cuneocuboideum |
mediale |
atlanto-occipitale |
dorsale 70.26 |
articulationis talocruralis |
anterius 56.27 |
interosseum 70.21 |
70.2 |
21 |
laterale 56.30 |
plantare 72.8 |
(temporomandibular joint) |
auricularia 388.10 |
cuneometatarsalia interossea |
60.5 |
22 |
anterius 388.11 |
72.12 |
meniscofemorale |
posterius 388.13 |
cuneonavicularia |
anterius 68.3 |
superius 388.12 |
dorsalia 70.31 |
posterius 68.4 |
23 |
bifurcatum 70.28 |
plantaria 72.5 |
metacarpale transversum |
calcaneocuboideum 70.30 |
deltoideum articulationis |
profundum 64.19 |
24 |
dorsale 70.31a |
talocruralis 70.2 |
superficiale 92.23 |
plantare 72.3 |
denticulatum 272.9 |
metacarpalia |
calcaneofibulare 70.9 |
epididymidis |
dorsalia 64.12 |
25 |
calcaneonaviculare 70.29 |
inferius 162.5 |
interossea 64.14 |
plantaria 72.4 |
superius 162.4 |
palmaria 64.13 |
Index 449 |
Ligamentum(-a) |
Ligamentum(-a) |
Linea(-ae) |
metatarsale transversum |
supraspinalis 56.17 |
alba 86.22 |
profundum 72.21 |
suspensorium(-a) |
adminiculum 86.24 |
superficiale 100.19 |
mammaria 394.31 |
anocutanea 126.30 |
metatarsalia |
ovarii 180.28 |
anorectalis 126.28 |
dorsalia 72.15 |
penis/clitoridis 86.25 |
arcuata 42.14, 86.7 |
interossea 72.14 |
talocalcaneum |
aspera 46.13 |
plantaria 72.16 |
interosseum 70.20 |
lateral lip 46.14 |
nuchal 56.18 |
laterale 70.14 |
medial lip 46.15 |
ossiculorum auditoriorum |
mediale 70.15 |
axillaris |
382.22 |
posterior 70.15a |
anterior 396.52 |
ovarii proprium 166.28 |
talofibulare |
media 396.53 |
palmaria 64.18, 64.22 |
anterius 70.7 |
posterior 396.54 |
palpebrale |
posterius 70.8 |
epiphysialis 404.1 |
laterale 366.20 |
talonaviculare 70.24 |
glutealis |
mediale 366.18 |
tarsi |
anterior 42.26 |
patellae 68.16 |
dorsalia 70.23 |
inferior 42.28 |
pectinatum 354.27 |
interossea 70.19 |
posterior 42.27 |
pectineale 86.12 |
plantaria 72.1 |
intercondylaris 46.19 |
phrenicocolicum 178 |
tarsometatarsalia |
intermedia 42.18 |
phrenocosplenicum 178.19 |
dorsalia 72.10 |
intertrochanterica 46.10 |
pisohamatum 64.4 |
plantaria 72.11 |
mammillaris 396.51 |
pisometacarpale 64.5 |
teres |
mediana |
plantare longum 72.2 |
hepatis 130.4 |
anterior 396.47 |
plantaria 72.20, 72.24 |
uteri 168.32 |
posterior 398.1 |
popliteum |
thyroepiglotticum 142.7 |
medioclavicularis 396.50 |
arcuatum 68.15 |
thyrohyoideum |
musculi solei (tibia) 48.5 |
obliquum 68.14 |
laterale 138.27 |
mylohyoidea 26.22 |
pterygospinale 60.10 |
medianum 138.26 |
nuchalis |
pubicum superius 66.16 |
tibiofibulare |
inferior 8.27 |
pubofemorale 66.25 |
anterius 68.25 |
superior 8.26 |
puboprostaticum 174.28 |
posterius 68.26 |
suprema 8.25 |
pubovesicale 174.28 |
transversum |
obliqua 26.19, 138.21 |
pulmonale 152.23 |
acetabuli 66.27 |
parasternalis 396.49 |
quadratum 62.8 |
atlantis 58.7 |
paravertebralis 396.56 |
radiocarpale |
genus (genuale) 68.6 |
pectinea 46.16 |
carpi radiatum 62.21 |
perinei 176.7 |
postaxillaris 398.8 |
dorsale 62.18 |
scapulae |
preaxillaris 398.7 |
palmare 62.19 |
inferius 60.15 |
scapularis 396.55 |
ulnocarpale palmare 62.20 |
superius 60.14 |
semilunaris 86.33 |
reflexum 86.13 |
trapezoideum 60.20 |
sternalis 396.48 |
sacrococcygeum |
triangulare |
supracondylaris |
anterius (ventrale) 56.24 |
dextrum 178.23 |
lateralis 46.20b |
laterale 56.25 |
sinistrum 178.24 |
medialis 46.20a |
posterius (dorsale) |
umbilicale |
temporalis |
profundum 56.23 |
mediale (laterale) |
inferior 16.29 |
superficiale 56.22 |
222.30 |
ossis frontalis 18.12 |
sacroiliaca |
medianum 156.30 |
superior 16.28 |
anteriora (ventralia) 66.12 |
venae cavae 130.32 |
terminalis 44.26 |
interossea 66.13 |
venosum 130.5, 248.10 |
transversae 4.25 |
posteriora (dorsalia) 66.14 |
vestibulare 144.11 |
trapezoidea 34.34 |
sacrospinale 66.8 |
vocale 144.13 |
Lineal artery 218.25 |
sacrotuberale 66.6 |
Limbus(-i) 354.26 |
Lingua 112.28 |
sphenomandibulare 60.8 |
acetabuli 42.6 |
Lingual |
spirale 372.21 |
corneae 356.3 |
aponeurosis 114.17 |
splenorenale 178.19 |
fossae ovalis 186.20 |
artery 196.1 |
sternoclaviculare |
laminae spiralis osseae |
deep 196.5 |
anterius 60.24 |
372.23 |
branch(-es) |
posterius 60.25 |
palpebrales |
facial nerve 328.16 |
sternocostale intra-articulare |
anteriores 366.13 |
glossopharyngeal nerve |
58.12 |
posteriores 366.14 |
330.30 |
sternocostalia radiata 58.22 |
Limen |
hypoglossal nerve 334.2 |
sternopericardiaca 184.3 |
insulae 308.29 |
left pulmonary artery 190.34 |
stylohyoideum 60.11 |
nasi 136.9 |
lingual nerve 326.6 |
stylomandibulare 60.9 |
Limiting sulcus 286.26 |
follicles 114.15 |
450 Index
Lingual |
Lobulus(-i) |
Longitudinal |
glands 108.36 |
semilunaris superior 288.33 |
ligament |
anterior 108.37 |
simplex 288.32 |
anterior 56.19 |
gyrus 310.17 |
testis 158.27 |
posterior 56.20 |
lymph nodes 256.14a |
thymi 182.26 |
pontine fibers 284.9 |
nerve 326.1 |
thyroid gland 182.10 |
Longitudinalis 396.29 |
papillae 114.3 |
Lobus(-i) 406.5 |
Lower 396.20 |
septum 114.16 |
anterior cerebelli 288.18 |
anterior segment of kidney |
surface (tooth) 110.26 |
caudatus (liver) 130.26 |
154.19 |
tonsil 114.14 |
cerebrales 306.6 |
eyelid 366.4 |
vein 234.28 |
dexter |
leg 402.12 |
deep 234.32 |
(liver) 130.18 |
anterior surface 402.13 |
dorsal 234.29 |
(prostate) 162.16 |
posterior surface 402.14 |
Lingula 288.19 |
flocculonodularis 290.1 |
lingular branch of left pulmo- |
mandibulae 28.7 |
frontalis 306.22 |
nary artery 190.36 |
pulmonis sinistri 148.22 |
glandulae |
lip 108.9 |
sphenoidalis 10.12 |
mammariae 394.23 |
lobe of lung 148.25 |
Lingular |
thyroidea (dexter/sinister) |
left lung 150.21 |
branch of left superior pulmo- |
182.3 |
right lung 150.9 |
nary vein 232.1 |
hepatis (liver) 130.17 |
margin of spleen 268.11 |
bronchus |
inferior (lung) 148.25 |
omental recess 176.33 |
inferior 146.20 |
pulmonis dextri 150.9 |
pelvic aperture 44.28 |
superior 146.19 |
pulmonis sinistri 150.21 |
pole of kidney 154.11 |
Linguofacial trunk 196.6 |
medius |
trunk 336.16 |
Lips 108.5 |
(lung) 148.24 |
Lowest lumbar arteries |
commissure 108.10 |
pulmonis dextri 150.6 |
216.26 |
lower 108.9 |
(prostate) 162.18 |
Lumbar |
upper 108.6 |
nervosus 182.21 |
arteries 216.22 |
Liquor cerebrospinalis 270.3, |
occipitalis 308.10 |
lowest 216.26 |
270.15 |
parietalis 308.1 |
branch of iliolumbar artery |
Little |
posterior cerebelli 288.25 |
222.9 |
finger 400.48 |
pyramidalis 182.5 |
ganglion 352.21 |
toe 402.28 |
quadratus (liver) 130.25 |
lymph nodes |
Liver 128.22 |
renales 154.25 |
intermediate 262.6 |
hilum 130.6 |
sinister |
left 262.2 |
lobes of 130.17 |
(liver) 130.21 |
right 262.7 |
left 130.21 |
(prostate) 162.16 |
nerves 342.1 |
right 130.18 |
superior (lung) 148.23 |
part of diaphragm 84.24 |
Lobar bronchus(-i) 146.1 |
pulmonis dextri 150.2 |
plexus 342.14 |
left |
pulmonis sinistri 150.16 |
region 400.4 |
inferior 146.21 |
temporalis 308.15 |
segment of spinal cord 274.8 |
superior 146.16 |
thymus 182.24 |
splanchnic nerves 352.22 |
right |
Locus caeruleus 286.28 |
triangle 86.27 |
inferior 146.9 |
Long |
trigone 400.14 |
middle 146.6 |
bone 402.41 |
trunk, right/left 254.10 |
superior 146.2 |
central artery 204.5 |
vein(-s) 246.11, 246.23 |
Lobe 406.5 |
ciliary nerves 322.3 |
ascending 246.10 |
Lobule 406.6 |
gyrus of insula 308.28 |
vertebrae 2.28 |
Lobulus(-i) 406.6 |
head |
Lumbocostal ligament 58.18 |
auricularis 386.9 |
of biceps brachii 88.13 |
Lumbosacral |
biventer 288.37 |
of biceps femoris 96.3 |
enlargement 272.15 |
centralis (cerebellum) 288.20 |
of triceps 88.20 |
joint 66.4 |
coni epididymidis 160.5 |
nasopalatine nerve 322.20a |
plexus 342.13 |
corticales 154.29 |
plantar ligament 72.2 |
trunk 344.7 |
glandulae mammariae 394.24 |
posterior ciliary arteries |
Lunate 40.6 |
gracilis 288.36 |
202.7 |
sulcus 308.13 |
hepatis 132.1 |
thoracic nerve 336.21 |
surface of acetabulum 42.9 |
insularis 308.25 |
Longitudinal 396.29 |
Lungs 148.6 |
pancreaticus 128.16 |
canals of moliolus 376.26 |
apex 148.9 |
paracentralis 310.8 |
fissure of cerebrum 306.7 |
base 148.8 |
parietalis |
folds of duodenum 124.11 |
hilum 148.20 |
inferior 308.6 |
layer |
root 148.21 |
superior 308.4 |
colon 126.2 |
Lunula(-ae) 392.28 |
quadrangularis 288.23, |
small intestine 122.24 |
valvularum semilunarium |
288.32 |
stomach 122.6 |
188.15, 190.7 |
Index 451 |
Lymph |
Lymph |
Lymph |
nodes 254.23, 406.21 |
nodes |
nodes |
anorectal 266.12 |
mesenteric 264.1 |
superolateral 266.16 |
anterior 258.5, 258.10 |
mesocolic 264.8 |
superomedial 266.15 |
cervical 256.17 |
obturator external iliac |
supraclavicular 258.11 |
jugular 256.18 |
264.29 |
supratrochlear 258.26 |
mediastinal 260.9 |
occipital 256.3 |
thyroid 256.21 |
apical 258.17 |
pancreatic 262.22 |
tracheobronchial 260.13 |
appendicular 264.8 |
pancreaticoduodenal 262.26 |
Lymph (lympha) 406.19 |
axillary 258.16 |
paracolic 264.9 |
Lymphatic |
brachial 258.18, 258.24 |
paramammary 260.2 |
capillary network 254.4 |
celiac 262.14 |
pararectal 266.12 |
ducts 254.15 |
central 258.21, 264.3 |
parasternal 260.3 |
right 254.16 |
colic 264.10 |
paratracheal 256.23, 260.16 |
nodules (follicles) 122.19, |
common iliac 264.15 |
parauterine 266.10 |
254.29, 406.22 |
cubital 258.25 |
paravaginal 266.11 |
aggregated 122.33 |
deep 256.19, 258.28 |
paravertebral 260.5 |
of vermiform appendix |
inguinal 266.18 |
parietal 262.1 |
124.24 |
parotid 256.6 |
pectoral 258.20 |
solitary 122.32, 126.12 |
popliteal 266.20 |
perivesicular 266.6 |
of spleen 268.20 |
deltopectoral 258.23 |
postaortic 262.5 |
plexus 254.6, 406.23 |
external, iliac 264.21 |
postcaval 262.10 |
axillary 258.15 |
facial 256.10 |
posterior mediastinal 260.11 |
system 254.1 |
gastric 262.15 |
postvesicular 266.8 |
trunks 254.9 |
gastro-omental 262.17 |
pre-aortic 262.4 |
valve 406.35 |
hepatic 262.29 |
preauricular 256.7 |
vessels 254.2, 254.5, 406.40 |
ileocolic 264.4 |
precaval 262.9 |
afferent 254.24 |
inferior 266.17 |
prececal 264.5 |
deep 254.8 |
deep cervical 258.7 |
prelaryngeal 256.20 |
efferent 254.25 |
epigastric 262.12 |
prepericardial 260.7 |
superficial 254.7 |
gluteal 266.3 |
pretracheal 256.22 |
Lymphocapillary vessel 254.3 |
mesenteric 264.11 |
prevesicular 266.7 |
pancreatic 262.24 |
promontory common iliac |
M |
pancreaticoduodenal 262.28 |
264.20 |
phrenic 262.11 |
pulmonary juxtaesophageal |
Macula(-ae) 360.3, 372.3 |
tracheobronchial 260.15 |
260.12 |
cribrosae 376.2 |
infra-auricular 256.8 |
pyloric 262.18 |
inferior 376.5 |
infraclavicular 258.23 |
regional 256.1 |
media 376.4 |
infrahyoid 256.19a |
retroauricular 256.4 |
superior 376.3 |
intercostal 260.4 |
retrocecal 264.6 |
sacculi 372.5 |
interiliac external iliac 264.28 |
retropharyngeal 256.23a, |
utriculi 372.4 |
intermediate |
258.13 |
Macular arteriole/venule |
common iliac 264.17 |
right lumbar 262.7 |
inferior 360.13 |
external iliac 264.23 |
sacral 266.4 |
superior 360.12 |
lumbar 262.6 |
sigmoid 264.12 |
Magnocellular part of red nu- |
internal iliac 266.1 |
splenic 262.25 |
cleus 294.5 |
interpectoral 258.22 |
subaortic common iliac |
Main bronchus (right and left) |
intraglandular 256.9 |
264.19 |
144.30 |
juxtaintestinal 264.2 |
submandibular 256.16 |
Major |
of larynx 144.16 |
submental 256.15 |
calices of kidney 156.17 |
lateral 258.4, 258.9 |
subscapular 258.19 |
sublingual duct 110.3 |
aortic 262.3 |
superficial 256.18, 258.2, |
Malar node 256.13 |
caval 262.8 |
258.27 |
Male urethra 164.23 |
cervical 258.1 |
inguinal 266.14 |
Mallear |
common iliac 264.18 |
parotid 256.5 |
fold |
external iliac 264.24 |
popliteal 266.19 |
anterior 380.24, 384.6 |
pericardial 260.8 |
superior 264.3 |
posterior 380.25, 384.5 |
vesicular 266.9 |
deep 258.3 |
prominence 380.26 |
left lumbar 262.2 |
gluteal 266.2 |
Malleolar |
lienal 262.25 |
pancreatic 262.23 |
artery |
lingual 256.14a |
pancreaticoduodenal |
lateral 226.25 |
mastoid 256.4 |
262.27 |
medial 226.26 |
medial |
phrenic 260.6 |
fossa, lateral 48.30 |
common iliac 264.16 |
rectal 264.13 |
groove 48.11 |
external iliac 264.22 |
tracheobronchial 260.14 |
network, lateral 226.27 |
452 Index
Malleolar |
Marginal |
Margo |
region |
tentorial branch of internal |
medialis |
anterior 402.16 |
carotid 200.18 |
(orbit) 32.16b |
posterior 402.16 |
tubercle 26.7 |
pedis 402.22 |
surface of talus |
vein |
(scapula) 34.13 |
lateral 50.10 |
lateral 252.26b |
(tibia) 48.7 |
medial 50.6 |
medial 252.26c |
mesovaricus 166.11 |
Malleolus |
right 232.20a |
nasalis (frontal bone) 18.20 |
articular surface 48.12, |
Margo |
occipitalis |
48.28 |
acetabularis 42.6 |
(parietal bone) 16.31 |
lateralis 48.28 |
anterior |
(temporal bone) 12.16 |
medialis 48.10 |
(fibula) 48.25 |
orbitalis (orbit) 32.14 |
Malleus 382.1, 382.12 |
(lung) 148.17 |
parietalis |
head 382.14 |
(pancreas) 128.10 |
(frontal bone) 18.11 |
manubrium 382.13 |
(radius) 38.13 |
(sphenoid) 10.30 |
neck 382.15 |
(testis) 158.21 |
(temporal bone) 16.11 |
Mamillary |
(tibia) 48.8 |
posterior |
body 296.36 |
(ulna) 38.30 |
(fibula) 48.27 |
lateral nuclei 304.7 |
ciliaris 358.3 |
partis petrosae 14.17 |
medial nuclei 304.7 |
dexter (heart) 184.15 |
(radius) 38.12 |
process 2.30 |
falciformis 100.4 |
(testis) 158.22 |
Mamillated areas 122.14 |
fibularis pedis 402.21 |
(ulna) 38.29 |
Mamillotegmental fasciculus |
frontalis |
pupillaris 358.2 |
304.15 |
(parietal bone) 16.34 |
radialis 400.32 |
Mamillothalamic fasciculus |
(sphenoid) 10.29 |
sagittalis (parietal bone) 16.33 |
302.7, 304.16 |
gingivalis 108.23 |
sphenoidalis (temporal bone) |
Mamma(-ae) 394.18 |
incisalis 110.32 |
16.13 |
accessoriae 394.30 |
inferior |
squamosus |
masculina 394.29 |
(cerebral hemisphere) 306.11 |
(parietal bone) 16.32 |
Mammary |
(liver) 130.15 |
(sphenoid) 10.31 |
gland 394.21 |
(lung) 148.19 |
superior |
body 394.20 |
(spleen) 268.11 |
(adrenal gland) 182.33 |
lobes 394.23 |
inferioris (pancreas) 128.11 |
(cerebral hemisphere) |
lobules 394.24 |
infraorbitalis |
306.10 |
line 396.50, 396.51 |
(maxilla) 22.7 |
(pancreas) 128.9 |
region 398.38 |
(orbit) 32.16 |
partis petrosae 14.9 |
Mandible (mandibula) 26.11 |
interosseus |
(scapula) 34.15 |
angle 28.2 |
(fibula) 48.26 |
(spleen) 268.10 |
base 26.13 |
(radius) 38.8 |
supraorbitalis |
body 26.12 |
(tibia) 48.9 |
(frontal bone) 18.7 |
head 28.13 |
(ulna) 38.28 |
(orbit) 32.15 |
lingula 28.7 |
lacrimalis (maxilla) 22.21 |
tibialis pedis 402.22 |
neck 28.14 |
lambdoideus (occipital bone) |
ulnaris 400.33 |
ramus 28.1 |
8.12 |
uteri dexter/sinister 168.10 |
Mandibular |
lateralis |
zygomaticus (sphenoid) 10.28 |
canal 28.8 |
(forearm) 400.32 |
Massa |
foramen 28.6 |
(humerus) 36.19 |
intermedia 296.21 |
fossa 16.20 |
(kidney) 154.4 |
lateralis atlantis 4.2 |
nerve 324.13 |
(nail) 394.1 |
Masseteric |
node 256.14 |
(orbit) 32.16a |
artery 198.24 |
notch 28.11 |
pedis 402.21 |
fascia 80.19 |
Manubriosternal synchondrosis |
(scapula) 34.14 |
nerve 324.15 |
6.29 |
liber |
tuberosity 28.4 |
Manubrium |
(nail) 394.2 |
Masticatory |
mallei 382.13 |
(ovary) 166.10 |
muscles 78.5 |
sterni 6.24 |
linguae 112.36 |
surface of tooth 110.24 |
Manus 400.37 |
mastoideus (occipital bone) |
Mastoid |
Marginal |
8.11 |
air cells 380.17 |
colic artery 220.11a |
medialis |
angle 16.38 |
crest, tooth 110.31 |
(adrenal gland) 182.34 |
antrum 380.9 |
mandibular branch of facial |
(cerebral hemisphere) |
branches |
nerve 328.17 |
306.12 |
occipital artery 196.16 |
part of m. orbicularis oris |
(forearm) 400.33 |
posterior tympanic artery |
78.27 |
(humerus) 36.16 |
196.25 |
sinus 238.10a |
(kidney) 154.5 |
canaliculus 14.25 |
Index 453 |
Mastoid |
Medial |
Medial |
emissary vein 240.3 |
branch(-es) |
ligament |
fontanelle 32.31 |
lumbar nerves 342.3 |
talocrural joint 70.2 |
foramen 12.21 |
middle cerebral artery 204.21 |
temporomandibular joint |
lymph nodes 256.4 |
portal vein of liver 248.14 |
60.5 |
margin of occipital bone 8.11 |
posterior ramus, spinal |
lip of linea aspera 46.15 |
notch 12.18 |
nerve 334.16 |
longitudinal |
process 12.17 |
sacral/coccygeal nerves |
fasciculus 280.23, 284.19, |
wall 380.7 |
342.9 |
292.24 |
posterior 380.8 |
supraorbital nerve 320.26 |
stria, corpus callosum 312.16 |
Matrix unguis 392.21 |
calcaneal branches (tibial |
malleolar |
Maxilla 22.2 |
nerve) 346.8 |
branches of posterior |
body 22.3 |
cardiac branch of right pulmo- |
tibial artery 228.10 |
frontal process 22.25 |
nary artery 190.25 |
network 228.10a |
tuber 22.17 |
cartilaginous lamina 384.20 |
surface of talus 50.9 |
Maxillary |
central nucleus 298.29 |
malleolus 48.10 |
artery 198.9 |
circumflex femoral |
mammary branches |
hiatus 22.22 |
artery 226.3 |
intercostal nerve 340.25 |
nerve 322.13 |
veins 252.10 |
internal thoracic artery 210.8 |
process 20.19 |
common iliac lymph nodes |
margin |
sinus 22.24, 138.2 |
264.16 |
adrenal gland 183.34 |
surface 10.26 |
condyle |
cerebral hemisphere 306.12 |
palatine bone 24.18 |
femur 46.21 |
foot 402.22 |
veins 236.22 |
tibia 46.29 |
forearm 400.33 |
Meatus |
cord 336.26 |
humerus 36.16 |
acusticus |
crest 48.24 |
kidney 154.5 |
externus 16.3, 386.2 |
crus |
orbit 32.16b |
cartilage 386.5 |
alar cartilage 134.26 |
scapula 34.13 |
cartilagineus 386.4 |
inguinal ring 86.15 |
tibia 48.7 |
internus 14.13, 378.5 |
cuneiform 52.9 |
marginal vein 252.26c |
nasi (nasalis) |
cutaneous branch(-es) |
medullary |
inferior 32.6, 136.23 |
of the leg 344.6 |
branch of posterior inferior |
medius 32.5, 136.21 |
of posterior intercostal |
cerebellar artery 206.15 |
superior 32.4, 136.20 |
artery 216.11 |
lamina 316.30 |
nasopharyngeus 32.9, 136.24 |
dorsal cutaneous nerve 344.22 |
meniscus 68.5 |
Mebranous lamina 384.22 |
epicondyle |
muscular branches of thoracic |
Medial 396.10 |
femur 46.22 |
nerves 340.18 |
accessory olivary nucleus |
humerus 36.28 |
nasal branches of anterior eth- |
280.31 |
external iliac lymph nodes |
moidal nerve 322.9 |
angle of eye 366.11 |
264.22 |
nuclei |
antebrachial cutaneous nerve |
flattened surface of testis |
of mamillary body 304.7 |
338.5 |
158.20 |
of thalamus 298.21 |
anterior malleolar artery |
frontal gyrus 310.7 |
occipital artery 208.6 |
226.26 |
frontobasal artery 204.9 |
occipitotemporal gyrus 310.20 |
aperture of fourth ventricle |
geniculate |
olfactory |
288.9 |
body 296.27 |
gyri 310.31 |
arcuate ligament 84.33 |
nucleus |
striae 310.30 |
arteriole of retina 360.14 |
dorsal part 300.13 |
orbitofrontalis branch of ante- |
atrial vein of lateral ventricle |
ventral part 300.16 |
rior cerebral |
242.7 |
globus pallidus 316.31 |
artery 204.9 |
basal |
habenular nucleus 296.11 |
palpebral |
branch |
head |
arteries 202.17 |
left pulmonary artery |
of flexor hallucis brevis 98.2a |
commissure 366.10 |
190.39 |
of gastrocnemius 96.16 |
ligament 366.18 |
right pulmonary artery |
of triceps 88.22 |
part of superior right pulmo- |
190.25 |
inferior genicular artery 226.19 |
nary vein 230.16 |
segment |
inguinal fossa 180.16 |
pectoral nerve 336.28 |
lower lobe of left lung |
intercondylar tubercle 46.35 |
plantar |
150.24 |
intermuscular septum |
artery 228.18 |
lower lobe of right lung |
of arm 92.18 |
nerve 346.9 |
150.12 |
of thigh 98.16 |
posterior superior nasal |
segmental bronchus 146.12, |
lacunar node 264.25 |
branches of |
146.24 |
lemniscus 280.21, 284.21, |
pterygopalatine ganglion |
bicipital groove 400.28 |
300.23 |
322.19 |
brachial cutaneous nerve 338.4 |
decussation 280.20 |
preoptic nucleus 302.17 |
454 Index
Medial |
Median |
Membrana |
1 |
process of calcaneus 50.24 |
sulcus 286.22 |
basalis, ductus semicircularis |
prosencephalic fasciculus |
thyrohyoid membrane 138.26 |
370.16 |
2 |
304.19 |
umbilical |
cricovocalis 144.12 |
pterygoid |
fold 180.13 |
deciduae 172.23 |
muscle 80.17 |
ligament 156.30 |
elastica laryngis 144.9 |
3 |
plate 12.3 |
Medianus 396.3 |
fibroelastica laryngis 144.9 |
rectus muscle 364.6 |
Mediastinal |
fibrosa 404.39 |
4 |
retinaculum of patella 68.17 |
branches |
intercostalis |
root 296.35, 338.9 |
aorta 216.6 |
externa 58.25, 84.16 |
sacral vein 248.38 |
(internal thoracic artery) |
interna 58.26, 84.18 |
5 |
segment |
210.2 |
interossea |
of liver 130.22 |
lymph nodes |
antebrachii 62.10 |
of middle lobe of right lung |
anterior 260.9 |
cruris 68.24 |
6 |
150.8 |
posterior 260.11 |
obturatoria 66.2 |
segmental |
part of parietal pleura 152.16 |
perinei 176.6 |
7 |
artery 218.11 |
pleura 152.16 |
propria ductus semicircularis |
bronchus 146.8 |
surface of lung 148.13 |
370.15 |
subtendinous bursa of |
veins 234.4, 246.8 |
pupillaris 358.17 |
8 |
gastrocnemius muscle 106.5 |
Mediastinum 152.24 |
quadrangularis 144.10 |
superior genicular artery |
anterior 152.27 |
reticularis 374.1 |
9 |
226.15 |
inferior 152.26 |
spiralis 372.18 |
supraclavicular nerves 336.5 |
middle 152.28 |
stapedialis 382.28 |
supracondylar |
posterior 152.29 |
statoconiorum 372.7 |
10 |
line 46.20a |
superior 152.25 |
sterni 58.23 |
ridge 36.17 |
testis 158.25 |
suprapleuralis 152.9 |
sural cutaneous nerve 346.4 |
Mediomedial frontal branch of |
synovialis 404.40 |
11 |
surface |
callosomarginal |
inferior 60.7 |
of arytenoid cartilage 140.19 |
artery 204.12 |
superior 60.6 |
12 |
of fibula 48.22 |
Medius 396.27 |
tectoria 58.8, 372.26 |
of lung 148.11 |
Medulla |
thyrohyoidea 138.25 |
of ovary 166.8 |
adrenal 182.38 |
tympani secundaria 380.6 |
13 |
of tibia 48.3 |
lymph node 254.27 |
tympanica 380.21 |
of ulna 38.27 |
oblongata 278.17 |
vestibularis 374.3 |
14 |
talocalcaneal ligament 70.15 |
raphe 282.25 |
vitrea 362.8 |
tarsal arteries 228.3 |
sections through 280.9 |
Membranous |
tract 76.1 |
ossium |
ampullae 370.18 |
15 |
tubercle, talus 50.19 |
flava 404.4 |
anterior 370.19 |
umbilical |
rubra 404.5 |
lateral 370.21 |
fold 180.15 |
ovarii 166.17 |
posterior 370.20 |
16 |
ligament 222.30 |
renalis 154.30 |
crura 370.26 |
ventral nucleus 300.6 |
spinalis 272.13 |
ampullary 370.28 |
17 |
venule of retina 360.14 |
thymi 182.28 |
common 370.29 |
vestibular nucleus 282.14, |
Medullary |
simple 370.27 |
286.10 |
body 290.11 |
labyrinth 370.3 |
18 |
wall of orbit 32.20 |
cavity 404.3 |
part |
Medialis 396.10 |
lamina(-ae) |
of nasal septum 136.5 |
19 |
Median 396.3 |
internal/external 296.23, |
of urethra 164.29 |
antebrachial vein 244.25 |
298.23 |
wall 380.20 |
arcuate ligament 84.35 |
lateral 316.28 |
of trachea 144.23 |
20 |
atlanto-axial joint 58.2 |
medial 316.30 |
Meningeal |
basilic vein 244.27 |
rays, renal cortex 154.28, 154.29a |
artery |
cephalic vein 244.26 |
stria(-ae) 286.30 |
middle 198.16 |
21 |
cricothyroid ligament 140.8 |
of thalamus 296.24 |
groove for 16.26b |
cubital vein 244.24 |
velum |
posterior 194.18 |
22 |
eminence 286.23 |
inferior 388.4 |
branch |
glossoepiglottic fold 118.10 |
superior 288.2 |
internal carotid 200.19 |
groove of tongue 114.10 |
Meissner’s |
mandibular nerve 324.14 |
23 |
line, posterior 398.1 |
corpuscles 390.24 |
occipital artery 196.19 |
nerve 338.8 |
plexus 350.6 |
ophthalmic nerve 320.20 |
24 |
nuclei of thalamus 298.17 |
Meibomian glands 366.21 |
spinal nerve 334.12 |
palatine suture 54.33 |
Membrana |
vagus nerve 332.4 |
sacral |
atlanto-occipitalis |
nerve 322.14 |
25 |
artery 216.25 |
anterior 56.27 |
veins 234.27 |
crest 4.29 |
posterior 56.29 |
middle 236.24 |
Index 455 |
Meninges 268.22 |
Mesocolon |
Midclavicular line 396.50 |
Meniscifemoral ligament |
of descending colon (descen- |
Middle 396.27 |
anterior 68.3 |
dens) 178.7 |
calcanean facet 50.14 |
posterior 68.4 |
sigmoideum 178.8 |
cerebellar peduncle 284.5, |
Meniscus(-i) 404.36 |
transversum 178.5 |
290.25 |
articularis 404.36 |
Mesocortex 314.22a |
cerebral artery 204.18, 208.17 |
lateralis 68.2 |
Mesometrium 180.25 |
cervical |
medialis 68.5 |
Mesonephric duct 172.32 |
cardiac nerve 352.7 |
tractus 390.26 |
Mesonephros 172.31 |
ganglion 352.5 |
Mental |
Mesosalpinx 180.26 |
clinoid process 10.7 |
branch(-es) |
Mesotendineum 405.21 |
colic |
inferior alveolar artery |
Mesovarian border 166.11 |
artery 220.11 |
198.15 |
Mesovarium 180.27 |
lymph nodes 264.10 |
inferior alveolar nerve |
Metacarpal |
vein 248.28 |
326.15 |
arteries |
collateral artery 212.30 |
foramen 26.18 |
dorsal 214.7 |
cranial fossa 30.3 |
nerve 326.14 |
palmar 214.12 |
ear 378.15 |
protuberance 26.15 |
articulations 64.7 |
cavity 14.30 |
region 398.18 |
bones 40.17 |
facet for the talus 52.2 |
spine 26.21 |
base 40.18 |
finger 400.46 |
tubercle 26.16 |
body 40.19 |
frontal gyrus 306.28 |
Meridiani 354.19 |
head 40.20 |
genicular artery 226.16 |
Meridians 354.19 |
third 40.21 |
lobe |
Meridional fibers 356.25 |
ligaments |
branch of superior right pul- |
Merkel’s corpuscles 390.26 |
deep transverse 64.19 |
monary |
Merocrine sweat glands 394.12 |
dorsal 64.12 |
vein 230.14 |
Mesencephalic |
interosseous 64.14 |
of lung 148.24 |
aqueduct 292.20 |
palmar 64.13 |
right lung 150.6 |
arteries 206.21 |
