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Word Study

Exercise 1. Match pairs of synonyms.

Huge, drop, manufacture, conveyor, usual, product, technique, automobile, great, produce, success, business, fall, assembly line, method, firm, factory, car, commonplace, triumph, item, plant.

Exercise 2. Which is the odd one in the following lists of words?

  1. Cut, rise, lower, sink, drop, fall, decrease, go down.

  2. Customer, competitor, consumer, buyer, client.

  3. Succeed, gain, fail, get, triumph, accomplish,

  4. Conveyer, assembly line, tool, highway, machinery, equipment.

  5. Arrange, organize, form, include, set, establish, found.

  6. Chief, average, main, major, important, key, leading, principal, central

  7. Include, involve, have, innovate, possess, contain

Exercise 3. Match up the words below to form verb-noun collocations from Text B. Then use them in the sentences of your own.

1) to open

3) to cut

5) to meet

7) to innovate

2) to gain

4) to add

6) to perform

8) to increase

a) parts

c) techniques

e) operations

g) costs

b) plant

d) output

f) reputation

h) demand

Text Study

Exercise 1. Find in the text the English equivalent for the following:

надежный недорогой автомобиль; средний класс; гоночные автомобили; подавляющее большинство; среднестатистическая семья; воодушевленный успехом; удовлетворять спрос; поточно-массовое производство; повышать выпуск продукции; производственный метод; доступный каждому; занял первое место; нефтяная промышленность; возникновение многих малых предприятий;

Exercise 2. According to the text are the following statements true or false?

  1. Henry Ford gained a national reputation as a designer and driver of racing cars.

  2. Henry Ford formed the Ford Motor Company in 1910.

  3. The vast majority of Ford’s early competitors succeeded brilliantly.

  4. Henry Ford was determined to build low-priced cars for a mass production.

  5. Ford assembly line allowed to cut the time and costs of car production.

  6. By the mid-1930’s automobile ranked first in value of product among American industries.

  7. The motor car changed the way of life of the American nation in the first half of the twentieth century.

Exercise 3. Give facts from the text to explain the following statements:

  1. The vast majority of Ford’s early competitors failed because … .

  2. The Ford Motor Company cut manufacturing costs because … .

  3. In 1910 Henry Ford opened a new plant because … .

  4. The mass production techniques significantly increased the standard of living of the average American family because … .

  5. Within two years the time it took to produce a Ford car dropped from twelve hours to ninety minutes because … .

  6. Business locations and residential patterns became more decentralized because … .

Exercise 4. Write short paragraphs on the basis of the given statements by adding details and proofs. Then read and discuss them.

  1. Ford assembly line was a new economic philosophy and a new way of managing.

  2. The American society and economy was restructured by the motor vehicle.

  3. Henry Ford remains a folk hero to millions of people throughout the world who continue to identify him as the father of mass personal automobile and mass production.

Exercise 5. Read text C without a dictionary. Find information to complete the table given below the text.

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