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Forestry Policy plan (3)

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Forestry Policy plan

The forestry Policy Plan outlines the government’ intentions for

forests and forestry for the period 1994-2020, Sustainable conservation and development in necessary to safeguard the little that is still there. Replanting new forests and woodlands is also needed to satisfy the needs of as wide a range of community as possible.

The three main goals of the Plan:

All Forests and woodlands areas are part of the national ecological network, a system of interconnected nature areas. The government wants to enhance forests nature values by adding areas of regeneration to older mixed stands. Eighteen per cent of all forested area has to be entirely dedicated to nature conservation.

Better forest uses:

Basically all forests will have to be made more attractive for outdoor recreation. This means more per sent mixed forest and old forest and no large scale clearings. The multi-purpose land is to encourage by providing a grand scheme for private estate owners who take particular care to preserve the different uses and who public access to their grounds. An additional grant is given owners whose grounds are sites of particular natural grant increased. This also means increased timber harvest from the existing forests and from newly planted forests.

Forest expansion:

The need for more forests and woodlands is greatest in the densely populated areas such as West Holland conurbation. Other areas near towns and cities will also be afforested with the help of government funds. New forests will also have to be planted in rural areas. This means that in 21st century the Netherlands will have over 400 000 ha of forests and woodlands.