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Task 1. Find these words and expressions in the text. Explain their meaning in English. Then look them up in the dictionary to check their translation if necessary. Give an example of the situation in which these words and phrases can be used.

An auspicious beginning, to make halting speech, to castigate the flippancy, to hold the attention of the audience, exquisite timing, the gamut of emotions, unexpected denouement, consternation, to look drab, a conjurer, to cut in with the reply, to suppress, odiousness, to take on a sardonic colour, to be rattled, awkward gestures, miraculous virtuosity, hankering for goodness, to be brutally mocked.

Task 2. Match each word from the reading with its synonym. Make up sentences with the words from the text. Give an example of the situation in which these words and phrases can be used.

1) auspicious

a) shocked

2) startled

b) vain

3) halting

c) hesitant

4) tirade

d) thoughtlessness

5) castigate

e) speech

6) flippancy

f) criticize

7) idle

g) favourable

8) exquisite

h) fine

9) gamut

i) to deceive

10) denouement

j) solution

11) to cod

k) hide

12) to conceal

l) to interfere

13) consternation

m) fear

14) drab

n) to deride

15) to cut in

o) range

16) to mock

p) faded

Task 3. Fill each gap with one word. Then re-read the text if necessary.

1. It was a(n) __________ beginning for the theatrical________.

2. There had been great _________after each ________and at the end a dozen ________ calls.

3. There had been a final ________of the entire company and then the _______ had struck up the National Anthem.

4. Julia, pleased, excited and happy, went to her__________.

5. With her exquisite timing, with the modulation of her beautiful voice, with her command of the _______of emotions, she had succeeded by a miracle of technique in making it a thrilling, almost spectacular _________to the play.

6. The whole ________had been excellent with the exception of Avice Crichton.

7. Avice's one big _______was in the second _________.

8. This she had worn at the dress __________.

9. Its brilliance, the way it took the light, attracted the attention of the_________.

10. The scene which was devised to be extremely amusing took on a sardonic __________.

11. Julia took the scene _________from her and played it with miraculous virtuosity.


Write a review of a play you have recently seen and liked or disliked.

Because the performance of any play is such an ephemeral experience, writing a play review can be an exciting, though difficult, task. You have to be both spectator taking in and enjoying the performance and critical analyst of the production itself. You have to be able to provide a very brief summary of the play, a close objective analysis of the performance you attend, and an interpretation and evaluation of the entire ensemble of staging, acting, directing, and so on. Remember: a review should guide and inform. A mere telling of the story is not a review. While writing follow the tips:

1. The name of a play.

2. What theatre staged the play?

3. Story (plot): Is it by a well-known author? Is the story origi­nal? True to life? Were any significant cuts made in the script? What is the climax of the story? Is the ending logical?

4. Direction: Who directed the play? Is the director trying to “say” something new of different? Was your sense of the play somehow inaccurate, or were you shown new insights by the director’s production?

5. Acting: Name the leading characters. Are there any stars? How did the actors deliver their lines (seriously, comically, realistically, formally)? True-to-life inter­pretation of characters?

6. Sound and “special” effects: Were any “special” effects utilized (consider lighting, sound, audience participation, machinery)? Did the dialogue seem real? Did actors speak effectively? Was the music suitable?

7. Critics: What do critics say about the play? Do you share their points of view?

8. General impression and conclusion: The impression the play made on you. How was the effect achieved? Do you think this play is worth seeing?