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192 Radiology of Thoracic Trauma

Case 2.98



Signalment/History: “Chu” was a 6-month-old, male Sharpei with a history of post-prandial vomiting over the previous few days. An esophageal obstruction was suspected because of “toys” that were missing from the home.

Radiographic procedure: Routine thoracic studies were made followed by a positive contrast esophagram.

Radiographic diagnosis (thorax): Two large sharply marginated, thin-walled, fluid and air-filled saccular structures with two separate compartments were noted within the caudal thorax dorsally on the midline. It was thought they represented air-filled caudal mediastinal masses. The caudal trachea was displaced ventrally supporting the diagnosis of a mediastinal mass. The right caudal lobe bronchus was shifted laterally and ventrally with minimal collapse. A bronchial pattern caused the presence of “ring signs” and “tram lines”. The ribs were expanded markedly. Skin folds falsely suggested a pneumothorax on the DV view.

Esophageal injury 193



Radiographic diagnosis (esophagram): A gastric hiatal hernia of the fundic portion of the stomach was identified following the use of a double contrast study with barium sulfate mixed with air. It extended cranially to the level of T7. Rugal folds were seen extending across the line of the diaphragm confirming the hernia. An increased density of the accessory lung lobe suggested aspiration pneumonia plus a possible atelectasis. The dog’s swallowing function was normal under fluoroscopy; however, the esophagus was redundant at the thoracic inlet and caudal to the heart shadow.

Comments: Conducting the radiographic study was complicated by difficulty in positioning of the patient and there was a question of whether the saccular structure was filled with fluid or air. The bronchial pattern indicated probable chronic aspiration with secondary chronic bronchitis.

194 Radiology of Thoracic Trauma

Case 2.99



Signalment/History: “Widgie”, a 4-month-old, male Sharpei, was presented with a history of anorexia for two weeks. It was suspected that he had been “bothered” by dogs belonging to the neighbors. The dog was in acute depression, hypothermic and in shock.

Radiographic procedure: Radiographs were made of the thorax.

Radiographic diagnosis (noncontrast): A large, sharply marginated soft tissue density mass in the right hemithorax was located dorsally with a portion appearing to extend into the caudal left hemithorax. The mass was thought to be a pulmonary mass or a caudal mediastinal mass. In addition, there was a widening of the cranial mediastinum. The bronchus to the accessory lobe was displaced laterally and an air-bron- chogram pattern in the right caudal lobe suggested pneumonia or an atelectic lobe. The bronchial pattern in the left cranial lobe suggested chronic inhalation. The prominent skin folds were typical for the breed.

Esophageal injury 195



Radiographic diagnosis (esophagram): A gastric hiatal hernia of the fundic portion of the stomach with rugal folds extending into the thoracic cavity was identified. The increased density of the accessory lung lobe was more clearly defined suggesting aspiration pneumonia and/or atelectasis. The lateral displacement of the left accessory lobe bronchus was apparent as in the noncontrast study. The formation of a bolus and its passage to the thoracic inlet was normal under fluoroscopy. A redundant esophagus began at the thoracic inlet, with the dilated esophagus extending caudally to heart.

Treatment/Management: The lesion in “Widgie” had an unusual radiographic appearance since it was fluid-filled. This made the possibility of a solid tumor-like mass more likely.

“Widgie” responded successfully to treatment for shock while hospitalized. He was not operated immediately and the aspiration pneumonia was ignored. When he began to vomit blood four days later, he was euthanized at the owner’s request.

At necropsy, the entire stomach, left lateral liver lobe, the papillary process of the caudate liver lobe, and the spleen were herniated into the thoracic cavity. A 2-cm-in-diameter erosion was found on the mucosal surface of the stomach and may have been the source of the acute hemorrhage. The extensive herniation of abdominal contents was not noted on the original radiographs and appeared to have been acute. Severe secondary aspiration bronchopneumonia was detected at necropsy.

Comments: “Widgie” should have been operated on sooner.

196 Radiology of Thoracic Trauma

Case 2.100



Signalment/History: “Shammie” was a 5-year-old, female Toy Poodle with an acute history of coughing and vomiting. The referral diagnosis was an esophageal foreign body with a secondary bronchitis/pneumonia.

