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In Washington

1. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

exhibit – экспонат: Many exhibits were donated to the Academy museum.

slavery – рабство: Lincoln fought for the abolition of slavery.

rebel – мятежный: Rebel colonies declared their independence.

sense of humor – чувство юмора: He has a good sense of humor.

small pox – оспа: Small pox is an infection disease.

murder – убийство: Murder is a heinous crime.

assassination – убийство по политическим мотивам: A terrorist group plotted an assassination.

2. Analyze the morphological structure and meaning of these words:

headstone, injustice, pastime, doorman, gunshot.

3. Listen to the text and complete the sentences:

1. The museum at Ford's Theatre was created to show Abraham Lincoln's … and … .

2. Some exhibits explain Lincoln’s attitude to … .

3. Lincoln's favorite pastime was … .

4. One can see objects related to Lincoln's … .

5. Lincoln's murder was the first of an American president.

4. Listen to the text again and answer the following questions:

1. What can visitors to the museum learn? 2. What is Abraham Lincoln remembered for? 3. What illustrates Lincoln’s sense of humor? 4. What plays did he like? 5. When was Abraham Lincoln shot? 6. What was he wearing at the moment of his murder? 7. What happened to that thing? 8. What question do visitors often ask?

3. Secret to Avoiding Summer Crowds in Washington: Wait for Fall

1. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

embassy – посольство: There are many embassies in Mosfilm Street in Moscow.

chancery – канцелярия: Embassy business is carried out in the chancery.

mansion – особняк, дворец: Beautiful old mansions are situated in the historical centre of Moscow.

call attention – привлекать внимание: Our guide called attention to an interesting monument.

honorary citizenship – почетное гражданство: A person is awarded honorary citizenship for outstanding achievements.

secure – гарантировать: Negotiators are still trying to secure the release of the hostages.

the United Nations – ООН: Almost all countries have their representatives in the United Nations.

2. Listen to the text and complete the sentences:

1. Washington has more than … diplomatic and consular offices.

a) one hundred seventy;

b) one hundred thirty;

c) one hundred ninety.

2. An embassy usually consists of

a) several buildings;

b) a residence and a chancery;

c) a big mansion.

3. Many diplomatic buildings in the capital once were

a) private mansions;

b) specially build;

c) governmental buildings.

4. The British Embassy is

a) the largest one;

b) the most beautiful one;

c) the oldest one.

5. Delegates from the United States, Britain, the Soviet Union and China met at Dumbarton Oaks in

a) nineteen forty-four;

b) nineteen forty-five;

c) nineteen forty-three.

6. The United Nations was established in

a) nineteen forty-four;

b) nineteen forty-five;

c) nineteen forty-six.

3. Listen to the text again and answer the following questions:

1. How many embassies are there in the Embassy Row? 2. Where does an ambassador usually live? 3. Where are the finest embassies situated? 4. What is the Embassy of Indonesia famous for? 5. “Who” welcomes visitors of the British Embassy? 6. What was the purpose of the Dumbarton Oaks Conference?