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Write about any amateur competition you watched or took part in. Make use of the expressions concerning sporting success or failure.

Ex. 11 Go through the text quickly. Prove that the British are a sporting nation.

How Sporting Are the British?

The list of sports invented by the British is a long one. It includes football, golf, lawn tennis, badminton, cricket, rugby, squash, billiards and snooker. In Britain today sport is almost a national obsession. Sport occupies 40 per cent of the news pages of the popular newspapers.

"Many of you British," said Carlos, "are more interested in sport than in anything else. I've discovered there's a special telephone number which you phone during international cricket matches. It gives you the latest score!"

"Yes", said Anne. "The British are a very sporting people. They knight their most famous footballers and cricketers."

"Doesn't 'sporting' have another meaning?" asked Carlos. "Isn't a person who is 'sporting' supposed to believe in 'fair play'?

"You rarely hear people use it in that sense now," said Anne.

"It's an old public school tradition," said Charles. "It dates from the nineteenth century when people thought sport developed character and team spirit. People played just for the love of the game - they were all amateurs. But today, big sport is professional and top players can make a lot of money."

Team games are not as popular as they were in the 1950s. The sports which grew fastest in popularity in the 1970s and 1980s were all sports for individuals, like swimming, cycling, snooker. Team games also tended to draw fewer spectators, especially football though international matches and cup matches, in all the major sports, still filled the grounds. Motor-racing, on the other hand, more than doubled its popularity, and golf became a major spectator sport.

Television has had an enormous influence on sport. Darts, snooker, golf, and cycling have found regular places in TV programmes. Thanks to television, darts has become ar international game, played by professionals. American football and Japanese sumo, wrestling have won over British TV fans.

More and more British people take exercise to keep fit and this is running Britain from a nation of spectators to a nation of doers.

Class Discussion

Ex. 12 Answer the questions.

1. Sport develops character and team spirit. Can you add any other points in favour of sport?

2. What influence has television on sport? Is there too much spectator sport on television? Some people say that spectator sport should be stopped. What is your opinion?

3. Britain is becoming a nation of doers, not the nation of spectators. Is it better to play a sport badly than to spend time and money watching experts perform it?

4. How great a proportion of leisure is spent on sport in your country? Which are the most popular sports in your country both for spectators and for participants?


Write a composition on one of the following topics.

  1. Is it possible to have international amateur sport?

  2. Can sport ever be drug-free?

  3. How important is sponsorship in sport?

Ex. 13 Read the conversations and discuss the points that arise.

A. Footballers' Pay


I really don't see why footballers get such high salaries.


Neither do I. After all how much work do they do? A couple of hours a week.


Well it's a kind of entertainment, I suppose. The money that film stars and pop singers get is just as ridiculous.


And it affects the sport. The players are thinking all the time how much money they're taking home and how much they're worth if they transfer to another club.


Yes, it's not the team that counts any more.


But it's funny how the fans still follow a club.


I wasn't thinking of that so much as the actual way the game's played. Nowadays it's a series of individuals doing clever things with the ball but no teamwork.


Oh, I'm not certain of that. To win you've still got to play as a team. I remember only last month when West Ham played Wolves...

Class Discussion

Ex. 14 Answer the questions.

  1. How much money should sportsmen get for sport?

  2. How much does the team count and how much the individual player? Should players be loyal to a club or team?

  3. Has the style of sport changed in recent years? In what ways?

В. Women's Sport


Did you see the gymnastics on television last night? The Russian girls were very good, 1 thought.


Yes, it's nice to see a sport in which women are actually superior to men.


That's the kind of thing only a man would say. Some women are very good at sport.


Only at the sports that don't need strength. Have you ever seen women playing football? It's pathetic.


Not all sports need strength. Women are good at things that need grace and skill. Like gymnastics.


That's right: different but equal.


I'm not so certain. Even in the sports that need grace, a good man is often better than a good woman.


But look at skating. Men make figure skating a display of muscles.


Yes, figure skating's like dancing. And there women definitely excel.


There have been male ballet dancers, you know.


Really, men are impossible! Nothing but prejudice.

Class Discussion

Ex. 15 Answer the questions.