Physical examination: The examination provided little information.

Radiographic procedure: Routine thoracic radiographs were followed by an esophagram that included a fluoroscopic examination.

Radiographic diagnosis (noncontrast): A large sharply defined, thin-walled mass was located in the dorsocaudal right hemithorax. The mass contained a granular-like pattern suggestive of ingesta mixed with air. The mass was thought probably not to be pulmonary.

As a result of the mass, there was a ventral displacement of the carina. There was also a slight infiltrative pattern within the left caudal lung lobe that could have been due to pneumonia. The cardiac shadow was within normal limits. The air-filled gastric shadow was within the abdominal cavity as was the liver. The right hemidiaphragm was flattened and was located caudal to the left hemidiaphragm. No evidence of thoracic wall injury was noted. The air-filled stomach suggested panic breathing.

Esophageal injury 197



Radiographic diagnosis (contrast study, VD views only): The fluoroscopic examination and esophagram demonstrated a generalized esophageal dilatation with prominent caudal esophageal sacculation. The gastroesophageal junction was located in its normal position. The barium sulfate entered the stomach under fluoroscopic control; however, the dilated esophagus exhibited only weak peristaltic activity. The gastro-esophageal junction was again noted to be in a normal position.

Treatment/Management: “Shammie” was operated. The caudal esophagus was a “bladder-like” structure 3 x 4 cm in diameter with walls that were 2–4 mm thick. This structure was removed surgically with closure of the esophageal defect. The esophagus was adherent to the surrounding lung lobes making removal of the right caudal and accessory lobes necessary. Postsurgical hemothorax coupled with pre-existing pneumonia resulted in cardiac arrest immediately after the surgery, resulting in the death of the patient.

The etiology of the esophageal diverticulum was not determined.

Comments: Note that the intrathoracic mass did not fit the shape or position of any of the lung lobes and is therefore not likely to be of pulmonary etiology. On several of the studies, the right caudal bronchus was markedly displaced laterally. The mixed pattern of air and fluid density was unlike that found in pulmonary disease. This lesion fitted a diagnosis of an esophageal diverticulum. The radiographs were over-exposed and were not of maximum value in the determination of lung disease.

198 Radiology of Abdominal Trauma

Chapter 3

Radiology of Abdominal Trauma








The value of abdominal radiology


Radiology is a diagnostic tool used in the investigation of ab-


dominal trauma, which can be easily performed in an inex-


pensive, quick, and safe manner, providing rapid results on


which to base decisions relative to diagnosis and /or treatment.


The x-ray image allows the visulisation of the abdominal or-


gans if the abdominal fat provides sufficient contrast. Good


contrast outlining the location and status of the gastrointesti-


nal organs can also be provided by air, ingesta, and feces con-


tained in the hollow organs. Radiographic contrast studies


permit the evaluation of both the gastrointestinal and urinary


tracts, either anatomically or functionally.


The radiographic evaluation of abdominal radiographs of a


traumatized patient should be performed in an organized man-


ner and include the systematic examination of all the anatom-


ic structures including the peripheral soft tissues, surrounding


bony structures, retroperitoneal space, peritoneal cavity,- in


addition to the solid abdominal organs, and the hollow viscera.



Indications for abdominal




The abdominal organs are thought to be more vulnerable to trauma than the thoracic organs probably because they are not protected by a bony case. Iatrogenic trauma can result from perforation due to the passage of a urinary catheter or following endoscopy, organ laceration following paracentesis, inadvertent ligation during surgery, or the development of postsurgical strictures or adhesions. The rupture of abdominal organs in trauma patients can result in peritoneal hemorrhage, bacterial peritonitis, bile peritonitis, uremic peritonitis, or pancreatitis, all of which can create a similar radiographic pattern. Abdominal injury due to trauma may be limited, but often it involves injury to the intrathoracic structures, diaphragm, vertebrae, and pelvis as well (Table 3.1).

