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Part III

These words will help you understand the text:

accommodate (v) – предоставлять жилье

residence (n) – жилище, резиденция

lodging (n) – квартира

undergraduate (n) – студент последнего курса

with the exception of (n) – за исключением

laundry (n) – прачечная

pantry (n) – буфетная

arrange (v) – устраивать

Exercise 1. Read text D and answer the following questions:

  1. Where do the students of Aberdeen University live?

  2. What facilities has a member of traditional halls of residence?

  3. What does a complex of student flats comprise?

  4. What does each flat consist of?

  5. What is lodging?

Text D

Students of Aberdeen University live either at home or in one of the University residences or in lodgings. Almost one half of the totals of undergraduates are offered places in University residences. A number of traditional halls of residence accommodating about 200 men and women was built over the last twenty years. These halls in which almost all students have single study-bed-rooms with wash-hand basins, provide all meals with the exception of weekday lunches. Each is centrally-heated and has many facilities including laundries, game rooms and other common rooms, shops and snack bars.

In addition to these halls a complex of student flats is located at Hillhead with accommodation for further 936 students. This comprises a series of houses, three storeys high and containing six flats, each of which consists of six single study-bedrooms with pantry, cooking, washing and other facilities. Residents in these flats may choose to do some light cooking for themselves or arrange to have all their meals in the Hillhead central dining hall.

There is a long tradition in the University to stay in lodgings. Lodging is “bed and breakfast” accommodation in a private house. There is a wide variation in the individual taste and requirement of students in the lodgings they wish to have.

Exercise 2. Suggest a suitable title for text D.

Exercise 3. Give the summary of text D according to the following key-points:

  1. traditional halls of residence;

  2. student flats;

  3. a lodging;

Exercise 4. What are H. and P. talking about? Render their talk in Russian.

Dialogue: Student Housing

H. Where do you study, Pete?

P. I study at University of East Anglia.

H. Where do the students of the University live?

P. One half of the students at our University lives in University residences. First-year students who want to live in the residences are guaranteed a place.

H. I am married. I am interested in student housing. Can you tell me anything about it?

P. Yes, I can. On University Plain there are places for 1500 students in study-bed rooms, half of them in the celebrated pyramid-shaped residences. The design is based on self-contained groups of 5 to 14 rooms, mainly single, and each with its own washbasin.

H. Where do they cook for themselves?

P. If you want to cook for yourself, you can use the dining kitchen included in each group of rooms. Students provide their own breakfast.

H. Oh, we prefer to live in flats and lodgings.

P. Some students live in flats and lodgings near the University. But this kind of accommodation is difficult to find. If you want to live in non-university accommodation, you should start “house-hunting” as soon as you possibly can.

H. Can the University guarantee to provide accommodation for married students?

P. No, it cannot. But there are ten double rooms on University Plain for students married on UEA students with no children, and a few places for married students with children.

H. Is there a nursery and playgroup in the University village?

P. There is a nursery and playgroup, run by the University, providing care for children from 6 weeks old to school age.

H. Thank you for the information. I am going to be a student of your University.

Exercise 5. Express the central idea of the dialogue in English.

Exercise 6. Compose short dialogues using the following words and word combinations:

accommodation; “house-hunting”; to live in one of the University residences or lodgings; to have single study-bedrooms; to be centrally heated; to have many facilities; washbasin; to cook; to provide care for.

Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:

1. One half of the students live … University residence.

  1. There are places … 1,500 students … study-bedrooms.

  2. The design is based … self-contained groups … 5… 14 rooms, mainly single.

  3. You can cook …yourself …the dining kitchen.

  4. My friends prefer to live … flats and lodgings.

  5. My sister lives … non-university accommodation.

  6. The Institute does not provide accommodation … married students.

  7. There is a nursery and playgroup, run … the University, providing care … children in the University Village.

Exercise 8. Read the abstract and write a dialogue on the basis of it.

Hundreds of thousands of students from other countries annually come to the United States to study. Most have a rewarding academic and personal experience and return to their home country well prepared to begin or resume a career. For a few, the experience may be disappointing. The difference lies in planning and knowing the facts well in advance.

Many foreign students considering an educational experience in the United States fail to get information and advice based on their individual needs and abilities, as well as the differences in American colleges and Universities. As a result, they may enter an educational institution in the United States with expectations that cannot be fulfilled.

Study in the United States may or may not be appropriate for you. Before you begin, you should think about the following;

  • you will need about one year to complete the application process.

  • study in the United States is expensive. You will need a minimum $20,000 per year.

Exercise 9. Write an essay about students clubs, unions or societies at your University.

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