superficial transverse 92.23 |
of prostate 162.18 |
nucleus of trigeminal nerve |
veins |
mediastinum 152.28 |
284.30 |
dorsal 244.33 |
meningeal |
tectum 292.12, 294.17 |
palmar 244.34 |
artery 198.16 |
tegmentum 292.10 |
Metacarpophalangeal joints |
groove for 16.26b |
tract of trigeminal nerve |
64.16 |
veins 236.24 |
284.29, 292.26 |
Metacarpus 40.16, 400.42 |
nasal |
nucleus 292.27 |
interosseous spaces 64.15 |
concha 20.15, 136.12 |
Mesencephalon 290.27 |
Metaphysis 402.48 |
meatus 32.5, 136.21 |
sections 292.21 |
Metatarsal |
phalanx |
Mesenteric |
arteries, plantar 228.23 |
fingers 40.26 |
artery |
bones 52.17 |
toes 52.26 |
inferior 220.12 |
base 52.18 |
pharyngeal constrictor muscle |
superior 220.1 |
head 52.20 |
118.29 |
ganglion |
shaft 52.19 |
rectal |
inferior 348.16 |
tuberosity |
artery 224.7 |
superior 348.14 |
fifth metatarsal 52.22 |
plexus 350.13 |
lymph nodes 264.1 |
first metatarsal 52.21 |
veins 250.19 |
inferior 264.11 |
interosseous spaces 72.17 |
sinus 138.7 |
plexus |
ligaments |
superior alveolar branch of in- |
inferior 350.1 |
deep transverse 72.21 |
fraorbital |
superior 348.28 |
dorsal 72.15 |
nerve 324.4 |
vein |
intersseous 72.14 |
suprarenal artery 220.16 |
inferior 248.33 |
plantar 72.16 |
temporal |
superior 248.20 |
superficial transverse 100.19 |
artery 198.6, 204.27 |
Mesenteriolum 178.9 |
veins |
groove for 16.15 |
Mesenterium 178.2 |
dorsal 252.20 |
branches of lateral occipital |
dorsale commune 178.1 |
plantar 252.25 |
artery 208.4 |
Mesentery 178.2 |
Metatarsophalangeal joints 72.18 |
gyrus 308.22 |
dorsal 178.1 |
Metatarsus 52.16, 402.24 |
temporal vein 236.20 |
root 178.3 |
Metathalamus 296.26 |
thyroid veins 236.2 |
Mesial surface of tooth 110.28 |
sections 298.11 |
trunk 336.15 |
Meso-appendix 178.9 |
Metencephalon 284.1 |
Midtarsal joint, transverse 70.16 |
Mesocolic lymph nodes 264.8 |
Metopic suture 54.11 |
Milk teeth 112.25 |
Mesocolon 178.4 |
Midaxillary line 396.53 |
Minor |
of ascending colon (ascendens) |
Midbrain 290.27 |
calices of kidney 156.18 |
178.6 |
Midcarpal joint 62.17 |
sublingual ducts 110.4 |
456 Index
Mitral valve 188.26 |
Musculus(-i) 405.2 |
Musculus(-i) |
Mixed nerve 408.5 |
abdominis 86.1 |
depressor |
Mobile part of nasal septum |
abductor |
supercilii 78.22 |
134.33 |
digiti minimi 92.9, 98.6 |
detrusor vesicae 158.4 |
Modiolus 80.9a, 376.22 |
hallucis 98.1 |
digastricus 82.7 |
base 376.23 |
pollicis |
dilator (dilatator) 405.11a |
lamina 376.24 |
brevis 92.1 |
pupillae 358.11 |
Molar |
longus 90.22 |
dorsi 74.1 |
glands 108.34 |
adductor |
epicranius 78.6 |
teeth 112.23 |
brevis 94.24 |
erector spinae 74.10 |
Molecular layer |
hallucis 98.3 |
extensor |
cerebellum 290.14 |
longus 94.23 |
carpi |
cerebral cortex 316.3 |
magnus 94.25 |
radialis |
Mongolian fold 366.6 |
minimus 94.25a |
brevis 90.14 |
Mons pubis 170.25 |
pollicis 90.6 |
longus 90.13 |
Motor |
anconaeus 88.24 |
ulnaris 90.18 |
nerve 408.9 |
antitragicus 388.19 |
digiti minimi 90.17 |
nucleus of trigeminal nerve |
arrectores pilorum 392.16 |
digitorum 90.15 |
286.1 |
articularis 405.14 |
brevis 96.26 |
root 334.5 |
cubiti 88.25 |
longus 96.8 |
trigeminal nerve 320.18 |
genus 94.21 |
hallucis |
Mouth |
aryepiglotticus 142.11 |
brevis 96.25 |
angle 108.11 |
arytenoideus |
longus 96.10 |
vestibule 108.3 |
obliquus 142.21 |
indicis 90.25 |
Mucosa 118.17 |
transversus 142.22 |
pollicis |
Mucosal layer of tympanic mem- |
auricularis(-es) 388.14 |
brevis 90.23 |
brane 380.33 |
anterior 78.23 |
longus 90.24 |
Mucous |
posterior 78.25 |
faciales 78.5 |
gland 406.7 |
superior 78.24 |
faucium 116.17 |
membrane of tongue 114.1 |
biceps |
fibularis |
Müllerian duct 172.33 |
brachii 88.12 |
brevis 96.12 |
Multiform layer of cerebral cor- |
femoris 96.2 |
longus 96.11 |
tex 316.8 |
bipennatus 405.9 |
tertius 96.9 |
Multipennate muscle 405.10 |
brachialis 88.18 |
flexor |
Muscle 405.2 |
brachioradialis 90.12 |
accessorius 98.9 |
Muscular |
bronchoesophageus 120.9 |
carpi |
arteries 202.8 |
buccinator 80.10 |
radialis 90.1 |
branches 408.8 |
bulbi 364.2 |
ulnaris 90.3 |
accessory nerve 332.37 |
bulbospongiosus 176.11 |
digiti minimi, brevis 92.10, |
axillary nerve 340.14 |
capitis 76.22 |
98.7 |
femoral nerve 344.2 |
ceratocricoideus 142.16 |
digitorum |
median nerve 338.12 |
chondroglossus 114.21 |
brevis 98.8 |
musculocutaneous nerve |
ciliaris 356.24 |
longus 96.23 |
338.2 |
coccygei 88.1 |
profundus 90.9 |
obturator nerve 342.29 |
coccygeus 88.2, 174.13 |
superficialis 90.6 |
perineal nerves 346.21 |
colli (cervicalis) 80.24 |
hallucis |
peroneal (fibular) nerve |
compressor urethrae 176.4a |
brevis 98.2 |
344.22, |
constrictor pharyngis |
longus 96.24 |
344.26 |
inferior 118.32 |
pollicis |
radial nerve 340.5 |
medius 118.29 |
brevis 92.2 |
tibial nerve 346.2 |
superior 118.22 |
longus 90.10 |
ulnar nerve 338.18 |
coracobrachialis 88.17 |
fusiformis 405.5 |
of vertebral artery 206.6 |
corrugator supercilii 78.21 |
gastrocnemius 96.14 |
fasciae 364.20 |
cremaster 86.19, 160.28 |
gemellus |
lacuna 98.20 |
cricoarytenoideus |
inferior 94.13 |
process, arytenoid cartilage |
lateralis 142.16 |
superior 94.12 |
140.22 |
posterior 142.15 |
genioglossus 114.19 |
triangle 398.26 |
cricothyroideus 142.12 |
geniohyoideus 82.12 |
trochlea 405.29 |
cruciatus 405.13 |
gluteus |
Musculocutaneous nerve 338.1 |
cutaneus 405.16 |
maximus 94.6 |
Musculophrenic |
deltoideus 88.6 |
medius 94.7 |
artery 210.11 |
depressor |
minimus 94.8 |
veins 234.17 |
anguli oris 80.1 |
gracilis 94.26 |
Musculotubal canal 12.28 |
labii inferioris 80.8 |
helicis |
septum 12.31 |
septi 78.16 |
major 388.15 |
minor 388.16 |
Index 457 |
Musculus(-i) |
Musculus(-i) |
Musculus(-i) |
hyoglossus 114.20 |
mentalis 80.11 |
puboprostaticus 162.23 |
iliacus 94.3 |
multifidi 76.15 |
puborectalis 174.9 |
iliococcygeus 174.10 |
multipennatus 405.10 |
pubovaginalis 174.8 |
iliocostalis 74.15 |
mylohyoideus 82.11 |
pubovesicalis 158.5 |
cervicis 74.18 |
nasalis 78.13 |
pyramidalis 86.8 |
lumborum 74.16 |
obliquus |
auricularis 388.18 |
thoracis 74.17 |
auricularis 388.21 |
quadratus 405.6 |
iliopsoas 94.2 |
capitis superior 78.2 |
femoris 94.14 |
incisurae helicis 388.22 |
externus abdominis 86.9 |
lumborum 86.32 |
infrahyoidei 82.13 |
inferior 78.3, 364.13 |
plantae 98.9 |
infraspinatus 88.8 |
internus abdominis 86.18 |
quadriceps femoris 94.16 |
intercostales |
superior 364.10 |
recto-uterinus 168.31 |
externi 84.15 |
obturator |
rectococcygeus 126.21 |
interni 84.17 |
externus 96.1 |
rectourethralis 126.22, |
intimi 84.19 |
internus 94.11 |
158.7 |
interossei |
occipitofrontalis 78.7 |
rectovesicalis 158.6 |
dorsales 92.13 |
omohyoideus 82.15 |
rectus |
pedis 98.11 |
opponens |
abdominis 86.2 |
palmares 92.14 |
digiti minimi 92.11, 98.7a |
capitis |
plantares 98.12 |
pollicis 92.5 |
anterior 76.24 |
interspinales 76.6 |
orbicularis 405.12 |
lateralis 78.1 |
cervicis 76.7 |
labial part 78.28 |
posterior |
lumborum 76.9 |
marginal part 78.27 |
major 76.25 |
thoracis 76.8 |
oculi 78.17 |
minor 76.26 |
intertransversarii 74.21 |
oris 78.26 |
femoris 94.17 |
anteriores cervicis 74.28 |
orbitalis 364.3 |
inferior 364.5 |
laterales lumborum 74.22 |
ossiculourm auditoriorum |
lateralis 364.7 |
mediales lumborum 74.23 |
384.1 |
medialis 364.6 |
posteriores cervicis 74.25 |
palati 116.17 |
superior 364.4 |
thoracis 74.24 |
palatoglossus 116.22 |
rhomboideus |
ischiocavernosus 176.10 |
palatopharyngeus 116.23 |
major 74.5 |
laryngis 142.10 |
palmaris |
minor 74.6 |
latissimus dorsi 74.4 |
brevis 90.26 |
risorius 80.3 |
levator |
longus 90.2 |
rotatores 76.16 |
anguli oris 80.9 |
papillaris(-es) 186.3 |
cervicis 76.17 |
ani 174.6 |
anterior 188.16, 190.8 |
lumborum 76.19 |
glandulae thyroideae 82.20 |
posterior 188.17, 190.9 |
thoracis 76.18 |
labii superioris 80.6 |
septales 188.18 |
sacrococcygeus |
alaeque nasi 80.7 |
pectinati 186.15, 188.21a |
dorsalis 88.4 |
palpebrae superioris 364.14 |
pectineus 94.22 |
ventralis 88.3 |
prostatae 174.8 |
pectoralis |
salpingopharyngeus 118.28 |
scapulae 74.7 |
major 84.3 |
sartorius 94.15 |
veli palatini 116.19 |
minor 84.7 |
scalenus |
levatores costarum 84.12 |
perinei (perineales) 174.3 |
anterior 82.2 |
breves 84.14 |
peroneus |
tuberculum 6.18 |
longi 84.13 |
brevis 96.12 |
medius 82.3 |
linguae (linguales) 114.18 |
longus 96.11 |
minimus 82.5 |
longissimus 74.11 |
tertius 96.9 |
posterior 82.4 |
capitis 74.14 |
pharyngopalatinus 116.23 |
semimembranosus 96.6 |
cervicis 74.13 |
piriformis 94.10 |
semispinalis 76.11 |
thoracis 74.12 |
plantaris 96.20 |
capitis 76.14 |
longitudinalis |
pleuroesophageus 120.10 |
cervicis 76.13 |
inferior 114.24 |
popliteus 96.21 |
thoracis 76.12 |
superior 114.23 |
procerus 78.12 |
semitendinosus 96.5 |
longus |
pronator |
serratus |
capitis 78.4 |
quadratus 90.11 |
anterior 84.11 |
colli 82.1 |
teres 88.26 |
posterior |
lumbricales 92.12 |
psoas |
inferior 74.8 |
pedis 98.10 |
major 94.4 |
superior 74.9 |
masseter 80.12 |
minor 94.5 |
skeleti 405.15 |
masticatorii 78.5 |
pterygoideus |
soleus 96.17 |
membri |
lateralis 80.16 |
sphincter 405.11 |
inferioris 94.1 |
medialis 80.17 |
ampullae hepatopancreat- |
superioris 88.5 |
pubococcygeus 174.7 |
icae 134.15 |
458 Index
Musculus(-i) |
Musculus(-i) |
Nasal |
sphincter |
transversus |
cartilages 134.23 |
ani |
perinei |
accessory 134.29 |
externus 126.31, 174.14 |
profundus 176.3 |
lateral 134.24 |
internus 126.20 |
superficialis 176.9 |
cavity 32.1, 136.1 |
ductus |
thoracis 84.21 |
concha |
choledochi 134.13 |
trapezius 74.2 |
highest, rudimentary 20.13 |
pancreatici 128.18 |
triangularis 405.7 |
inferior 20.17, 136.13 |
pupillae 358.10 |
triceps |
middle 20.15, 136.12 |
pyloricus 122.8 |
brachii 88.19 |
superior 20.14, 136.11 |
urethrae 176.4 |
surae 96.13 |
crest 24.2, 24.32 |
urethrovaginalis 176.4b |
unipennatus 405.8 |
foramina 20.27a |
spinalis 76.2 |
uvulae 116.21 |
glands 136.16a |
capitis 76.5 |
vastus |
meatus |
cervicis 76.4 |
intermedius 94.19 |
inferior 32.6, 136.23 |
thoracis 76.3 |
lateralis 94.18 |
middle 32.5, 136.21 |
splenus |
medialis 94.20 |
superior 32.4, 136.20 |
capitis 74.20 |
verticalis linguae 114.26 |
mucosa of olfactory region |
cervicis 74.19 |
vocalis 142.18 |
388.24 |
stapedius 384.3 |
zygomaticus |
muscle, alar part 78.15 |
sternalis 84.2 |
major 80.4 |
notch 22.11 |
sternocleidomastoideus 80.26 |
minor 80.5 |
openings 136.2 |
sternohyoideus 82.14 |
Myenteric plexus 350.5 |
part of frontal bone 18.18 |
sternothyroideus 82.18 |
Mylohyoid |
region 398.16 |
styloglossus 114.22 |
branch of inferior alveolar |
septum 136.4 |
stylohyoideus 82.10 |
artery 198.14 |
bony 32.2, 136.6 |
stylopharyngeus 118.27 |
groove 28.9 |
cartilaginous 134.30, |
subclavius 84.8 |
line 26.22 |
136.5a |
subcostales 84.20 |
nerve 326.10 |
lateral process 134.30a |
suboccipitales 76.23 |
Myocardium 186.7 |
membranous part 136.5 |
subscapularis 88.11 |
Myology (myologia) 405.1 |
mobile part 134.33 |
supinator 90.21 |
posterior process 134.31 |
suprahyoidei 82.6 |
N |
spine 18.19 |
supraspinatus 88.7 |
anterior 22.12 |
suspensorius duodeni 124.10 |
Nail(-s) 392.20 |
posterior 24.31 |
tarsalis |
body 392.26 |
surface 24.28 |
inferior 366.23 |
groove 392.23 |
maxilla 22.18 |
superior 366.22 |
matrix 392.21 |
palatine bone 24.17 |
temporalis 80.15 |
crest of 392.22 |
veins, external 236.10 |
temporoparietalis 78.10 |
root 392.27 |
venule of retina |
tensor |
sinus 392.24 |
inferior 360.11 |
fasciae latae 94.9 |
wall 392.25 |
superior 360.10 |
tympani 384.2 |
Nares 136.2 |
vestibule, hairs 392.8 |
veli palatini 116.20 |
Nasal |
Nasion 28.34 |
tensoris tympani semicanalis |
arteriole of retina |
Nasociliary nerve 322.1 |
12.29 |
inferior 360.11 |
Nasofrontal vein 242.26 |
teres |
superior 360.10 |
Nasolabial node 256.12 |
major 88.10 |
artery, dorsal 202.21 |
Nasolacrimal |
minor 88.9 |
bone 20.26 |
canal 32.7 |
thoracis 84.1 |
border, frontal bone 18.20 |
duct 368.23 |
thyroarytenoideus 142.20 |
branches |
aperture 136.23a |
thyroepiglotticus 142.19 |
anterior ethmoidal nerve |
Nasomaxillary suture 54.27 |
thyrohyoideus 82.19 |
322.6 |
Nasopalatine nerve 322.20 |
tibialis |
external 322.10 |
long 322.20a |
anterior 96.7 |
internal 322.7 |
short 322.20c |
posterior 96.22 |
lateral 322.8 |
Nasopharyngeal |
trachealis 144.21 |
medial 322.9 |
meatus 32.9, 136.24 |
tragicus 388.17 |
infraorbital nerve |
tonsil 116.27 |
transversospinales 76.10 |
external 324.10 |
Nasopharynx 116.26 |
transversus |
internal 324.11 |
Nasus externus 134.18 |
abdominis 86.20 |
pterygopalatine ganglion |
Navicular |
auricularis 388.20 |
322.23 |
bone 52.7 |
linguae 114.25 |
lateral posterior superior |
tuberosity 52.8 |
menti 80.2 |
322.18 |
fossa, urethra 164.31 |
nuchae 74.3 |
medial posterior superior |
valve 164.32 |
322.19 |
Index 459 |
Neck |
Nervus(-i) |
Nervus(-i) |
of femur 46.5 |
antebrachii |
digitales |
of fibula 48.19 |
anterior 338.11 |
plantares |
of gallbladder 134.4 |
posterior 340.7 |
communes 346.10, 346.14 |
of humerus |
auricularis(-es) |
proprii 346.11, 346.15 |
anatomical 36.4 |
anteriores 324.29 |
dorsalis |
surgical 36.5 |
magnus 334.28 |
clitoridis 346.23 |
lymph nodes 256.2 |
posterior 328.6 |
penis 346.22 |
of mandible 28.14 |
auriculotemporalis 324.24 |
scapulae 336.20 |
muscles 80.24 |
autonomicus 408.12 |
encephalici 320.2, 408.1 |
of radius 38.5 |
axillaris 340.13 |
ethmoidalis |
of ribs 6.11 |
buccalis 324.23 |
anterior 322.5 |
of scapula 34.23 |
canalis pterygoidei 328.23 |
posterior 322.4 |
of talus 50.5 |
cardiacus cervicalis |
facialis 328.1 |
of tooth 110.20 |
inferior 352.10 |
femoralis 344.1 |
of urinary bladder 156.29 |
medius 352.7 |
fibularis |
Neocerebellum 290.8 |
superior 352.4 |
communis 344.18 |
Neocortex 314.22 |
caroticotympanici 330.24 |
profundus 344.26 |
Nephros 154.3 |
caroticus |
superficialis 344.21 |
Nerve 407.2 |
externi 350.31 |
frontalis 320.23 |
branches, internal carotid |
internus 350.29 |
genitofemoralis 342.21 |
200.21 |
cavernosi |
glossopharyngeus 330.17 |
cell 408.18 |
clitoridis 350.20 |
gluteus |
body 408.19 |
penis 350.19 |
inferior 344.13 |
to external acoustic meatus |
cervicales 334.14 |
superior 344.12 |
324.25 |
chordae tympani canaliculus |
hypogastricus, dexter/sinister |
fibers |
12.24 |
350.10 |
afferent 407.6 |
ciliares |
hypoglossus 334.1 |
autonomic 407.9 |
breves 320.10 |
iliohypogastricus 342.15 |
efferent 407.7 |
longi 322.3 |
ilioinguinalis 342.18 |
postganglionic 407.18 |
coccygeus 342.7, 346.24 |
incisivus 322.20 |
preganglionic 407.17 |
cochlearis 330.3, 330.15 |
infraorbitalis 324.1 |
somatic 407.8 |
craniales 320.2, 408.1 |
infratrochlearis 322.11 |
visceral 407.9 |
cutaneus |
intercostales 340.20 |
foramina 372.22 |
antebrachii |
intercostobrachiales 340.23 |
to lateral pterygoid 324.17 |
lateralis 338.3 |
intermediofacialis 328.1 |
to medial pterygoid 324.18 |
medialis 338.5 |
intermedius 328.19 |
to obturator internus muscle |
posterior 340.4 |
interosseus |
344.9 |
brachii |
anterior 338.11 |
of pterygoid canal 328.23 |
lateralis |
cruris 346.3 |
to pyriformis muscle |
inferior 340.3 |
posterior 340.7 |
344.10 |
superior 340.15 |
ischiadicus 344.17 |
to quadratus femoris 344.11 |
medialis 338.4 |
jugularis 350.28 |
roots 336.12a |
posterior 340.2 |
labiales |
to stapedius 328.3 |
dorsalis |
anteriores 342.20 |
to subclavius 336.22 |
intermedius 344.24 |
posteriores 346.20 |
to tensor tympani muscle |
lateralis 346.6 |
lacrimalis 320.21 |
324.22 |
medialis 344.23 |
laryngealis |
to tensor veli palatini muscle |
femoris |
recurrens 332.15 |
324.21 |
lateralis 342.24 |
superior 332.10 |
Nervous |
posterior 344.14 |
laryngeus, inferior 332.18 |
part of retina 358.22 |
perforans 344.16a |
lingualis 326.1 |
system 268.21 |
surae |
lumbales (lumbares) 342.1 |
tissue 408.17 |
lateralis 344.19 |
mandibularis 324.13 |
Nervus(-i) 407.2 |
medialis 346.4 |
massetericus 324.15 |
abducens 326.18 |
digitales |
maxillaris 322.13 |
accessorius 332.31 |
communes 338.15 |
meatus acustici externi 324.25 |
alveolaris(-es) |
dorsales |
medianus 338.8 |
inferior 326.9 |
digiti secundi medialis |
mentalis 326.14 |
superiores 324.2 |
344.28 |
mixtarum neurofibrarum 408.5 |
ampullaris |
hallucis lateralis 344.28 |
mixtus 408.5 |
anterior 330.10 |
(hand) 338.20, 340.10 |
motorius 408.9 |
lateralis 330.11 |
pedis 344.25 |
musculi |
posterior 330.13 |
palmares |
obturatorii interni 344.9 |
anococcygei 346.26 |
communes 338.23 |
piriformis 344.10 |
proprii 338.16, 338.24 |
460 Index
Nervus( |
-i) |
Nervus(-i) |
Nodulus(-i) 290.2 |
1 |
musculi |
splanchnicus |
lymphaticus (lymphonodulus) |
quadrati femoris 344.11 |
minor 352.18 |
254.29, 406.22 |
2 |
tensoris |
sacrales 352.24 |
thymici accessorii 182.25 |
tympani 324.22 |
stapedius 328.3 |
valvularum semilunarium |
veli palatini 324.21 |
subclavius 336.22 |
188.14, 190.6 |
3 |
musculocutaneus 338.1 |
subcostalis 340.26 |
Nodus(-i) |
mylohyoideus 326.10 |
sublingualis 326.5 |
accessorii 258.12 |
4 |
nasociliaris 322.1 |
suboccipitalis 334.18 |
arcus venae azygos 260.17 |
nasopalatinus 322.20 |
subscapulares 340.11 |
atrioventricularis 186.9 |
breves 322.20c |
supraclaviculares 336.4 |
buccinatorius 256.11 |
5 |
longus 322.20a |
intermedii 336.6 |
cysticus 262.30 |
nervorum 408.16 |
laterales (posteriores) 336.7 |
fibularis 266.23 |
obturatorius 342.25 |
mediales 336.5 |
foraminalis 262.31 |
6 |
accessorius 342.30 |
supraorbitalis 320.24 |
jugulodigastricus 258.6 |
occipitalis |
suprascapularis 336.23 |
juguloomohyoideus 258.8 |
7 |
major 334.19 |
supratrochlearis 320.27 |
lacunaris |
minor 334.27 |
suralis 346.5 |
intermedius 264.26 |
tertius 334.20 |
temporales profundi 324.16 |
lateralis 264.27 |
8 |
oculomotorius 320.5 |
terminalis 352.27 |
medialis 264.25 |
olfactorii 320.3 |
thoracici 340.16 |
ligamenti arteriosi 260.10 |
9 |
ophthalmicus 320.19 |
longus 336.21 |
lymphaticus(-i) 254.23, 406.21 |
opticus 320.4, 354.4 |
thoracodorsalis 340.12 |
anorectales 266.12 |
palatinus |
tibialis 346.1 |
anteriores 258.5, 258.10 |
10 |
major 322.22 |
transversus colli 336.1 |
aortici laterales 262.3 |
minores 322.24 |
trigeminus 320.15 |
apicales 258.17 |
pectoralis |
trochlearis 320.13 |
appendiculares 264.7 |
11 |
lateralis 336.29 |
tympanicus 330.20 |
axillares 258.16 |
medialis 336.28 |
ulnaris 338.17 |
brachiales 258.18, 258.24 |
12 |
pelvici splanchnici 352.34 |
utricularis 330.9 |
cavales laterales 262.8 |
perineales 346.19 |
utriculoampullaris 330.8 |
centrales 258.21, 264.3 |
petrosus |
vaginales 350.17 |
cervicales |
13 |
major 328.24 |
vagus 332.1 |
anteriores 256.17 |
majoris, hiatus of canal 14.4 |
vasorum 406.20, 408.15 |
laterales 258.1 |
14 |
minor 330.32 |
vertebralis 352.12 |
coeliaci 262.14 |
hiatus of canal 14.5 |
vestibularis 330.2, 330.4 |
colici (dextra/media/sinistra) |
profundus 328.25 |
vestibulocochlearis 330.1 |
264.10 |
15 |
pharyngeus 322.21 |
zygomaticus 322.25 |
cubitales 258.25 |
phrenici accessorii 336.11 |
Neural lobe of pituitary gland |
deltopectorales 258.23 |
phrenicus 336.8 |
182.21 |
epigastrici inferiores 262.12 |
16 |
plantaris |
Neuritum 408.20 |
faciales 256.10 |
lateralis 346.12 |
Neurocentral junction (synchon- |
gastrici (dextri/sinistri) 262.15 |
17 |
medialis 346.9 |
drosis) 2.6a |
gastro-omentales (dextri/ |
pterygoideus |
Neurocranium 8.1a |
sinistri) 262.17 |
lateralis 324.17 |
Neurocytus 408.18 |
gluteales inferiores 266.3 |
18 |
medialis 324.18 |
Neuroepithelial layer of retina |
hepatici 262.29 |
pudendus 346.17 |
358.23 |
ileocolici 264.4 |
19 |
radialis 340.1 |
Neuroepithelium 370.24, 372.8 |
iliaci |
rectales (anales) inferiores |
Neurofibrae |
communes 264.15 |
346.18 |
afferentes 407.6 |
intermedii 264.17 |
20 |
saccularis 330.14 |
associationes 318.33 |
laterales 264.18 |
sacrales 342.7 |
autonomicae 407.9 |
mediales 264.16 |
saphenus 344.4 |
commissurales 318.34 |
promontorii 264.20 |
21 |
sciaticus 344.17 |
efferentes 407.7 |
subaortici 264.19 |
scrotales |
postganglionicae 407.18 |
externi 264.21 |
22 |
anteriores 342.19 |
praeganglionicae 407.17 |
interiliaci 264.28 |
posteriores 346.20 |
projectiones 318.35 |
intermedii 264.23 |
sensorius 408.10 |
somaticae 407.8 |
laterales 264.24 |
23 |
spinalis(-es) 334.3, 407.23 |
tangentiales 316.9 |
mediales 264.22 |
sulcus 2.22 |
Neurohypophysis 182.19, 296.39, |
obturatorii 264.29 |
24 |
spinosus 324.14 |
304.9 |
interni 266.1 |
splanchnicus |
Neuron 408.18 |
inferiores 266.17 |
imus 352.20 |
Nipple 394.19 |
infra-auriculares 256.8 |
25 |
lumbales (lumbares) 352.22 |
Node of Aschoff-Tawara 186.9 |
infraclaviculares 258.23 |
major 352.16 |
Nodose ganglion 332.3 |
infrahyoidei 256.19a |
Index 461 |
Nodus(-i) |
Nodus(-i) |
Nuclear regions 300.20 |
lymphaticus(-i) |
lymphaticus(-i) |
Nucleus(-i) |
inguinales |
profundi 256.19, 258.28 |
ambiguus 282.20 |
profundi 266.18 |
inferiores 258.7 |
ansae lenticularis 302.15 |
superficiales 266.14 |
superiores 258.3 |
anteriores (thalami) 298.13 |
intercostales 260.4 |
pylorici 262.18 |
anterodorsalis (anterosupe- |
interpectorales 258.22 |
rectales superiores 264.13 |
rior), (thalamus) |
intraglandulares 256.9 |
regionales 256.1 |
298.14 |
jugulares anteriores 256.18 |
retroauriculares 256.4 |
anterolateralis 274.19 |
juxtaintestinales 264.2 |
retrocaecales 264.6 |
anteromedialis 274.20 |
juxtaoesophageales pulmo- |
retropharyngeales 256.23a, |
(thalamus) 298.16 |
nales 260.12 |
258.13 |
anteroventralis (anteroinfe- |
laryngis 144.16 |
sacrales 266.4 |
rior), |
laterales 258.4, 258.9 |
sigmoidei 264.12 |
(thalamus) 298.15 |
linguales 256.14a |
solitarii 126.12 |
arcuatus(-i) 282.22, 302.22, |
lumbales (lumbares) |
splenici (linales) 262.25 |
304.5 |
dextri 262.7 |
submandibulares 256.16 |
basales 316.20 |
intermedii 262.6 |
submentales 256.15 |
caudatus 316.22 |
sinistri 262.2 |
subscapulares 258.19 |
centralis 274.24 |
mastoidei 256.4 |
superficiales 256.18, 258.2, |
lateralis 298.28 |
mediastinales anteriores |
258.27 |
medialis 298.29 |
260.9 |
superiores 264.3 |
centromedianus 298.25 |
mesenterici 264.1 |
superolaterales 266.16 |
cerebellaris 290.17 |
inferiores 264.11 |
superomediales 266.15 |
cochleares 282.16, 286.13 |
mesocolici 264.8 |
supraclaviculares 258.11 |
colliculi inferioris 294.19 |
occipitales 256.3 |
supratrochlearis 258.26 |
commissuralis 282.19 |
pancreatici 262.22 |
thyroidei 256.21 |
corporis geniculati |
inferiores 262.24 |
tracheobronchiales 260.13 |
lateralis |
superiores 262.23 |
inferiores 260.15 |
pars dorsalis 300.12 |
pancreaticoduodenales |
superiores 260.14 |
pars ventralis 300.15 |
262.26 |
vesiculares laterales 266.9 |
medialis |
inferiores 262.28 |
viscerales 262.13 |
pars dorsalis 300.13 |
superiores 262.27 |
malaris 256.13 |
pars ventralis 300.16 |
paracolici 264.9 |
mandibularis 256.14 |
corporis mamillaris |
pararectales 266.12 |
nasolabialis 256.12 |
laterales 304.7 |
parasternales 260.3 |
retropylorici 262.21 |
mediales 304.7 |
paratracheales 256.23, 260.16 |
sinuatralis 186.8 |
corporis trapezoidei |
parauterini 266.10 |
subpylorici 262.20 |
anterior 286.15 |
paravaginales 266.11 |
suprapyloricus 262.19 |
posterior 286.16 |
paravesiculares 266.6 |
tibialis |
cuneatus 280.17 |
parietales 262.1, 264.14 |
anterior 266.21 |
accessorius 280.18 |
parotidei |
posterior 266.22 |
dentatus 290.18 |
profundi 256.6 |
Nomina generalia 405.36 |
dorsalis, nervi vagi 282.7 |
superficiales 256.5 |
Norma |
emboliformis 290.20 |
pectorales 258.20 |
basilaris 30.16 |
endopeduncularis 294.6 |
pericardiales laterales 260.8 |
facialis 28.32 |
fastigii 290.22 |
phrenici |
lateralis 30.10 |
globosus 290.21 |
inferiores 262.11 |
occipitalis 32.25 |
gracilis 280.15 |
superiores 260.6 |
verticalis (calvaria) 28.28 |
habenulares (medialis/later- |
popliteales |
Nose 134.18 |
alis) 296.11 |
profundi 266.20 |
alae (wings) 22, 134 |
hypoglossalis 282.5 |
superficiales 266.19 |
dorsum (bridge) 134.20 |
hypothalamicus |
postaortici 262.5 |
posterior apertures of 32.10 |
anterior 302.20 |
postcavales 262.10 |
root 134.19 |
dorsalis 304.3 |
posteriores 260.11 |
tip 134.21 |
dorsomedialis 304.2 |
postvesiculares 266.8 |
vestibule 136.8 |
posterior 304.8 |
prae-auriculares 256.7 |
Nostrils 136.2 |
ventromedialis 304.1 |
praelaryngeales 256.20 |
Notch see Incisura |
infundibularis 304.5 |
praevertebrales 260.5 |
Nuchal |
intercalatus 282.8 |
preaortici 262.4 |
fascia 76.21 |
interpeduncularis 292.31 |
precaecales 264.5 |
line |
interstitialis (Cajal) 294.1 |
precavales 262.9 |
highest 8.25 |
lacrimalis 286.6 |
prepericardiales 260.7 |
inferior 8.27 |
lateralis |
pretracheales 256.22 |
superior 8.26 |
dorsalis 300.3 |
prevesiculares 266.7 |
region 398.32 |
posterior 300.2 |
462 Index
Nucleus( |
-i) |
Nucleus(-i) |
Obturator |
1 |
lemnisci lateralis 286.18 |
subthalamicus 300.17 |
groove 55.17 |