The clinical situations suggesting the need for abdominal radiography include: (1) patients with a known or suspected abdominal trauma, (2) patients who are vomiting, (3) patients who are not producing urine, (4) patients in shock, and (5) trauma patients prior to surgery.

Table 3.1: Injury to specific abdominal organs secondary to trauma may include

1.Body wall (Cases 3.12, 3.13, 3.14, 3.15, 3.16 & 3.19)




2.Abdominal organs

a.liver – displacement, rupture, subcapsular hemorrhage, herniation, lobe avulsion (Cases 2.32, 2.42, 2.50, 2.51, 2.99 & 2.100)

b.gall bladder – rupture, avulsion, herniation (Cases 2.9 & 2.51)

c.spleen – torsion, subcapsular hemorrhage, herniation, rupture (Cases 2.16, 2.42 & 2.99)

d.pancreas – rupture (Case 2.9)

e.stomach – herniation, rupture, volvulus, aerophagia (Cases 2.14, 2.99, 2.100, 3.3 & 3.4)

f.bowel – herniation, mesenteric torsion/volvulus, perforation/rupture, infarction, obstructive ileus, paralytic ileus (Cases 2.9, 2.42, 2.51, 3.10, 3.13, 3.16, 3.18 & 3.22)

g.kidney – subcapsular hemorrhage, rupture, avulsion, acute hydronephrosis, renal artery injury (Cases 2.50, 3.20, 3.24 & 3.35)

h.ureter – rupture, acute hydroureter, avulsion (Cases 3.20, 3.23, 3.24,

3.29& 3.35)

i.urinary bladder – rupture, intramural hemorrhage, intraluminal hemorrhage, avulsion, herniation, retained catheter (Cases 3.18, 3.19,

3.20& 3.21)

j.urethra – avulsion, rupture, foreign body (Cases 3.12, 3.22, 3.25, 3.26, 3.27, 3.28, 3.29 & 3.30)

k.prostate gland – herniation (Case 3.20)

l.mesentery – tear, herniation, torsion (Cases 2.16 & 3.36)

m.uterus (Cases 2.43, 3.31 & 3.34)

The clinical signs of patients with abdominal trauma can vary from profound shock due to blood loss to those showing only lameness due to an associated musculoskeletal injury. A careful physical examination may be able to determine injuries in addition to those clinically apparent.

3.1.3Radiographic evaluation of abdominal radiographs

There are two basic methods of radiographic evaluation. The first technique is to “memorize” the appearance of all disease or pathologic changes that might be found in a traumatized abdomen, and then examine the radiograph looking carefully for those changes. An approach of this type is taken by traditional textbooks of medicine, in which diseases are presented with a description and an illustration of the typical radiological appearance. The difficulty with this approach is similar to the difficulty found in applying textbook knowledge to the reality of a sick animal. Clinical information of the traumatized



Radiographic features in abdominal trauma 199



patient is often indefinite and ambiguous. It is the same with


Radiographic features in


the information available from a radiograph. In many patients,


abdominal trauma


the radiological picture of a disease is not “typical”, and the







textbook approach therefore may lead to confusion or mis-

Positioning of the patient influences the appearance of the ab-



dominal organs. In certain trauma patients, the manner of po-


A more accurate method of radiographic evaluation uses the

sitioning is determined by the nature of the injury. In others,


positioning can be selected for the radiographic study that is


identification of particular radiographic “signs” or “features”

felt to offer a better opportunity of evaluating a particular ab-


that are indicative of pathophysiologic changes, and an under-

dominal organ. For example, in a dog with a known abdomi-


standing of the diseases in which such signs or features are

nal injury it is possible to consider placing the injured area


known to occur. The number of these signs is much less in ab-

next to the tabletop in an effort to achieve the smallest object-


dominal radiography than in thoracic radiography.

