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Тема My Speciality 2

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My speciality.
The scientific and technical re volution is sweeping the world. It is acknowledged nowadays thai, technical progress and well-being of a society are unthinkable without the latest achievements of automation, computing machinery and radio-engineering. Today, in all countries which have come to scientific-technical and economical prosperity, special attention is given to production and usage of computers. Modern highly developed scientific production is impossible without using fast working intellectual computers, informational networks. So, the training of specialists m the sphere of computing is becoming increasingly important.
Ail the chairs of our Faculty do their best to tram this kind of specialists. The teaching staff including 5 Doctors and 80 Candidates of Science are actively engaged in research m the topics which they offer in their lecture courses, so the undergraduate lias a good idea of the rapid advances in the discipline. Besides, close links are maintained with industry through, joint research projects and consultancy work.
A proper understanding of such specialities as Automation and Telemechanics, Antotnatic Control System and Computing Machinery needs a good knowledge of physics and mathematics. Therefore, the Faculty pays particular attention to teaching Mathematical Analysis, Analytical Geometry. ^Special attention is given to the following subjects: Impulse Technique,-Analogue and Digital computers, Theoretical foundations of Electro-engineering, etc. The students of our Faculty learn the architecture of commonly used microprocessors, such as Intel 803S6, 804S6T Pentium etc., and design the computer systems. They don't just learn how to use the modern software, but also^o create system utilities, compilers and
C+4-, Visual C, Delphi jgej Thegh^r of^Co^^ig7 has introduced new courses, such as "Designing of Merfacg^m Windows": "Computer Graphics", "Automatic Design of Computers", "Object-Oriented Programming \ "System Resources of Multiprocessors", "System Software", "Artificial Intelligence Systems", "The Architecture of Microprocessors \ "System and Network : : Simulation and Research". Students get profound knowledge in database and < expert systems as well. " - \
The students also gain practical skills hi different laboratories equipped with the most modern devices. Computing is carried out on machines of all sizes from desktop models to the most* expensive central installation.
Great attention is given to foreign languages,^ profound knowledge of which will help the graduates in their work at joint enterprises, firms- etc.
^oinpuitn nas become the most remarkable achievement or the twentieth century. Therefore our age is often called the age of Thinking ! - es,JJomputers play a decisive role in the future development of m mankind and civilization. For example today, global computer network, such as Internet lias become an effective way of commimication. People from 2H over the world participate in teleconferences, cooperate with each pther, work together on different scientific projects'.' Also, by this way computer programmers get a great chance to locate mrbrinaiion m modem