lentiformis (lenticularis) |
supraopticus 302.18 |
membrane 66.2 |
2 |
316.26 |
tegmenti (tegmentales) 294.2 |
nerve 342.25 |
lentis 362.13 |
terminationis 408.4 |
accessory 342.30 |
medialis(-es) |
thalami 300.1 |
tubercle |
3 |
dorsalis 298.22 |
tractus mesencephalici, nervi |
anterior 44.18 |
thalami 298.21 |
trigeminalis 292.27 |
posterior 44.19 |
4 |
mediani thalami 298.17 |
tuberales 302.23 |
veins 250.4 |
mesencephalicus, nervi |
vagalis dorsalis 282.7 |
accessory 250.24a |
trigeminalis 284.30 |
ventralis |
Occipital 396.18 |
5 |
motorius, nervi trigeminalis |
anterior 300.4 |
angle 16.36 |
286.1 |
intermedius 300.5 |
artery 196.15 |
nervi |
medialis 300.6 |
groove for 12.20 |
6 |
abducentis 286.2 |
posterior 300.7 |
lateral 208.2 |
accessorii 274.25 |
posterolateralis 300.8 |
medial 208.6 |
7 |
facialis 286.3 |
posteromedialis 300.9 |
bone 8.2 |
oculomotorii 292.28 |
ventrolaterales 300.1 |
basilar part 8.6 |
accessorius 292.29 |
vestibularis(-es) 282.12, 286.9 |
groove for inferior petrosal |
8 |
phrenici 274.26 |
inferior 282.13 |
sinus 8.7 |
trochlearis 292.30 |
lateralis 282.15, 286.11 |
intrajugular process 8.21 |
9 |
nervorum cranialium 408.2 |
medialis 282.14, 286.10 |
lateral (condylar) part 8.9 |
olivaris |
superior 286.12 |
squamous part 8.10 |
accessorius |
Nutrient |
border |
10 |
medialis 280.31 |
artery(-ies) 406.13 |
parietal bone 16.31 |
posterior 280.32 |
of femur 226.12a |
temporal bone 12.16 |
inferior 280.28 |
of fibula 228.17a |
branch(-es) |
11 |
superioris 286.7 |
of humerus 212.28 |
occipital artery 196.20 |
originis 408.3 |
of tibia 229.11a |
posterior auricular |
12 |
paracentralis 298.26 |
canal 404.7 |
artery 196.28 |
parafascicularis 298.27 |
foramen 404.6 |
nerve 328.7 |
paramedianus posterior 282.6 |
condyle 8.14 |
13 |
parasolitarius 282.11 |
crest |
O |
parasympathici sacrales 276.15 |
external 8.24 |
14 |
parataenialis (thalami) 298.20a |
Obex 288.8 |
internal 8.30 |
paraventricularis(-es) 302.19 |
Oblique |
diploic vein 238.28 |
anteriores/posteriores 298.18 |
arytenoid muscle 142.21 |
emissary vein 240.5 |
15 |
periventricularis posterior |
cord 62.11 |
lobe 308.10 |
304.4 |
diameter, pelvis 44.32 |
lymph nodes 256.3 |
pontinus, nervi trigeminalis |
fibers, stomach 122.9 |
nerve |
16 |
284.27 |
fissure, lung 148.26 |
greater 334.19 |
pontis 284.16 |
head |
lesser 334.27 |
17 |
posteriores (thalami) 300.10 |
of adductor hallucis 98.4 |
third 334.20 |
posterolateralis 274.21 |
of adductor pollicis 92.7 |
plane 8.27a |
posteromedialis 274.23 |
line 26.19, 138.21 |
pole 308.11 |
18 |
preopticus |
muscle |
protuberance |
lateralis 302.17 |
external abdominal 86.9 |
external 8.22 |
19 |
medialis 302.17 |
internal abdominal 86.18 |
internal 8.29 |
pretectales 296.15 |
part of m. cricothyroideus |
region 398.12 |
pulposus 56.12 |
142.14 |
sinus 238.11 |
20 |
pulvinares 300.11 |
popliteal ligament 68.14 |
groove for 8.33a |
raphae 282.26 |
sinus of pericardium 184.9 |
sulcus, transverse 308.12 |
regionum 300.20 |
vein of left atrium 232.18 |
vein(-s) 234.9, 238.2, 240.15 |
21 |
reticulatus (thalami) 298.12, |
Oblong fovea 140.17 |
Occipitalis 396.18 |
298.24, 300.18 |
Obturator |
Occipitomastoid suture 54.5 |
22 |
retroposterolateralis 274.22 |
artery 222.14 |
Occipitotemporal |
reuniens 298.20 |
accessory 224.24 |
branch of medial occipital |
rhomboidalis 298.19 |
branch of inferior epigastric |
artery 208.11 |
23 |
ruber 294.3 |
artery 224.23 |
gyrus |
salivarius |
canal 66.3 |
lateral 310.22 |
24 |
inferior 282.21 |
crest 44.16 |
medial 310.20 |
superior 286.5 |
external iliac lymph nodes |
sulcus 310.21 |
solitarius 282.10 |
264.29 |
Occiput 28.31 |
25 |
spinalis, nervi trigeminalis |
fascia 174.20 |
Occluded part of umbilical artery |
280.26, 284.26 |
foramen 42.4 |
222.29a |
Index 463 |
Occlusal surface of tooth 119.24 |
Optic |
Organum(-a) |
Oculomotor |
chiasma 296.32 |
gustatorium 388.26 |
nerve 320.5 |
disc (papilla) 360.1 |
oculi accessoria 364.1 |
branch of posterior com- |
nerve 320.4, 354.4 |
olfactorium (olfactus) 388.23 |
municating artery 208.20 |
radiation 300.29, 318.22 |
sensoria (sensuum) 354.1 |
nucleus 292.28 |
recess 298.4 |
spirale (Corti) 372.19 |
sulcus 290.31 |
tract 296.33 |
subcommissurale 296.19 |
Oculus 354.3 |
Ora serrata 358.26 |
subfornicale 296.18 |
Oesophagus 120.2 |
Oral |
urinaria 154.2 |
Olecranon 38.19 |
cavity 108.2 |
vestibulocochleare 370.1 |
fossa 36.25 |
proper 108.14 |
visus (visuale) 354.2 |
Olfactory |
small glands 108.31 |
vomeronasale 136.7 |
brain 310.26a, 312.1 |
fissure 108.4 |
Orifice of vagina 172.1 |
bulb 310.27 |
mucosa 108.19 |
Oropharynx 118.8 |
glands 136.16a |
region 398.17 |
Os(-sa) |
glands (of Bowman) 388.25 |
Orbicular |
alveolare 112.17 |
gyri |
muscle 405.12 |
breve 402.42 |
lateral 310.31 |
zone 66.22 |
capitatum 40.12 |
medial 310.31 |
Orbiculus ciliaris 356.23 |
carpi (carpalia) 40.2 |
nerve 320.3 |
Orbit(-a) 32.12 |
centrale 40.3 |
organ 388.23 |
Orbital |
coccygis 4.37 |
region of nose 136.16 |
aditus 32.13 |
costale (costa) 6.7 |
striae |
branch(-es) |
coxae (pelvicum) 42.3 |
lateral 310.30 |
pterygopalatine ganglion |
cranii 8.1 |
medial 310.30 |
322.17 |
cuboideum 52.12 |
sulcus 136.10, 310.24 |
superior tympanic artery |
cuneiforme |
tract 310.28 |
198.22 |
intermedium 52.10 |
trigone 310.29 |
eminence 26.6a |
laterale 52.11 |
Olivary nucleus |
fasciae 364.17 |
mediale 52.9 |
inferior 280.28 |
fat body 364.23 |
digitorum 40.23 |
medial accessory 280.31 |
fissure |
pedis 52.23 |
posterior accessory 280.32 |
inferior 32.24 |
ethmoidale 20.1 |
superior 286.7 |
superior 10.22, 32.23 |
faciei 22.1 |
Olive (oliva) 278.23 |
gyri 310.25 |
femoris 46.2 |
Olivocerebellar tract 282.3 |
margin 32.14 |
frontale 18.1 |
Olivocochlear tract 286.8 |
muscle 364.3 |
squama 18.2 |
Olivospinal tract 276.33, 282.1 |
part |
hamatum 40.13 |
Omental |
of frontal bone 18.21 |
hyoideum 28.16 |
branches of gastroepiploic |
of inferior frontal gyrus |
ilii (iliacum) 42.10 |
artery 218.21, 218.33 |
306.32 |
incisivum 24.3 |
bursa 176.30 |
of lacrimal gland 368.11 |
interparietale 8.13 |
vestibule 176.31 |
of m. orbicularis oculi 78.19 |
irregulare 402.44 |
foramen 176.29 |
of optic nerve 354.7 |
ischii 44.1 |
recess |
plate 20.11 |
lacrimale 20.21 |
lower 176.33 |
process 24.25 |
longum 402.41 |
upper 176.32 |
region 398.15 |
lunatum 40.6 |
Omentum |
septum 364.19 |
membri |
major 178.14 |
sulci 310.26 |
inferioris 42.1 |
minor 178.10 |
surface |
superioris 34.1 |
Omoclavicular triangle 398.31 |
frontal bone 18.22 |
metacarpi (metacarpalia) 40.17 |
Opercular part of inferior frontal |
maxilla 22.4 |
tertium 40.21 |
gyrus 306.31 |
sphenoid 10.27 |
metatarsi (metatarsalia) 52.17 |
Operculum |
zygomatic bone 26.4 |
multangulum |
frontoparietale 308.7 |
veins 242.24a |
majus 40.9 |
temporale 308.20 |
Orchis 158.16 |
minus 40.11 |
Ophthalmic |
Organ of Corti 372.19 |
nasale 20.26 |
artery 202.1 |
Organum(-a) |
naviculare 40.4, 52.7 |
nerve 320.19 |
extraperitoneale 176.22 |
occipitale 8.2 |
vein |
genitalia |
pars basilaris 8.6 |
inferior 244.8 |
feminina |
pars lateralis 8.9 |
superior 242.25 |
externa 170.23 |
processus intrajugularis 8.21 |
Opisthion 8.5 |
interna 166.5 |
palatinum 24.15 |
Optic |
masulina |
parietale 16.24 |
axis 354.22 |
externa 162.26 |
pisiforme 40.8 |
canal 10.20 |
interna 158.15 |
planum 402.43 |
464 Index
Os(-sa) |
Ostium(-a) |
Palatine |
1 |
pneumaticum 402.45 |
valvae ilealis 124.20 |
raphe 108.18 |
pubis 44.8 |
venae cavae |
spines 24.6 |
2 |
sacrum (sacrale) 4.16 |
inferioris 186.24 |
sulcus, greater 22.23, 24.20 |
pars lateralis 4.21 |
superioris 186.23 |
surface 24.29 |
scaphoideum 40.4 |
venarum pulmonalium 188.23 |
tooth 110.26 |
3 |
sesamoidea |
Otic ganglion 324.19, 326.17, |
suture |
fingers 40.32 |
330.31, 352.31 |
median 54.33 |
4 |
toes 52.32 |
Outer 396.30a |
transverse 54.34 |
sphenoidale 10.1 |
margin of foot 402.21 |
tonsil 116.9 |
ala major 10.23 |
Oval window 378.23 |
vein, external 236.16 |
5 |
ala minor 10.19 |
Ovarian |
Palatoethmoidal suture 54.32 |
spina 1−38 |
artery 222.3 |
Palatoglossal arch 116.6 |
suprasternalia 6.34 |
branch of uterine artery 224.4 |
Palatomaxillary suture 54.31 |
6 |
suturalia 30.9 |
fimbria 166.33 |
Palatopharyngeal arch 116.7 |
tarsi (tarsalia) 50.2 |
follicles |
Palatovaginal |
7 |
temporale 12.14 |
primary 166.18 |
canal 30.28 |
thoracis 6.1 |
vesicular (Graafian) 166.19 |
groove 12.8 |
trapezium 40.9 |
fossa 180.29 |
Palatum 108.15 |
8 |
trapezoideum 40.11 |
ligament 166.28 |
durum 108.16 |
trigonum 50.21 |
plexus 348.27 |
molle 108.17, 116.4 |
9 |
triquetrum 40.7 |
vein |
osseum 30.22 |
zygomaticum 26.1 |
left 246.31 |
Paleocerebellum 290.7 |
Osseous |
right 246.34 |
Paleocortex 314.21 |
10 |
ampullae 376.10 |
Ovary (ovarium) 166.6 |
Palma manus 400.39 |
anterior 376.11 |
cortex 166.16 |
Palmar 396.41 |
lateral 376.13 |
hilum 166.7 |
aponeurosis 92.24 |
11 |
posterior 376.12 |
medulla 166.17 |
arch |
crus 376.14 |
stroma 166.15 |
deep 214.11 |
12 |
ampullary 376.17 |
suspensory ligament 180.28 |
superficial 214.27 |
common 376.15 |
Oviduct 166.29 |
branch |
simple 376.16 |
Ovoidal joint 404.32 |
median nerve 338.13 |
13 |
labyrinth 374.20 |
Ovum (oocyte) 166.25 |
ulnar nerve 338.21 |
part of auditory tube 384.15 |
carpal branch |
14 |
semicircular canals 376.6 |
P |
radial artery 214.3 |
Ossicle 40.3 |
ulnar artery 214.24 |
Ossicula auditoria (auditus) |
Pacchionian granulations 28.27 |
carpometacarpal ligaments |
15 |
382.1 |
Pacinian corpuscles 390.23 |
64.9 |
Osteology (osteologia) 402.29 |
Palaeocortex 314.21 |
digital veins 244.31 |
Ostium(-a) |
Palate 108.15 |
intercarpal ligaments 62.25 |
16 |
abdominale tubae uterinae |
hard 30.22, 108.16 |
ligaments 64.18, 64.22 |
166.30 |
muscles of 116.17 |
metacarpal |
17 |
aortae 184.31, 190.1 |
soft 108.17, 116.4 |
arteries 214.12 |
appendicis vermiformis 124.23 |
Palatine |
ligaments 64.13 |
atrioventriculare 184.29 |
aponeurosis 116.18 |
veins 244.33 |
18 |
dextrum 188.2 |
artery |
radiocarpal ligament 62.19 |
sinistrum 188.25 |
ascending 196.8 |
side of fingers 400.49 |
19 |
cardiacum (cardia) 120.27 |
descending 200.5 |
ulnocarpal ligament 62.20 |
papillae ilealis 124.21a |
greater 200.6 |
Palmaris 396.41 |
pharyngeum tubae auditivae |
lesser 200.7 |
Palmate folds 168.22 |
20 |
(auditoriae) 118.2, 384.25 |
bone 24.15 |
Palpebra(-ae) 366.2 |
pyloricum 122.2 |
canals |
inferior 366.4 |
sinus coronarii 186.27a |
greater 30.17 |
superior 366.3 |
21 |
trunci pulmonalis 184.30, |
lesser 24.22 |
Palpebral |
188.9 |
crest 24.33 |
arch |
22 |
tympanicum tubae auditoriae |
folds, transverse 108.29 |
inferior 202.19 |
384.14 |
foramina |
superior 202.18 |
ureteris 158.12 |
greater 30.23 |
arteries |
23 |
urethrae |
lesser 24.30 |
lateral 202.5 |
externum 164.33 |
glands 108.35 |
medial 202.17 |
24 |
femininae 172.14 |
grooves 24.7 |
branches of infratrochlear |
internum 158.13 |
nerves |
nerve 322.12 |
uteri 168.18 |
greater 322.22 |
commissure, lateral 366.9 |
25 |
uterinum tubae 166.37 |
lesser 322.24 |
conjunctiva 368.2 |
vaginae 172.1 |
process 24.1 |
fissure 366.8 |
Index 465 |
Palpebral |
Papilla(-ae) |
Paraventricular |
ligament |
lentiformes 114.8 |
fibers 304.22 |
lateral 366.20 |
linguales 114.3 |
nuclei 302.19 |
medial 366.18 |
mammae 394.19 |
anterior/posterior 298.18 |
part |
nervi optici 360.1 |
Paraventriculohypophysial tract |
of lacrimal gland 368.12 |
pili 392.12 |
304.24 |
of m. orbicularis oculi 78.18 |
renales 154.33 |
Paravertebral |
raphe, lateral 366.19 |
vallatae 114.7 |
line 396.56 |
surface |
Papillary |
lymph nodes 260.5 |
anterior 366.5 |
foramina 154.35 |
Paravesical fossa 180.21 |
posterior 366.7 |
layer 390.17 |
Parenchyma 182.9, 406.2 |
veins 244.6 |
muscles 186.3 |
prostate 162.20 |
inferior 236.11 |
anterior 188.16, 190.8 |
testis 158.28 |
superior 236.9 |
posterior 188.17, 190.8 |
Paries |
Pampiniform plexus 246.35 |
septal 188.18 |
anterior |
Pancreas 128.1 |
process 130.27 |
(stomach) 120.16 |
accessorium 128.20 |
Para-aortic bodies 194.3 |
(vagina) 170.6 |
capsule 128.14 |
Paracentral |
caroticus 380.19 |
endocrine 128.21 |
artery 204.15 |
externus ductus cochlearis |
exocrine 128.15 |
lobule 310.8 |
374.4 |
head 128.2 |
nucleus 298.26 |
inferior 32.18 |
tail 128.13 |
Paracervix 168.25 |
jugularis 378.20 |
Pancreatic |
Paracolic |
labyrinthicus 378.22 |
artery, dorsal 218.27 |
lymph nodes 264.9 |
lateralis 32.19 |
branches |
sulci 180.8 |
mastoideus 380.7, 380.8 |
anterior superior pancreati- |
Paradidymis 160.12 |
medialis 32.20 |
coduodenal |
Paraduodenal |
membranaceus 380.20 |
artery 218.22 |
fold 178.32 |
(trachea) 144.23 |
posterior superior pancreati- |
recess 178.33 |
posterior |
coduodenal |
Parafascicular nucleus 298.27 |
(stomach) 120.17 |
artery 218.16 |
Paraflocculus 290.5 |
(vagina) 170.7 |
splenic artery 218.26 |
Parahippocampal gyrus 310.15 |
superior 32.17 |
duct 128.17 |
Paramammary lymph nodes |
tegmentalis 378.17 |
accessory 128.19 |
260.2 |
tympanicus ductus cochlearis |
lobule 128.16 |
Paramastoid process 8.34 |
372.18 |
lymph nodes 262.22 |
Paramedian lobule 288.36 |
vestibularis ductus cochlearis |
inferior 262.24 |
Paramesonephric duct 172.33 |
374.3 |
superior 262.23 |
Parametrium 168.24 |
Parietal |
notch 128.4 |
Paranasal sinuses 138.1 |
arteries |
plexus 348.21 |
Pararectal lymph nodes 266.12 |
anterior 204.33 |
veins 248.23, 248.30 |
Pararenal fatty body 154.13 |
posterior 204.33 |
Pancreaticoduodenal |
Parasternal |
bone 16.24 |
artery |
line 396.49 |
border |
anterior superior 218.22 |
lymph nodes 260.3 |
frontal bone 18.11 |
inferior 220.2 |
Parasympathetic |
sphenoid 10.30 |
posterior superior 218.15 |
ganglion 407.22 |
temporal bone 16.11 |
lymph nodes 262.26 |
nuclei, sacral 276.15 |
branch |
inferior 262.28 |
root |
medial occipital artery 208.8 |
superior 262.27 |
oculomotor nerve 320.9 |
superficial temporal artery |
veins 248.24 |
pterygopalatine ganglion |
198.8 |
Panniculus adiposus 390.20 |
322.16a |
superior tympanic artery |
Papilla(-ae) 390.17 |
system 352.26 |
198.21 |
conicae 114.5 |
Paratenial nucleus of thalamus |
emissary vein 240.2 |
dentis 112.8 |
298.20a |
foramen 16.39 |
ductus parotidei 108.28 |
Paraterminal gyrus 312.5 |
layer 184.5 |
duodeni |
Parathyroid gland |
of tunica vaginalis testis |
major 124.12 |
inferior 182.12 |
162.2 |
minor 124.13 |
superior 182.11 |
lobe 308.1 |
filiformes 114.4 |
Paratracheal lymph nodes |
lobule |
foliatae 114.9 |
256.23, 260.16 |
inferior 308.6 |
fungiformes 114.6 |
Paraumbilical veins 248.16 |
superior 308.4 |
gingivalis 108.24 |
Paraurethral duct 164.36, 172.20 |
lymph nodes 262.1 |
ilealis 124.19a |
Parauterine lymph nodes |
nodes of pelvis 264.14 |
incisiva 108.30 |
266.10 |
notch 16.12 |
lacrimalis 168.17 |
Paravaginal lymph nodes 266.11 |
pelvic fascia 174.19 |
466 Index
Parietal |
Pars(-tes) |
Pars(-tes) |
1 |
peritoneum 176.23 |
basalis |
exocrina pancreatis 128.15 |
pleura 152.15 |
(left pulmonary artery) |
fetalis (placenta) 172.29 |
2 |
region 398.11 |
190.38 |
flaccida 380.22 |
tuber 16.30 |
(right pulmonary artery) |
glossopharyngea 118.26 |
veins 240.14 |
190.24 |
horizontalis (inferior), |
3 |
Parieto-occipital |
basilaris |
(duodenum) 124.5 |
artery 204.17 |
ossis occipitalis 8.6 |
inferior |
4 |
branch of medial occipital |
pontis 284.8 |
(left superior pulmonary |
artery 208.9 |
basolateralis (amygdaloid |
vein) 232.3 |
fasciculus 318.28 |
body) 318.3 |
(vestibular ganglion) 330.12 |
5 |
sulcus 310.10 |
buccopharyngea 118.24 |
inferoposterior (cerebellum) |
Parietomastoid suture 54.12 |
cardiaca (stomach) 120.21 |
288.32 |
Parietotemporopontine fibers |
cartilaginea |
infraclaviculares (brachial |
6 |
292.5 |
(nasal septum) 136.5a |
plexus) 336.24 |
Paroophoron 170.21 |
(tubae auditoriae) 384.18 |
infralobaris (superior right |
7 |
Parotid |
cartilaginosa 402.37 |
pulmonary vein) 230.12 |
branch(-es) |
cavernosa (internal carotid) |
insularis (middle cerebral |
auriculotemporal nerve |
200.16 |
artery) 204.23 |
8 |
324.27 |
centralis (lateral ventricle) |
intercartilaginea (rima glot- |
facial vein 236.15 |
314.2 |
tidis) 144.7 |
9 |
posterior auricular artery |
ceratopharyngea 118.31 |
intermedia |
196.28a |
cerebralis (internal carotid) |
(adenohypophysis) 182.16 |
superficial temporal artery |
200.24 |
bulborum 170.35 |
10 |
198.2 |
cervicalis |
intermembranacea (rima glot- |
duct 110.11 |
(internal carotid) 200.11 |
tidis) 144.6 |
fascia 80.20 |
(oesophagus) 120.3 |
intersegmentalis |
11 |
gland 110.7 |
(thoracic duct) 254.19 |
(inferior right pulmonary |
accessory 110.10 |
(trachea) 144.18 |
vein) 230.20, 230.25 |
12 |
lymph nodes |
chondropharyngea 118.30 |
(left inferior pulmonary |
deep 256.6 |
ciliaris retinae 358.27 |
vein) 232.7 |
superficial 256.5 |
circopharyngea 118.34 |
(left superior pulmonary |
13 |
papilla 108.28 |
clavicularis (m. pectoralis |
vein) 230.31, 230.34 |
veins 236.28 |
major) 84.4 |
(superior basal vein) 232.12 |
14 |
Pars(-tes) |
compacta (substantia nigra) |
(superior right pulmonary |
abdominalis |
292.8 |
vein) 230.7, 230.10 |
aortae 216.19 |
convoluta (renal cortex) 154.27 |
intracanicularis (optic nerve) |
15 |
(m. pectoralis major) 84.6 |
corneoscleralis (trabecular |
354.6 |
(oesophagus) 120.5 |
meshwork) 354.28 |
intracranialis |
(thoracic duct) 254.21 |
corporis 396.46 |
(optic nerve) 354.5 |
16 |
(ureter) 156.20 |
corticalis |
(vertebral artery) 206.8 |
affixa (liver) 128.29 |
(middle cerebral artery) |
intralaminaris (optic nerve) |
17 |
alaris (m. nasalis) 78.15 |
204.29 |
354.10 |
alveolaris 26.26 |
(posterior cerebral artery) |
intralobaris (superior right |
anterior |
208.1 |
pulmonary vein) 230.13 |
18 |
(anterior commissure) |
corticomedialis (amygdaloid |
intraocularis (optic nerve) |
318.31 |
body) 318.4 |
354.8 |
19 |
(cerebellum) 288.23 |
costalis |
intrasegmentalis |
(fornix of vagina) 170.3 |
diaphragmatis 84.27 |
(inferior right pulmonary |
(liver) 128.26 |
(parietal pleura) 152.17 |
vein) 230.19, 230.24 |
20 |
(midbrain) 290.29 |
cranialis (parasympathetic sys- |
(left inferior pulmonary |
pontis 284.8 |
tem) 352.26a |
vein) 232.6 |
anularis vaginae fibrosae |
cruciformis vaginae fibrosae |
(left superior pulmonary |
21 |
92.28, 100.23 |
92.29, 100.24 |
vein) 230.30, 230.33 |
aryepiglottica (m. arytenoideus |
cuneiformis vomeris 20.30b |
(superior basal vein) 232.11 |
22 |
obliquus) 142.21a |
cupularis 378.19 |
(superior right pulmonary |
ascendens |
descendens |
vein) 230.6, 230.9 |
aortae 192.4 |
aortae 216.1 |
iridica retinae 358.28 |
23 |
(duodenum) 124.6 |
(duodenum) 124.4 |
labialis (m. orbicularis oris) |
atlantica (vertebral artery) |
dextra (liver) 128.27 |
78.28 |
24 |
206.7 |
diaphragmatica (parietal |
lacrimalis (m. orbicularis oculi) |
autonomica 348.1 |
pleura) 152.18 |
78.20 |
abdominalis 348.9a |
distalis (adenohypophysis) |
laryngea pharyngis 118.12 |
25 |
pelvica 350.8a |
182.17 |
lateralis |
thoracica 348.3a |
endocrina pancreatis 128.21 |
(fornix of vagina) 170.5 |
Index 467 |
Pars(-tes) |
Pars(-tes) |
Pars(-tes) |
lateralis |
petrosa |
superficialis |
ossis occipitalis 8.9 |
ossis temporalis 12.15 |
(glandula parotidea) |
ossis sacri 4.21 |
apex 12.25 |
110.8 |
(superior right pulmonary |
facies anterior 14.1 |
(m. masseter) 80.13 |
vein) 230.15 |
facies inferior 14.23 |
(m. sphincter ani externus) |
libera membri |
facies posterior 14.11 |
174.16 |
inferioris 46.1 |
margo posterior 14.17 |
superior |
superioris 36.1 |
pharyngea (adenohypophysis) |
(duodenum) 124.2 |
lumbalis diaphragmatis |
182.18 |
(left superior pulmonary |
84.24 |
pigmentosa (retina) 358.21 |
vein) 232.2 |
marginalis (m. orbicularis oris) |
plana 356.23 |
(liver) 128.24 |
78.27 |
plicata 356.20 |
(vestibular ganglion) 330.7 |
magnocellularis (red nucleus) |
postcommunicalis |
supraclavicularis (brachial |
294.5 |
(anterior cerebral artery) |
plexus) 336.19 |
medialis (superior right pul- |
204.8 |
sympathetica 350.21 |
monary vein) 230.16 |
(posterior cerebral artery) |
tensa 380.23 |
mediastinalis (parietal pleura) |
206.26 |
terminalis (middle cerebral |
152.16 |
posterior |
artery) 204.29 |
membranacea |
(anterior commissure) |
thalamolentiformis (internal |
(interventricular septum) |
318.32 |
capsule) 318.14 |
184.24 |
(fornix of vagina) 170.4 |
thoracica |
(nasal septum) 136.5 |
(liver) 128.28 |
aortae 216.2 |
(urethra) 164.29 |
(midbrain) 290.30 |
(oesophagus) 120.4 |
mobilis septi nasi 134.33 |
pontis 284.17 |
(thoracic duct) 254.20 |
muscularis (interventricular |
postlaminaris (optic nerve) |
(trachea) 144.19 |
septum) 184.23 |
354.9 |
thyroepiglottica (m. thy- |
mylopharyngea 118.25 |
postsulcalis (tongue) 112.33 |
roarytenoideus) 142.20a |
nasalis |
precommunicalis |
thyropharyngea 118.33 |
ossis frontalis 18.18 |
(anterior cerebral artery) |
tibiocalcanea 70.4 |
pharyngis 116.26 |
204.2 |
tibionavicularis 70.3 |
nervosa (retina) 358.22 |
(posterior cerebral artery) |
tibiotalaris |
obliqua (m. cricothyroideus) |
206.24 |
anterior 70.5 |
142.14 |
preliminaris (optic nerve) |
posterior 70.6 |
occlusa (umbilical artery) |
354.11 |
transversa |
222.29a |
presulcalis (tongue) 112.32 |
(m. nasalis) 78.14 |
opercularis (inferior frontal |
prevertebralis (vertebral |
(portal vein of liver) 248.6 |
gyrus) 306.31 |
artery) 206.3 |
transversaria (vertebral artery) |
optica retinae 358.20 |
profunda |
206.4 |
oralis pharyngis 118.8 |
(glandula parotidea) 110.9 |
triangularis (inferior frontal |
orbitalis 18.21 |
(m. masseter) 80.14 |
gyrus) 306.33 |
(inferior frontal gyrus) |
(m. sphincter ani externus) |
tuberalis (adenohypophysis) |
306.32 |
174.17 |
182.15 |
(lacrimal gland) 368.11 |
prostatica (urethra) 164.24 |
tympanica 16.1 |
(m. orbicularis oculi) 78.19 |
pterygopharyngea 118.23 |
umbilicus (portal vein of liver) |
(optic nerve) 354.7 |
pyloricum (stomach) 120.27 |
248.8 |
ossea 402.31 |
quadrata (liver) 130.23 |
uterina |
(nasal septum) 136.6 |
radiata (renal cortex) 154.28 |
(placenta) 172.28 |
tubae auditoriae 384.15 |
recta (m. cricothyroideus) |
(uterine tube) 166.36 |
palpebralis |
142.13 |
uvealis (trabecular meshwork) |
(lacrimal gland) 368.12 |
reticularis (substantia nigra) |
354.29 |
(m. orbicularis oculi) 78.18 |
292.9 |
vertebralis (lung) 148.12 |
parasympathetica 352.26 |
retrolentiformis (internal cap- |
Parvicellular part of red nucleus |
parvocellularis (red nucleus) |
sule) 318.26 |
294.4 |
294.4 |
sphenoidalis (middle cerebral |
Patella 48.31 |
patens (umbilical artery) |
artery) 204.19 |
apex 48.33 |
222.26a |
spongiosa (urethra) 164.30 |
base 48.32 |
pelvica |
squamosa 16.10 |
retinaculum |
(ganglion sublinguale) |
sternalis diaphragmatis 84.28 |
lateral 68.18 |
352.33a |
sternocostalis (m. pectoralis |
medial 68.17 |
(ureter) 156.21 |
major) 84.5 |
Patellar |
peripherica (nervous system) |
subcutanea (m. sphincter ani |
fossa 362.7 |
320.1, 407.1 |
externus) 174.15 |
ligament 68.16 |
petrosa |
sublentiformis (internal cap- |
network 226.21 |
(internal carotid) 200.13 |
sule) 318.21 |
surface (femur) 46.26 |
468 Index
Patent part of umbilical artery |
Pelvis 44.21 |
Perineal |
222.26a |
major 44.24 |
artery 224.10 |
Pecten |
minor 44.25 |
body 174.4 |
analis 126.29 |
renalis 156.15 |
branches of gluteal nerve 344.16 |
ossis pubis 44.15 |
Penicilli 268.19 |
fascia, superficial 176.12 |
Pectinate |
Penis 162.27 |
flexure 126.15 |
ligament 354.27 |
body (shaft) 162.29 |
ligament, transverse 176.7 |
muscles 186.15 |
bulb 164.10 |
membrane 176.6 |
Pectineal |
cavernous nerves of 350.19 |
muscles 174.3 |
ligament 86.12 |
deep fascia 164.21 |
nerves 346.19 |
line 46.16 |
dorsal nerve of 346.22 |
raphe 174.2 |
of the pubis 44.15 |
fundiform ligament 86.26 |
region 400.15 |
Pectoral |
prepuce (foreskin) 164.5 |
space |
branches of thoracoacromial |
frenulum 164.6 |
deep 176.2 |
artery 212.17 |
root 162.28 |
superficial 176.8 |
fascia 84.9 |
septum 164.13 |
Perineum 174.1 |
girdle 34.2 |
superficial fascia 164.20 |
Perineurium 407.4 |
lymph nodes 258.20 |
suspensory ligament 86.25 |
Periodontal ligament 112.15 |
nerve |
Perforated substance, anterior |
Periodontium 112.12 |
lateral 336.29 |
312.2 |
insertionis 112.14 |
medial 336.28 |
Perforating |
protectoris 112.13 |
regions 398.33, 398.37 |
branch(-es) |
Perionyx 394.3 |
veins 244.10 |
dorsal metacarpal arteries |
Periorbita 364.18 |
Pedicle 2.5 |
214.13 |
Periosteum 402.32 |
Pediculus |
internal thoracic artery 210.7 |
of external skull surface 28.21 |
arcus vertebrae 2.5 |
lateral circumflex femoral |
of orbit 364.18 |
pulmonis 148.21 |
artery 226.12 |
Peripharyngeal space 118.35 |
Peduncular |
peroneal artery 228.13 |
Peripheral 396.36 |
branches of posterior cerebral |
plantar metatarsal arteries |
nervous system 320.1, 407.1 |