film distance. However, in the event of a suspected spinal frac-

Any successful examination of a radiograph must be systemat-

ture, it may be better to use a DV positioning and not risk


fighting with the patient to obtain a view in which the spine


ic in order to ensure that all parts of the radiograph are com-

would be next to the tabletop, thereby causing further injury


pletely examined. The best system is anatomical and includes

to the spine. It is not possible to make any firm recommenda-


the conscious examination of each anatomical structure with-

tions in the case of trauma patients, though the effect of posi-


in a given region in the body. Start the radiographic examina-

tioning on the appearance of the organs in the differing posi-


tion by evaluating the gastrointestinal tract. The stomach

tions needs to be understood before an interpretation is made


usually contains either air and/or ingesta permitting its iden-

(Table 3.2).


tification. The duodenal loop often contains air and is located





against the right abdominal wall on the DV view and lies





within the midabdomen on the lateral view. Small bowel

Table 3.2: Effect of positioning on the appearance of abdominal


shadows are scattered in a nondescript pattern. In contrast, the




cecum and colon are specific in location and can be identified





1. Left side down, lateral view


by the presence of feces.


a. the gastric gas bubble moves into to the pyloric antrum and the




Identification of the ventral liver margin and adjacent splenic

duodenum is located in the ventral portion of the cranial abdomen


b. the left crus of the diaphragm is more cranial.


shadow is often incomplete and is dependent on the fat with-

2. Right side down, lateral view


in the falciform ligament. The margin of the head of the

a. the gastric gas bubble moves into the fundus of the stomach located


spleen is best seen lateral to the stomach shadow on the

dorsally just caudal to the left crus


DV/VD projection. The renal shadows can be clearly seen if

b. the right crus of the diaphragm is more cranial.


the perirenal fat provides sufficient contrast. The urinary

3. Dorsoventral view


bladder is identified more easily if it is partially distended.

a. the gastric gas bubble fills the dorsal portion of the fundus of the


Overlying small bowel and colonic shadows may make iden-

stomach creating a circular shadow on the left side of the abdomen


tification of the bladder difficult or impossible.

in contact with the left crus


b. the separation between the cupula and the dorsal crura is shorter and




Study of the periphery of the abdomen should include the di-

often is a distance of the length of 1–2 vertebral bodies


4. Ventrodorsal view


aphragm, vertebrae, pelvis, perivertebral space, abdominal


a. the gastric gas bubble occupies the pyloric antrum creating a linear


musculature, and the pelvic inlet. Spurious or artifactual radi-


pattern that crosses the midline


ographic changes seen in the abdominal wall include shadows

b. the separation between the cupula and the dorsal crura is longer and


caused by nipples, skin nodules, skin folds, wet hair, dirt, and

often is a distance of the length of 2–3 vertebral bodies


bandaging material. Subcutaneous fluid, subcutaneous air, and





subcutaneous fat alter the appearance of the abdominal wall.





These vary widely, being dependent on the patient and the nature of the injury.

The stage of respiration has little effect on the radiographic appearance of the abdomen, although it is better to make the exposure on expiration, when the abdominal cavity is at its greatest size. As a consequence, the diaphragm is more cranial and convex and has greater contact with the heart on expiration than inspiration. This position results in a superimposition of a part of the heart shadow over the diaphragm. A portion of the caudal lung lobes can be identified on most abdominal radiographs.


200 Radiology of Abdominal Trauma

Peripheral soft tissue trauma

fluid may even be grossly septic due to the rupture of a hol-


The muscles of the abdominal wall can be identified radi-

low viscus or following a puncture wound with a lesion


ographically because the layers of fat adjacent to the peri-

through the abdominal wall.


toneum and between the muscle layers all provide good tissue

It is usually not possible to determine the character of peri-


contrast. The pattern seen on the radiograph varies widely de-


pendent on the obesity of the patient. This tends to make

toneal fluid from a radiograph. However, certain generaliza-


identification of the muscles easy and any injury to the ab-

tions can be made. The larger the quantity of fluid, the more


dominal wall that results in edema/hemorrhage accumulation

likely it is to be effusive or urine. The more focal it is, the


tends to cause a blending of the muscle layers together on a ra-

greater is the possibility that the fluid is septic or hemorrhag-


diograph. Indeed, the radiographic diagnosis of edema or

ic. Paracentesis can be helpful in making a determination of


hemorrhage in the abdominal wall is made by the failure to

the nature of the fluid.

