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Подготовка к экзамену / урок_3, итоговый тест на прод. время

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Continuous Tenses

Version 1

I. Укажите предложение, в котором сказуемое употреблено во времени группы Continuous

1. a. She prepares her lessons every.

b. She is to prepare her lessons today.

c. She is preparing her lessons now.

2. a. We shall be waiting for you.

b. We shall be waited for.

c. We shall wait for you.

II. Определите ряд глаголов в указанном времени

1. Present Continuous Active

a. went, were examined, has made.

b. am driving, are delivering, is arriving.

c. is carried, will be shown, had been taking.

2. Past Continuous Passive

а. was being developed, was being tested, were being listened.

b. makes, is brought, will be answered.

c. has been seen, spoke, wаs planned.

3. Future Continuous Active

a. has formed, were solving, choose.

b. is beginning, shall be proved, had obtained.

c. will be building, shall be performing, will be improving.

III. Определите время и залог сказуемого

1. А new film was being discussed when we came.

a. Future Continuous Active.

b. Present Perfect Active.

c. Past Continuous Passive.

2. Who were you speaking with when I saw you yesterday?

a. Past Indefinite Passive.

b. Past Continuous Active.

c. Present Continuous Active.

3. The water is becoming hot.

a. Present Perfect Active.

b. Past Continuous Passive.

c. Present Continuous Active.

4. They will be watching TV from 10 till 12 tomorrow.

a. Present Continuous Passive.

b. Future Continuous Active.

c. Future Indefinite Passive.

5. This laboratory is being equipped with new instruments now.

a. Present Continuous Passive.

b. Future Continuous Passive.

c. Present Perfect Active.

IV. Выберите правильный перевод сказуемого

1. Numerous questions were being discussed by the commission at the yesterday’s meeting.

а. обсуждались; b. были обсуждены; c. будут обсуждаться.

2. Now he is meeting his British colleagues at the airport.

a. встретил; b. должен встретить; c. встречает.

3. The new material is being explained to the students now.

a. объяснялся; b. объясняется; c. объяснили.

V. Определите предложение, соответствующее русскому

1. Группа экспертов проводила эксперимент.

a. A group of experts was carrying out the experiment.

b. A group of experts was to carry out the experiment.

c. A group of experts has carried out the experiment.

2. Много внимания уделяется в настоящее время развитию международных научных контактов.

a. Much attention is given to the development of international scientific contacts.

b. Much attention is being given to the development of international scientific contacts at present.

c. They are giving much attention to the development of international contacts.

3. Когда я приезжал в Москву в 1936 году, там строилась первая линия метро.

a. When I came to Moscow in 1936 the first Metro line had already been built there.

b. When I came to Moscow in 1936 the first Metro line was being built there.

c. When I came to Moscow in 1936 they were building the first Metro line there.

VI. Вставьте обстоятельство времени, соответствующее Continuous Tenses.

Dostoyevsky was being kept in prison ….

а. manу years ago; b. from 1876 to 1880; c. recently.

VII. Вставьте нужную форму глагола

1. John ... through newspaper when the telephone rang.

a. will look; b. was looking; c. is looking.

2. The students of our group ... at the laboratory all day tomorrow.

a. will be working; b. will work; c. are working.

3. His diploma project ... now.

a. was discussed; b. is discussing; с. is being discussed.

4. My daughter ... the flowers now.

a. waters; b. is watering; c. is being watered.

5. My TV-set ... when I came.

a. was being repaired; b. has been repaired; c. is repaired.

VIII. Употребите глагол в скобках в указанном времени

1. Mr. Black (to speak) over the telephone at this moment. (Present Continuous Active).

2. When I returned home my mother (to make) dinner (Past Continuous Active).

3. A new district (to build) in this city now (Present Continuous Passive).

4. The room (to paint) when I entered it (Past Continuous Passive).

Continuous Tenses

Version 2

I. Укажите предложение во времени группы Continuous

1. a. This work is done every day.

b. This work is being done now.

c. This work is to be done.

2. a. Were they to mix these salts?

b. Were these salts mixed?

c. Where were they mixing these salts?

II. Определите ряд глаголов в указанном времени

1. Present Continuous Passive:

a. enters, had been completed, was shown.

b. is being worked, are being kept, am being taught.

с. shall stay, said, has taken.

2. Future Continuous Active:

a. will be talking, shall be moving, will be traveling.

b. will propose, appeared, has been considered.

c. was believed, shall be tested, returned.

3. Past Continuous Active:

a. has graduated, will snow, feels.

b. were being discussed, swam, are taking.

c. was burning, were developing, was reading.

III. Определите время и залог сказуемого

1. Не was showing me his house when the letter was brought.

a. Past Indefinite Passive.

b. Past Continuous Active.

с. Present Continuous Passive.

2. The problem was being studied by the scientists for some years.

a. Past Perfect Active.

b. Present Continuous Active.

c. Past Continuous Passive.

3. The secretary will be typing these documents the whole day tomorrow.

a. Future Continuous Active.

b. Past Perfect Active.

с. Future Indefinite Passive.

4. She is holding a pen, but she is not writing now.

a. Past Continuous Active.

b. Present Perfect Active.

c. Present Continuous Active.

5. You are being waited for near the station.

a. Present Indefinite Active.

b. Present Continuous Passive.

c. Future Continuous Active.

IV. Выберите правильный перевод сказуемого

1. The new railway is being tunneled through the mountain.

a. собираются проложить; b. прокладывается; c. проложена.

2. Workers were building the new house for some months.

а. построили; b. строят; c. строили.

3. Tourists were being shown this museum all the morning today.

a. показывали; b. показали; c. покажут.

V. Определите предложение, соответствующее русскому

1. Штат лаборатории заканчивает работу на приборе.

a. The staff of the laboratory finished the work on the apparatus.

b. The staff of the laboratory is to finish the work on the apparatus.

c. The staff of the laboratory is finishing the work on the apparatus.

2. Этот известный Лондонский музей строился более 5 лет.

a. This famous London museum was being built for more than 5 years.

b. This famous London museum was built 5 years ago.

c. This famous London museum was to be built 5 years ago.

3. Рабочие еще устанавливали новое оборудование, когда начался новый семестр.

a. Workers have installed the new apparatus recently.

b. Workers were still installing the new apparatus when the new term began.

c. Workers had already installed the new apparatus when the new term began.

VI. Вставьте обстоятельство времени, соответствующее Continuous Tenses

The famous Egyptian pyramids at Gaza were being built ....

a. 100 years ago; b. last century; c. for 40 years.

VII. Вставьте нужную форму глагола

1. The question ... for two days before the meeting.

a. was discussed; b. was being discussed; c. has discussed.

2. The foreman ... his pupils nоw.

a. was being instructed; b. will be instructed; c. is instructing.

3. She ... for her exam all the day tomorrow.

a. will prepare; b. will be preparing; с. is being prepared.

4. A new hotel ... in our street now.

a. is being built; b. was built; c. is building.

5. The teacher ... the first-year students when the dean came.

a. is being examined; b. examined; с. wаs examining.

VIII. Употребите глагол в скобках в указанном времени

  1. Students of our group (to have) a lecture on chemistry now (Present Continuous Active).

  2. Professor N (to listen) to with great interest (Past Continuous Passive).

  1. The room (to clean) at this moment (Present Continuous Passive).

  1. When I came home my father (to work) in the garden (Past Continuous Active).

  1. Pupils (to write) their test-works for 2 hours (Future Continuous Active).