artery 206.31 |
228.24 |
Peripheralis 396.36 |
veins 240.30 |
cutaneous nerve 344.16a |
Periphericus 396.36a |
Pedunculus(-i) |
veins 252.12, 252.27 |
Periphery 396.36a |
cerebellaris(-es) 290.23 |
Periarterial plexus 408.14 |
Peritendineum 405.22 |
inferior 280.2, 282.4, 290.24 |
Pericardiac veins 234.2 |
Peritoneal |
medius (pontinus) 284.5, |
Pericardiacophrenic |
cavity 176.19 |
290.25 |
artery 210.5 |
covering of spleen 268.13 |
superior 290.26, 292.19 |
veins 234.3 |
Peritoneoperineal fascia 174.23 |
cerebri (cerebralis) 290.28 |
Pericardial |
Peritoneum 176.17 |
floccularis 290.4 |
branch(-es) |
parietale 176.23 |
thalamicus, inferior 302.8 |
aorta 216.5 |
anterius 180.12 |
Pelvic |
phrenic nerve 336.9 |
urogenitale 180.22 |
aperture |
cavity 184.7 |
vaginal process 168.33, 180.23 |
lower 44.28 |
lymph nodes, lateral 260.8 |
viscerale 176.26 |
upper 44.27 |
veins 246.7 |
Perivascular fibrous capsule |
axis 44.29 |
Pericardium 184.1 |
132.2 |
cavity 44.21a |
fibrosum 184.2 |
Periventricular |
diaphragm 174.5 |
oblique sinus 184.9 |
fibers 302.12, 304.11 |
inferior fascia 174.29 |
serosum 184.4 |
nucleus, posterior 304.4 |
superior fascia 174.26 |
transverse sinus 184.8 |
Perivesicular lymph nodes 266.6 |
tendinous arch 174.27 |
Perichondrium 402.38 |
Permanent teeth 112.26 |
fascia 174.18 |
Perichoroidal space 356.15 |
Peroneal |
parietal 174.19 |
Pericranium 28.21 |
artery 228.12 |
visceral 174.21 |
Peridental branches |
nerve |
ganglia 352.35 |
anterior superior alveolar ar- |
common 344.18 |
girdle 42.2 |
teries 200.3a |
communicating branch |
joints 66.1 |
inferior alveolar artery 198.13a |
344.20 |
inclination 44.33 |
posterior superior alveolar |
deep 344.26 |
inlet 44.27 |
artery 198.28a |
superficial 344.21 |
outlet 44.28 |
Perikaryon 408.19 |
retinaculum |
part |
Perilymph 370.5 |
inferior 100.15 |
of sublingual ganglion 352.33a |
Perilymphatic |
superior 100.14 |
of ureter 145.21 |
duct 372.13 |
trochlea 52.5 |
plexus 350.11 |
external aperture 372.14 |
veins 252.22 |
splanchnic nerves 352.34 |
space 372.10 |
Peroneus longus tendon, groove |
surface of sacrum 4.24 |
Perimysium 405.24 |
for 52.4, 52.13 |
Index 469 |
Perpendicular 396.2 |
Pharyngeal |
Pituitary gland 182.13 |
plate 20.5, 24.16 |
branches |
anterior lobe 182.14 |
Pes 314.17, 402.17 |
inferior thyroid artery |
posterior lobe 182.19 |
Petiolus epiglottidis 142.4 |
210.17 |
Placenta 172.27 |
Petit’s trigone 400.14 |
vagus nerve 332.7, 332.17a |
Plane joint 404.25 |
Petro-occipital |
bursa 118.1 |
Plantar 396.43 |
fissure 30.20 |
cavity 116.24 |
aponeurosis 100.17 |
synchondrosis 56.4 |
fornix 116.25 |
arch, superficial 228.26a |
Petrosal |
glands 118.18 |
artery |
branch of middle meningeal |
nerve 322.21 |
deep 228.7 |
artery 198.18 |
opening of auditory tube 118.2, |
lateral 228.21 |
fossula 14.29 |
384.25 |
medial 228.18 |
nerve |
plexus 234.25, 332.8 |
digital veins 252.26 |
deep 328.25 |
raphe 118.20 |
ligaments 72.20, 72.24 |
greater 328.24 |
recess 118.7 |
of tarsus 72.1 |
groove for 14.6 |
tubercle 8.8 |
long 72.2 |
hiatus of canal 14.4 |
veins 234.26 |
short 72.3 |
lesser 330.32 |
Pharyngobasilar fascia 118.15 |
metatarsal |
groove for 14.7 |
Pharynx 116.1 |
arteries 228.23 |
hiatus of canal 14.5 |
Pharyngeal glands 118.18 |
ligaments 72.16 |
sinus |
Philtrum 108.7 |
veins 252.25 |
inferior 238.18 |
Phrenic |
nerve |
groove for 8.7, 14.18 |
arteries |
lateral 346.12 |
superior 238.20 |
inferior 216.20 |
medial 346.9 |
groove for 14.10 |
superior 216.7 |
surface |
vein 242.24 |
ganglia 348.17 |
of foot 402.20 |
Petrosquamous fissure 14.32 |
lymph nodes |
of toe 402.28a |
Petrotympanic fissure 14.31 |
inferior 262.11 |
tarsometatarsal ligaments 72.11 |
Petrous |
superior 260.0 |
venous |
ganglion 330.19 |
nerve 336.8 |
arch of foot 252.24 |
part of internal carotid 200.13 |
accessory 336.11 |
network of foot 252.23 |
Peyer’s patches 122.33 |
veins |
Plantaris 396.43 |
Phalanges |
inferior 246.22 |
Planum |
fingers 40.23, 40.24 |
superior 246.9 |
interspinale 398.6 |
toes 52.23, 52.24 |
Phrenicoabdominal branches of |
intertuberculare 398.5 |
Phalanx |
phrenic nerve 336.10 |
occipitale 8.27a |
base |
Phrenicocolic ligament 178.18 |
subcostale 398.2 |
fingers 40.29 |
Phrenicomediastinal recess |
supracristale 398.4 |
toes 29, 52 |
152.22 |
transpyloricum 398.3 |
body (shaft) |
Phrenicopleural fascia 152.10 |
Platysma 80.25 |
fingers 40.30 |
Phrenicosplenic ligament 178.19 |
Pleura 152.12 |
toes 52.30 |
Physiological cup, optic disc |
parietalis 152.15 |
distal end (trochlea), fingers |
360.2 |
visceralis (pulmonalis) 152.14 |
40.31 |
Pia mater |
Pleural |
distalis |
cranialis 272.1 |
cavity 152.11 |
fingers 40.27 |
spinalis 272.8 |
recesses 152.19 |
toes 52.27 |
Pigmented |
Pleuroesophageal muscle 120.10 |
head, fingers 52.31 |
epithelium (iris) 358.13 |
Pleuropulmonary regions 152.7 |
media |
part of retina 358.21 |
Plexiform layer |
fingers 40.26 |
Pili 392.1 |
cerebellum 290.14 |
toes 52.26 |
Pineal |
cerebral cortex 316.3 |
proximalis |
body (gland) 182.22, 296.9, |
Plexus |
fingers 40.25 |
296.17 |
aorticus |
toes 52.25 |
recess 298.6 |
abdominalis 348.10 |
Pharyngeal |
Pinna 386.8 |
thoracicus 348.4 |
artery, ascending 194.17 |
Piriform |
arteriosum 406.26 |
branches |
aperture 32.3 |
autonomici 348.2 |
artery of pterygoid canal |
recess 118.13 |
autonomicus 408.13 |
200.4a |
Pisiform 40.8 |
basilaris 238.12 |
ascending pharyngeal artery |
Pisohamate ligament 64.4 |
brachialis 336.12 |
194.19 |
Pisometacarpal ligament 64.5 |
cardiacus 348.5 |
descending palatine artery |
Pisotriquetral joint 64.3 |
caroticus |
200.7a |
Pit |
communis 352.2 |
glossopharyngeal nerve |
in head of femur 46.4 |
externus 352.1 |
330.26 |
suprameatal 16.18 |
internus 350.30 |
470 Index
Plexus |
Plexus |
Plica(-ae) |
cavernosi concharum 136.17 |
venosus |
stapedialis 384.12 |
cervicalis 334.22 |
canalis hypoglossi 240.6 |
sublingualis 108.27 |
choroideus 298.10 |
caroticus internus 240.8 |
synovialis 404.41 |
ventriculi |
foraminis ovalis 240.7 |
infrapatellaris 68.10 |
lateralis 272.6, 314.11 |
haemorrhoidalis 250.7 |
transversae recti 126.23 |
quarti 272.3, 288.6 |
prostaticus 250.10 |
triangularis 116.13 |
tertii 272.5 |
rectalis 250.7 |
tubariae (tubales) 168.5 |
coccygeus 346.25 |
sacralis 250.6 |
umbilicalis |
coeliacus 348.11 |
suboccipitalis 12, 234 |
lateralis 180.18 |
deferentialis 350.15 |
uterinus 250.14 |
medialis (lateralis) 180.15 |
dentalis |
vaginalis 250.15 |
mediana (media) 180.13 |
inferior 326.11 |
vertebralis |
venae cavae, sinistrae 232.19 |
superior 324.6 |
externus anterior/poste- |
ventricularis 142.29 |
entericus 350.3 |
rior 246.17 |
vesicalis transversa 180.20 |
femoralis 350.8 |
internus anterior/posterior |
vestibularis 142.29 |
gastrici 348.20 |
246.18 |
villosae 122.15 |
hepaticus 348.18 |
vesicalis 250.9 |
vocalis 144.5 |
hypogastricus |
vertebralis 352.13 |
Plicate ciliares 356.22 |
inferior 350.11 |
vesicalis 350.18 |
Pneumatic bone 402.45 |
superior 350.9 |
viscerales 348.2, 408.13 |
Pollex 400.44 |
iliaci 350.7 |
Plica(-ae) 178.26 |
Pollicis artery, princeps 214.9 |
intermesentericus 348.15 |
alares 68.11 |
Polus |
intraparotideus 328.12 |
aryepiglottica 142.25 |
anterior |
lumbalis (lumbaris) 342.14 |
caecalis(-es) 180.7 |
(eyeball) 354.16 |
lumbosacralis 342.13 |
vascularis 180.3 |
(lens) 362.17 |
lymphaticus 254.6, 406.23 |
chordae tympani 384.7 |
frontalis 306.23 |
axillaris 258.15 |
circulares 122.29 |
occipitalis 308.11 |
mesentericus |
duodenalis |
posterior |
inferior 350.1 |
inferior 178.30 |
(eyeball) 354.17 |
superior 348.28 |
superior 178.28 |
(lens) 362.18 |
myentericus (Auerbach) 350.5 |
duodenojejunalis 178.28 |
temporalis 308.16 |
nervorum spinalium 407.24 |
duodenomesocolica 178.30 |
Pons 284.2 |
oesophagealis 332.23, 348.7 |
epicanthus 366.6 |
sections of 284.7 |
ovaricus 348.27 |
epigastrica 180.18 |
Pontine |
pampiniformis 246.35 |
fimbriata 112.35 |
arteries 206.20 |
pancreaticus 348.21 |
gastricae 122.12 |
fibers |
pelvicus 350.11 |
gastropancreaticae 176.35 |
longitudinal 184.9 |
periarteriales 408.14 |
glossoepiglottica |
transverse 284.14 |
pharyngeus (pharyngealis) |
lateralis 118.11 |
nucleus(-i) 284.16 |
234.25, 332.8 |
mediana 118.10 |
of trigeminal nerve 284.27 |
prostaticus 350.14 |
hepatopancreatica 176.35a |
raphe 284.18 |
pterygoideus 236.23 |
ileocaecalis 180.5 |
veins 242.15 |
pulmonalis 332.22, 348.9 |
incudialis 384.11 |
Pontocerebellar |
rectalis |
interarytenoidea 144.7a |
cistern 270.11 |
inferior 350.13 |
interureterica 158.11 |
fibers 284.15 |
medius 350.12 |
iridis 358.8 |
trigone 284.6 |
superior 350.2 |
lacrimalis 368.24 |
Pontomesencephalic vein, ante- |
renalis 348.23 |
longitudinales duodeni 124.11 |
rior 242.14 |
sacralis 344.8 |
mallearis |
Pontoreticulospinal tract 276.31 |
splenicus (lienalis) 348.19 |
anterior 380.24, 384.6 |
Popliteal |
subclavius 352.11 |
posterior 380.25, 384.5 |
artery 226.13 |
submucosus (Meissner) 350.6 |
mucosae 134.9 |
fossa 402.11 |
subserosus 350.4 |
nervi laryngei 118.14 |
ligament |
suprarenalis 348.22 |
palatinae transversae 108.29 |
arcuate 68.15 |
testicularis 348.26 |
palmatae 168.22 |
oblique 68.14 |
thyroideus |
palpebronasalis 366.6 |
lymph nodes |
impar 232.30 |
paraduodenalis 178.32 |
deep 266.20 |
tympanicus 330.22 |
rectouterina 180.30 |
superficial 266.19 |
uretericus 348.25 |
salpingopalatina 116.8 |
surface of femur 46.20 |
uterovaginalis 350.16 |
salpingopharyngea 118.4 |
vein 252.13 |
vasculosus (vascularis) 406.24, |
semilunaris 116.14 |
Popliteus, groove for 46.25a |
408.13a |
coli 124.32 |
Porus acusticus 378.6 |
venosus 406.25 |
conjunctivae 366.25 |
Porta hepatis 130.6 |
areolaris 244.16 |
spiralis 134.11 |
Portal vein of liver 248.1 |
Index 471 |
Portio |
Posterior |
Posterior |
supravaginalis cervicis |
branch(-es) |
funiculus 274.4, 278.8 |
168.16 |
great auricular nerve 334.29 |
gastric |
terminalis (sweat glands) |
left pulmonary artery 190.32 |
artery 218.35a |
394.12 |
lumbar nerves 342.2 |
branches of vagal trunk |
vaginalis cervicis 168.17 |
medial antebrachial cu- |
332.27 |
Porus |
taneous nerve 338.7 |
glandular branch of superior |
acusticus |
obturator |
thyroid artery 194.16 |
externus 16.4, 386.3 |
artery 222.18 |
gluteal line 42.27 |
internus 14.12 |
nerve 342.28 |
gray commissure 276.16a |
gustatorius 38.28 |
portal vein of liver 248.4 |
horn 276.2, 314.5 |
sudorifer 394.14 |
renal artery 220.24 |
bulb of 314.12 |
Postaortic lymph nodes 262.5 |
sacral/coccygeal nerves |
hypothalamic |
Postaxillary line 398.8 |
342.8 |
nucleus 304.8 |
Postcaval lymph nodes 262.10 |
spinal nerve 334.10, 334.15 |
region (area) 302.14, 304.6 |
Postcentral |
superior |
inferior |
branch of posterior intercostal |
mesenteric artery 220.2b |
cerebellar artery 206.12 |
artery 216.10a |
right pulmonary vein |
nasal branches, pterygo- |
gyrus 308.3 |
230.11 |
palatine |
sulcus 308.2 |
thoracic nerves 340.17 |
ganglion 322.23 |
Postcommunical part |
ulnar recurrent artery 214.17 |
intercondylar area 46.33 |
of anterior cerebral artery |
calcanean facet 50.12 |
intercostal |
204.8 |
carpal region 400.36 |
arteries 212.6, 216.8 |
of posterior cerebral artery |
cerebral artery 206.23, 208.24 |
veins 246.13 |
206.26 |
chamber of eye 362.1 |
intermediate sulcus 272.24 |
Posterior 396.14, 396.16 |
circumflex |
intermuscular septum |
accessory olivary nucleus |
humeral artery 212.24 |
of leg 100.10 |
280.32 |
scapular vein 244.13a |
internal vertebral venous |
ampullar nerve 330.13 |
clinoid process 10.10 |
plexus 246.18 |
antebrachial |
cochlear |
interosseous |
cutaneous nerve 340.4 |
nucleus 282.18 |
artery 214.20 |
region 400.31 |
column 276.1 |
nerve of forearm 340.7 |
apertures of the nose 32.10 |
of rugae 170.14 |
veins 244.19b |
arch of atlas 4.8 |
commissure 296.8, 296.16 |
interventricular |
articular surface of dens |
communicating artery 208.18 |
branch (right coronary |
4.15 |
conjunctival arteries 202.11 |
artery) 192.12 |
ascending branch of right pul- |
cord 336.27 |
groove 184.19 |
monary artery 190.19 |
cranial fossa 30.4 |
vein 232.20 |
atlanto-occipital membrane |
cricoaartyenoid muscle 142.15 |
intraoccipital synchondrosis |
56.29 |
cruciate ligament of knee 68.9 |
56.5 |
auricular |
cubital region 400.25 |
labial |
artery 196.22 |
cusp |
branches (internal pudendal |
ligament 388.13 |
atrioventricular valve 188.28 |
artery) 224.12 |
nerve 328.6 |
pulmonary valve 188.5 |
commissure 170.28 |
sulcus 386.28 |
cutaneous branch of thoracic |
veins 250.21 |
vein 238.3 |
nerves 340.19 |
lacrimal crest 20.22 |
axillary line 396.54 |
descending branch of right |
lateral nucleus 300.2 |
basal |
pulmonary artery 190.16 |
ligament |
branch |
divisions, brachial plexus |
of head of fibula 68.22 |
left pulmonary artery |
336.18 |
of incus 382.27 |
190.42 |
end of spleen 268.8 |
limb of internal capsule 318.13 |
right pulmonary artery |
epithelium |
limiting (Descemet’s) mem- |
190.28 |
cornea 356.11 |
brane 356.10 |
segment |
iris 358.13 |
lip of uterine ostium 168.20 |
lower lobe of left lung |
ethmoidal |
lobe of cerebellum 288.25 |
150.27 |
artery 202.14 |
longitudinal |
lower lobe of right lung |
foramen 32.22 |
fasciculus 280.24, 284.20, |
150.15 |
nerve 322.4 |
292.25, 304.14 |
segmental bronchus 146.15 |
external |
ligament 56.20 |
border |
arcuate fibers 282.24 |
mallear fold 380.25, 384.5 |
petrous temporal 14.17 |
vertebral venous plexus |
margin |
radius 38.9 |
246.17 |
fibula 48.27 |
brachial |
facet for the talus 52.3 |
radius 38.12 |
cutaneous nerve 340.2 |
fasciculi proprii 278.9 |
testis 158.22 |
region 400.22 |
fontanelle 32.29 |
ulna 38.29 |
472 Index
Posterior |
Posterior |
Posterolateral |
median |
side of knee 402.10 |
fissure 288.39 |
line 398.1 |
sinus 138.8 |
fontanelle 32.31 |
septum 272.21 |
spinal |
nucleus 274.21 |
sulcus 272.20, 280.8 |
artery 206.16 |
sulcus 272.23, 280.1 |
mediastinal lymph nodes 260.11 |
veins 246.20a |
ventral nucleus 300.8 |
mediastinum 152.29 |
spinocerebellar tract 278.4 |
Posteromedial |
membranous ampulla 370.20 |
sternoclavicular ligament |
central arteries 206.25 |
meningeal |
60.25 |
choroid branches of posterior |
artery 194.18 |
superior |
cerebral |
branch of vertebral artery |
alveolar artery 198.28 |
artery 206.29 |
206.10 |
alveolar branches, infraorbi- |
frontal branch of callosomargi- |
meniscofemoral ligament 68.4 |
tal nerve 324.3 |
nal artery 204.13 |
nasal spine 24.31 |
pancreaticoduodenal artery |
nucleus 274.23 |
nucleus(-i) |
218.15 |
ventral nucleus 300.9 |
of thalamus 300.10 |
supraclavicular nerves 336.7 |
Postganglionic nerve fibers |
of trapezoid body 286.16 |
surface |
407.18 |
obturator tubercle 44.19 |
of arytenoid cartilage 140.20 |
Postlaminar part of optic nerve |
osseous ampulla 376.12 |
of cornea 356.6 |
354.9 |
palpebral surface 366.7 |
of fibula 48.23 |
Postpyramidal fissure 288.30 |
papillary muscle 188.17, 190.9 |
of humerus 36.14 |
Postvesicular lymph nodes 266.8 |
paramedian nucleus 282.6 |
of iris 358.5 |
Pouch of Douglas 180.31 |
paraventricular nuclei 198.18 |
of kidney 154.9 |
Pre-aortic lymph nodes 262.4 |
parietal arteries 204.33 |
of lens 362.20 |
Pre-epiglottic fat body 138.26a |
part |
lower leg 402.14 |
Preauricular lymph nodes 256.7 |
of anterior commissure |
of prostate 162.14 |
Preaxillary line 398.7 |
318.32 |
of scapula 34.6 |
Precaval lymph nodes 262.9 |
of fornix of vagina 170.4 |
of stomach 120.17 |
Prececal lymph nodes 264.5 |
of pons 284.17 |
of tibia 48.4 |
Precentral |
of tongue 112.33 |
of ulna 38.25 |
cerebellar vein 242.23 |
periventricular nucleus 304.4 |
surface of adrenal gland 182.31 |
gyrus 306.25 |
pole 354.17 |
talocalcaneal ligament 70.15a |
sulcus 306.24 |
of lens capsule 362.18 |
talocrural region 402.16 |
Prechiasmatic groove 10.4 |
process |
talofibular ligament 70.9 |
Precommissural septum 312.30 |
nasal septum 134.31 |
temporal |
Precommunical part |
talus 50.17 |
artery 198.25a, 204.28 |
of anterior cerebral artery |
radicular artery 216.10c |
branches of lateral occipital |
204.2 |
ramus, lateral sulcus 306.20 |
artery 208.5 |
of posterior cerebral artery |
recess of tympanic membrane |
diploic vein 238.27 |
206.24 |
384.10 |
thalamic radiations 302.3, |
Precuneal artery 204.16 |
region(-s) 400.8 |
318.27 |
Precuneus 310.11 |
of the neck 398.32 |
thigh region 402.7 |
Prefrontal veins 240.12 |
root 334.6 |
tibial |
Preganglionic nerve fibers 407.17 |
sacral foramina 4.30 |
artery 228.8 |
Prelaminar branch of posterior |
sacrococcygeus muscle 88.4 |
node 266.22 |
intercostal |
scrotal |
recurrent artery 226.23 |
artery 216.10b |
branches (internal pudendal |
veins 252.21 |
Prelaryngeal lymph nodes 256.20 |
artery) 224.11 |
tibiofibular ligament 68.26 |
Premaxilla 24.3 |
nerves 346.20 |
tibiotalar part of medial (del- |
Premolar teeth 112.22 |
veins 250.21 |
toid) ligament 70.6 |
Preoccipital incisure 308.14 |
segment |
triangle of neck 398.30 |
Preoptic |
of kidney 154.21 |
tubercle 2.20, 4.10 |
area 296.31 |
of liver 130.20 |
tympanic artery 196.24 |
nucleus |
of upper lobe of right lung |
vagal trunk 332.25 |
lateral 302.17 |
150.4 |
vein |
medial 302.17 |
segmental |
of corpus callosum 242.11 |
Prepancreatic artery 218.28a |
artery 218.8, 220.25 |
of left ventricle 232.17 |
Prepericardial lymph nodes |
bronchus 146.4 |
of septum pellucidum 242.6 |
260.7 |
semicircular |
ventral nucleus 300.7 |
Prepuce of penis 164.5 |
canal 376.8 |
wall of vagina 170.7 |
frenulum 164.6 |
duct 370.13 |
white commissure 276.18a |
Preputial glands 164.22 |
semilunar cusp of aortic valve |
Posterolateral |
Preputium |
190.3 |
central arteries 206.27 |
clitoridis 172.9 |
septal branches of spheno- |
choroid branches of posterior |
penis 164.5 |
palatine artery 200.9a |
cerebral artery 206.30 |
Prepyloric vein 248.19 |
Index 473
Presternal region 398.34 |
Processus(-i) |
Protuberantia |
Pretectal |
posterior |
mentalis 26.15 |
area 296.14 |
(sphenoidalis) 134.31 |
occipitalis |
nuclei 296.15 |
tali 50.17 |
externa 8.22 |
Pretracheal |
pterygoideus 12.1 |
internal 8.29 |
layer of cervical fascia 82.23 |
pterygospinosus 12.13 |
Proximal 396.33 |
lymph nodes 256.22 |
pyramidalis 24.21 |
phalanx |
Prevertebral |
sphenoidalis 24.26 |
fingers 40.25 |
layer of cervical fascia 82.24 |
spinosus 2.11 |
toes 52.25 |
part of vertebral artery 206.3 |
styloideus |
radioulnar joint 62.4 |
Prevesicular lymph nodes 266.7 |
(metacarpal bone) 40.22 |
Proximalis 396.33 |
Primary |
(radius) 38.14 |
Prussak’s pouch 384.9 |
center of ossification 404.9 |
(temporal bone) 14.26, 16.9 |
Pterion 30.10a |
fissure 288.24 |
(ulna) 38.34 |
Pterygoid |
ovarian follicles 166.18 |
supracondylaris 36.18 |
branches |
Primitive urogenital sinus 172.34 |
temporalis 26.5 |
internal carotid 200.15 |
Princeps pollicis artery 214.9 |
transversus 2.11 |
maxillary artery 198.26 |
Processus(-i) |
uncinatus 20.16, 128.3 |
canal 12.12 |
accessorius 2.29 |
vaginalis 12.7 |
artery 200.4 |
alveolaris 24.8 |
peritonei 168.33, 180.23 |
fossa 12.5 |
anterior (malleus) 380.17 |
vocalis 140.14 |
fovea 28.15 |
articularis |
xiphoideus 6.32 |
hamulus 12.10 |
inferior 2.15 |
zygomaticus 16.16, 22.29 |
sulcus 12.11 |
superior 2.14, 4.20 |
ossis frontalis 18.13 |
muscle |
axillaris (mammary gland) |
Profundus 396.32 |
lateral 80.16 |
394.22 |
Projecting neurofibers 318.35 |
medial 80.17 |
calcaneus 52.15 |
Prominentia |
notch (fissure) 12.4 |
caudatus (liver) 130.28 |
canalis |
plate |
ciliares 356.21 |
facialis 380.12 |
lateral 12.2 |
clinoideus |
semicircularis lateralis 380.11 |
medial 12.3 |
anterior 10.21 |
laryngea 138.15 |
plexus 235.23 |
medius 10.7 |
spiralis 374.6 |
process of sphenoid bone 12.1 |
posterior 10.10 |
styloidea 378.21 |
tuberosity 28.5 |
cochleariformis 380.5 |
Promontorium 378.25 |
Pterygomandibular raphe 118.21 |
condylaris 28.12 |
ossis sacri 4.18 |
Pterygomaxillary fissure 30.15 |
coracoideus 34.24 |
Promontory 378.25 |
Pterygomeningeal artery 198.23a |
coronoideus |
common iliac lymph nodes |
Pterygopalatine |
(mandible) 28.10 |
264.20 |
fossa 30.14 |
(ulna) 38.20 |
of sacrum 4.18 |
ganglion 322.16, 328.22, |
costalis 2.13 |
Pronator tuberosity 38.11a |
352.30 |
ethmoidalis 20.20 |
Proper |
sulcus 22.23, 24.20 |
falciformis 66.7 |
membrane of semicircular |
Pterygospinal ligament 60.10 |
frontalis 22.25, 26.6 |
duct 370.15 |
Pterygospinous process 12.13 |
intrajugularis 14.20 |
palmar |
Pubes 392.10 |
ossis occipitales 8.21 |
digital arteries 214.29 |
Pubic |
jugularis 8.20 |
digital nerves 338.16 |
arch 44.22 |
lacrimalis 20.18 |
plantar |
branch |
lateralis |
digital arteries 228.26 |
external iliac vein 250.24a |
(malleus) 382.16 |
digital nerves 346.11, 346.15 |
inferior epigastric artery |
(mammary gland) 394.22 |
Prosencephalon 296.1 |
224.22 |
(nasal septum) 134.30a |
Prostate (prostata) 162.10 |
obturator artery 222.15 |
tali 50.11 |
apex 162.12 |
crest 44.12 |
tuberis calcanei 50.25 |
base 162.11 |
ligament |
lenticularis 382.10 |
capsule 162.19 |
arcuate 66.17 |
mamillaris 2.30 |
isthmus 162.17 |
superior 66.16 |
mastoideus 12.17 |
Prostatic |
region 400.7 |
maxillaris 20.19 |
branches of inferior vesical |
symphysis 66.15 |
medialis tuberis calcanei |
artery 224.1a |
tubercle 44.10 |
50.24 |
ductules 162.21 |
Pubis 44.8 |
muscularis (arytenoid car- |
fascia 174.22 |
body 44.9 |
tilage) 140.22 |
part of urethra 164.24 |
pecten (pectineal line) of 44.15 |
orbitalis 24.25 |
plexus 350.14 |
ramus |
palatinus 24.1 |
sinus 164.28 |
inferior 44.20 |
papillaris (liver) 130.27 |
utricle 164.27 |
superior 44.13 |
paramastoideus 8.34 |
venous plexus 250.10 |
Pubofemoral ligament 66.25 |
474 Index
Puboprostatic ligament 174.28 |
Putamen 316.27 |
Radiating part of renal cortex |
Pubovesical ligament 174.28 |
Pyloric |
154.28 |
Pudendal |
antrum 120.28 |
Radiatio(-nes) |
artery(-ies) |
canal 120.29 |
acustica 300.27, 318.23 |
external 224.32 |
glands 122.17 |
corporis callosi 312.11, 316.19 |
internal 224.8 |
lymph nodes 262.18 |
optica 300.29, 318.22 |
canal 176.15 |
opening 122.2 |
thalamicae |
fissure 170.29 |
part of stomach 120.27 |
anteriores 302.1, 318.9 |
nerve 346.17 |
sphincter 122.8 |
centrales 302.2, 318.20 |
veins |
Pylorus 122.1 |
posteriores 302.3, 318.27 |
external 252.2 |
Pyramid 278.19 |
Radii |
internal 250.16 |
of temporal bone 12.15 |
of lens 362.23 |
Pudendum femininum 170.24 |
of vermis 288.29 |
medullares 154.29a |
Pulmo |
Pyramidal |
Radiocarpal |
dexter 148.7 |
cell layer, cerebral cortex 316.5 |
joint 62.15 |
lobus inferior 150.9 |
decussation 278.20, 280.13 |
ligament |
lobus medius 150.6 |
eminence 380.13 |
dorsal 62.18 |
lobus superior 150.2 |
fasciculus 280.10 |
palmar 62.19 |
sinister 148.7 |
lobe of thyroid gland 182.5 |
Radioulnar |
Pulmonary |
process 24.21 |
joint 62.9 |
alveoli 152.5 |
tract 276.22, 280.10 |
distal 62.12 |
artery |
Pyramides renales 154.31 |
proximal 62.4 |
left 190.27 |
Pyramis 278.19 |
syndesmosis 62.9 |
right 190.14 |
vermis 288.29 |
Radius 38.1 |
branches 348.8 |
vestibuli 374.25 |
annular ligament 62.7 |
juxtaesophageal lymph nodes |
body 38.6 |
260.12 |
head 38.2 |
Q |
ligament 152.23 |
Quadrangular |
neck 38.5 |
pleura 152.14 |
Radix(-ces) 336.12a |
plexus 332.22, 348.9 |
lobule 288.23 |
anterior 334.5, 334.24 |
sulcus of thorax 6.38 |
membrane 144.10 |
basalis anterior 230.23 |
surface 184.14 |
Quadrate |
clinica 110.23 |
trunk 190.11 |
ligament 62.8 |
craniales (vagus nerve) 332.32 |
bifurcation 190.13 |
lobe of liver 130.25 |
dentis 110.21 |
opening 184.30, 188.9 |
muscle 405.6 |
facialis 328.23 |
sinuses 190.12 |
part of liver 130.23 |
lateralis 296.34, 338.10 |
valve 188.10 |
tubercle 46.10a |
linguae 112.30 |
anterior semilunar cusp 188.11 |
Quadrigeminal plate 292.13 |
medialis 296.35, 338.9 |
left semilunar cusp 188.13 |
mesenterii 178.3 |
right semilunar cusp 188.12 |
R |
motoria 334.5 |
veins 230.2 |
(trigeminal nerve) 320.18 |
left 230.27 |
Radial 396.37 |
nasi (nasalis) 134.19 |
inferior 232.4 |
artery 214.1 |
parasympathetica |
superior 230.27, 230.28 |
collateral |
(oculomotoria) 320.9 |
right 230.3 |
artery 212.31 |
(pterygopalatine ganglion) |
inferior 230.17 |
ligament 62.6 |
322.16a |
superior 230.4 |
carpal 62.23 |
penis 162.28 |
Pulmones 148.6 |
fibers 356.27 |
pili 392.14 |
Pulp |
fossa 36.27 |
posterior 334.6, 334.25 |
cavity of tooth 112.1 |
head of flexor digitorum su- |
pulmonis 148.21 |
chamber in crown 112.2 |
perficialis 90.7 |
sensoria 334.6 |
of tooth 112.5 |
nerve 340.1 |
(nasociliaris) 320.12 |
Pulpa |
groove for 36.15 |
(pterygopalatine ganglion) |
coronalis 112.6 |
notch 38.23 |
322.16c |
dentis 112.5 |
recurrent artery 214.2 |
(trigeminal nerve) 320.16 |
radicularis 112.7 |
tuberosity 38.7 |
spinales (vagus nerve) 332.33 |
splenica (lienalis) 268.16 |
