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I. Read the passage and identify the game. Fill in the blanks with these prepositions.

at between by into of on to with in

________is played ________two teams ________ a court ________a three-metre-high basket ________each end. There are five players ________each team and up to seven substitutes. The aim ________ the game is to score points ________throwing the ball ________the basket. Players run along, bouncing the ball, and passing it ________each other until one of them scores.

//. Which is correct or more likely?

A Did you see the match between / with Chelsea and Leeds last week? Some of the crowd threw bottles and things to / at the players. One of them - it must / might: have been Morris, I couldn't see properly - was hit on/at the head and was taken to hospital with/by concussion. Apparently, he's still in hospital.

В He might / must have been quite seriously hurt, then. But, you know, I don't real feel sorry for people like that - I think footballers are paid far too much these days.

A Oh, really? I do/don't. After all, despite / although they earn a lot for a few years. ~. doesn't last for ever.

В Yes, but look at Mills. Despite/Although getting away / out of the game at the age of 30, he's a millionaire. I certainly wouldn't mind being a millionaire at that age.

A So /Neither would i!

///. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. Look up any words you don't know.

1. This golf i__ s one of the best in the country.

a) court b) course c) pitch d) track

2. After 5,000 metres Johnson was still __ the lead.

a) at b) on c)to d) in

3. In this race they run four __ of the track.

a) laps b) rounds c) turns d) courses

4. The crowd went wild when he __the winning goal.

a) beat b) scored c) won d) served

5. The surfer fell off his __into the waves.

a) sledge b) beard c) board d) paddle

6. He was __ from the championship after they discovered he had been taking drugs.

a) defeated b) disqualified c) lost d) aimed

7. The champion knocked him out in the fourth ____.

a) round b) part c) game d) challenge

8. I hope I'll be fit enough to__ the race tomorrow.

a) take part in b) take part of c) take part on d) participate

9. An ice __ match is very exciting to watch.

a) skating b) hockey c) polo d) puck

10.While she was serving, a string __ in her racket.

a) cut . b) broke c) tore d) blew

11 .When the __ landed, the point stuck in the ground.

a) discus b) shot c) hammer d) javelin

12.They __ gracefully over the ice.

a) slipped b) skidded c) skated d) rushed

13.His __ is so fast that I can hardly see the ball. ;

a) saving b) servant c) reservation d) service

14.He had to pull out of the race with a __ ankle.

a) sprained b) cramped c) broken d) long

15.The _____sped from the bow towards the target.

a) dart b) rod c) arrow d) bullet

16.The championships are __ every two years.

a) had b) made c) taken d) held