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ASP .NET Database Programming Weekend Crash Course - J. Butler, T. Caudill.pdf
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Session 2—Setting Up .NET


Figure 2-1 The ASP.NET QuickStart Tutorial Page

Testing Your Installation

To test your installation, you can simply begin walking through the default sample applications by running the QuickStart Tutorials discussed in the previous section. These tutorials are broken down into the categories shown in Table 2-3:

Table 2-3 QuickStart Tutorials

In This Category

You’ll Find . . .

Getting Started

An introduction to ASP.NET and a summary overview of each


of the core languages. We highly recommend that you review


the discussion on language support here to familiarize yourself


with Visual Basic .NET and C#.



ASP.NET Web Forms

A discussion of the fundamentals of designing pages, using


server controls, accessing databases and building business


objects with ASP.NET. This should be your next stop in the tour


of tutorials.



ASP.NET Web Services

A few good examples to familiarize yourself with the concepts


of creating and using Web Services.





Friday Evening

Table 2-3


In This Category

You’ll Find . . .

ASP.NET Web Applications

A cursory overview of what an ASP.NET application is, how to


handle state within the application and how the global.aspx


file is used.



Cache Services

A good overview of how all of the new caching features are


handled including, output, fragment and data caching.




Details about the machine.config and the Web.config files,


which are critical in supporting major aspects of how your


application operates from security and state maintenance


to localization.




A high-level overview on the benefits of the .NET Framework


for deploying applications.




A good summary of the multiple methods available to support


authentication and authorization for your application and Web






Information on how to handle date/time, encoding and other


format-related issues when targeting multiple languages.


You’ll also find a high-level overview of using resource files


to support language localization.




An discussion of how the new tracing functionality can help


you keep your sanity when debugging applications.




The basics of the new visual debugger and how to turn


debugging on for testing.




A high-level overview of the positive and negatives related


to the in-process and out-of-process state maintenance.



ASP to ASP.NET Migration

The key differences in ASP and ASP.NET. This is a great starting


point for those of you familiar with developing for ASP.



Sample Applications

Consists of several excellent sample applications, including


a Personalized Portal, an E-Commerce Application, A Class


Browser Application, and the best example of all the


IBuySpy.com application which covers many of the most


crucial elements you will need to understand such as user


logins, shopping baskets, the use of n-tier development best


practices, and the use of Web services. An absolute must





Session 2—Setting Up .NET


You will likely face challenges if you have previously installed beta versions of the .NET Framework SDK. If you have installed beta versions, plan to reinstall the operating system prior to installing the production version. Even though the beta versions were fairly stable, anytime you try and simply install production bits over beta bits you are likely to create problems.

Support for .NET

There are a tremendous number of newsgroups and knowledge base articles available on-line to support your development efforts. In order to help you identify some of the more popular support groups available on-line that are specific to ASP.NET and ADO.NET, please refer to Table 2-4.

Table 2-4 Support Resources for ASP.NET and ADO.NET


Type of Support


MSDN Online Newsgroups






ASP.NET Homepage

Web Site





Cold Rooster Consulting

Web Site





ASPNG Discussion Lists

Discussion List





IBuySpy Homepage

Web Site






Web Site






You should now be on your way to developing! If you run into issues, be sure to check http://msdn.microsoft.com and http://support.microsoft.com for additional troubleshooting tips.


1.What are the minimal requirements for installing the .NET Framework? (See “Installation Requirements.”)

2.Can you successfully use the .NET Framework on Windows 95? (See “Installation Requirements.”)

3.List two on-line resources that provide support on ASP.NET or ADO.NET?

(See “Support for .NET.”)