easily identify the normal radiolucent muscle stripes. In addi-

The detection of peritoneal fluid can be a difficult radi-


tion, the abdominal wall may contain gas shadows with the gas


lying free within the layers of the abdominal wall or just be-

ographic finding and depends on the distribution of the fluid


neath the skin following a puncture wound. A major form of

in the abdomen and the amount present (Table 3.3). A large


peripheral soft tissue trauma is organ herniation with displace-

quantity of fluid that is distributed throughout the abdomen


ment of solid abdominal viscera outside the abdominal cavity

causes abdominal distention with a marked loss of contrast, so


through a diaphragmatic, paracostal, inguinal, perirenal, ven-

that the serosal surfaces of the bowel loops can no longer be


tral, or umbilical tear or rupture. If airor ingesta-filled bow-

identified. If there is a large quantity of fluid, it comes into


el loops are herniated, their identification is relatively easy to

contact with the urinary bladder, liver, spleen, and abdominal


make on the radiograph regardless of the location of the her-

wall making it impossible to identify these normally easily


niation. In comparison, if solid parenchymatous organs are

identifiable structures. With a large amount of fluid, bowel


herniated, the ability to identify them is dependent on the

loops tend to “float” and be separated from each other. It is


contrasting surrounding tissue environment. For example, if

difficult to move fluid within the peritoneal space to improve


the spleen is paracostal and surrounded by contrasting sub-

radiographic diagnosis and thus, there is little value in using


cutaneous fat, it will be visible on the radiograph, whereas if

positional radiographic techniques. This contrasts markedly


the liver is intrathoracic and surrounded by pleural fluid, it will

with the value in observing the movement of fluid within the


not be possible to identify it radiographically.

pleural cavity.


Often soft tissue swellings are detected on physical examina-

If the volume of fluid is small, or is localized, the radiograph-


tion and suggest the possibility of hernia, but such findings on

ic diagnosis is even more difficult. This diagnostic problem


palpation need to be differentiated from hematomas, seromas,

can occur with suspected pancreatic injury where the pancre-


or freely moving blood/or edema. The use of oral contrast

atitis is localized or in a focal injury to the bowel with a local-


agents assists in the identification of herniated bowel, while

ized septic peritonitis. Compression studies, if performed


the use of intravenous urographic contrast agents assists in the

gently, can be helpful in moving normal abdominal structures


localization of a herniated urinary bladder.

away from the site of injury to enhance visualization of the


traumatized organ. Identification of a foreign body within the


peritoneal cavity can be made easier using compression that


The detection of fractures of the surrounding bony structures

shifts the overlying small bowel loops.


can suggest trauma to the adjacent abdominal viscera. A pa-

Re-evaluation of the peritoneal space is indicated in patients


tient with a rupture of the urinary bladder or urethra can have


an associated pelvic or lumbosacral fracture/luxation. Frac-

that fail to recover from trauma in an expected manner, since


ture/luxations of the vertebrae in conjunction with abdomi-

it is possible that bleeding in the peritoneal cavity cannot be


nal injury can be overlooked because of their not causing any

identified until hours after the trauma, when the patient’s


obvious or detectable neurologic signs or problems in loco-

blood volume has been restored and the blood pressure has re-


motion at the time of trauma.

turned to normal. Peritonitis may also not be evident on ear-




ly radiographs. fluid

There are numerous causes of peritoneal fluid. The fluid can result from hemorrhage and be due to laceration or crushing of the liver, gall bladder, spleen, pancreas, or kidneys; though it is possible the fluid may only be irritative in its etiology. A uremic peritonitis can follow rupture of the urinary bladder or injury to the urethra or ureter at the bladder neck. An additional source of peritoneal fluid results from volvulus, torsion, or incarceration of the bowel. It is possible for the peritoneal fluid to become infected because of bowel wall injury and the



