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1 Grampp W.D. The Manchester School of Economics. L., 1960. P.5-9; Read D. Cobden and Bright. Victorian political partnership. L., 1967. P.103; Bowen J. Cobden. L.,1935. P.41 и др.

2 Grampp W.D. Op. cit. P.48; Read D. Op. cit. P.103; Vincent J. The Formation of the British Liberal Party. 1857-1868. L., 1972. P.70; Woodward L. The Age of Reform. 1815-1870. Oxf., 1862. P.120.

3 The Illustrated London News. Vol.30. 1857. №855. 25 April; The Later Correspon­dence of lord John Russel. 1840-1878 / Ed. by A.Ch. Benson and Viscount Esher. Vol.2. L., 1907. P.103; Калиновский Б.O. О развитии и распространении идеи свободной торговли и о применении ее к положительным законодательствам в главных западноевропейских государствах. Спб., 1859. С.140; Фишель Э. Государственный строй Англии. Спб., 1862. С.510; Cанктпетербургские ведомости. 1855. 8 мая, 21 мая и др.

4 Macqilchrist J. Richard Cobden, the Apostle of Free Trade, his political career and public services. A biography. L., 1865; Cobden-Sanderson A. Richard Cobden and the land of people. L., 1866.

5 Rogers J.E.Th. Cobden and modern political opinion. L., 1873. P.VI.

6 Ibid. P.VII-X.

7 Morley J. The Life of Richard Cobden. Vol.1-2. L., 1908.

8 Cooke F. A short life of Richard Cobden. L., 1904.

9 Dawson W.H. Richard Cobden and Foreign Policy. L., 1926. P.210, 229, 235-239.

10 Bowen I. Op. cit.

11 Edsall N.C. Richard Cobden. Independent Radical. L., 1986; Hinde W. Richard Cob­den. A Victorian Outsider. New Haven; L., 1987.

12 Smith G.B. The Life and Speeches of The Right Honourable John Bright, M.P. L., 1882. P.V; Robertson W. Life and Times of The Right Hon. John Bright. L.; Paris; N.Y., 1883.

13 Apjohn L. The Life of John Bright. L., 1891.

14 Trevelyan G.M. The Life of John Bright. L., 1913.

15 Ausubel H. John Bright, Victorian Reformer. N.Y., 1966; Sturgis J. John Bright and the Empire. L., 1969.

16 Read D. Op. cit. P.117; McCord N. Cobden and Bright in politics. 1846-1857 // Ideas and Institutions of Victorian Britain / Ed. by R.Robson. L., 1966. P.87-114.

17 McCord N. The Anti-Corn-Law League. 1838-1846. L., 1958. P.9, 15, 18, 29, 31-33.

18 Grampp W.D. The Manchester school... L., 1960; ejusdem. Economic Liberalism. Vol.2. N.Y., 1965.

19 Woodward L. Op. cit. Oxf., 1962; Briggs A. The age of improvement. L.; N.Y.; Toron­to, 1959. P.314-317.

20 Royle E., Walwin J. English Radicals and Reformers. 1760-1848. Brighton, 1982; Adelman P. Victorian Radicalism. The middle-class experience, 1830-1914. L.; N.Y., 1984. P.1-3, 17-18. 21. 25-28.

21 Thomas W. The Pholosophic Radicals. Nine Studies in Theory and Practice 1817-1841. Oxf., 1979; Tyrell A. Joseph Sturge and the Moral Radical Party in Early Victorian Britain. L., 1987.

22 Bulmer-Thomas I. The Growth of British Party System. Vol.1. 1640-1923. L., 1965.

23 Stewart R. The Politics of Protection. Lord Derby and the Protectionist Party. 1841-1852. Cambr., 1971; Conacher J.B. The Peelites and the Party System. 1846-1852. Newton Abbey, 1972; Vincent J. The Formation of the British Liberal Party. 1857-1868. L., 1972.

24 Apjohn L. Wiiliam Ewart Gladstone. His Life and Times. L., 1899; Gash N. Sir Robert Peel. L., 1972; Judd D. Palmerston. L., 1975; Southgate D. “The Most English Minister”... The policies and politics of Palmerston. L.; Melbourne; Toronto; N.Y., 1966.

25 Уольполь С. Иностранная политика Англии. Спб., 1885; Gleason J. The Genesis of Russophobia in Great Britain. Cambr., 1950; Anderson O. A Liberal State of War. English Politics and Economics during the Crimean War. L.; Melbourne; Toronto,1967; Dunham A.L. The Anglo-French Treaty of Commerce of 1860 and the Progress of the Industrial Revolution in France. Ann Arbor, 1930.

26 Morell W. British Colonial Policy in the age of Peel and Russel. Oxf., 1930; Schuyler R. The Fall of the Old Colonial System. A Study in British Free Trade. 1770-1870. L.; N.Y.; Toronto, 1945; Silver A.W. Manchester men and Indian Cotton. 1847-1872. Manchester, 1966; Semmel B. The Rise of Free Trade Imperialism. Cambr., 1970.

27 Мортон А., Тэйт Дж. История английского рабочего движения (1770-1920). М., 1959; Ward J.T. The Factory Movement. 1830-1855. L., 1962.

28 Ausubel H. In Hard Times. Reformers among the Late Victorians. N.Y.,1960; Adelman P. Gladstone, Disraeli and Later Victorian Politics. L., 1970; Best G. Mid-Victorian Britain. 1851-1875. Frogmore, 1970; Seaman L. Victorian England. 1837-1901. L., 1973.

29 Trevelyan G.M. British History in the nineteenth century and after (1782-1919). L., 1937; Он же. Социальная история Англии. М., 1959; Мортон А. История Англии. М., 1950 и др.

30 Trevelyan G. M. The Life... P.166; Woodward L. Op. cit. P.119; McCord N. The Anti-Corn-Law League... P.15, 29.

31 Bowen I. Op. cit. P.41; Bulmer-Thomas I. Op. cit. P.88; Adelman P. Victorian Radi­calism... P.15,17.

32 Vincent J. Op. cit. P.130.

33 Briggs A. Op. cit. P.314,316.

34 См., напр.: Мортон А. Указ. соч. С.336-337; Мортон А., Тэйт Дж. Указ. соч. С.134.