veins 244.19 |
sympathetica |
Pulvinar 296.25 |
Radialis 396.37 |
(internal carotid plexus) |
nuclei 300.11 |
indicis artery 214.10 |
320.11 |
Punctum lacrimale 368.18 |
Radiate |
(pterygopalatine ganglion) |
Pupil (pupilla) 358.9 |
carpal ligament 62.21 |
322.16b |
Pupillary |
layer of tympanic membrane |
unguis 392.27 |
margin 358.2 |
380.31 |
Ramus(-i) |
membrane 358.17 |
ligament of head of rib 58.12 |
accessorius (middle meningeal |
Purkinje cell layer 290.15 |
sternocostal ligament 58.22 |
artery) 198.17 |
Index 475 |
Ramus(-i) |
Ramus(-i) |
Ramus(-i) |
acetabularis |
ascendens |
buccales (facial nerve) 328.15 |
(medial circumflex femoral |
(lateral sulcus) 306.19 |
calcanei |
artery) 226.7 |
(medial circumflex femoral |
laterales 346.7 |
(obturator artery) 222.16 |
artery) 226.5 |
mediales 346.8 |
acromialis |
(transverse cervical artery) |
(peroneal artery) 228.16 |
(axillary artery) 212.13 |
210.23a |
(posterior tibial artery) |
(suprascapular artery) 212.2 |
atriales |
228.11 |
albus (spinal nerve) 334.11b |
(left coronary artery) |
calcarinus (medial occipital |
alveolares superiores |
192.27a |
artery) 208.10 |
anteriores 324.5 |
(right coronary artery) |
capsulae internae (anterior |
medius 324.4 |
192.9a |
choroidal artery) 202.28 |
posteriores 324.3 |
atrialis |
capsulares (interlobular arter- |
anastomoticus 198.23 |
anastomoticus (left coronary |
ies) 156.7 |
(lacrimal artery) 202.4 |
artery) 192.22 |
cardiaci |
anterior(-es) |
intermedius |
cervicales |
ascendens |
(left coronary artery) |
inferiores 332.14 |
(left pulmonary artery) |
192.24 |
superiores (vagus nerve) |
190.33 |
(right coronary artery) |
332.9 |
(right pulmonary artery) |
192.11 |
thoracici |
190.18 |
atrioventriculares |
(thoracic ganglia) 352.15 |
descendens |
(left coronary artery) |
(vagus nerve) 332.20 |
(left pulmonary artery) |
192.22a |
carpalis |
190.31 |
(right coronary artery) 192.7a |
dorsalis |
(right pulmonary artery) |
auricularis |
(radial artery) 214.5 |
190.17 |
anteriores (transverse facial |
(ulnar artery) 214.25 |
(gluteal nerve) 342.12 |
artery) 198.4 |
palmaris |
(great auricular nerve) |
(occipital artery) 196.17 |
(radial artery) 214.3 |
334.30 |
(posterior auricular artery) |
(ulnar artery) 214.24 |
(hepatic duct) 132.10 |
196.27 |
caudae nuclei caudati |
(lateral sulcus) 306.18 |
(posterior auricular nerve) |
(anterior choroidal artery) |
(left superior pulmonary |
328.8 |
202.30 |
vein) 230.32 |
(vagus nerve) 332.5 |
(posterior communicating |
(lumbar nerves) 342.6 |
autonomicus 408.12 |
partery) 208.23 |
(medial antebrachial cu- |
basalis |
caudati (portal vein of liver) |
taneous nerve) 338.6 |
anterior |
248.7 |
(obturator artery) 222.17 |
(left inferior pulmonary |
centrales anteromediales |
(obturator nerve) 342.26 |
vein) 232.10 |
204.7 |
(portal vein of liver) 248.3 |
(left pulmonary artery) |
cervicalis (facial nerve) 328.18 |
(renal artery) 220.19 |
190.40 |
chiasmaticus (posterior com- |
(spinal nerve) 334.9, 334.21 |
(right pulmonary artery) |
municating artery) 208.19 |
(superior mesenteric artery) |
190.26 |
choroidei |
220.1 |
lateralis |
posteriores |
(superior right pulmonary |
(left pulmonary artery) |
laterales (posterior cere- |
vein) 230.8 |
190.41 |
bral artery) 206.30 |
(thoracic nerves) 340.20 |
(right pulmonary artery) |
mediales (posterior cere- |
(ulnar recurrent artery) |
190.27 |
bral artery) 206.29 |
214.16 |
medialis |
ventriculi |
apicalis |
(left pulmonary artery) |
lateralis (anterior |
(left pulmonary artery) |
190.39 |
choroidal artery) 202.23 |
190.30 |
(right pulmonary artery) |
tertii (anterior choroidal |
(right pulmonary artery) |
190.25 |
artery) 202.24 |
190.15 |
posterior |
choroideus ventriculi quarti |
(superior right pulmonary |
(left pulmonary artery) |
(posterior |
vein) 230.5 |
190.42 |
inferior cerebellar artery) |
apicoposterior (left superior |
(right pulmonary artery) |
206.13 |
pulmonary vein) 230.29 |
190.28 |
cingularis (callosomarginal |
articularis(-es) 408.7 |
tentorii (internal carotid) |
artery) 204.14 |
(descending genicular |
200.17 |
circumflexus |
artery) 226.1c |
bronchiales |
fibularis (posterior tibial |
ascendens |
(internal thoracic artery) |
artery) 228.9 |
(deep circumflex iliac artery) |
210.4 |
(left coronary artery) 192.21 |
224.28 |
segmentorum 148.1 |
clavicularis (axillary artery) |
(lateral circumflex femoral |
(thoracic aorta) 216.3 |
212.15 |
artery) 226.9 |
(vagus nerve) 332.21 |
clivi (internal carotid) 200.26 |
476 Index
Ramus(-i) |
Ramus(-i) |
Ramus(-i) |
clunium (gluteales) |
cutaneus |
ganglionici (ganglionares) |
inferiores 344.15 |
medialis (posterior inter- |
(lingual nerve) 326.7 |
mediales 342.11 |
costal arteries) 216.11 |
(maxillary nerve) 322.15 |
superiores 342.5 |
(obturator nerve) 342.27 |
ganglionis trigeminalis (inter- |
cochlearis (labyrinthine artery) |
posterior (thoracic nerves) |
nal carotid) 200.20 |
374.13 |
340.19 |
gastrici |
coeliaci (vagus nerve) 332.29 |
deltoideus |
(gastroepiploic artery) |
colicus (ileocolic artery) 220.6 |
(axillary artery) 212.16 |
218.20, 218.32 |
collateralis (posterior inter- |
(brachial artery) 212.29 |
(vagus nerve) |
costal arteries) 216.13 |
dentales |
anterior 332.26 |
colli (facial nerve) 328.18 |
(anterior superior alveolar |
posterior 332.27 |
communicans(-tes) 350.25, |
arteries) 198.3 |
genitalis (genitofemoral nerve) |
408.11 |
(inferior alveolar artery) |
342.22 |
alba 407.20 |
198.13 |
gingivales |
cochlearis 330.6 |
inferiores (inferior alveolar |
(inferior alveolar nerve) 326.16a |
cum chorda tympani 326.4, |
nerve) 326.12 |
inferiores (inferior alveolar |
330.35 |
(posterior superior alveolar |
nerve) 326.13 |
cum ganglio ciliari 322.2 |
artery) 198.28 |
superiores (infraorbital |
cum nervi auriculotemporali |
descendens |
nerve) 324.8 |
330.34 |
(lateral circumflex femoral |
glandularis(-es) |
cum nervi faciali 324.28 |
artery) 226.10 |
anterior (superior thyroid |
cum nervi laryngeali re- |
(medial circumflex femoral |
artery) 194.15 |
currenti 332.13 |
artery) 226.6 |
(inferior thyroid artery) |
cum nervi ulnari 338.14 |
(occipital artery) 196.21 |
210.16 |
cum nervo glossopharyngeo |
(transverse cervical artery) |
lateral (superior thyroid |
328.11, 332.6 |
210.23b |
artery) 194.16a |
cum nervo hypoglosso 326.3 |
dexter |
posterior (superior thyroid |
cum nervo pterygoideo me- |
(hepatic artery proper) 218.4 |
artery) 194.16 |
diali 324.20 |
(portal vein of liver) |
(submandibular ganglion) |
cum nervo vago 328.5 |
248.2 |
328.28 |
cum nervo zygomatico 320.22 |
digastricus (facial nerve) 328.9 |
(submental artery) 196.11 |
cum plexus tympanico 328.4 |
diploicus 202.13a |
globi pallidi (anterior |
cum ramo auriculari nervi |
dorsalis(-es) |
choroidal artery) 202.29 |
vagi 330.25 |
linguae 196.4 |
griseus (spinal nerve) 334.11a |
cum ramo laryngeo interno |
(posterior intercostal arter- |
helicini (uterine artery) 224.2a |
332.19 |
ies) 212.7, 216.9, 216.17 |
hepatici (vagus nerve) 332.28 |
cum ramo meningeo 330.33 |
(ulnar nerve) 338.19 |
hypothalamicus (posterior |
fibularis 344.20 |
duodenales |
communicating artery) |
griseus 407.21 |
(anterior superior pancreati- |
208.22 |
(peroneal artery) 228.14 |
coduodenal artery) 218.24 |
ilealis (ileocolic artery) 220.9a |
(spinal nerve) 334.11 |
(posterior superior |
iliacus (iliolumbar artery) |
ulnaris 340.9 |
pancreaticoduodenal |
222.11 |
conus arteriosi |
artery) 218.17 |
inferior(-es) |
(left coronary artery 192.18 |
epididymales (testicular |
(oculomotor nerve) 320.7 |
(right coronary artery) 192.8 |
artery) 222.2a |
ossis pubis 44.20 |
corporis |
externus |
(superior gluteal artery) |
callosi dorsalis 208.7 |
(accessory nerve) 332.36 |
222.23 |
geniculati lateralis (anterior |
(superior laryngeal nerve) |
(transverse cervical nerve) |
choroidal artery) 202.27 |
332.11 |
336.3 |
costalis lateralis (internal |
fauciales (lingual nerve) 326.2 |
infrahyoideus (superior thyroid |
thoracic artery) 210.9 |
femoralis (genitofemoral |
artery) 194.9 |
cricothyroideus (superior thy- |
nerve) 342.23 |
infrapatellaris (saphenous |
roid artery) 194.14 |
frontalis |
nerve) 344.5 |
cutanei cruris mediales 344.6 |
anteromedialis (calloso- |
inguinales (external pudendal |
cutaneus 408.6 |
marginal |
arteries) 224.35 |
anterior |
artery) 204.11 |
intercostales anteriores (inter- |
(iliohypogastric nerve) |
mediomedialis (calloso- |
nal thoracic artery) 210.10 |
342.17, 344.3 |
marginal artery) 204.12 |
interganglionares 350.24 |
(intercostal nerve) 340.24 |
posteromedialis (calloso- |
intermedius (medial segmen- |
lateralis |
marginal artery) 204.13 |
tal artery) 218.12a |
(iliohypogastric nerve) |
(superficial temporal artery) |
internus |
342.16 |
198.7 |
(accessory nerve) 332.35 |
(intercostal nerve) 340.21 |
(superior tympanic artery) |
(superior laryngeal nerve) |
(posterior intercostal ar- |
198.20 |
332.12 |
teries) 216.12, 216.14 |
Index 477 |
Ramus (-i) |
Ramus (-i) |
Ramus (-i) |
interventricularis |
lumbalis (iliolumbar artery) |
meningeus |
anterior (left coronary |
222.9 |
(occipital artery) 196.19 |
artery) 192.17 |
malleolares |
posterior (vertebral artery) |
posterior (right coronary |
laterales (peroneal artery) |
206.10 |
artery) 192.12 |
228.15 |
recurrens (lacrimal artery) |
septales |
mediales (posterior tibial |
202.5a |
(left coronary artery) |
artery) 228.10 |
(spinal nerve) 334.12 |
192.20 |
mammarii |
(vagus nerve) 332.4 |
(right coronary artery) |
laterales 340.22 |
mentalis(-es) |
192.13 |
(lateral thoracic artery) |
(inferior alveolar artery) |
isthmi faucium (lingual nerve) |
212.19 |
198.15 |
326.2 |
(posterior intercostal ar- |
(inferior alveolar nerve) |
labiales |
teries) 216.15 |
326.15 |
anteriores (external puden- |
mediales |
musculares 408.8 |
dal arteries) 224.34 |
(intercostal nerve) 340.25 |
(accessory nerve) 332.37 |
(inferior alveolar nerve) |
(internal thoracic artery) |
(axillary nerve) 340.14 |
326.16 |
210.8 |
(femoral nerve) 344.2 |
posteriores (internal puden- |
mandibulae 28.1 |
lateralis (thoracic nerves) |
dal artery) 224.12 |
marginalis |
340.17 |
superiores (infraorbital |
dexter (right coronary |
medialis (thoracic nerves) |
nerve) 324.12 |
artery) 192.10 |
340.17 |
laryngopharyngeales 352.3 |
mandibularis (facial nerve) |
(median nerve) 338.12 |
lateralis(-es) |
328.17 |
(musculocutaneous nerve) |
(hepatic duct) 132.13 |
sinister (left coronary artery) |
338.2 |
(left coronary artery) 192.19 |
192.23 |
(obturator nerve) 342.29 |
(lumbar nerves) 342.4 |
tentorii (internal carotid) |
(perineal nerves) 346.21 |
(middle cerebral artery) |
200.18 |
(peroneal nerve) 244.27, |
204.22 |
mastoideus |
344.22 |
nasi 196.13b |
(occipital artery) 196.16 |
(radial nerve) 340.5 |
(portal vein of liver) 248.11 |
(posterior tympanic artery) |
(tibial nerve) 346.2 |
(right pulmonary artery) |
196.25 |
(ulnar nerve) 338.18 |
190.21 |
medialis(-es) |
(vertebral artery) 206.6 |
(sacral/coccygeal nerves) |
(hepatic duct) 132.14 |
musculi stylopharyngei |
342.10 |
(lumbar nerves) 342.3 |
330.27 |
(spinal nerve) 334.16 |
(middle cerebral artery) |
mylohyoideus (inferior alve- |
(supraorbital nerve) 320.25 |
204.21 |
olar artery) 198.14 |
lingualis(-es) |
(portal vein of liver) 248.14 |
nasales |
(facial nerve) 328.16 |
(right pulmonary artery) |
(anterior ethmoidal nerve) |
(glossopharyngeal nerve) |
190.22 |
322.6 |
330.30 |
(sacral/coccygeal nerves) |
anteriores lateralis (anterior |
(hypoglossal nerve) 334.2 |
342.9 |
ethmoidal artery) 202.16b |
(lingual nerve) 326.6 |
(spinal nerve) 334.15 |
externus(-i) |
lingularis |
(supraorbital nerve) 320.26 |
(anterior ethmoidal nerve) |
(left pulmonary artery) 190.34 |
mediastinales |
322.10 |
inferior 190.36 |
(internal thoracic artery) |
(infraorbital nerve) 324.10 |
superior 190.35 |
210.2 |
interni |
(left superior pulmonary |
(thoracic aorta) 216.6 |
(anterior ethmoidal nerve) |
vein) 232.1 |
medullares |
322.7 |
lobi |
lateralis (posterior inferior |
(infraorbital nerve) 324.11 |
inferioris |
cerebellar artery) 206.15 |
laterales 322.20d |
(left pulmonary artery) |
medialis (posterior inferior |
(anterior ethmoidal nerve) |
190.36a |
cerebellar artery) 206.15 |
322.8 |
(right pulmonary artery) |
membranae tympani |
mediales (anterior eth- |
190.22a |
(auriculotemporal nerve) |
moidal nerve) 322.9 |
medii |
324.26 |
posteriores inferiores |
(right pulmonary artery) |
meningeus |
(pterygopalatine gan- |
190.20 |
anterior |
glion) 322.23 |
(superior right pulmonary |
(anterior ethmoidal |
(pterygopalatine ganglion) |
vein) 230.14 |
artery) 202.16 |
posteriores superiores |
superioris |
(vertebral artery) 206.9 |
laterales 322.18 |
(left pulmonary artery) |
(internal carotid) 200.19 |
mediales 322.19 |
190.29a |
(mandibular nerve) |
nervi oculomotorii (posterior |
(right pulmonary artery) |
324.14 |
communicating artery) |
190.14a |
(maxillary nerve) 322.14 |
208.20 |
478 Index
Ramus |
(-i) |
Ramus (-i) |
Ramus (-i) |
1 |
nervorum (internal carotid) |
parotideus(-i) |
posterior(-es) |
200.21 |
(auriculotemporal nerve) |
(lumbar nerve) 342.2 |
2 |
nodi |
324.27 |
(medial antebrachial cu- |
atrioventricularis |
(facial vein) 236.15 |
taneous nerve) 338.7 |
(left coronary artery) |
(posterior auricular artery) |
(obturator artery) 222.18 |
3 |
192.27 |
196.28a |
(obturator nerve) 342.28 |
(right coronary artery) |
(superficial temporal artery) |
(portal vein of liver) 248.4 |
4 |
192.14 |
198.2 |
(renal artery) 220.24 |
sinuatrialis |
pectorales (axillary artery) |
(sacral/coccygeal nerves) |
(left coronary artery) |
212.17 |
342.8 |
5 |
192.26 |
pedunculares (posterior cere- |
(spinal nerve) 334.10, |
(right coronary artery) |
bral artery) 206.23 |
334.15 |
192.9 |
perforans(-tes) |
(superior mesenteric artery) |
6 |
nucleorum hypothalamicorum |
(dorsal metacarpal arteries) |
220.2 |
(anterior choroidal artery) |
214.13 |
(superior right pulmonary |
7 |
202.32 |
(internal thoracic artery) |
vein) 230.11 |
obturatorius (inferior epiga- |
210.7 |
(thoracic nerves) 340.17 |
stric artery) 224.23 |
(lateral circumflex femoral |
(ulnar recurrent artery) |
8 |
occipitalis |
artery) 226.12 |
214.17 |
(occipital artery) 196.20 |
(peroneal artery) 228.13 |
ventriculi sinistri (left coro- |
9 |
(posterior auricular artery) |
(plantar metatarsal arteries) |
nary artery) 192.25 |
196.28 |
228.24 |
posterolateralis dexter (right |
(posterior auricular nerve) |
pericardiacus(-i) |
coronary artery) 192.15 |
10 |
328.7 |
(phrenic nerve) 336.9 |
praelaminaris (posterior inter- |
occipitotemporalis (medial |
(thoracic aorta) 216.5 |
costal arteries) 216.10b |
occipital artery) 208.11 |
peridentales |
profundus |
11 |
oesophageales 216.30, 352.15b |
(anterior superior alveolar |
(medial circumflex femoral |
(inferior thyroid artery) |
arteries) 198.3a |
artery) 226.4 |
12 |
210.18 |
(inferior alveolar artery) |
(medial plantar artery) |
(thoracic aorta) 216.4 |
198.13a |
228.19 |
(vagus nerve) 332.17 |
(posterior superior alveolar |
(plantar nerve) 346.16 |
13 |
omentales (gastroepiploic |
artery) 198.29a |
(radial nerve) 340.6 |
artery) 218.21, 218.33 |
perineales (femoral cutaneous |
(superior gluteal artery) |
14 |
orbitalis (superior tympanic |
nerve) 344.16 |
222.21 |
artery) 198.22 |
petrosus (middle meningeal |
(transverse cervical artery) |
ossis ischii 44.3 |
artery) 198.18 |
210.24 |
15 |
ovaricus (uterine artery) 24.4 |
pharyngealis(-es) |
(ulnar nerve) 338.25 |
palmaris |
(glossopharyngeal nerve) |
prostatici (inferior vesical |
(median nerve) 338.13 |
330.26 |
artery) 224.1a |
16 |
nervi ulnaris 338.21 |
(inferior thyroid artery) |
pterygoideus |
profundus (ulnar artery) |
210.17 |
(internal carotid) 200.15 |
17 |
214.26 |
(vagus nerve) 332.7, 332.17a |
(maxillary artery) 198.26 |
superficialis, (ulnar artery) |
pharyngeus (pharyngeales) |
pubicus |
214.27 |
(artery of pterygoid canal) |
(external iliac vein) |
18 |
palpebrales |
200.4a |
250.24a |
inferiores (infraorbital |
(ascending pharyngeal |
(inferior epigastric artery) |
19 |
nerve) 324.9 |
artery) 194.19 |
224.22 |
(infratrochlear nerve) 322.12 |
(descending palatine artery) |
(obturator artery) 222.15 |
pancreatici |
200.7a |
pulmonales 348.8 |
20 |
(anterior superior pancreati- |
phrenicoabdominales (phrenic |
thoracici 352.15a |
coduodenal artery) |
nerve) 336.10 |
radiculares (vertebral artery) |
218.23 |
postcentralis (posterior inter- |
206.5 |
21 |
(posterior superior pancreat- |
costal arteries) 216.10a |
renalis(-es) |
icoduodenal artery) 218.16 |
posterior(-es) |
(n. splanchnicus minor) |
22 |
(splenic artery) 218.23 |
ascendens (right pulmonary |
352.19 |
parietalis |
artery) 190.19 |
(vagus nerve) 332.30 |
(medial occipital artery) |
descendens (right pulmo- |
sacrales laterales 216.26a |
23 |
208.8 |
nary artery) 190.16 |
saphenus (descending genicu- |
(superficial temporal artery) |
(great auricular nerve) |
lar artery) 226.1b |
24 |
198.8 |
334.29 |
scrotales |
(superior tympanic artery) |
(hepatic duct) 132.11 |
anteriores (external puden- |
198.21 |
(lateral sulcus) 306.20 |
dal arteries) 224.33 |
25 |
parieto-occipitalis (medial |
(left pulmonary artery) |
posteriores (internal puden- |
occipital artery) 208.9 |
190.32 |
dal artery) 224.11 |
Index 479 |
Ramus (-i) |
Ramus (-i) |
Ramus (-i) |
septales |
superior |
uterici |
anteriores (anterior eth- |
(oculomotor nerve) 320.6 |
(ovarian artery) 222.4 |
moidal artery) 202.17 |
ossis pubis 44.13 |
(renal artery) 220.26 |
nasales 322.20b |
(superior gluteal artery) |
(testicular artery) 222.2 |
posteriores (sphenopalatine |
222.22 |
vaginales |
artery) 200.9a |
superior (transverse cervical |
(uterine artery) 224.3 |
septi nasi 196.13a |
nerve) 336.2 |
(vaginal artery) 224.7a |
sinister |
supracostalis (posterior inter- |
vestibulares (labyrinthine |
(hepatic artery proper) 218.9 |
costal arteries) 216.13 |
artery) 374.12 |
(portal vein of liver) 248.5 |
suprahyoideus (lingual artery) |
zygomatici (facial nerve) |
sinus |
196.2 |
328.14 |
carotici (glossopharyngeal |
sympatheticus (ad ganglion |
zygomaticofacialis (zygomatic |
nerve) 330.28 |
submandibulare) 328.27 |
nerve) 322.27 |
cavernosi (internal carotid) |
temporales |
zygomaticotemporalis (zygo- |
200.22 |
anteriores (lateral occipital |
matic nerve) 322.26 |
maxillaris (nasopalatine |
artery) 208.3 |
Raphe |
nerve) 322.20e |
(facial nerve) 328.13 |
medullae oblongatae 282.25 |
spinalis(-es) |
intermedii mediales (lateral |
palati 108.18 |
(ascending cervical artery) |
occipital artery) 208.4 |
palpebralis lateralis 366.19 |
210.21 |
posteriores (lateral occipital |
penis 164.7 |
(iliolumbar artery) 222.10 |
artery) 208.5 |
perinealis 174.2 |
(lateral sacral arteries) 222.13 |
superficialis 324.30 |
pharyngis 118.20 |
(posterior intercostal arter- |
tentorii (ophthalmic nerve) |
pontis 284.18 |
ies) 212.8, 216.10, 216.18 |
320.20 |
pterygomandibularis 118.21 |
(vertebral artery) 206.5 |
thalamicus(-i) |
scroti (scrotalis) 166.2 |
splenici (splenic artery) 218.35, |
(posterior cerebral artery) |
Recessus(-i) 178.26 |
268.18 |
206.28 |
cochlearis 376.1 |
stapedialis 196.26 |
(posterior communicating |
costodiaphragmaticus 152.20 |
sternales (internal thoracic |
artery) 208.21 |
costomediastinalis 152.21 |
artery) 210.6 |
thymici (internal thoracic |
duodenalis |
sternocleidomastoideus |
artery) 210.3 |
inferior 178.31 |
(occipital artery) 196.18 |
thyrohyoideus (ansa cervicalis) |
superior 178.29 |
(superior thyroid artery) |
334.26 |
ellipticus 374.23 |
194.12 |
tonsillae cerebelli (posterior |
epitympanicus 378.18 |
stylohyoideus (facial nerve) |
inferior cerebellar artery) |
hepatorenalis 180.11 |
328.10 |
206.14 |
ileocaecalis |
subendocardiales 186.12a |
tonsillaris(-es) |
inferior 180.4 |
subscapulares (axillary artery) |
(ascending palatine artery) |
superior 180.2 |
212.10 |
196.9 |
inferior omentalis 176.33 |
substantiae perforatae anteri- |
(glossopharyngeal nerve) |
infundibuli (infundibularis) |
oris (anterior choroidal |
330.29 |
298.5 |
artery) 202.25 |
(lesser palatine nerves) |
intersigmoideus 180.1 |
superficialis |
322.24a |
lateralis 286.21 |
(lateral plantar nerve) 346.13 |
tracheales |
membranae tympanicae |
(medial circumflex femoral |
(inferior thyroid artery) |
384.7a |
artery) 226.3a |
210.19 |
anterior 384.8 |
(medial plantar artery) |
(internal thoracic artery) |
posterior 384.10 |
228.20 |
210.4a |
superior 384.9 |
(radial nerve) 340.8 |
(vagus nerve) 332.16 |
opticus 298.4 |
(superior gluteal artery) |
tractus optici (anterior |
paraduodenalis 178.33 |
222.20 |
choroidal artery) 202.26 |
pharyngeus 118.7 |
(transverse cervical artery) |
transversus (lateral circumflex |
phrenicomediastinalis 152.22 |
210.23 |
femoral artery) 226.11 |
pinealis 298.6 |
(ulnar nerve) 338.22 |
tubarius (tubalis) |
piriformis 118.13 |
superior |
(ovarian artery) 222.4a, |
pleurales 152.19 |
(inferior right pulmonary |
224.5 |
retrocaecalis 180.6 |
vein) 230.18 |
(tympanic plexus) |
retroduodenalis 178.34 |
(left inferior pulmonary |
330.23 |
sacciformis 62.14 |
vein) 232.4 |
tuberis cinerei (anterior |
sphenoethmoidalis 32.8, 136.18 |
lobi inferioris |
choroidal artery) 202.31 |
sphericus 374.22 |
(left pulmonary artery) |
ulnaris (medial antebrachial |
splenicus (lienalis) 176.34 |
190.37 |
cutaneous nerve) 338.7 |
subhepatici 180.10 |
(right pulmonary artery) |
ureterici (artery of ductus |
subphrenici 180.9 |
190.23 |
deferens) 222.28 |
subpopliteus 106.3 |
480 Index
Recessus(-i) |
Regio(-nes) |
Regional lymph nodes 256.1 |
1 |
superior omentalis 176.32 |
cruralis |
Reissner’s membrane 374.3 |
supraspinalis 298.7 |
anterior 402.13 |
Ren 154.3 |
2 |
Rectal |
posterior 402.14 |
Renal |
artery |
cubitalis anterior 400.24 |
arteries 156.1 |
inferior 224.9 |
deltoidea 400.19 |
artery 220.17 |
3 |
middle 224.7 |
dorsalis(-es) 400.8 |
branch(-es) |
superior 220.15 |
pedis 402.19 |
lesser splanchnic nerve 352.19 |
4 |
lymph nodes, superior 264.13 |
epigastrica (epigastrium) 400.3 |
vagus nerve 332.30 |
nerves, inferior 346.18 |
faciales 398.14 |
calices 156.16 |
plexus |
femoralis 402.4 |
major 156.17 |
5 |
middle 350.12 |
anterior 402.5 |
minor 156.18 |
superior 350.2 |
posterior 402.7 |
columns 154.36 |
veins |
frontalis 398.10 |
corpuscle 154.37 |
6 |
inferior 250.20 |
genus |
cortex 154.26 |
middle 250.19 |
anterior 402.9 |
fascia 154.12 |
7 |
superior 248.36 |
posterior 402.10 |
ganglia 348.24 |
venous plexus 250.7 |
glutealis 402.2 |
hilum 154.6 |
Rectouterine |
hypochondriaca (hypo- |
impression 130.12 |
8 |
fold 180.30 |
chondrium) 400.2 |
lobes 154.25 |
pouch 180.31 |
hypogastrium 400.7 |
medulla 154.30 |
9 |
Rectovaginal septum 174.25 |
hypothalamica |
papillae 154.33 |
Rectovesical |
anterior 302.16 |
pelvis 156.15 |
pouch 180.33 |
dorsalis (posterior) 302.14, |
plexus 348.23 |
10 |
septum 174.24 |
304.6 |
pyramids 154.31 |
Rectum 126.13 |
intermedia 302.21 |
base 154.32 |
Rectus sheath 86.4 |
lateralis 302.24 |
segments 154.16 |
11 |
anterior layer 86.5 |
inframammaria 398.39 |
sinus 154.7 |
posterior layer 86.6 |
infraorbitalis 398.19 |
surface |
12 |
Recurrent |
infrascapularis 400.12 |
of adrenal gland 182.32 |
artery 204.5 |
inguinalis 400.6 |
of spleen 268.5 |
anterior tibial 226.24 |
lateralis 400.4 |
tubule (nephron) 154.22 |
13 |
posterior tibial 226.23 |
lumbaris (lumbalis) 400.13 |
straight segments 154.24 |
radial 214.3 |
mammaria 398.38 |
veins 156.9, 246.28 |
14 |
ulnar 214.15 |
membri |
Respiratory |
interosseous artery 214.21 |
inferioris 402.1 |
region of nose 136.15 |
laryngeal nerve 332.15 |
superioris 400.18 |
system 134.17 |
15 |
meningeal branch of lacrimal |
mentalis 398.18 |
Restiform body 290.24 |
artery 202.5a |
nasalis 398.16 |
Rete |
Red |
nuchalis 398.32 |
acromiale 212.14 |
16 |
bone marrow 404.5 |
occipitalis 398.12 |
articular(-e) |
nucleus 294.3 |
olfactoria (nose) 136.16 |
cubiti 214.18 |
17 |
Reflected ligament 86.13 |
tunicae mucosae nasi 388.24 |
genus 226.20 |
Regio(-nes) |
oralis 398.17 |
calcaneum 228.17 |
abdominales 400.1 |
orbitalis 398.15 |
carpale dorsale 214.6 |
18 |
analis 400.16 |
parietalis 398.11 |
lymphocapillare 254.4 |
antebrachialis |
pectorales 398.33, 398.37 |
malleolare |
19 |
anterior 400.30 |
perinealis 400.15 |
laterale 226.27 |
posterior 400.31 |
plantaris pedis 402.20 |
mediale 228.10a |
axillaris 398.40 |
pleuropulmonales 152.7 |
mirabile 406.27 |
20 |
brachialis |
presternalis 398.34 |
patellare 226.21 |
anterior 400.21 |
pubica 400.7 |
testis 158.31 |
posterior 400.22 |
respiratoria (nose) 136.15 |
vasculosum articulare 406.28 |
21 |
buccalis 398.20 |
sacralis 400.10 |
venosum 406.29 |
calcanea 402.18 |
scapularis 400.11 |
dorsale |
22 |
capitis 398.9 |
sternocleidomastoidea 398.28 |
