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Text Study

Exercise 1. Answer the following questions:

  1. What led to the discovery of countless techniques for processing raw materials and distributing manufactured goods?

  2. Whose work influenced the production of more food?

  3. What did Mendel discover?

  4. What was the significance of Mendel’s discovery?

  5. What helps farmers produce more crop to-day?

  6. How did knowledge and new technics change the use of natural resources?

  7. How has the Industrial Revolution transformed the character of labour?

  8. What part do machines play in scientific research work?

  9. What are the key factors that have changed ways of life in the last hundred years?

Exercise 2. Say whether these statements are true or false and give your arguments.

  1. Charles Darwin made a great contribution to the production of more food.

  2. Nowadays farmers can produce more per man-hour of work than two hundred years ago.

  3. Scientific progress has not changed the use of traditional natural resources. We still go to the forest for berries and nuts and catch fish in seas and rivers.

  4. At present time people use the same sources of energy as thousands years ago.

  5. From the earliest times people used tides as a source of energy.

  6. The result of the Industrial Revolution was increased labour productivity.

  7. Modern machinery makes labour safer and easier.

  8. In spite of all complicated instruments and machines the character of scientific work has not changed.

  9. The speed and efficiency of transport are of great importance for modern industrial societies.

  10. Modern science is an accelerator of technological and social progress.

Exercise 3. Think of questions for the following answers:

  1. Science plus technology is a key to a better material life.

  2. Because of chemistry and use of modern machinery farmers can produce more per man-hour of work.

  3. Traditionally people used forests mainly for berries, fruits, nuts, game, and firewood.

  4. Two thousands years ago people already learned how to mine and melt most of the minerals we use today.

  5. Steel bridges, trains and ships came into existence only after new techniques of making steel had been discovered.

  6. Steam and electric power have made it possible for each worker to produce far more.

  7. Electronic instruments and machines enable scientists to reveal the secrets of the universe.

  8. The developments of science and technology, introduction of mechanization have led to increased productivity and efficiency of labour.

Exercise 4. Write a short summary of text A according to the following plan:

  1. The title of the text I have read is …

  2. The text is about …

  3. The author starts by telling the reader …

  4. The author writes (states, stresses, thinks, points out) that …

  5. The text goes on to say that…

  6. In conclusion …

Part II

Exercise 1. Read the headline of Text B and choose in the list given below 10 words which you expect to come across while reading the text.

1) car

6) scientist

11) industry

2) worker

7) automatic

12) price

3) money

8) manufacture

13) agriculture

4) street

9) competition

14) environment

5) bus

10) highway

15) tool

Exercise 2. Look through Text B and identify the words meaning:

автомобиль, шасси, экспериментальный, национальный, репутация, продукт, массовый, специализированный, материалы, экономический, минута, индустрия, станция, мобильность, парк, эквивалент.

Exercise 3. Read Text B and get ready to answer the following questions:

  1. What was Henry Ford?

  2. When did he build his first automobile?

  3. When and where did Ford form his company?

  4. What problem did Ford try to solve?

  5. What was typical of the new plant opened in 1910?

  6. How did mass production techniques affect the standard of living of the average American family?

These words will help you to understand the text:

attempt (v) – пытаться, пробовать

attempt (n) – попытка, проба

competition (n) – конкуренция

competitor – конкурент, соперник

fail (v) – потерпеть неудачу

success (v) – преуспеть

success (n) – успех

available (adj.) – доступный; имеющийся в распоряжении

afford (v) – позволять себе

cut (v) – снижать

costs (n) – затраты, издержки

market (n) – рынок

innovate (v) – вводить новшества

innovation (n) – новшество, нововведение

possess (v) – обладать, владеть

assembly line – сборочный конвейер

drop (v) – падать, снижаться

drop (n) - понижение, снижение

demand (n) – спрос

arrangement (n) – расположение; устройство; организация

arrange (v) – располагать; устраивать

conveyor (n) – конвейер, транспортёр

department (n) – отдел; цех

install (v) – устанавливать; монтировать

standard of living – жизненный уровень

customer (n) – заказчик; покупатель

annual (adj) – ежегодный

output (n) – выпуск, продукция; выход продукции; объём производства

real estate - недвижимость

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