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Perfect Tenses (Passive)

Утвердительная форма

The text

has been



The text

had been


before the lesson began.

The text

will have been


by 6


Отрицательная форма

The text

hasn’t been



The text

hadn’t been


before the lesson began.

The text

won’t have been


by 6 tomorrow.

Вопросительная форма


the text





the text



before the lesson began?


the text

have been


by 6 tomorrow?

The text

has been


this morning, hasn’t it?

The text

will have been


by 6 tomorrow, won’t it?



the text



before the lesson began?

Краткий ответ

Yes, it

No, it

Yes, it

No, it





The Forms of the Infinitive






to write

to be writing

to have written


to be written

to have been written

Notes: 1. Разница в значении между Continuous Infinitive, Perfect Infinitive, Indefinite Infinitive та же, что и между Present Continuous, Present Perfect и Present Indefinite. 2. Ин­фи­нитив страдательного залога употребляется: а) как и в русском языке после модальных глаголов (без частицы to) и их эквивалентов (The work must be done today.); б) пос­ле глаголов to want, would like, hope и др. (Не wanted to be told about it.).

The Functions of the Infinitive





То read the books describing the history of your country is very interesting.

Читать книги, описывающие историю твоей страны, очень интересно.

It was pleasant to speak with him.

Было приятно поговорить с ним.

Часть сказуемого

My intention is to get into parliament.

Моя цель – пройти в парламент

Students must take exams every year.

Студенты должны сдавать экзамены каждый год.

They began to study law last year.

Они начали изучать право в прошлом году.


Не asked her to come.

Он попросил ее прийти.

I know him to be the best lawyer in this town.

Я знаю, что он лучший юрист в городе.


I have brought you a book to read.

Я принес тебе книгу почитать (которую ты можешь почитать).


Laws are not made to be broken.

Законы создают не для того, чтобы их нарушать.

They went to Sherlock Holmes Museum to see his “personal things”.

Они пошли в музей Шерлока Холмса, чтобы посмотреть его «личные вещи».


1. Translate the sentences:

a) 1. He has studied English for two years. 2. They have been to the USA this year. 3. He has never been to London. 4. Have you passed your exam yet? 5. I haven't seen her this morning. 6. He has been very busy since he entered the institute. 7. I had been at home for an hour when my friend came. 8. The student will have passed the exams by the end of the week. 9. By 5 o'clock we had finished our work. 10. By that time the students had already gone to the institute. 11. The policeman hasn’t found the wrongdoer yet.

b) 1. A great number of discussions had been held before the law was adopted. 2. New methods of teaching have been worked out at our institute. 3. His report will have been discussed by 5 o'clock. 4. They have already been informed about the meeting. 5. Old buildings will have been destroyed by the end of the month.

c) 1. Our business is to coordinate the work of local administrations. 2. He was the first to enter the room. 3. George will be the last to leave. 4. We wanted to visit one of the museums to be found in the city. 5. These things are not to be spoken of. 6. To know this subject well you must read a lot. 7. He is too young to be a politician. 8. He must have already written the letter. 9. They might have already come.

2. Make the sentences passive:

1. The students will have received a wide education by the end of the university course. 2. He had already read the recent masterpiece of this remarkable writer. 3. He has already passed his examinations. 4. We shall have developed a new education programme by the end of June.

3. Choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

1. We (have read, have been read, shall have read) the book about England by the end of the week. 2. The development of English law (has influenced, has been influenced) by university teaching. 4. By eight o'clock he (has returned, had returned) from the institute. 5. By the time he was 30 he (had written, has written) his bestseller.

4. Make up: a) general and disjunctive questions to the following sentences; b) special questions to the words in black type:

1. This man had gone through a long period of training before he became a good lawyer. 2. The students have been provided with the material for their reports. 3. My brother entered the university this month. 4. The gifts will have been prepared by the end of the week. 5. We have already submitted the reports for the annual scientific conference.

5. State the forms and the functions of the Infinitives and translate the sentences:

1. It is acceptable to wash or dry clean an American flag when it is soiled or otherwise dirty. 2. The second part of the exams to pass this year consists of history and literature. 3. To be admitted to the profession he has to go through a period of training. 4. To become a lawyer the student will have to pass all the necessary exams. 5. This organization ceased to be long ago. 6. It is disappointing to visit the USA and not to see with one’s own eyes the greatest American symbols. 7. The students asked the teacher to explain this theory in detail. 8. The report must have been written by Monday. 9. The facts are to be provided today. 10. I must have left the textbook at home. 11. She must be working at the library. 12. To maintain libraries at higher schools is very important.