Radiographic features in abdominal trauma 201

Table 3.3: Radiographic features of peritoneal fluid

Abdominal air can be present for a period of several days to



several weeks following laparotomy, abdominal paracentesis,

(Cases 2.14, 3.5, 3.8, 3.10, 3.11, 3.15, 3.17, 3.21, 3.22, 3.24, 3.29 & 3.30)

or the use of pneumoperitoneography as a diagnostic tech-


Loss of contrast between abdominal organs

nique and can be mistaken for air associated with a traumatic


Failure to identify

event. An accurate clinical history is important in such cases.

a.liver margin


c. urinary bladder

Table 3.4: Radiographic features of peritoneal air






d. serosal surface of bowel





(Cases 3.9, 3.10 & 3.15)


e. abdominal wall


1. Air pockets can be identified


3. Bowel loops in a patient with peritoneal effusion


a. between liver and diaphragm


a. appear to float


b. adjacent to kidneys

b. are widely separated

c. between stomach and diaphragm or around stomach

4. Increase in tissue density within the peritoneal space

2. Air creates triangular or circular-shaped pockets if located between


5. Distended abdomen


bowel loops







3. Bowel wall thickness is identified because of the air in the bowel lumen




and the air in the peritoneal cavity. This means that the air contrasts

Peritoneal air

with both serosal and mucosal surfaces of the bowel wall.






The presence of peritoneal air may follow the perforation or





rupture of a hollow viscus, rupture of the urinary bladder, or

Retroperitoneal fluid


a perforating wound through the abdominal wall. Peritoneal


air tends to remain in small pockets and is difficult to identify

If fluid comes from an injured kidney or ureter and is blood or


radiographically, because it lies within the mesenteric and

urine, it often remains retroperitoneal and can be identified


omental folds. Also the air bubbles are distributed over a large

radiographically by a large fluid-dense mass lying in a periver-


portion of the abdomen and are not seen in one pocket, be-

tebral location that effects the position of the adjacent organs


cause most abdominal radiographs are made with the patient

(Table 3.5). The renal shadows can remain visible because they


recumbent (Table 3.4).

hang ventrally into the peritoneal space. A caudodorsal accu-


If a large amount of air is present, diagnosis is easier. The air

mulation of fluid may create a mass-like effect and result in the


ventral displacement of the descending colon and rectum.


tends to accumulate around the liver if the radiograph is made





with the patient in lateral positioning. Both sides of the di-

Vertebral fractures can be associated with injuries causing the


aphragm are visible due to the pulmonary air cranially and the

presence of retroperitoneal fluid. It is also possible for fluid to


free peritoneal air caudally. On the DV view, the air can gath-

accumulate in the retroperitoneal spaces within the pelvic


er around the kidneys and make them more easily visualized.

cavity due to hemorrhage secondary to a pelvic fracture.


This can be difficult to understand since the air is peritoneal





and the kidneys are retroperitoneal; however, the kidneys are





freely movable so that peritoneal air contrasts sharply with

Table 3.5: Radiographic features of retroperitoneal fluid


their margins. An important radiographic sign is the sharp





(Cases 2.50, 3.18, 3.21 & 3.23)


identification of both the serosal and mucosal surfaces of a


1. Retroperitoneal space


bowel wall indicating that peritoneal air is present.




a. increase in size


The easiest method of confirming suspected peritoneal air is

b. increase in fluid density


c. disappearance of radiolucent perivertebral fat shadows


to make a radiographic study using a horizontal x-ray beam.


d. non-visualization of sublumbar muscles (quadratus lumborum,


By positioning the patient on the x-ray table in lateral recum-

psoas major, psoas minor)


bency for 10 –15 minutes prior to making the exposure, the air

2. Kidneys




collects in the uppermost portion of the abdominal cavity and

a. displaced ventrally


creates a pocket that can be more easily identified beneath the

b. incomplete visualization


abdominal wall. Using the left lateral positioning of the patient

c. asymmetry of renal size


permits the gas to collect between the right diaphragmatic crus

3. Descending colon and rectum are displaced ventrally


and the liver. It can be more readily identified in this location

4. Associated fractures


because the peritoneal air is away from, and so not confused

a. vertebral


with, the air in the fundus of the stomach. While this tech-

b. pelvic




nique has a high percentage of accuracy in the detection of the





free air, it is not commonly performed because of the time and effort to achieve it.