manus 244.28 |
carpalis |
suralis 402.15 |
pedis 252.17 |
anterior 400.35 |
talocrurales |
plantare 252.23 |
23 |
posterior 400.36 |
anterior 402.16 |
Reticular |
cervicalis(-es) 398.22 |
posterior 402.16 |
formation 92.22, 276.16, |
24 |
anterior 398.23 |
temporalis 398.13 |
280.27, 284.23, 406.53 |
lateralis 398.30 |
umbilicalis 400.5 |
layer 390.18 |
posterior 398.32 |
urogenitalis 400.17 |
membrane 374.1 |
25 |
corporis 396.46 |
vertebralis 400.9 |
nucleus of thalamus 298.12, |
coxalis 402.3a |
zygomatica 398.21 |
298.24, 300.18 |
Index 481 |
Reticulospinal tract 276.24 |
Right |
Right |
Reticulum trabeculare 354.27 |
atrium 186.14 |
semilunar cusp |
Retina 358.19 |
of heart 184.26 |
of aortic valve 190.3 |
Retinaculum(-a) |
auricle 186.22 |
of pulmonary valve 188.12 |
caudale 390.8 |
brachiocephalic veins 232.28 |
subclavian trunk 254.13 |
cutis 390.5 |
branch |
superior |
extensorum 92.22 |
hepatic artery proper 218.4 |
intercostal vein 246.2 |
inferius 100.13 |
portal vein of liver 248.2 |
lobar bronchus 146.2 |
superius 100.11 |
bronchomediastinal trunk |
suprarenal vein 246.32 |
flexorum 92.26, 100.12 |
254.12 |
testicular vein 246.33 |
patellae |
colic |
thoracic duct 254.16 |
laterale 68.18 |
artery 220.10 |
triangular ligament 178.23 |
mediale 68.17 |
flexure 124.27 |
ventricle of heart 184.21, 188.1 |
peroneorum (fibularium) |
lymph nodes 264.10 |
Rima |
inferius 100.15 |
vein 248.27 |
glottidis 144.4 |
superius 100.14 |
coronary |
oris 108.4 |
unguis 394.8 |
artery 192.7 |
palpebrarum 366.8 |
Retinal blood vessels 360.6 |
vein 232.20b |
pudendi 170.29 |
Retro-olivary |
duct of caudate lobe 132.15 |
vestibuli 142.28 |
area 278.26 |
fibrous |
Ring |
sulcus 27.25 |
ring 186.6 |
apophysis (epiphysis) 2.3b |
Retroauricular lymph nodes |
trigone 186.5 |
finger 400.47 |
256.4 |
gastric |
Rivus lacrimalis 368.15 |
Retrocecal |
artery 218.3 |
Roof of tympanic cavity 14.2 |
lymph nodes 264.6 |
vein 248.18 |
Root |
recess 180.6 |
gastro-omental |
canal 112.3 |
Retroduodenal |
artery 218.19 |
filaments 334.4 |
arteries 218.18 |
vein 248.22 |
of lung 148.21 |
recess 178.34 |
hepatic |
of nail 392.27 |
Retrohyoid bursa 102.4 |
artery 218.4 |
of nose 134.19 |
Retrolentiform part of internal |
duct 132.9 |
of penis 162.28 |
capsule 318.26 |
veins 246.25 |
pulp 112.7 |
Retromandibular vein 236.18 |
horn of uterus 168.9 |
of tongue 112.30 |
Retroperitoneal space 176.20 |
inferior lobar bronchus 146.9 |
of tooth 110.21 |
Retropharyngeal |
jugular trunk 254.14 |
apex 110.22 |
lymph nodes 256.23a, 258.13 |
lamina, larynx 138.16 |
Rosenmüller’s recess 118.7 |
space 118.36 |
lobe |
Rostral 396.23 |
Retroposterolateral nucleus |
of liver 130.18 |
Rostralis 396.23 |
274.22 |
of prostate 162.16 |
Rostrum 312.10 |
Retropubic space 176.16 |
lumbar |
sphenoidale 10.14 |
Retropyloric nodes 262.21 |
lymph nodes 262.7 |
Round |
Rhinal sulcus 310.19 |
trunk 254.10 |
ligament |
Rhinencephalon 310.26a, 312.1 |
lung 148.7 |
of liver 130.4, 248.13 |
Rhombencephalon 278.16 |
lower lobe 150.9 |
of uterus 168.32 |
Rhomboid fossa 286.20 |
middle lobe 150.6 |
window 380.2 |
Rhomboidal nucleus 298.19 |
upper lobe 150.2 |
crest 380.4 |
Ribs 6.2 |
lymphatic duct 254.16 |
fossula 380.3 |
angle of 6.16 |
main bronchus 144.30 |
Rubrospinal tract 276.29, 294.10 |
bony part 6.7 |
margin |
Rugae vaginales 170.12 |
cervical 6.22 |
heart 184.15 |
columns of 170.13 |
false 6.4 |
uterus 168.10 |
first 6.17a |
marginal |
S |
floating 6.5 |
branch (right coronary |
head of 6.8 |
artery) 192.10 |
Sac, lacrimal, fossa for 20.25, |
joints 58.11 |
vein 232.20a |
32.22b |
neck of 6.11 |
middle lobar bronchus 146.6 |
Saccular |
crest 6.12 |
ovarian vein 246.34 |
macula 372.5 |
second 6.20a |
posterolateral branch of right |
nerve 330.14 |
shaft (body) of 6.13 |
coronary |
Sacculationes coli 124.33 |
true 6.3 |
artery 192.15 |
Saccule 372.2 |
Right 396.7 |
pulmonary |
Sacculus(-i) 372.2 |
atrial veins 232.24 |
artery 190.14 |
alveolares 152.4 |
atrioventricular |
veins 230.3 |
laryngis 144.2 |
opening 188.2 |
inferior 230.17 |
Saccus |
valve 188.3 |
superior 230.4 |
conjunctivalis 368.5 |
482 Index
Saccus |
Salivary |
Scrotal |
1 |
endolymphaticus 370.8 |
glands |
nerves |
lacrimalis 368.21 |
major 110.1 |
posterior 346.20 |
2 |
Sacral |
minor 108.31 |
veins |
canal 4.34 |
nucleus |
anterior 252.6 |
cornu (horn) 4.33 |
inferior 282.21 |
posterior 250.21 |
3 |
crest |
superior 286.5 |
Scrotum 166.1 |
intermediate 4.31 |
Salpingopalatine fold 116.8 |
raphe 166.2 |
4 |
lateral 4.32 |
Salpingopharyngeal fold 118.4 |
septum 166.3 |
median 4.29 |
Saphenous |
Sebaceous glands (of Zeis) 368.7, |
flexure 126.14 |
branch of descending genicular |
394.17 |
5 |
foramina |
artery 226.1b |
Second rib 6.20a |
anterior 4.27 |
nerve 344.4 |
Secondary |
posterior 4.30 |
opening 100.3 |
center of ossification 404.10 |
6 |
ganglia 352.23 |
vein |
fissure 288.30 |
hiatus 4.35 |
accessory 252.8 |
spinal lamina 378.4 |
7 |
lymph nodes 266.4 |
greater 252.7 |
tympanic membrane 380.6 |
nerves 342.7 |
small 252.15 |
visceral substance 276.8 |
parasympathetic nuclei |
Scala |
Sectiones |
8 |
276.15 |
tympani 372.12 |
cerebellares 290.9 |
plexus 344.8 |
vestibuli 372.11 |
epithalamici 296.10 |
9 |
region 400.10 |
Scalene muscle, anterior, |
hypothalami 302.13 |
segment of spinal cord 274.9 |
tubercle 6.18 |
medullae |
splanchnic nerves 352.24 |
Scalp hairs 392.3 |
oblongatae 280.9 |
10 |
tuberosity 4.23 |
Scaphoid 40.4 |
spinalis 274.11 |
vein(-s) |
fossa 12.6, 386.18 |
mesencephalici 292.21 |
lateral 250.5 |
eminence 388.8 |
metathalamici 298.11 |
11 |
median 248.38 |
tubercle 40.5 |
pontis 284.7 |
venous plexus 250.6 |
Scapula 34.3 |
telencephalici 314.19a, 316.1 |
12 |
Sacrococcygeal |
neck 34.23 |
thalami ventralis 300.14 |
joint 56.21 |
spine 34.7 |
thalamici 298.11 |
ligament |
Scapular |
Segmental |
13 |
deep dorsal 56.23 |
artery |
artery |
lateral 56.25 |
circumflex 212.22 |
anterior 218.7 |
14 |
superficial dorsal 56.22 |
dorsal 210.24, 210.24a |
medial 218.11 |
ventral 56.24 |
ligament |
posterior 218.8, 220.25 |
Sacrococcygeus muscle |
inferior transverse 60.15 |
superior 220.20 |
15 |
dorsal (posterior) 88.4 |
superior transverse 60.14 |
anterior 220.21 |
ventral (anterior) 88.3 |
line 396.55 |
bronchial branches 148.1 |
Sacroiliac |
nerve, dorsal 336.20 |
bronchus(-i) 146.1 |
16 |
joint 66.11 |
notch 34.16 |
anterior 146.5, 146.18 |
ligaments |
region 400.11 |
basal 146.13, 146.25 |
17 |
dorsal 66.14 |
vein |
apical 146.3 |
interosseous 66.13 |
anterior circumflex 244.13a |
apicoposterior 146.17 |
ventral 66.12 |
circumflex 244.13a |
lateral 146.7 |
18 |
Sacropelvic surface, ilium 42.29 |
dorsal 244.11 |
basal 146.14, 146.26 |
Sacrospinous ligament 66.8 |
posterior circumflex 244.13a |
medial 146.8 |
19 |
Sacrotuberous ligament 66.6 |
Scapus pili 392.13 |
basal 146.12, 146.24 |
Sacrum 4.16 |
Schindylesis 404.18 |
posterior 146.4 |
ala 4.19 |
Sciatic |
basal 146.15 |
20 |
apex 4.36 |
artery 222.25 |
subapical 146.11, 146.23 |
base 4.17 |
nerve 344.17 |
superior 146.10, 146.22 |
dorsal surface 4.28 |
notch |
inferior 220.23 |
21 |
lateral mass 4.21 |
greater 44.6 |
anterior 220.22 |
promontory 4.18 |
lesser 44.7 |
medullary artery 216.10e |
22 |
Saddle joint 404.31 |
Sciatic foramen |
Segmentum(-a) |
Sagittal 396.6 |
greater 66.9 |
anterius |
border, parietal bone 16.33 |
lesser 66.10 |
inferius (kidney) 154.19 |
23 |
sinus |
Sclera 354.24 |
(liver) 130.19 |
inferior 238.16 |
Scleral |
superius (kidney) 154.18 |
24 |
superior 238.14 |
sulcus 354.25 |
(upper lobe of left lung) 150.18 |
groove for 8.31, 16.26a, |
veins 244.3 |
(upper lobe of right lung) |
18.16, 28.26 |
Scrotal |
150.5 |
25 |
suture 54.3 |
nerves |
apicale (upper lobe of right |
Sagittalis 396.6 |
anterior 342.19 |
lung) 150.3 |
Index 483 |
Segmentum(-a) |
Semicanalis |
Septum(-a) |
apicoposterius (upper lobe of |
musculus tensoris tympani |
corporum cavernosorum 172.11 |
left lung) 150.17 |
12.29 |
femorale 100.2 |
basale |
tubae auditoriae (auditivae) |
glandis 164.3 |
anterius |
12.30 |
interalveolaria 24.11, 26.29 |
(lower lobe of left lung) |
Semicircular |
interatriale 184.28 |
150.25 |
canals |
intermusculare |
(lower lobe of right lung) |
anterior 376.7 |
brachii |
150.13 |
lateral 376.9 |
laterale 92.19 |
laterale |
osseous 376.6 |
mediale 92.18 |
(lower lobe of left lung) |
posterior 376.8 |
cruris |
150.26 |
duct 370.11 |
anterius 100.9 |
(lower lobe of right lung) |
anterior 370.12 |
posterius 100.10 |
150.14 |
basal membrane 370.16 |
femoris |
mediale |
epithelium 370.17 |
laterale 98.15 |
(lower lobe of left lung) |
lateral 370.14 |
mediale 98.16 |
150.24 |
posterior 370.13 |
interradicularia 24.12, 26.30 |
(lower lobe of right lung) |
proper membrane 370.15 |
intersinuale |
150.12 |
Semilunar |
frontale 18.30 |
posterius |
cusp |
sphenoidale 10.16 |
(lower lobe of left lung) |
of aortic valve |
interventriculare 184.22 |
150.27 |
left 190.5 |
lingualis 114.16 |
(lower lobe of right lung) |
posterior 190.3 |
medianum posterius 272.21 |
150.15 |
right 190.4 |
musculotubal canal 12.31 |
bronchopulmonalia 150.1 |
lunules 188.15, 190.6 |
nasale 136.4 |
cervicalia 274.6 |
nodules 188.14, 190.6 |
osseum 32.2, 136.6 |
coccygea 274.10 |
of pulmonary valve |
orbitale 364.19 |
inferius (kidney) 154.20 |
anterior 188.11 |
pectiniforme 164.13 |
laterale |
left 188.13 |
pellucidum (lucidum) 312.27 |
(liver) 130.24 |
right 188.12 |
cavity 312.28 |
(middle lobe of right lung) |
folds 116.14 |
lamina 312.29 |
150.7 |
of colon 124.32 |
penis 164.13 |
lingulare |
of conjunctive 366.25 |
precommissurale 312.30 |
inferius (upper lobe of left |
ganglion 320.17 |
rectovaginale 174.25 |
lung) 150.20 |
lobule |
rectovesicale 174.24 |
superius (upper lobe of left |
inferior 288.35 |
scroti (scrotalis) 166.3 |
lung) 150.19 |
superior 288.33 |
Seromucous gland 406.9 |
lumbaria 274.8 |
Seminal vesicle 160.20 |
Serous |
mediale |
Seminiferous tubules |
gland 406.8 |
(liver) 130.22 |
convoluted 158.29 |
membrane 122.3 |
(middle lobe of right lung) |
straight 158.30 |
pericardium 184.4 |
150.8 |
Sense organs 354.1 |
Sesamoid |
medullae spinalis 274.5 |
Sensory |
bones |
posterius |
ganglia 407.13, 407.14 |
fingers 40.32 |
(kidney) 154.21 |
of cranial nerves 407.15 |
toes 52.32 |
(liver) 130.20 |
nerve 408.10 |
cartilage 140.27 |
(upper lobe of right lung) |
root 334.6 |
Shaft |
150.4 |
facial nerve 328.19 |
of clavicle 34.29 |
renalia 154.16 |
nasociliary nerve 320.12 |
of femur 46.12 |
sacralia 274.9 |
pterygopalatine ganglion |
of fibula 48.20 |
subapicale |
322.16c |
of metatarsal bone 52.19 |
(lower lobe of left lung) |
trigeminal nerve 320.16 |
of penis 162.29 |
150.23 |
Septal |
of rib 6.13 |
(lower lobe of right lung) |
cusp 188.6 |
of tibia 48.1 |
150.11 |
interventricular branches |
Sheath |
superius |
left coronary artery 192.20 |
of extensor carpi radialis |
(kidney) 154.17 |
right coronary artery 192.13 |
brevis 102.26 |
(lower lobe of left lung) |
papillary muscle 188.18 |
fibrous |
150.22 |
Septomarginal |
of digits of foot 100.22 |
(lower lobe of right lung) |
fasciculus 278.10 |
of fingers 92.27 |
150.10 |
trabecula 188.19 |
of styloid process 16.9 |
thoracica 274.7 |
Septula testis 158.26 |
synovial |
Sella turcica 10.5 |
Septum(-a) |
of fingers 92.30 |
Sellar joint 404.31 |
atrioventriculare 184.25 |
of toes 100.19a, 100.20 |
cervicale intermedium 272.10 |
see also Tendon |
484 Index
Short |
Sinus(-us) |
Spatium(-a) |
bone 402.42 |
renalis 154.7 |
peripharyngeum 118.35 |
central artery 204.4 |
sagittalis |
praevesicale 176.16 |
ciliary nerves 320.10 |
inferior 238.16 |
retroperitoneale 176.20 |
gastric |
superior 238.14 |
retropharyngeum 118.36 |
arteries 218.34 |
groove for 8.31, 16.26a, |
retropubicum 176.16 |
veins 248.31 |
18.16, 28.26 |
subarachnoideum 270.2, 270.14 |
gyrus of insula 308.27 |
sigmoideus 238.13 |
subdurale 268.30 |
head |
groove for 8.33, 12.19, 16.26 |
zonularia 362.26 |
of biceps brachii 88.15 |
sphenoidalis 10.15, 138.3 |
Spermatic |
of biceps femoris 96.4 |
aperture 10.17 |
cord 160.25 |
nasopalatine nerve 322.20c |
septum 1.16 |
fascia, internal 160.30 |
posterior ciliary arteries 202.6 |
sphenoparietalis 238.23 |
Spheno-occipital synchondrosis |
Shoulder |
splenica (lienalis) 268.17 |
56.2 |
blade 34.3 |
tarsi 50.30 |
Sphenoethmoidal |
girdle 34.2 |
transversus 238.9 |
recess 32.8, 136.19 |
joints 60.12 |
groove for 8.32 |
suture 54.7 |
joint 60.29 |
pericardii 184.8 |
synchondrosis 56.7 |
Shrapnell’s membrane 380.22 |
trunci pulmonalis 190.12 |
Sphenofrontal suture 54.6 |
Sigmoid |
tympani 380.1 |
Sphenoid bone 10.1 |
arteries 220.14 |
unguis 392.24 |
angular spine 10.38 |
colon 124.31 |
urogenitalis primitivus 172.34 |
body 10.2 |
lymph nodes 264.12 |
venarum cavarum 186.18 |
greater wing 10.23 |
mesocolon 178.8 |
venosus 406.30 |
lesser wing 10.19 |
sinus 238.13 |
sclerae 244.2a, 354.30 |
pterygoid process 12.1 |
groove for 8.33, 12.19, 16.26 |
Sinusoid 406.41 |
Sphenoidal |
veins 248.35 |
Skeletal |
angle 16.37 |
Simple |
muscle 405.15 |
border, temporal bone 16.13 |
joint 404.23 |
system 402.30 |
concha 10.18 |
membranous crus 370.27 |
Skeleton |
crest 10.13 |
osseous crus 376.16 |
appendiculare 402.40 |
fontanelle 32.30 |
Sinister 396.8 |
axiale 402.39 |
part of middle cerebral artery |
Sinoatrial (SA) node 186.8 |
Skin 390.1 |
204.19 |
Sinuatrial node branch, left coro- |
sulci 390.3 |
process 24.26 |
nary artery 192.26 |
Skull 28.20 |
rostrum 10.14 |
Sinus(-us) |
joints 56.8 |
sinus 10.15, 138.3 |
anales 126.26 |
synovial 60.1 |
aperture 10.17 |
anteriores 138.6 |
sutures 54.1 |
septum 10.16 |
aortae 192.6 |
Small |
Sphenomandibular ligament 60.8 |
caroticus 194.8, 200.12 |
cardiac vein 232.21 |
Sphenomaxillary suture 54.24 |
cavernosum 238.21 |
intestine 122.20 |
Sphenopalatine |
coronarius 232.15 |
saphenous vein 252.15 |
artery 200.8 |
durae matris 238.8 |
Smallest cardiac veins 232.23 |
foramen 32.11 |
epididymidis 162.6 |
Soft palate 108.17, 116.4 |
notch 24.19 |
ethmoidales 138.5 |
Sole 402.20 |
Sphenoparietal |
frontalis 18.28, 138.4 |
Soleal line of tibia 48.5 |
sinus 238.23 |
apertura 18.29 |
Solitary lymphatic follicles |
suture 54.9 |
septum 18.30 |
(nodules) 122.32, 126.12 |
Sphenopetrosal |
intercavernosi 238.22 |
Somatic nerve fibers 407.8 |
fissure 30.19 |
lactiferi 394.26 |
Spatium(-a) |
synchondrosis 56.3 |
marginalis 238.10a |
anguli iridocornealis 358.14 |
Sphenosquamosal suture 54.8 |
maxillaris 22.24, 138.2 |
epidurale (peridurale) 268.33 |
Sphenovomerine suture 54.22 |
medii 138.7 |
episclerale 364.22 |
Sphenozygomatic suture 54.23 |
obliquus pericardii 184.9 |
extraperitoneale 176.19a |
Spherical recess of vestibule |
occipitalis 238.11 |
intercostale 6.40 |
374.22 |
groove for 8.33a |
interossea |
Spheroidal joint 404.26 |
paranasales 138.1 |
metacarpi 64.15 |
Sphincter muscle 405.11 |
petrosus |
metatarsi 17, 72 |
of bile duct 134.13 |
inferior 238.18 |
intervaginale(-ia) 354.14, 364.22 |
of pancreatic duct 128.18 |
groove for 8.7, 14.18 |
lateropharyngeum 118.37 |
Spina(-ae) |
superior 238.20 |
perichoroideale 356.15 |
helicis 386.13 |
groove for 14.10 |
perilymphaticum 372.10 |
iliaca |
posterior(-es) 138.8, 380.15 |
perinei |
anterior |
prostaticus 164.28 |
profundum 176.2 |
inferior 42.21 |
rectus 238.17 |
superficiale 176.8 |
superior 42.20 |
Index 485
Spina(-ae) |
Spinothalamic tract 278.2 |
Stapes 382.1, 382.2 |
iliaca |
anterior 276.25 |
head 382.3 |
posterior |
Spinous process 2.11 |
Staticae 372.3 |
inferior 42.23 |
Spiral |
Statoconia 372.6 |
superior 42.22 |
canal |
Statoconial membrane 372.7 |
ischiadica (ischialis) 44.5 |
of cochlea 376.21 |
Stellate |
mentalis 26.21 |
of modiolus 376.25 |
ganglion 352.8 |
nasalis 18.19 |
crest 372.21 |
venules 156.14 |
anterior 22.12 |
fold 134.11 |
Sternal |
posterior 24.31 |
ganglion 330.16 |
angle 6.27 |
ossis sphenoidalis 10.38 |
of cochlea 374.9 |
articular surface (clavicle) 34.27 |
palatinae 24.6 |
ligament 372.21 |
branches of internal thoracic |
scapulae 34.7 |
membrane 372.18 |
artery 210.6 |
suprameatica 16.19 |
organ (of Corti) 372.19 |
line 396.48 |
trochlearis 18.23 |
prominence 374.6 |
membrane 58.23 |
tympanica |
sulcus |
part of diaphragm 84.28 |
major 16.5 |
external 372.29 |
synchondroses 6.28 |
minor 16.6 |
internal 372.28 |
Sternoclavicular |
Spinal |
tract, foraminous 378.11 |
joint 60.22 |
arachnoid 270.13 |
vein of modiolus 374.15 |
ligament |
artery |
vessel 374.2 |
anterior 60.24 |
anterior 206.11 |
Splanchnic |
posterior 60.25 |
posterior 206.16 |
ganglion, thoracic 352.17 |
Sternocleidomastoid |
branch(-es) |
nerves |
branch |
abdominal aorta 216.24 |
greater 352.16 |
occipital artery 196.18 |
ascending cervical artery |
lesser 352.18 |
superior thyroid artery |
210.21 |
lowest 352.20 |
194.12 |
iliolumbar artery 222.9 |
lumbar 352.21 |
muscle 80.26 |
lateral sacral arteries 222.13 |
pelvic 352.34 |
region 398.28 |
posterior intercostal arteries |
sacral 352.24 |
vein 236.3 |
212.8, 216.10, 216.18 |
Splanchnology (splanchnologia) |
Sternocostal |
(posterior intercostal veins) |
405.35 |
joint 58.20 |
246.16 |
Spleen 268.1 |
ligament |
vertebral artery 206.5 |
hilum 268.12 |
intra-articular 58.21 |
cord 272.13 |
Splen 268.1 |
radiate 58.22 |
funiculi 274.1 |
accessorius 268.2 |
part of pectoralis major 84.5 |
sections 274.11 |
Splenic |
surface (heart) 184.12 |
segments 274.5 |
artery 218.25 |
synchondrosis of first rib 26a |
veins 246.20 |
branches of splenic artery |
Sternopericardiac ligaments |
dura mater 268.31 |
218.35, 268.18 |
184.3 |
ganglion 334.7, 407.14 |
lymph nodes 262.25 |
Sternum 6.23 |
lamina |
plexus 348.19 |
body 6.31 |
bony 378.1 |
pulp 268.16 |
Stomach 120.15 |
secondary 378.4 |
recess 176.34 |
Straight |
lemniscus 284.24, 294.15, |
sinus 268.17 |
arterioles 156.8 |
300.24 |
vein 248.29 |
part of musculi cricothy- |
nerve(-s) 334.3, 407.23 |
Splenium 312.7 |
roideus 142.13 |
groove for 2.22 |
Splenorenal ligament 178.19 |
segments of renal tubules |
plexus 407.24 |
Spongy |
154.24 |
trunk 334.8 |
bone 402.36 |
seminiferous tubules 158.30 |
nucleus of trigeminal nerve |
part of urethra 164.30 |
sinus 238.17 |
280.26, 284.26 |
Squama |
venules 156.13 |
pia mater 272.8 |
frontalis 18.2 |
Stratum(-a) |
roots of vagus nerve 332.33 |
occipitalis 8.10 |
basale 390.14 |
tract of trigeminal nerve |
Squamosomastoid suture 54.13 |
circulare 405.46 |
280.26, 284.25 |
Squamotympanic fissure 14.33 |
(colon) 126.7 |
veins |
Squamous |
(rectum) 126.19 |
anterior 246.20a |
border |
(small intestine) 122.25 |
posterior 246.20b |
parietal bone 16.32 |
(stomach) 122.7 |
Spino-olivary tract 278.6, 282.2 |
sphenoid 10.31 |
(tympanic membrane) |
Spinocerebellar tract |
part of temporal bone 16.10 |
380.32 |
anterior 278.3 |
suture 54.10, 404.16 |
colliculi superioris (grisea/ |
posterior 278.4 |
Stapedial |
alba) 294.22 |
Spinoreticular tract 278.7 |
branch 196.26 |
corneum 390.10 |
Spinotectal tract 278.1, 284.22 |
fold 384.12 |
unguis 394.6 |
membrane 382.28 |
486 Index
Stratum( |
-a) |
Styloid |
Subfascial |
1 |
cutaneum (tympanic mem- |
process |
bursa 405.33 |
brane) 380.29 |
head of fibula 48.18 |
prepatellar bursa 104.18 |
2 |
cylindricum 390.14 |
metacarpal bone 40.22 |
Subfornical organ 296.18 |
fibrosum 404.39 |
temporal bone 14.26 |
Subhepatic recess 180.10 |
(tendon sheath) 405.19 |
sheath 16.9 |
Subiculum promontorii 378.27 |
3 |
ganglionare |
ulna 38.14 |
Sublentiform part of internal |
nervi optici 358.25 |
prominence 378.21 |
capsule 318.21 |
4 |
retinae 358.24 |
Stylomandibular ligament |
Sublingual |
germinativum unguis 394.7 |
60.9 |
artery 196.3 |
granulosum 166.23, 290.16, |
Stylomastoid |
ducts |
5 |
390.12 |
artery 196.23 |
major 110.3 |
longitudinale 405.46 |
foramen 14.27 |
minor 110.4 |
(colon) 126.2 |
vein 236.31 |
fold 108.27 |
6 |
(rectum) 126.18 |
Subacromial bursa 102.8 |
fovea 26.24 |
(small intestine) 122.24 |
Subaortic common iliac lymph |
ganglion 328.29, 352.33 |
7 |
(stomach) 122.6 |
nodes 264.19 |
gland 110.2 |
lucidum 390.11 |
Subapical |
nerve 326.5 |
moleculare (plexiforme), (cere- |
segment |
papilla 108.26 |
8 |
bellum) 290.14 |
of lower lobe of left lung |
vein 234.31 |
mucosum (tympanic mem- |
150.23 |
Submandibular |
9 |
brane) 380.33 |
of lower lobe of right lung |
duct 110.6 |
neurium piriformium 290.15 |
150.11 |
fovea 26.25 |
neuroepitheliale (retina) |
segmental bronchus 146.11, |
ganglion 326.8, 328.26, 352.32 |
10 |
358.23 |
146.23 |
gland 110.5 |
papillare 390.16 |
Subarachnoid |
lymph nodes 256.16 |
radiatum (tympanic mem- |
cisterns 270.4 |
triangle 398.24 |
11 |
brane) 380.31 |
space 270.2, 270.14 |
Submental |
reticulare 390.18 |
Subarcuate fossa 14.14 |
artery 196.10 |
12 |
spinosum 390.13 |
Subcallosal area 312.4 |
lymph nodes 256.15 |
synoviale 404.40 |
Subclavian |
triangle 398.27 |
(tendon sheath) 405.20 |
artery 206.1 |
vein 236.17 |
13 |
Stria(-ae) |
groove for 6.19 |
Submucosa 118.16 |
diagonalis (Broca) 312.3 |
groove 34.30 |
Submucosal plexus 350.6 |
14 |
laminae |
plexus 352.11 |
Submuscular bursa 405.32 |
granularis |
triangle 398.31 |
Suboccipital |
externa, cerebral cortex |
trunk, right/left 254.13 |
nerve 334.18 |
15 |
316.11 |
vein 244.9 |
part of vertebral artery 206.7 |
interna, cerebral cortex |
groove for 6.20 |
venous plexus 234.12 |
316.12 |
Subcommissural organ 296.19 |
Subparietal sulcus 310.6 |
16 |
molecularis (plexiformis), |
Subcostal |
Subphrenic recess 180.9 |
cerebral cortex 316.10 |
artery 216.16 |
Subpopliteal recess 106.2 |
17 |
pyramidalis interna (gan- |
muscles 84.20 |
Subpubic angle 44.23 |
glionaris), cerebral cortex |
nerve 340.26 |
Subpyloric nodes 262.20 |
316.13 |
plane 398.2 |
Subscapular |
18 |
longitudinalis |
vein 246.12 |
artery 212.20 |
lateralis 312.17 |
Subcutaneous |
branches of axillary artery |
19 |
medialis 312.16 |
abdominal veins 234.16 |
212.10 |
mallearis 380.27 |
bursa 405.31 |
fossa 34.5 |
medullaris(-es) 286.30 |
infrapatellar 104.21 |
lymph nodes 258.19 |
20 |
thalamica 296.24 |
of laryngeal prominence |
nerves 340.11 |
olfactoriae |
102.3 |
vein 244.13a |
lateralis 310.30 |
of lateral malleolus 106.7 |
Subserosal plexus 350.4 |
21 |
medialis 310.30 |
of medial malleolus 106.8 |
Substantia(-ae) |
terminalis 314.7 |
of olecranon 102.15 |
adamantina 112.10 |
22 |
fibers of 304.18 |
prepatellar 104.17 |
alba 274.14, 276.17, 406.52 |
vascularis 374.8 |
of tibial tuberosity 104.23 |
compacta 402.35 |
Stroma 182.8, 406.3 |
trochanteric 104.5 |
corticalis 402.34 |
23 |
ganglii (ganglionicum) 407.12 |
calcaneal bursa 106.17 |
eburnea 112.9 |
iridis 258.12 |
part of external anal sphincter |
gelatinosa 276.7, 406.54 |
24 |
ovarii 166.15 |
174.15 |
centralis 274.15 |
vitreum 362.9 |
tissue 390.19 |
grisea 274.13, 406.51 |
Stylohyoid |
Subdeltoid bursa 102.9 |
centralis 292.11 |
25 |
branch of facial nerve 328.10 |
Subdural space 268.30 |
intermedia centralis 276.12 |
ligament 60.11 |
Subendocardial rami 186.12a |
intermedia lateralis 276.13 |
Index 487 |
Substantia(-ae) |
Sulcus(-i) |
Sulcus(-i) |
lentis 362.11 |
corporis callosi 310.2 |
sinus |
muscularis (prostate) 162.22 |
costae 6.17 |
occipitalis 8.33a |
nigra 292.7 |
cruris helicis 388.5 |
petrosi |
perforata |
cutis 390.3 |
inferioris 8.7, 14.18 |
anterior 312.2 |
ethmoidalis 20.27 |
superioris 14.10 |
interpeduncularis 290.33 |
frontalis |
sagittalis superioris 8.31, |
propria 356.9 |
inferior 306.29 |
16.26a, 18.16, 28.26 |
sclerae 354.32 |
superior 306.27 |
sigmoidei 8.33, 12.19, 16.26 |
reticularis 280.27, 292.22, |
gingivalis 108.25 |
transversi 8.32 |
406.53 |
glutealis 402.3 |
spiralis |
spongiosa 402.36 |
habenuale (habenularis) |
externus 372.29 |
trabecularis 402.36 |
296.5 |
internus 372.28 |
visceralis secundaria 276.8 |
hamuli pterygoidei 12.11 |
subparietalis 310.6 |
Subtalar joint 70.13 |
hippocampi (hippocampalis) |
supraacetabularis 42.12 |
Subtendinous |
310.14 |
tali 50.13 |
bursa 405.34 |
hypothalamicus 298.2 |
temporalis(-es) |
of infraspinatus muscle |
infraorbitalis 22.6 |
inferior 308.23 |
102.11 |
interlobares 306.21 |
superior 308.21 |
of latissimus dorsi muscle |
intermedius posterior 272.24 |
transversi 308.17 |
102.14 |
intertubercularis 36.8 |
tendinis musculi |
of obturator internus muscle |
interventricularis |
flexoris hallucis longi 50.18, |
104.11 |
anterior 184.18 |
50.28 |
of sartorius muscle 104.24 |
posterior 184.19 |
peronei (fibularis) longi 52.4, |
of subscapularis muscle |
intraparietalis 308.5 |
52.13 |
102.12 |
lacrimalis 20.23, 22.18, 32.22a |
terminalis 186.16 |
of teres major muscle 102.13 |
lateralis 306.17 |
linguae 114.11 |
of tibialis anterior 106.16 |
limitans 286.25 |
tubae auditoriae (auditivae) |
of trapezius 102.6 |
lunatus 308.13 |