6. Translate the sentences:

1. Он завершит университетское образование к концу года. 2. К концу курса обучения он станет хорошим специалистом. 3. Мы уже обсудили почти все вопросы, связанные с проблемой развития права в Великобритании. 4. Он только что вернулся с ежегодной конференции юристов. 5. Экзаменатор понял, что студент прочитал все книги, которые он рекомендовал ему. 6. К тому времени, когда лекция закончилась, преподаватель рассмотрел почти все вопросы, имеющие отношение к этой проблеме. 7. Все необходимые документы будут представлены в комиссию к завтрашнему дню. 8. Все студенты уже собрались на лекцию. 9. Чтобы получить высшее образование, необходимо поступить в университет. 10. Лектор собирается прочитать курс лекций по истории образования в Великобритании. 11. Юристу очень важно знать историю развития права. 12. Работа должна быть завершена сегодня. 13. Они, должно быть, виделись на собрании сегодня. 14. Попроси Джима рассказать о его визите в Вашингтон.



Производящая основа

Производная основа







1. Сходный с или характеризующийся тем, на что указывает мотивирующая основа.

father –




2. Периодически повторяющийся.

month –





Повторяемость действия, указанного мотивирующей основой.

to read –

to reread




Возвращать в первоначальное состояние

new –

to renew


1. Make up derivatives with the help of the following affixes and translate them:

a) -ly: mother, brother, sister, father, man, year, month, week, day, night, minute;

b) re-: to form, to enter, to act, to establish, to build, to pay, to examine, to write.

2. Answer the following questions:

1. What daily newspapers do you read? 2. What is your monthly grant? 3. What weekly magazines do you know? 4. Do you listen to hourly news on the radio? 5. Have you seen the nightly programme on TV?

3. Give the English for:

перечитать, открыть вновь, переделать, переучивать, платить вторично, реорганизовывать, перегруппировать, обсудить снова.


А – 1

1. Read the definitions and say, which one suits the word “university”:

1) a college or a collection of colleges at which people study for a degree;

2) any place for specialized education after the age of 16 where people study or train to get knowledge and/or skills;

3) a place where young people are educated.

2. Compare the British definition with the Russian meaning of the word.

3. Read the following words and proper names; mind their pronunciation:

mature [mtju], degree [dgri:],Cambridge [kembrd], Oxford [ksfd], league [li:g],

St. Andrews [s()ntndru:z], Glasgow [gla:zgu], Aberdeen [bdi:n], Edinburgh [ednbr], Harvard [ha:wd], Manchester [mnst], Birmingham [bmm], Liverpool [lvpu:l], Bristol [brstl].

4. Read and translate the text; explain your variants of translation of word-combinations in black type:

A -1

Oxford University Greenwich University


Great Britain is a leading educational country in the world. Many students from abroad come here to study yearly. There are 114 university institutions in the UK. Approximately 1.8 million students currently are in the higher education system; about one third of young people go on to higher education at the age of 18, and an increasing number of "mature" students are studying either full-time or part-time for university degrees.  The government has an aim to attract 50 percent of 18- to 30-year-olds to higher education.

University education in Great Britain dates back to the XII century when Oxford and Cambridge universities were founded. There were no other universities in England till the XIX century. Only in Scotland there appeared universities in St. Andrews (1411), Glasgow (1451), Aberdeen (1495) and Edinburgh (1583). All these universities founded before the XIX century are called Ancient Universities.

The major changes of the XIX century industrial revolution had a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions in Britain. The country needed experienced professionals in different branches of science. Many industrial centers, such as London, Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool, Bristol created new universities. These universities became known as Red Brick Universities because their red-brick walls differed much from the ancient stone walls of Oxford and Cambridge.

After the World War II technical and technological progress resulted in creation of New Universities. Two categories of institutions have been given this label: 1) those created in the sixties of the XX century less often called Plate Glass Universities because of very modern buildings; 2) those created in or after 1992 often called Post-1992 Universities or New Universities, because in 1992 33 polytechnics and some colleges of higher education were reorganized into universities.

British universities have a strong reputation internationally for two reasons: history and research output. The universities of Oxford and Cambridge are the most highly regarded, followed by the federal University of London, the Scottish Ancient and the Red Brick universities. The Plate Glass universities come next in reputation and the post-1992 universities have a lower overall reputation. Their members regularly appear in the bottom half of most league tables1. In a survey in which 3,703 academicians worldwide were asked to name up to 30 universities which they considered the best research institutions in their field, Cambridge came first and Oxford second, leaving Harvard in third place.

Note: 1 league tables – таблицы рейтинга университетов в соответствии с уровнем обучения и научно-исследовательской работы

  1. Give the Russian for:

approximately, currently, increasing number, to have a profound effect on, experienced professionals, branch of science, label, field, research output.

  1. Give the English for:

ежегодно, высшее образование, «зрелые» студенты, очный, очно-заочный, рейтинг университета, политехникум, самая плохая репутация, исследование, академики, исследовательский центр.

  1. Match the words:



Plate Glass










Red Brick