1. Which sports need strength, which grace?

2. Should women play all sports or only some? Why?

3. What is the difference between sport and art? Is figure skating a sport? Ballet? Gymnastics?

Ex. 16 Read the following mixed comments on the participation of children in top-class international sports, like tennis, gymnastics, swimming. Add some of your own if possible.

It's unnatural for young people to earn so much money.

It's natural to exploit their talents.

They wouldn't do it if they didn't want to.

Their parents are pushing them.

They miss out on all the other enjoyments of youth.

They have fun and see the world.

They learn to be independent very early.

They don't have many friends of their own age.

Use these ideas to practise the 'balance' phrases below.

1....., but on the other hand,.....

2. On the one hand, ..... while on the other hand,.....

3.....; however,.....

4....., but.....

5.....; at the same time,.....

5. For some ...., whereas for others.....

Ex. 17 Read the letter to the Editor and complete the gaps with

despite / although

Despite several bad injuries in his career, Muhammed Ali was never knocked out. -

followed by a noun phrase

Although he was badly injured several times in his career, Muhammed Ali was never knocked out. –

followed by a verb phrase

a) although

b) as soon as

c) before

d) despite

e) however

f) in spite

g) since

33 Elm Wood Drive


Dear Sir,

After watching the discussion about boxing on television last night, I felt I must write to you. (1)_____ I saw this programme, I had not given any thought to the dangers of boxing (2) _______ thanks to уour programme, I am now keenly aware of the dangers, particularly of brain damage. (3)_________ the government seems unwilling to ban boxing (4)______ the evidence that it is harmful, it seems that the general public must make a stand.

I am particularly concerned about the dangers to young boys who attend boxing clubs. (5) _________ they step into a ring, they are in danger. But, (6)_______ of all the publicity about the harmful effects of boxing parents still let their sons attend these classes. (7) ________I believe that people should be free to choose their own sports, I feel that boxing is not a sport and should be banned.

I should like to invite your readers to write to me and tell me their own views on this matter. If there is sufficient support, I shall start а ‘Ban boxing' campaign.

Yours faithfully,

J.R. Samson


Write a letter to Mr Samson, giving your views about the dangers of boxing. Here is the beginning of each paragraph of your letter:

Dear Mr Samson,

I was interested to read у our letter about the dangers of boxing. In my view,...

I can understand your concern for children who go to boxing classes. My own opinion is that...

You mention that you are thinking about starting a 'Ban-Boxing' campaign. I think that...

Yours sincerely,

Class Discussion

'Vicious sports should be banned' Do you agree or disagree with this statement Give your reasons.

Ex. 18 Choose the answers you agree with most and discuss them with your group mates.

1. International sport is important because

a) people from different countries can meet each other.

b) countries can show how good they are.

c) it's cheaper and less harmful than wars.

d) it sets a standard for playing sports.

e) it makes money for the organising country.

2. Sport is important to the individual because

a) it keeps him healthy.

b) it builds his character.

c) it gives something to do with his leisure.

d) it enables him to meet people.

3. People who play sports should be

a) unpaid amateurs.

b) paid a certain amount but not enough to live on.

c) paid by the government.

d) professionals who earn their living by sport.

4. The most important aspect of an indoor game is

a) its educational value.

b) its amusement value.

c) the time it takes.

d) its cheapness.

b. Which type от sports do you prefer?

a) sports in which one individual usually competes against another individual (e.g. tennis)

b) sports in which teams compete against each other (e.g. football)

c) sports in which there is usually no direct competition between individuals or teams (e.g. recreational skiing)

6. Which are the most popular games in your country?

a) card games such as bridge

b) board games such as chess and draughts

c) commercially produced games such as Monopoly

d) none of these

7. Do you prefer to

a) watch other people playing sport?

b) play sport yourself?

c) watch sport on television?

d) have nothing to do with sport?

8. Do you think people who are not interested in sport are

a) lazy?

b) silly?

c) sensible?


Write briefly on one of the following topics.


1. People's true character is revealed in games.

2. Should vicious sports be banned?

3. Which is more important — to watch or to take part?

4. A letter of admiration to your favourite sportsman or sportswoman.


1. Write a paragraph from your novel in which the hero, after months of hard training, goes out on the track for the 1500 metres final.

2. Sport divides more than it brings together. Write a part of a magazine article that you submit on this theme.

Revision and Consolidation