10.39 |
of triceps brachii 102.17 |
malleolaris 48.11, 48.30a |
tympanicus 16.7 |
iliac bursa 104.15 |
matricis unguis 392.23 |
venae |
prepatellar bursa 104.19 |
medianus 286.22 |
cavae 128.30 |
Subthalamic |
linguae 114.10 |
subclaviae 6.20 |
fasciculus 302.6 |
posterior 272.20, 280.8 |
venosi 30.7 |
nucleus 300.17 |
musculi subclavii 34.30 |
vomeris 20.30 |
Sudoriferous glands 394.11 |
mylohyoideus 28.9 |
vomerovaginalis 12.9 |
Sulcomarginal fasciculus 276.21 |
nervus(-i) |
Supercilia 392.4 |
Sulcus(-i) |
petrosi |
Superciliary arch 18.5 |
ampullaris 370.22 |
majoris 12.6 |
Supercilium 366.1 |
anterolateralis 272.22, 278.21 |
minoris 12.7 |
Superficial 396.31 |
anthelicis transversus 388.4 |
radialis 36.15 |
brachial artery 212.26 |
arteriae |
spinalis 2.22 |
branch |
meningeae mediae 16.26b |
ulnaris 36.29 |
lateral plantar nerve 346.13 |
occipitalis 12.20 |
obturatorius 44.17 |
medial |
subclaviae 6.19 |
occipitalis transversus 308.12 |
circumflex femoral artery |
temporalis mediae 16.15 |
occipitotemporalis 310.21 |
226.3a |
vertebralis 4.9 |
oculomotorius 290.31 |
plantar artery 228.20 |
arteriales 30.8 |
olfactorius 136.10, 310.24 |
radial nerve 340.8 |
auricularis posterior 386.28 |
orbitales 310.26 |
superior gluteal artery |
basilaris 284.4 |
palatinus(-i) 24.7 |
222.20 |
bicipitalis |
major 22.23, 24.20 |
transverse cervical artery |
lateralis 400.27 |
palatovaginalis 12.8 |
210.23 |
medialis 400.28 |
paracolici 180.8 |
ulnar nerve 338.22 |
bulbopontines 284.3 |
parieto-occipitalis 310.10 |
cerebral veins 240.10 |
calcanei 50.29 |
popliteus 46.25a |
circumflex iliac |
calcarinus 310.12 |
postcentralis 308.2 |
artery 224.31 |
caroticus 10.11 |
posterolateralis 272.23, 280.1 |
vein 252.3 |
carpi 40.15 |
precentralis 306.24 |
dorsal |
centralis 306.16 |
prechiasmaticus 10.4 |
sacrococcygeal ligament |
insulae 308.30 |
promontorii 378.26 |
56.22 |
cerebrales 306.5 |
pterygopalatinus 22.23, 24.20 |
veins of clitoris 252.5 |
cinguli (cingulatus) 310.5 |
pulmonalis thoracis 6.38 |
veins of penis 252.5 |
circularis insulae 308.31 |
retro-olivaris 278.25 |
epigastric |
collateralis 310.18 |
rhinalis 310.19 |
artery 224.30 |
coronarius 184.20 |
sclerae 354.25 |
vein 252.4 |
488 Index
Superficial |
Superior |
Superior |
fascia 405.26a |
bulb of jugular vein 234.22 |
laryngeal |
of penis 164.20 |
bursa of biceps femoris 104.16 |
artery 194.13 |
head of flexor pollicis brevis |
cerebellar |
nerve 332.10 |
92.3 |
artery 206.23 |
vein 236.4 |
inguinal |
peduncle 290.26, 292.19 |
lateral brachial cutaneous |
lymph nodes 266.14 |
decussation 294.8 |
nerve 340.15 |
ring 86.14 |
cerebral veins 240.11 |
ligament |
lamina of levator tendon 364.15 |
cervical |
of epididymis 162.4 |
layer |
cardiac |
of incus 382.26 |
of cervical fascia 82.22 |
branches of vagus nerve |
of malleus 382.24 |
temporal fascia 80.21 |
332.9 |
lingular |
lymph nodes 256.18, 258.2, |
nerve 352.4 |
bronchus 146.19 |
258.27 |
ganglion 350.27 |
segment of upper lobe of |
lymphatic vessel 254.7 |
choroid vein 242.3 |
left lung 150.18 |
middle cerebral vein 240.18 |
clunial (gluteal) branches 342.5 |
longitudinal |
palmar |
colliculus 292.15 |
fasciculus 316.16 |
arch 214.27 |
brachium 292.17, 294.23, |
muscle of tongue 114.23 |
branch, radial artery 214.4 |
300.28 |
lymph nodes 264.3 |
venous arch 244.30 |
commissure 294.24 |
macular arteriole/venule 360.12 |
parotid lymph nodes 256.5 |
gray and white layers 294.22 |
margin |
part |
costal fovea 2.25 |
adrenal gland 182.33 |
of external anal sphincter |
costotransverse ligament 58.16 |
cerebral hemisphere 306.10 |
174.16 |
deep lymph nodes 258.3 |
scapula 34.15 |
of parotid gland 110.8 |
dental |
mediastinum 152.25 |
perineal |
arch 112.18 |
medullary velum 288.2 |
fascia 176.12 |
branches of infraorbital |
mesenteric |
space 176.8 |
nerve 324.7 |
artery 220.1 |
peroneal (fibular) nerve 344.21 |
plexus 324.6 |
ganglion 348.14 |
plantar arch 228.26a |
duodenal |
plexus 348.28 |
popliteal lymph nodes 266.19 |
flexure 124.7 |
vein 248.20 |
temporal |
fold 178.28 |
nasal |
artery 198.1 |
recess 178.29 |
arteriole/venule of retina |
rami 324.30 |
end of testis 158.17 |
360.10 |
veins 236.19 |
epigastric |
concha 20.14, 136.11 |
transverse |
artery 210.12 |
meatus 32.4, 136.20 |
metacarpal ligament 92.23 |
veins 234.15 |
nuchal line 8.26 |
metatarsal ligament 100.19 |
extensor retinaculum 100.11 |
oblique muscle 364.10 |
vein 406.48 |
fascia |
olivary nucleus 286.7 |
Superficialis 396.31 |
of pelvic diaphragm 174.26 |
ophthalmic vein 242.25 |
Superior 396.19 |
of urogenital diaphragm 176.5 |
orbital fissure 10.22, 32.23 |
aberrant ductules 160.8 |
fornix of conjunctiva 368.3 |
palpebral |
alveolar nerve 324.2 |
fovea 286.27 |
arch 202.18 |
anastomotic vein 240.19 |
frontal |
veins 236.9 |
angle (scapula) 34.19 |
gyrus 306.26 |
pancreatic lymph nodes 262.23 |
anterior segmental artery |
sulcus 306.27 |
pancreaticoduodenal lymph |
220.21 |
ganglion 330.18, 332.2 |
nodes 262.27 |
aperture 88.23 |
gingival branches of infraorbi- |
parathyroid gland 182.11 |
articular |
tal nerve 324.8 |
parietal lobule 308.4 |
facet 4.3 |
gluteal |
part |
process 2.14, 4.20 |
artery 222.19 |
of duodenum 124.2 |
surface, tibia 46.28 |
lymph nodes 266.2 |
of left superior pulmonary |
auricular ligament 388.12 |
nerve 342.5, 344.12 |
vein 232.2 |
basal vein 230.22, 232.9 |
veins 250.2 |
of masseter muscle 80.13 |
border petrous temporal 14.9 |
horn |
peroneal (fibular) retinaculum |
branch(-es) |
falciform margin 100.5 |
100.14 |
to inferior lobe of right pul- |
thyroid cartilage 138.22 |
petrosal |
monary artery 190.23 |
hypogastric plexus 350.9 |
sinus 238.20 |
inferior right pulmonary |
hypohysial artery 200.25 |
groove for 14.10 |
vein 230.17 |
ileocecal recess 180.2 |
pharyngeal constrictor muscle |
left inferior pulmonary vein |
labial |
118.22 |
232.5 |
artery 196.13 |
phrenic |
superior gluteal artery 222.22 |
branches of infraorbital |
arteries 216.7 |
transverse cervical nerve |
nerve 324.12 |
lymph nodes 260.6 |
336.2 |
vein 236.12 |
veins 246.9 |
Index 489
Superior |
Superior |
Suprarenal |
pubic ligament 66.16 |
vesical arteries 222.29 |
arteries |
ramus |
vestibular |
inferior 220.18 |
oculomotor nerve 320.6 |
area 378.12 |
middle 220.16 |
of pubis 44.13 |
nucleus 286.12 |
superior 216.21 |
recess of tympanic membrane |
wall 32.17 |
gland 182.29 |
384.9 |
Superolateral |
accessory 182.39 |
rectal |
lymph nodes 266.16 |
impression 130.13 |
artery 220.15 |
surface of cerebral hemisphere |
plexus 348.22 |
lymph nodes 264.13 |
306.15 |
vein |
plexus 350.2 |
Superomedial lymph nodes |
left 246.29 |
vein 248.36 |
266.15 |
right 246.32 |
rectus muscle 364.4 |
Supinator crest 38.31 |
Suprascapular |
right pulmonary veins 230.3, |
Supra-acetabular sulcus 42.12 |
artery 212.1 |
230.4 |
Supra-orbital |
nerve 336.23 |
sagittal sinus 238.14 |
vein 236.8 |
vein 238.6 |
groove for 8.31, 16.26a, 18.16, |
Suprachoroid lamina 356.14 |
Supraspinal |
28.26 |
Supraclavicular |
ligaments 56.17 |
salivary (salivatory) nucleus |
lymph nodes 258.11 |
recess 298.7 |
286.5 |
nerves 336.4 |
Supraspinous fossa 34.8 |
segment |
intermediate 336.6 |
Suprasternal bones 6.34 |
of kidney 154.17 |
lateral (posterior) 336.7 |
Supratonsillar fossa 116.16 |
of lower lobe of left lung |
medial 336.5 |
Supratragic tubercle 386.29 |
150.22 |
part of brachial plexus 336.19 |
Supratrochlear |
of lower lobe of right lung |
triangle 398.31 |
artery 202.20 |
150.10 |
Supracondylar |
lymph nodes 258.26 |
segmental |
line |
nerve 320.27 |
artery 220.20 |
lateral 46.20b |
veins 236.7 |
bronchus 146.10, 146.22 |
medial 46.20a |
Supravaginal part of cervix |
semicircular |
process 36.18 |
168.16 |
canal 376.7 |
ridge |
Supraventricular crest 188.7 |
duct 370.12 |
lateral 36.20 |
Supravesical fossa 180.14 |
semilunar lobule 288.33 |
medial 36.17 |
Supreme |
suprarenal arteries 216.21 |
Supracostal branch of posterior |
intercostal, vein 234.19 |
surface of talus 50.8 |
intercostal |
nuchal line 8.25 |
synovial membrane 60.6 |
arteries 216.13 |
Sura 402.15 |
tarsal |
Supracristal plane 398.4 |
Sural |
muscle 366.22 |
Supraduodenal artery 218.14 |
arteries 226.17 |
plate 366.16 |
Supraglenoid tubercle 34.22 |
nerve 346.5 |
temporal |
Suprahyoid |
veins 252.13a |
arteriole/venule of retina |
branch of lingual artery 196.2 |
Suspensory |
360.8 |
triangle 398.27 |
ligament |
gyrus 308.19 |
Supramarginal gyrus 308.8 |
of breast 394.31 |
line 16.28 |
Supramastoid crest 16.17 |
of ovary 180.28 |
sulcus 308.21 |
Suprameatal |
of penis (clitoris) 86.25 |
thalamostriate vein 242.4 |
pit 16.18 |
of vermiform appendix 178.9 |
thoracic |
spine 16.19 |
muscle of duodenum 124.10 |
aperture 6.36 |
Supraoptic |
Sustentaculum tali 50.27 |
artery 212.11 |
commissure |
Sutura(-ae) 404.14 |
thyroid |
dorsal 304.12 |
coronalis 54.2 |
artery 194.10 |
ventral 304.13 |
cranii (craniales) 54.1 |
notch 138.17 |
fibers 304.21 |
ethmoidolacrimalis 54.21 |
tubercle 138.19 |
nucleus 302.18 |
ethmoidomaxillaris 54.20 |
vein 236.1 |
Supraopticohypophysial tract |
frontalis 18.6a, 54.11 |
tracheobronchial lymph nodes |
304.23 |
frontoethmoidalis 54.15 |
260.14 |
Supraorbital |
frontolacrimalis 54.17 |
transverse scapular ligament |
artery 202.13 |
frontomaxillaris 54.16 |
60.14 |
border/margin |
frontonasalis 54.14 |
tympanic artery 198.19 |
frontal bone 18.7 |
frontozygomatica 54.18 |
ulnar collateral artery 212.32 |
orbit 32.15 |
incisiva 24.5 |
vein(-s) |
nerve 320.24 |
intermaxillaris 54.30 |
of cerebellum 242.22 |
notch/foramen 18.8 |
internasalis 5426 |
of vermis 242.19 |
Suprapatellar bursa 104.20 |
lacrimoconchalis 54.29 |
vena cava 232.27 |
Suprapleural membrane 152.9 |
lacrimomaxillaris 54.28 |
opening 186.23 |
Suprapyloric node 262.19 |
lambdoidea 54.4 |
490 Index
Sutura( |
-ae) |
Syndesmosis 404.13 |
Talocrural |
1 |
metopica 18.17a, 54.11 |
radioulnaris 62.9 |
region |
nasomaxillaris 54.27 |
tibiofibularis 68.23 |
anterior 402.16 |
2 |
occipitomastoidea 54.5 |
tympanostapedialis 382.21 |
posterior 402.16 |
palatina |
Synovia 404.43 |
Talofibular ligament |
mediana 54.33 |
Synovial |
anterior 70.7 |
3 |
transversa 54.34 |
bursa(-ae) 100.19a, 405.30 |
posterior 70.8 |
palatoethmoidalis 54.32 |
of lower limb 104.4a |
Talonavicular ligament 70.24 |
4 |
palatomaxillaris 54.31 |
of tensor veli palatini 102.2 |
Talus 50.3 |
parietomastoidea 54.12 |
of trochlea 364.12 |
body 50.6 |
plana 404.17 |
of upper limb 102.5a |
facet |
5 |
sagittalis 54.3 |
fold 404.41 |
anterior 52.1 |
serrata 404.15 |
infrapatellar 68.10 |
middle 52.2 |
sphenoethmoidalis 54.7 |
joints 404.22 |
posterior 52.3 |
6 |
sphenofrontalis 54.6 |
layer, tendon sheath 405.20 |
head 50.4 |
sphenomaxillaris 54.24 |
membrane 404.40 |
lateral process 50.11 |
7 |
sphenoparietalis 54.9 |
inferior 60.7 |
neck 50.5 |
sphenosquamosa 54.8 |
superior 60.6 |
posterior process 50.17 |
sphenovomeriana 54.22 |
sheath(-s) 405.18 |
sulcus 50.13 |
8 |
sphenozygomatica 54.23 |
of fingers 92.30 |
Tangential fibers 316.9 |
squamosa 54.10, 404.16 |
of tendon 405.20a |
Tapetum 312.14 |
9 |
squamosomastoidea 54.13 |
of toes 100.19a, 100.20 |
Tarsal |
temporozygomatica 54.25 |
villi 404.42 |
arteries |
zygomaticomaxillaris 22.13, |
Systema |
dorsal 228.5 |
10 |
54.19 |
alimentarium 108.1 |
lateral 228.2 |
Sutural bones 30.9 |
conducens cordis 186.7a |
medial 228.3 |
Suture 404.14 |
lymphaticum 254.1 |
bones 50.2 |
11 |
dentate 404.15 |
nervosum 268.21 |
glands 366.21 |
flat 404.17 |
centrale 272.12, 406.50 |
joint, transverse 70.16 |
12 |
Sweat glands 394.10 |
periphericum 320.1, 407.1 |
plate |
duct 394.13 |
respiratorium 134.17 |
inferior 366.17 |
eccrine 394.11 |
skeletale 402.30 |
superior 366.16 |
13 |
merocrine 394.11 |
urogenitale 154.1 |
Tarsometatarsal |
pore 394.14 |
Systema nervorum autonomicum |
joints 72.9 |
14 |
Sympathetic |
348.1 |
ligaments |
branch to submandibular gan- |
dorsal 72.10 |
glion 328.27 |
T |
plantar 72.11 |
15 |
ganglion 407.19 |
Tarsus 50.1, 402.23 |
root |
Tactile |
inferior 366.17 |
internal carotid plexus 320.11 |
corpuscles 390.24 |
superior 366.16 |
16 |
pterygopalatine ganglion |
elevations 390.6 |
Taste |
322.16b |
menisci 390.26 |
bud 388.27 |
17 |
system 350.21 |
Taenia(-ae) |
pore 388.28 |
trunk 350.22 |
choroidea 314.10 |
Tectal lamina 292.13, 294.18 |
ganglia 350.23 |
coli 126.3 |
Tectobulbar tract 294.11 |
18 |
Symphyseal surface (pubis) 44.11 |
fornix 312.24 |
Tectorial membrane 58.8, 372.26 |
Symphysis 404.21 |
libera 126.6 |
Tectospinal tract 276.32, 280.22, |
19 |
intervertebral 56.9 |
mesocolica 126.4 |
284.22, 294.12 |
mandibulae (medialis) 26.14 |
omentalis 126.5 |
Tectum mesencephalicum |
menti 26.14 |
thalami 298.9 |
292.12, 294.17 |
20 |
pubica 66.15 |
ventriculi quarti 288.7 |
Teeth 110.12 |
Synchondrosis(-es) 404.21 |
Tail |
Tegmen |
cranii (craniales) 56.1 |
of caudate nucleus 316.25 |
tympani 14.2 |
21 |
intraoccipitalis 56.4a |
of epididymis 160.4 |
ventriculi quarti 288.1 |
anterior 56.6 |
of helix 386.14 |
Tegmental |
22 |
posterior 56.5 |
of pancreas 128.13 |
nuclei 294.2 |
manubriosternalis 6.29 |
Talocalcaneal ligament |
tract, central 294.26 |
petro-occipitalis 56.4 |
interosseus 70.20 |
wall 378.17 |
23 |
spheno-ethmoidalis 56.7 |
lateral 70.14 |
Tegmentum |
spheno-occipitalis 52.2 |
medial 70.15 |
decussations 294.7 |
24 |
sphenopetrosa 56.3 |
posterior 70.15a |
mesencephalicum 292.10 |
sternales 6.28 |
Talocalcaneonavicular joint |
pontis 284.17 |
sternocostalis costae primae |
70.12 |
Tela |
25 |
58.26a |
Talocrural |
choroidea |
xiphisternalis 6.30 |
joint 70.1 |
ventriculi |
Index 491 |
Tela |
Temporal |
Tensor tympani muscle, semi- |
choroidea |
region 398.13 |
canal 12.29 |
ventriculi |
sulcus(-i) |
Tentorial |
quarti 272.2, 288.5 |
inferior 308.23 |
branch of ophthalmic nerve |
tertii 272.4, 298.8 |
superior 308.21 |
320.20 |
subcutanea 390.19 |
transverse 308.17 |
notch 268.28 |
submucosa 405.44 |
surface 10.25, 16.14, 18.10, 26.3 |
Tentorium cerebelli 268.25 |
(bronchus) 148.3 |
veins |
Terminal |
(colon) 126.8 |
deep 236.25 |
crest 186.17 |
(esophagus) 120.11 |
middle 236.20 |
ganglion 352.29 |
(pharynx) 118.16 |
superficial 236.19 |
groove 186.16 |
(small intestine) 122.26 |
Temporomandibular |
line 44.26 |
(stomach) 122.10 |
joint 60.2 |
nerve 352.27 |
(urinary bladder) 158.8 |
ligament 60.4 |
corpuscles 390.21 |
subserosa 122.4, 406.1 |
Temporopontine fibers 318.25 |
notch 388.2 |
(gallbladder) 134.6 |
Temporozygomatic suture 54.25 |
part of middle cerebral artery |
(liver) 130.31 |
Tendinous |
204.29 |
(perimetrium) 168.27 |
arch 405.28 |
phalanx 40.27 |
(peritoneum) 176.25 |
of levator ani muscle 174.11 |
portion of posterior cerebral |
(urinary bladder) 158.2 |
of pelvic fascia 174.27 |
artery 208.1 |
(uterine tube) 168.2 |
of soleus muscle 96.18 |
secretory part of sweat gland |
Telencephalon 306.1 |
intersections 86.3, 405.27 |
394.12 |
sections 314.19a, 316.1 |
Tendo 405.17 |
ventricle 272.18 |
Temporal |
calcaneus 96.19 |
Termini generales 396.1 |
arteriole/venule of retina |
conjunctivus 86.21 |
Testicular |
inferior 360.9 |
cricoesophageus 120.8 |
artery 222.1 |
superior 360.8 |
infundibuli 186.6a |
plexus 348.26 |
artery |
intermedius 405.27a |
vein |
anterior 204.26 |
Tendon 405.17 |
left 246.30 |
deep 198.25 |
of lateral rectus at greater |
right 246.33 |
middle 198.6, 204.27 |
wing 364.18 |
Testis 158.16 |
groove for 16.15 |
sheath 405.18 |
descent of 162.7 |
posterior 198.25a, 204.28 |
of abductor pollicis longus |
lobules 158.27 |
superficial 198.1 |
102.20 |
septa 158.26 |
bone 12.14 |
of extensor |
Textus nervosus 408.17 |
petrous part 12.15 |
carpi radialis brevis 102.21 |
Thalamic |
anterior surface 14.1 |
carpi radialis longus 102.21 |
branch(-es) |
apex 12.25 |
carpi ulnaris 102.25 |
posterior cerebral artery |
inferior surface 14.23 |
digiti minimi 102.24 |
206.28 |
posterior |
digitorum 102.23 |
posterior communicating |
border 14.17 |
digitorum longus 106.11 |
artery 208.21 |
surface 14.11 |
hallucis longus 106.10 |
fasciculus(-i) 300.21, 302.5 |
superior border 12.9 |
indicus 102.23 |
peduncle, inferior 302.8 |
squamous part 16.10 |
pollicis brevis 102.20 |
radiations |
tympanic part 16.1 |
pollicis longus 102.22 |
anterior 302.1, 318.9 |
zygomatic process 16.16 |
of flexor |
central 302.2 |
branches of facial nerve 328.13 |
carpi radialis 104.1 |
posterior 302.3, 318.27 |
crest 28.10a |
digitorum longus 106.12 |
tract 300.21 |
fascia 80.21 |
hallucis longus 106.14 |
Thalamolentiform part of inter- |
fossa 30.11 |
pollicis longus 104.3 |
nal capsule 318.14 |
gyrus(-i) |
for flexors |
Thalamoparietal fibers 318.19 |
inferior 308.24 |
in region of fingers 104.4 |
Thalamostriate veins |
middle 308.22 |
of the toes 106.20 |
inferior 240.26 |
superior 308.19 |
of peroneus longus 106.19 |
superior 242.4 |
transverse 308.18 |
of superior oblique muscle |
Thalamus |
line |
102.1, 364.12 |
anterior nuclei 298.13 |
of frontal bone 18.12 |
of tibialis |
dorsal 296.20 |
inferior 16.29 |
anterior 106.9 |
medial nuclei 298.21 |
superior 16.28 |
posterior 106.13 |
median nuclei 198.17 |
lobe 308.15 |
Tenia(-ae) |
paratenial nucleus 298.20a |
nerves, deep 324.16 |
choroidea 314.10 |
reticular nucleus 298.12, |
operculum 308.20 |
of fornix 312.24 |
298.24, 300.18 |
pole 308.16 |
of fourth ventricle 288.7 |
sections 298.11 |
process 26.5 |
of thalamus 298.9 |
tenia 298.9 |
rami, superficial 324.30 |
Tenon’s capsule 364.21 |
ventralis (subthalamus) 296.29 |
492 Index
Theca(-ae) |
Thymic |
Tibionavicular part of medial |
externa 166.21 |
veins 234.1 |
(deltoid) ligament 70.3 |
folliculi 166.20 |
Thymus 182.23 |
Tibiotalar part of medial (del- |
interna 166.22 |
cortex 182.27 |
toid) ligament |
Thenar eminence 400.40 |
medulla 182.28 |
anterior 70.5 |
Thigh |
right/left lobe 182.24 |
posterior 70.6 |
bone 46.2 |
Thyroarytenoid muscle 142.20 |
Toes 52.23, 402.25 |
region 402.4 |
Thyrocervical trunk 210.13 |
big toe 402.26 |
anterior 402.5 |
Thyroepiglottic |
little toe 402.28 |
posterior 402.7 |
ligament 142.7 |
Tongue 112.28 |
Third occipital nerve 334.20 |
muscle 142.19 |
apex 112.37 |
Thoracic |
part of thyroarytenoid muscle |
body 112.29 |
aorta 216.2 |
142.20a |
frenulum 114.2 |
aortic plexus 348.4 |
Thyroglossal duct 114.13 |
median groove 114.10 |
artery |
Thyrohyoid |
mucous membrane 114.1 |
internal 210.1 |
branch of ansa cervicalis 334.26 |
musculature 114.18 |
lateral 212.18 |
ligament, lateral 138.27 |
root 112.30 |
superior 212.11 |
membrane 138.25 |
Tonsilla(-ae) |
bones 6.1 |
median 138.26 |
cerebelli 288.38 |
cardiac branches |
Thyroid |
lingualis 114.14 |
thoracic ganglia 352.15 |
artery |
palatina 116.9 |
vagus nerve 332.20 |
inferior 210.14 |
pharyngealis 116.27 |
cavity 6.35a, 152.6 |
superior 194.10 |
tubaria 118.6 |
column 276.14 |
cartilage 138.14 |
Tonsillar |
duct 254.17 |
articular surface for 140.5 |
branch(-es) |
arch 254.18 |
foramen 138.24 |
ascending palatine artery |
right 254.16 |
gland 182.2 |
196.9 |
fascia 84.22 |
accessory 182.6 |
glossopharyngeal nerve |
ganglia 352.14 |
isthmus 182.4 |
330.29 |
inlet 6.36 |
lymph nodes 256.21 |
lesser palatine nerves |
muscles 84.1 |
notch |
322.24a |
nerves 340.16 |
inferior 138.18 |
posterior inferior cerebellar |
long 336.21 |
superior 138.17 |
artery 206.14 |
outlet 6.37 |
tubercle |
crypts 116.11, 116.29 |
part |
inferior 138.20 |
fossa 116.15 |
of esophagus 120.4 |
superior 138.19 |
pits 116.10, 116.28 |
of thoracic duct 254.20 |
veins |
Toruli tactiles 390.6 |
of trachea 144.19 |
inferior 232.30 |
Torus |
pulmonary |
middle 236.2 |
levatorius 118.5 |
branches 352.15a |
superior 236.1 |
mandibularis 26.23 |
sulcus 6.38 |
Tibia 46.27 |
palatinus 30.27 |
segment of spinal cord 274.7 |
shaft 48.1 |
tubarius 118.3 |
skeleton 6.35 |
Tibial 396.40 |
Trabecula(-ae) |
splanchnic ganglion 352.17 |
artery |
carneae 186.1, 190.1a |
vein(-s) |
anterior 226.22 |
corporis spongiosi 164.15 |
internal 234.14 |
posterior 228.8 |
corporum cavernosorum |
lateral 244.14 |
collateral ligament 68.13 |
164.14 |
vertebrae 2.24 |
margin of foot 402.22 |
septomarginalis 188.19 |
Thoracoacromial |
nerve 346.1 |
splenicae (lienales) 268.15 |
artery 212.12 |
node |
Trabecular |
vein 244.12, 244.21 |
anterior 266.21 |
bone 402.36 |
Thoracodorsal |
posterior 266.22 |
meshwork 354.27 |
artery 212.21 |
tuberosity 48.2 |
Trachea 144.17 |
nerve 340.12 |
veins |
bifurcation 144.24 |
vein 244.13a |
anterior 252.16 |
Tracheal |
Thoracoepigastric veins 244.15 |
posterior 252.21 |
branches |
Thoracolumbar fascia 76.20 |
Tibialis 396.40 |
inferior thyroid artery |
Thorax 6.1 |
Tibiocalcaneal part of medial |
210.19 |
joints 56.8, 58.9 |
(deltoid) ligament 70.4 |
internal thoracic artery |
Thumb 400.44 |
Tibiofibular |
210.4a |
carpometacarpal joint 64.10 |
joint 68.20, 68.23 |
vagus nerve 332.16 |
Thymic |
ligament |
cartilages 144.20 |
branches (internal thoracic |
anterior 68.25 |
glands 144.27 |
artery) 210.3 |
posterior 68.26 |
muscle 144.21 |
lobules 182.26 |
syndesmosis 68.23 |
veins 234.6 |
Index 493
Tracheobronchial lymph nodes |
Transverse |
Triangular |
260.13 |
cervical |
part of inferior frontal gyrus |
inferior 260.16 |
artery 210.22 |
306.33 |
superior 260.14 |
nerve 336.1 |
ridge, tooth 110.18 |
Tractus |
veins 238.7 |
Tricuspid valve, right 188.3 |
bulboreticulospinalis |
colli nerve 336.1 |
Trigeminal |
276.30 |
colon 124.28 |
ganglion 320.17 |
corticonuclearis 318.12 |
costal fovea 2.27 |
impression 12.8 |
corticospinalis (pyramidalis) |
crest 378.8 |
lemniscus 284.28, 294.16, 300.25 |
anterior 276.22 |
diameter (pelvis) 44.31 |
nerve 320.15 |
lateralis 276.28 |
ductules of epoophoron |
mesencephalic |
dentatothalamicus 302.4 |
170.19 |
nucleus 284.30 |
dorsolateralis 278.5 |
facial |
tract 284.29, 292.26 |
frontopontinus 318.10 |
artery 198.3 |
motor nucleus 286.1 |
habenulointerpeduncularis |
vein 236.21 |
pontine nucleus 284.27 |
296.12 |
fasciculi 92.25, 100.18 |
sensory root 320.16 |
hypothalamici 304.10 |
fissure of cerebrum 306.8 |
spinal |
hypothalamohypophysialis |
head |
nucleus 280.26, 284.26 |
304.20 |
of adductor hallucis 98.5 |
tract 280.26, 284.25 |
iliotibialis 98.14 |
of adductor pollicis 92.8 |
tubercle 280.3 |
laterale 74.10a |
ligament |
Trigeminothalamic tract 284.28 |
mediale 76.1 |
of axis 58.7 |
Trigonum |
mesencephalicus nervi tri- |
of knee 68.6 |
caroticum 398.25 |
geminalis 284.29, 292.26 |
lines 4.25 |
cervicalis |
olfactorius 310.28 |
mesocolon 178.5 |
anterius 398.23 |
olivocerebellaris 282.3 |
muscle of tongue 114.25 |
posterius 398.30 |
olivocochlearis 286.8 |
occipital sulcus 308.12 |
clavipectorale 398.36 |
olivospinalis 276.33, 282.1 |
palatine |
collaterale 314.15 |
opticus 296.33 |
folds 108.29 |
femorale 98.23, 402.6 |
paraventriculohypophysialis |
suture 54.34 |
fibrosum dextrum/sinistrum |
304.24 |
part |
186.5 |
pontoreticulospinalis 276.31 |
of nasal muscle 78.14 |
habenulae (habenulare) 296.6 |
reticulospinalis 276.24 |
of portal vein of liver 248.6 |
inguinale 180.17 |
rubrospinalis 276.29, |
perineal ligament 176.7 |
lemnisci 292.18 |
294.10 |
pontine fibers 284.14 |
lumbale 86.27 |
solitarius 282.9 |
process 2.12 |
lumbare 400.14 |
spinalis nervi trigeminalis |
rectal folds 126.23 |
musculare 398.26 |
280.25, 284.25 |
ridge, tooth 110.17 |
nervi |
spino-olivaris 278.6, 282.2 |
sinus 238.9 |
hypoglossi 286.31 |
spinocerebellaris |
groove for 8.32 |
vagi 286.33 |
anterior 278.3 |
of pericardium 184.8 |
olfactorium 310.29 |
posterior 278.4 |
sulcus of anthelix 388.4 |
omoclaviculare 398.31 |
spinoreticularis 278.7 |
tarsal (midtarsal) joint 70.16 |
omotracheale 398.26 |
spinotectalis 278.1 |
temporal |
pontocerebellare 284.6 |
spinothalamicus 278.2 |
gyri 308.18 |
submandibulare 398.24 |
anterior 276.25 |
sulci 308.17 |
submentale 398.27 |
spiralis foraminosus 378.11 |
vesical fold 180.20 |
vesicae 158.10 |
supraopticohypophysialis |
Transversus 396.28 |
Triquetrum 40.7 |
304.23 |
Trapezium 40.9 |
Trochanter |
tectobulbaris 294.11 |
tubercle 40.10 |
major 46.6 |
tectospinalis 276.32, 280.22, |
Trapezoid 40.11 |
minor 46.8 |
284.22, 294.12 |
body 286.14 |
tertius 46.9 |
tegmentalis centralis 294.26 |
anterior nucleus 286.15 |
Trochanteric |
thalamici 300.21 |
posterior nucleus 286.16 |
bursa(-ae) |
trigeminothalamicus 284.28 |
ligament 60.20 |
of gluteus maximus 104.6 |
uvealis 356.12 |
line 34.34 |
of gluteus medius 104.7 |
vestibulospinalis 276.23 |
Triangular |
of gluteus minimus 104.8 |
Tragus(-i) 386.23, 392.7 |
fold 116.13 |
fossa 46.7 |
Transpyloric plane 398.3 |
fossa 386.16 |
Trochlea 364.11 |
Transversalis 396.9 |
eminence 388.9 |
humeri 36.24 |
fascia 86.28 |
fovea 140.18 |
muscularis 405.29 |
Transverse 396.9, 396.28 |
ligament |
peronealis (fibularis) 52.5 |
arytenoid muscle 142.22 |
left 178.24 |
of phalanx 40.31 |
branch of lateral circumflex |
right 178.23 |
synovial bursa 364.12 |
femoral artery 226.11 |
muscle 405.7 |
tali (talare) 50.7 |
494 Index
Trochlear |
Tuberculum(-a) |
Tuberositas(-tes) |
fovea 18.24 |
articulare 16.22 |
tibiae 48.2 |
nerve 320.13 |
auriculare 386.26 |
ulnae 38.21 |
decussation 294.25, 320.14 |
calcanei 50.26 |
Tubulus(-i) |
nucleus 292.30 |
caroticum 2.21 |
renalis(-es) 154.22 |
notch 38.22 |
conoideum 34.33 |
contorti 154.23 |
spine 18.23 |
corniculatum 140.29, 142.9 |
recti 154.24 |
Trochoidal joint 404.30 |
costae 6.14 |
seminiferi |
True ribs 6.3 |
cuneatum 280.5 |
contorti 158.29 |
Truncus(-i) 186.11, 312.8 |
cuneiforme 142.2 |
recti 158.30 |
brachial plexus 336.13 |
dentis 110.16 |
Tunica(-ae) |
brachiocephalicus 194.4 |
dorsale 38.15 |
adventitia 120.6, 405.39 |
bronchomediastinalis dexter/ |
epiglotticum 142.5 |
(ductus deferens) 160.16 |
sinister 254.12 |
gracile 280.7 |
(seminal vesicle) 160.21 |
coeliacus 216.28 |
iliacum 42.17 |
(ureter) 156.22 |
costocervicalis 212.3 |
infraglenoidale 34.21 |
albuginea 158.24, 405.37 |
encephali 278.15 |
intercondylare |
corporis spongiosi 164.12 |
inferior 336.16 |
laterale 46.36 |
corporum cavernosum |
intestinales 254.11 |
mediale 46.35 |
164.11 |
jugularis dexter/sinister 254.14 |
intervenosum 186.25 |
(ovary) 166.14 |
linguofacialis 196.6 |
jugulare 8.18 |
conjunctiva 366.24 |
lumbaris dexter/sinister 254.10 |
laterale (talus) 50.20 |
bulbaris 368.1 |
lumbosacralis 344.7 |
lip 108.8 |
palpebralis 368.2 |
lymphatici 254.9 |
majus (humerus) 36.6 |
externa 406.31 |
medius 336.15 |
marginale 26.7 |
fibrosa 130.31, 405.38 |
nervi |
mediale (talus) 50.19 |
bulbi 354.23 |
accessorii 332.34 |
mentale 26.16 |
(spleen) 268.14 |
spinalis 334.8 |
minus (humerus) 36.7 |
funiculi spermatici 160.26 |
pulmonalis 190.11 |
musculi scaleni anterioris 6.18 |
interna bulbi 358.18 |
subclavius dexter/sinister |
obturatorium |
intima 406.32 |
254.13 |
anterius 44.18 |
media 406.33 |
superior 336.14 |
posterius 44.19 |
mucosa 405.40 |
sympatheticus 350.22 |
ossis |
(auditory tube) 384.24 |
thyrocervicalis 210.13 |
scaphoidei 40.5 |
(bronchus) 148.4 |
vagalis |
trapezii 40.11 |
cavitatis tympanicae 384.4 |
anterior 332.24 |
pharyngeum 8.8 |
(colon) 126.9 |
posterior 332.25 |
posterius 2.20, 4.10 |
(ductus deferens) 160.18 |
Trunks 312.8 |
pubicum 44.10 |
(endometrium) 168.29 |
brachial plexus 336.13 |
quadratum 46.10a |
(esophagus) 120.12 |
upper 336.14 |
sellae 10.6 |
(gallbladder) 134.8 |
Tuba |
supraglenoidale 34.22 |
(larynx) 144.14 |
auditoria (auditiva) 384.13 |
supratragicum 386.29 |
linguae 114.1 |
uterina 166.29 |
thyroideum |
nasi 136.14 |
Tubal |
inferius 138.20 |
oris 108.19 |
branch(-es) |
superior 138.19 |
(pharynx) 118.17 |
ovarian artery 222.4a |
trigeminale 280.3 |
(seminal vesicle) 160.23 |
tympanic plexus 330.23 |
Tuberositas(-tes) |
(small intestine) 122.27 |
uterine artery 224.5 |
deltoidea 36.21 |
(stomach) 122.11 |
extremity 166.12 |
glutealis 46.17 |
(trachea) 144.26 |
tonsil 118.6 |
iliaca 42.31 |
(ureter) 156.24 |
Tuber(-a) |
ligamenti coracoclavicularis |
(urethra) 172.17 |
calcanei 50.23 |
34.31a |
(urinary bladder) 158.9 |
cinereum 296.37 |
masseterica 28.4 |
(uterine tube) 168.4 |
frontale 18.4 |
musculi serrati anterioris 6.21 |
(vagina) 170.11 |
ischiadicum (ischiale) 44.4 |
ossis |
muscularis 120.7, 405.45 |
maxillare 22.17 |
cuboidei 52.14 |
(bronchus) 148.2 |
omentale 128.12, 130.7 |
metatarsalis |
(colon) 126.1 |
parietale 16.30 |
primi (I) 52.21 |
dartos 166.4 |
of vermis 288.28 |
quinti (V) 52.22 |
(ductus deferens) 160.17 |
Tuberal nuclei 302.23 |
navicularis 52.8 |
(gallbladder) 134.7 |
Tuberculum(-a) |
phalangis distalis 40.28, 52.28 |
(myometrium) 168.28 |
adductorium 46.23 |
pronatoria 38.11a |
pharyngis 118.19 |
anterius 2.19 |
pterygoidea 28.5 |
(rectum) 126.17 |
atlantis 4.7 |
radii 38.7 |
(seminal vesicle) 160.22 |
thalamicum 296.22 |
sacralis 4.23 |
(small intestine) 122.23 |
Index 495 |
Tunica(-ae) |
Tympanostapedial syndesmosis |
Upper |
muscularis |
382.21 |
margin, spleen 268.10 |
(stomach) 122.5 |
omental recess 176.32 |
(ureter) 156.23 |
pelvic aperture 44.27 |
U |
(urethra) 172.15 |
pole of kidney 154.10 |
(urinary bladder) 158.3 |
Ulna 38.18 |
trunk 336.14 |
(uterine tube) 168.3 |
body 38.24 |
Urachus 156.31 |
(vagina) 170.10 |
head 38.32 |
Ureter 156.19 |
serosa 122.3, 122.21, 405.48 |
Ulnar 396.38 |
abdominal part 156.20 |
(gallbladder) 134.5 |
artery 214.14 |
pelvic part 156.21 |
(liver) 130.29 |
branches of medial ante- |
Ureteric |
(perimetrium) 168.26 |
brachial cutaneous |
branches |
(peritoneum) 176.24 |
nerve 338.7 |
artery of ductus deferens |
(spleen) 268.13 |
collateral ligament 62.5 |
222.28 |
(urinary bladder) 158.1 |
carpal 62.22 |
ovarian artery 222.4 |
(uterine tube) 168.1 |
head |
testicular artery 222.2 |
spongiosa |
of extensor carpi ulnaris |
plexus 348.25 |
(urethra) 172.16 |
90.20 |
Urethra |
(vagina) 170.16a |
of flexor carpi ulnaris 90.5 |
feminina 172.13 |
subserosa 122.22 |
of pronator teres 88.28 |
masculina 164.23 |
vaginalis |
nerve 338.17 |
membranous part 164.29 |
communis 160.30 |
groove for 36.29 |
navicular fossa 164.31 |
testis 158.23, 162.1 |
notch 38.16 |
spongy part 164.30 |
vasculosa bulbi 356.12 |
recurrent artery 214.15 |
Urethral |
Turkish saddle 10.5 |
tuberosity 38.21 |
artery 224.13 |
Tympanic |
veins 244.18 |
carina of vagina 170.16 |
aperture of canaliculus of |
Ulnaris 396.38 |
crest 164.25, 172.21 |
chorda tympani 380.16 |
Ulnocarpal ligament, palmar |
glands 164.35, 172.18 |
artery |
62.20 |
lacunae 164.34, 172.19 |
anterior 198.11 |
Umbilical |
surface of penis 162.32 |
inferior 194.20 |
artery 222.26 |
Urinary |
posterior 196.24 |
cord 172.30 |
bladder 156.25 |
superior 198.19 |
fold |
apex 156.26 |
canaliculus 14.28 |
lateral 180.18 |
body 156.27 |
cavity 14.30, 378.16 |
medial 180.15 |
cervix (neck) 156.29 |
mucous membrane 384.4 |
median 180.13 |
fundus 156.28 |
roof 14.2 |
ligament, medial 222.30 |
trigone 158.10 |
cells 380.18 |
part of portal vein of liver |
uvula 158.14 |
enlargement 330.21 |
248.8 |
organs 154.2 |
ganglion 330.21 |
region 400.5 |
Uriniferous tubule (nephron) |
groove 16.7 |
ring 86.23 |
154.22 |
lip of limb of osseous spiral |
vein, left 248.12 |
convoluted 154.23 |
lamina 372.25 |
Umbo, membranae tympani |
Urogenital |
membrane 380.21 |
380.28 |
diaphragm 176.1 |
recess 284.7a |
Uncal process 2.17 |
inferior fascia 176.6 |
anterior 384.8 |
Uncinate |
superior fascia 176.5 |
posterior 384.10 |
fasciculus 316.18 |
peritoneum 180.22 |
superior 384.9 |
process 20.16, 128.3 |
region 400.17 |
secondary 380.6 |
Uncus 2.17, 310.16 |
sinus, primitive 172.34 |
umbo 380.28 |
corporis 2.17 |
system 154.1 |
nerve 330.20 |
Unguis 392.20 |
Uteric branches of renal artery |
notch 16.8, 386.3a |
Unipennate muscle 405.8 |
220.26 |
ostium of auditory tube |
Upper 396.19 |
Uterine |
384.14 |
anterior segment of kidney |
artery 224.2 |
part of temporal bone 16.1 |
154.18 |
extremity 166.13 |
plexus 330.22 |
arm 400.20 |
glands 168.30 |
tubal branch 330.23 |
branch to lower lobe of left |
part of placenta 172.28 |
ring 16.2 |
pulmonary artery 190.37 |
tube 166.29 |
sinus 380.1 |
eyelid 366.3 |
abdominal opening 166.30 |
spine |
lingular branch, left pulmo- |
ampulla 166.34 |
greater 16.5 |
nary artery 190.35 |
fimbriae 166.32 |
lesser 16.6 |
lip 108.6 |
infundibulum 166.31 |
veins 236.30 |
lobe of lung 148.23 |
isthmus 166.35 |
wall of cochlear duct 372.18 |
left lung 150.16 |
uterine opening 166.37 |
Tympanomastoid fissure 14.34 |
right lung 150.2 |
uterine part 166.36 |
496 Index
Uterine |
Vagina(-ae) |
Valvula(-ae) |
1 |
veins |
250.13 |
tendinum(-is) |
semilunaris |
venous plexus 250.14 |
musculi |
posterior 190.3 |
2 |
Uterovaginal plexus 350.16 |
extensoris |
sinistra 188.13, 190.5 |
Uterus 168.6 |
digitorum pedis longi |
sinus coronarii 186.27 |
body 168.7 |
106.11 |
Thebesii 186.27 |
3 |
broad ligament 180.24 |
hallucis longi 106.10 |
venae cavae, inferioris 186.26 |
cavity 168.12 |
indicis 102.23 |
venosa 406.36 |
4 |
fundus 168.8 |
pollicis longi 102.22 |
Vas(-a) |
right/left horn 168.9 |
extensorum carpi |
afferens 156.5 |
Utricle (utriculus) 370.10 |
radialium 102.21 |
anastomoticum 406.37 |
5 |
Utricular |
flexoris |
auris internae 374.10 |
macula 372.4 |
carpi radialis 104.1 |
capillare 406.38 |
nerve 330.9 |
digitorum pedis longi |
collaterale 406.39 |
6 |
Utriculoampullar nerve 330.8 |
106.12 |
efferens 156.6 |
Utriculosaccular duct 370.9 |
hallucis longi 106.14 |
lymphatica (lymphaticum) |
7 |
Utriculus prostaticus 164.27 |
pollicis longi 104.3 |
254.2, 254.5, 406.30 |
Uveal |
obliqui superioris 102.1, |
afferens 254.24 |
part of trabecular meshwork |
364.12 |
efferens 254.25 |
8 |
254.29 |
peronei (fibularis) longi |
profundum 254.8 |
tract 356.12 |
plantaris 106.19 |
superficiale 254.7 |
9 |
Uvula |
peroneorum (fibularium) |
lymphocapillare 254.3 |
palatina 116.5 |
communis 106.15 |
prominens 374.7 |
vermis 288.30 |
tibialis |
recta 156.8 |
10 |
vesicae 158.14 |
anterioris 106.9 |
sanguinae retinae 360.6 |
posterioris 106.13 |
sinusoideum 406.41 |
vestibule 170.32 |
spirale 374.2 |
11 |
V |
fossa 170.33 |
vasorum 406.42 |
Vagal trunk |
Vaginal |
Vascular |
12 |
anterior 332.24 |
artery 224.6 |
cecal fold 180.3 |
posterior 332.25 |
branches |
lacuna 98.22 |
Vagina(-ae) 170.1 |
middle rectal artery 224.7a |
lamina 356.16 |
13 |
anterior wall 170.6 |
uterine artery 224.3 |
plexus 406.24, 408.13a |
bulbi 364.21 |
nerves 350.17 |
tunic of eyeball 356.12 |
14 |
carotica 82.25 |
part of cervix 168.17 |
Vater-Pacini corpuscles 390.23 |
communis musculum flex- |
process 12.7, 16.9 |
Vein(-s) 230.1, 406.43 |
orum 104.2 |
of peritoneum 168.33, 180.23 |
of brain stem 242.13 |
15 |
externa (nervus opticus) 354.12 |
venous plexus 250.15 |
of bulb of penis 250.22 |
fibrosae |
Vagus nerve 332.1 |
of bulb of vestibule 250.22 |
digitorum manus 92.27 |
dorsal nucleus 282.7 |
of caudate nucleus 242.9 |
16 |
tendinum digitorum pedis |
trigone 286.33 |
of cochlear aqueduct 234.23, |
100.22 |
Vallate papillae 114.7 |
374.19 |
17 |
interna (nervus opticus) 354.13 |
Vallecula 288.14 |
of Galen 242.1 |
musculi |
epiglottica 118.9 |
of lateral recess of fourth ven- |
extensoris carpi radialis |
Vallum unguis 392.25 |
tricle 242.17 |
18 |
brevis 102.26 |
Valva 406.34 |
of medulla oblongata 242.16 |
recti abdominis 86.4 |
aorta 190.2 |
of olfactory gyrus 240.27 |
19 |
orifice 172.1 |
atrioventricularis |
of pterygoid canal 236.26 |
posterior wall 170.7 |
dextra 188.3 |
of uncus 240.17 |
synovialis(-es) 100.19a |
sinistra 188.26 |
of vertebral column 246.16a |
20 |
digitorum manus 92.30 |
ileocaecalis (ilealis) 124.19 |
of vestibular aqueduct |
tendinum 405.20a |
mitralis 188.26 |
374.18 |
digitorum pedis 100.20 |
tricuspidalis 188.3 |
Velum |
21 |
tendinum(-is) 405.18 |
trunci pulmonalis 188.10 |
medullare |
digitorum |
Valve 406.34 |
inferius 288.4 |
22 |
manus 104.4 |
of veins 406.36 |
superius 288.2 |
pedis 106.20 |
Valvula(-ae) |
palatinum 108.17, 116.4 |
intertubercularis 88.14 |
anales 126.27 |
Vena(-ae) 230.1, 406.43 |
23 |
musculi |
Eustachii 186.26 |
adrenalis |
abductoris longi 102.20 |
foraminis ovalis 188.22 |
dextra 246.32 |
24 |
extensoris |
fossa navicularis 164.32 |
sinistra 246.29 |
brevis pollicis 102.20 |
lymphatica 406.35 |
anastomotica |
carpi ulnaris 102.25 |
semilunaris |
inferior 240.20 |
25 |
digiti minimi 102.24 |
anterior 188.11 |
superior 240.19 |
digitorum 102.23 |
dextra 188.12, 190.4 |
angularis 236.6 |
Index 497
Vena(-ae) |
Vena(-ae) |
Vena(-ae) |
anterior(-es) |
colica |
hepaticae 246.24 |
cerebri 240.23 |
dextra 248.27 |
dextrae 246.25 |
septi pellucidi 242.5 |
media 248.28 |
intermediae 246.26 |
appendicularis 248.26 |
sinistra 248.34 |
sinistrae 246.27 |
aqueductus |
columnae vertebralis 246.16a |
hypogastrica 250.1 |
cochleae 234.23, 374.19 |
comitans 406.44 |
ileales 248.21a |
vestibuli 374.18 |
nervi hypoglossi 234.30 |
ileocolica 248.25 |
arcuatae 156.11 |
conjunctivales 244.7 |
iliaca |
articulares 236.29 |
cordis 232.14 |
communis 248.37 |
atriales |
coronaria |
externa 250.23 |
dextrae 232.24 |
dextra 232.20b |
interna 250.1 |
sinistrae 232.24 |
sinistra 232.16a |
iliolumbalis 248.39 |
atrioventriculares 232.26 |
cutanea 406.45 |
inferior(-es) |
auricularis(-es) |
cystica 248.15 |
cerebelli 242.22 |
anteriores 236.27 |
digitales |
cerebri 240.16 |
posterior 238.3 |
dorsales pedis 252.19 |
vermis 242.20 |
axillaris 244.13 |
palmares 244.31 |
insulares 240.25 |
azygos 246.1 |
plantares 252.26 |
intercapitulares 244.29, 252.26a |
basalis 240.22 |
diploica(-ae) 238.24 |
intercostalis(-es) |
communis 230.21, 232.8 |
frontalis 238.25 |
anteriores 234.18 |
inferior 230.26, 232.13 |
occipitalis 238.28 |
posterior 246.13 |
superior 230.22, 232.9 |
temporalis |
superior |
basilica 244.23 |
anterior 238.26 |
dextra 246.2 |
basivertebrales 249.19 |
posterior 238.27 |
sinistra 234.20 |
brachiales 244.17 |
directae laterales 242.10 |
suprema 234.19 |
brachiocephalicae (dextra/sin- |
dorsalis(-es) |
interlobares 156.10 |
istra) 232.28 |
corporis callosi 242.12 |
interlobulares 132.4, 156.12 |
bronchiales 234.5, 246.6 |
linguae 234.29 |
internae cerebri 242.2 |
bulbi penis/vestibuli 250.22 |
profunda |
interosseae |
canalis pterygoidei 236.26 |
clitoridis 250.12 |
anteriores 244.19a |
capsulares 246.28a |
penis 250.11 |
posteriores 244.19b |
cardiaca |
superficiales |
interventricularis anterior |
minimae 232.23 |
clitoridis 252.5 |
232.16 |
parva 232.21 |
penis 252.5 |
intervertebralis 246.15 |
cava |
emissaria(-ae) 240.1, 406.46 |
jejunales 248.21 |
inferior 246.21 |
condylaris 240.4 |
jugularis |
foramen 84.32 |
mastoidea 240.3 |
anterior 238.4 |
opening 186.24 |
occipitalis 240.5 |
externa 238.1 |
valve 186.26 |
parietalis 240.2 |
interna 234.21 |
left, fold of 232.19 |
epigastrica(-ae) |
labialis(-es) |
superior 232.27 |
inferior 250.24 |
anteriores 252.6 |
opening 186.24 |
superficialis 252.4 |
inferiores 236.13 |
cavernosae 164.19 |
superiores 234.15 |
posteriores 250.21 |
centralis(-es) 132.5, 182.36 |
episclerales 244.5 |
superior 236.12 |
retinae 244.4 |
ethmoidales 242.27 |
labyrinthales 238.19 |
cephalica 244.20 |
facialis 236.5 |
labyrinthinae 374.15 |
accessoria 244.22 |
femoralis 252.1 |
lacrimalis 242.28 |
cerebelli 242.18 |
fibulares 252.22 |
laryngea |
cerebri 240.9 |
frontalis(-es) 236.7, 240.13 |
inferior 232.31 |
cervicalis profunda 234.13 |
gastrica(-ae) |
superior 236.4 |
choroidea |
brevis 248.31 |
lateralis atrii ventriculi later- |
inferior 240.29 |
dextra 248.18 |
alis 242.8 |
superior 242.3 |
sinistra 248.17 |
lingualis 234.28 |
ciliares 244.1 |
gastro-omentalis (epiploica) |
lumbalis(-es) 246.11, 246.23 |
anteriores 244.2 |
dextra 248.22 |
ascendens 246.10 |
circumflexa(-ae) |
sinistra 248.32 |
magna cerebri 242.1 |
anterior humeralis 244.13a |
geniculares 252.14 |
marginalis |
iliaca |
gluteales |
dextra 232.20a |
profunda 250.25 |
inferiores 250.3 |
lateralis 252.26b |
superficialis 252.3 |
superiores 250.2 |
medialis 252.26c |
laterales femorales 252.11 |
gyri olfactorii 240.27 |
maxillares 236.22 |
mediales femorales 252.10 |
hemiazygos 246.3 |
media |
posterior humeralis 244.13a |
accessoria 246.4 |
profunda cerebri 240.24 |
scapulae 244.13a |
oesophageales 246.5 |
superficialis cerebri 240.18 |
498 Index
Vena(-ae) |
Vena(-ae) |
Vena(-ae) |
medialis atrii ventriculi later- |
portae hepatis 248.1 |
subscapularis 244.13a |
alis 242.7 |
portales hypophysialis 240.8a |
superficiales 406.48 |
mediana |
posterior(-es) |
cerebri 240.10 |
antebrachii 244.25 |
corporis callosi 242.11 |
membri |
basilica 244.27 |
septi pellucidi 242.6 |
inferioris 252.0a |
cephalica 244.26 |
praecentralis cerebelli 242.23 |
superioris 244.16a |
cubiti 244.24 |
praefrontales 240.12 |
superior(-es) |
mediastinales 234.4, 246.8 |
praepylorica 248.19 |
cerebelli 242.21 |
medullae |
profunda(-ae) 406.47 |
cerebri 240.11 |
oblongatae 242.16 |
cerebri 240.21 |
vermis 242.19 |
spinalis 246.20 |
clitoridis 250.18 |
supraorbitalis 236.8 |
membri superioris 244.8a |
faciei (facialis) 236.14 |
suprarenalis |
meningeae 234.27 |
femoris 252.9 |
dextra 246.32 |
mediae 236.24 |
linguae 234.32 |
sinistra 246.29 |
mesenterica |
membri |
suprascapularis 238.6 |
inferior 248.33 |
inferioris 252.0b |
supratrochleares 236.7 |
superior 248.20 |
superioris 244.16b |
surales 252.13a |
metacarpales |
penis 250.17 |
temporalis(-es) |
dorsales 244.33 |
pudenda(-ae) |
media 236.20 |
palmares 244.34 |
externae 252.2 |
profundae 236.25 |
metatarsales |
interna 250.16 |
superficiales 236.19 |
dorsales 252.20 |
pulmonalis(-es) 230.2 |
testicularis |
plantares 252.25 |
dextra 230.3 |
dextra 246.33 |
musculophrenicae 234.17 |
inferior 230.17 |
sinistra 246.30 |
nasales externae 236.10 |
superior 230.4 |
thalamostriata(-ae) |
nasofrontalis 242.26 |
sinistra |
inferiores 240.26 |
nuclei caudati 242.9 |
inferior 232.4 |
superior 242.4 |
obliqua atrii sinistri 232.18 |
superior 230.27, 230.28 |
thoracica(-ae) |
obturatoria(-ae) 250.4 |
radiales 244.19 |
internae 234.14 |
accessoria 250.24a |
recessus lateralis ventriculi |
lateralis 244.14 |
occipitalis(-es) 234.9, 238.2, |
quarti 242.17 |
thoracoacromialis 244.12, |
240.15 |
rectalis(-es) |
244.21 |
oesophageales 234.7 |
inferiores 250.20 |
thoracodorsalis 244.13a |
ophthalmica |
mediae 250.19 |
thoracoepigastricae 244.15 |
inferior 244.8 |
superior 248.36 |
thymicae 234.1 |
superior 242.25 |
renales 156.9, 246.28 |
thyroidea(-e) |
orbitae 242.24a |
retromandibularis 236.18 |
inferiores 232.29 |
ovarica |
sacralis(-es) |
mediae 236.2 |
dextra 246.34 |
laterales 250.5 |
superior 236.1 |
sinistra 246.31 |
mediana 248.38 |
tibiales |
palatina externa 236.16 |
saphena |
anteriores 252.16 |
palpebrales 244.6 |
accessoria 252.8 |
posteriores 252.21 |
inferiores 236.11 |
magna 252.7 |
tracheales 234.6 |
superiores 236.9 |
parva 252.15 |
transversa(-ae) |
pancreaticae 248.23, 248.30 |
scapularis dorsalis 244.11 |
cervicis 238.7 |
pancreaticoduodenales 248.24 |
sclerales 244.3 |
faciei (facialis) 236.21 |
paraumbilicales 248.16 |
scrotales |
trunci encephali 242.13 |
parietales 240.14 |
anteriores 252.6 |
tympanicae 236.30 |
parotideae 237.28 |
posteriores 250.21 |
ulnares 244.18 |
pectorales 244.10 |
sigmoideae 248.35 |
umbilicalis |
pedunculares 240.30 |
spinales |
sinistra 248.12 |
perforantes 252.12, 252.27 |
anteriores 246.20a |
unci 240.17 |
pericardiacae 234.2 |
posteriores 246.20b |
uterinae 250.13 |
pericardiacophrenicae 234.3 |
spiralis modioli 374.16 |
ventricularis(-es) 232.25 |
pericardiales 246.7 |
splenica 248.29 |
inferior 240.28 |
petrosa 242.24 |
sternocleidomastoidea 236.3 |
ventriculi |
pharyngeales 234.26 |
stylomastoidea 236.31 |
dextri, anterior 232.22 |
phrenicae |
subclavia(-ae) 244.9 |
sinistri, posterior 232.17 |
inferiores 246.22 |
sulcus 6.20 |
vertebralis 234.8 |
superiores 246.9 |
subcostales 246.12 |
accessoria 234.11 |
pontis 242.15 |
subcutaneae abdominis |
anterior 234.10 |
pontomesencephalica anterior |
234.16 |
vesicales 250.8 |
242.14 |
sublingualis 234.31 |
vestibulares 374.17 |
poplitea 252.13 |
submentalis 236.17 |
vorticosae 242.29 |
Index 499 |
Venous |
Venula(-ae) 406.49 |
Vesical |
grooves 30.7 |
macularis |
veins 250.8 |
plexus 406.25 |
inferior 360.13 |
venous plexus 250.9 |
anterior |
superior 360.12 |
Vesicouterine pouch 180.32 |
external vertebral 246.17 |
medialis retinae 360.14 |
Vesicula seminalis 160.20 |
internal vertebral 246.18 |
nasalis retinae |
Vesicular |
of foramen ovale 240.7 |
inferior 360.11 |
lymph nodes, lateral |
of hypoglossal canal 240.6 |
superior 360.10 |
266.9 |
of internal carotid 240.8 |
rectae 156.13 |
ovarian follicles 166.19 |
posterior |
stellatae 156.14 |
Vestibular |
external vertebral 246.17 |
temporalis retinae |
area 286.26 |
internal vertebral 246.18 |
inferior 360.9 |
branches of labyrinthine artery |
prostatic 250.10 |
superior 360.8 |
374.12 |
rectal 250.7 |
Venule 406.49 |
cecum 372.17 |
sacral 250.6 |
Vermiform appendix 124.22 |
fold 142.29 |
uterine 250.14 |
suspensory ligament 178.9 |
ganglion 330.5 |
vaginal 250.15 |
Vermis |
inferior part 330.12 |
vesical 250.9 |
cerebelli 288.16 |
upper part 330.7 |
Venter |
folium 288.27 |
glands |
anterior (musculi |
pyramid 288.29 |
greater 172.3 |
digastricus) 82.8 |
tuber 288.28 |
lesser 172.2 |
frontalis (musculi |
Vertebra(-ae) 2.1a |
labyrinth 370.6 |
occipitofrontalis) 78.8 |
body 2.3 |
ligament 144.11 |
inferior (musculi |
cervicales 2.16 |
lip of limb of osseous spiral |
omohyoideus) 82.17 |
coccygeal 4.37 |
lamina 372.24 |
(muscle) 405.4 |
lumbales (lumbares) 2.28 |
membrane 374.3 |
occipitalis (musculi |
prominens (C7) 2.23 |
nerve 330.2, 330.4 |
occipitofrontalis) 78.9 |
sacrales 4.16 |
nuclei 282.12, 286.9 |
posterior (musculi |
thoracicae 2.24 |
inferior 282.13 |
digastricus) 82.9 |
Vertebral |
lateral 282.15, 286.11 |
superior (musculi |
arch 2.4 |
medial 282.14, 286.10 |
omohyoideus) 82.16 |
artery 206.2 |
superior 286.12 |
Ventral 396.15 |
sulcus 4.9 |
veins 374.17 |
branch |
canal 2.2 |
wall |
great auricular nerve 334.30 |
column 2.1 |
of cochlear duct 374.3 |
spinal nerve 334.9, 334.21 |
joints 56.8 |
Vestibule 374.21 |
region of hypothalamus 302.16 |
foramen 2.10 |
aqueduct 14.15 |
root 334.5 |
ganglion 352.6 |
external opening 14.16 |
sacrococcygeal ligament 56.24 |
nerve 352.12 |
crest 374.24 |
sacrococcygeus muscle 88.3 |
notch |
elliptical recess 374.23 |
sacroiliac ligaments 66.12 |
inferior 2.9 |
of larynx 142.27 |
side of fingers 400.49 |
superior 2.8 |
of mouth 108.3 |
supraoptic commissure 394.13 |
part |
of nose 136.8 |
thalamus (subthalamus) |
of lung 148.12 |
pyramid 374.25 |
296.29 |
of vertebral artery 206.4 |
spherical recess 374.22 |
sections 300.14 |
plexus 352.12 |
of vagina 170.32 |
Ventralis 396.15 |
region 400.9 |
bulb 170.34 |
Ventricle |
vein 234.8 |
fossa 170.33 |
left 184.21, 188.24 |
accessory 234.11 |
Vestibulocochlear |
right 184.21, 188.1 |
anterior 234.10 |
nerve 330.1 |
third 298.1 |
Vertex 28.30 |
organ 370.1 |
Ventricular |
corneae 346.4 |
Vestibulospinal tract 276.23 |
fold 142.29 |
Vertical 396.2 |
Vestibulum(-a) 384.21 |
veins 232.25 |
muscle of tongue 114.26 |
bursae omentalis 176.31 |
inferior 240.28 |
Verticalis 396.2 |
crest 374.24 |
Ventriculus(-i) 120.15 |
Vesica |
elliptical recess 374.23 |
cordis 184.21 |
biliaris (fellea) 134.1 |
laryngis 142.27 |
laryngis 144.1 |
urinaria 156.25 |
nasi (nasale) 136.8 |
lateralis 314.1 |
Vesical |
oris 108.3 |
quartus 286.19 |
arteries |
pyramid 374.25 |
sinister 188.24 |
inferior 224.1 |
spherical recess 374.22 |
terminalis 272.18 |
superior 222.29 |
vaginae 170.32 |
tertius 298.1 |
fold, transverse 180.20 |
Vestigial ductus deferens 170.22 |
Ventromedial hypothalamic nu- |
plexus 350.18 |
Vestigium processus vaginalis |
cleus 304.1 |
surface of uterus 168.13 |
160.31 |
500 Index
Vibrissae 392.8
1Vidian canal 12.12
2intestinales 122.30 synoviales 404.42
Villous folds 122.15 |
3 |
Vinculum(-a) |
breve 92.33 |
4 |
longum 92.32 |
tendinum 92.31, 100.21 |
Visceral |
5 |
ganglia 407.16 |
layer 184.6 |
of tunica vaginalis testis |
6 |
162.3 |
nerve fibers 407.9 |
7 |
nodes 262.13 |
of pelvis 266.5 |
pelvic fascia 174.21 |
8 |
peritoneum 176.26 |
pleura 152.14 |
9 |
plexus 348.2, 408.13 |
surface |
of liver 130.1 |
10of spleen 268.4 Viscerocranium 8.1a Vitreous
11body 362.4
chamber of eye 362.3
12humor 362.9a membrane 362.8
13fold 144.5 ligament 144.13 process 140.14
14Volar 396.42 Volaris 396.42
15Vomer 20.28
ala 20.29 |
16 |
choanal crest 20.30a |
cuneiform part 20.30b |
Vomeronasal cartilage 134.32 organ 136.7
Vomerorostral canal 30.30 Vomerovaginal
canal 30.29 groove 12.9
Vortex cordis 186.2 Vortices pilorum 392.18 Vorticose veins 242.29
White commissure
anterior 276.18 posterior 276.18a
communicating ramus 334.11b laminae 290.12
matter 274.14, 276.17, 406.52 ramus communicans 407.20
of ilium 41.13 of sphenoid
greater 10.23 lesser 10.19
Wisdom tooth 112.24 Wolffian duct 172.32 Wormian bones 30.9 Wrist 40.1, 400.34
Xiphisternal synchondrosis 6.30 Xiphoid process 6.32
bone marrow 404.4 ligaments 56.13
incerta 300.19 orbicularis 66.22
Zonula ciliaris 362.24 Zonular
fibers 362.25 spaces 362.26
Zygapophysial joints 56.14 Zygapophysis
inferior 2.15 superior 2.14
Zygomatic arch 30.12 bone 26.1
border, sphenoid 10.28 branches of facial nerve 328.14 nerve 322.25
frontal bone 18.13 maxilla 22.29 temporal bone 16.16
region 398.21 Zygomatico-orbital
artery 198.5 foramen 26.8 Zygomaticofacial
branch of zygomatic nerve 322.27
foramen 26.9 Zygomaticomaxillary suture
22.13, 54.19 Zygomaticotemporal
branch of zygomatic nerve 322.26
foramen 26.10