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Complex Object

(объектный инфинитивный оборот)


Способы перевода

I heard him come in.

He ordered dinner to be brought.

He heard her speaking in the next room.

а) придаточное изъяснительное предложение

Я слышал, как он вошел.

Он приказал, чтобы принесли обед.

Он слышал, как она говорила в соседней комнате.

Не ordered them to go out.

б) существительное (или местоимение) в дательном или винительном падежах + неопределенная форма глагола

Он приказал им выйти.

I want to have my hair cut.

в) неопределенная форма глагола + существительное в винительном падеже

Я хочу подстричь волосы.

Notes: 1. Объектный инфинитивный оборот возможен после глаголов, обозна­­чаю­щих: а) восприятие (to see, to hear, to watch, to feel, to notice); б) желание (to want, to wish); в) предположение или уверенность (to expect, to consider, to think, to know); г) приказание, просьбу или разрешение (to order, to make, to let, to allow, etc.). 2. После глаголов, выражающих восприятие, а также после глаголов to make, to let инфинитив употребляется без частицы to. 3. Второй элемент сложного дополнения может быть выражен причастием I после глаголов физического восприятия. 4. После глагола to have в качестве второго элемента сложного дополнения употребляется причастие II.

Complex Subject

(субъектный инфинитивный оборот)


Способы перевода

Не is said to be in Moscow.

They are not expected to return tomorrow.

She was heard singing.

Обычно переводится придаточным изъяснительным предложением, зависящим от главного (неопределенно-личного) предложения.

Говорят, что он в Москве.

Завтра их не ждут. (Не ожидают, что они вернутся завтра.)

Было слышно, как она поет.

Notes: 1. Субъектный инфинитивный оборот возможен с глаголами to believe, to expect, to know, to say, to report, to suppose, to consider, to think, to see, to hear в Passive Voice; to seem, to appear в Active Voice; после словосочетаний to be likely, to be unlikely, to be certain, to be sure. 2. После глаголов физического восприятия в качестве второго компонента субъектного инфинитивного оборота может использоваться причастие I.


1. Translate the sentences:

a) 1. We know the local council forces to have numerous powers. 2. I heard him speak about her state of health. 3. The committee recommended the law to be adopted. 4. The lecturer ordered the students to come at 9. 5. I want him to look through this article. 6. I want you to supervise their activities. 7. I heard them discuss his dissertation. 8. We didn't expect them to come. 9. I advise you to fix the date of the meeting today. 10. I saw my friend standing there. 11. I had my home exercises corrected. 12. I know him to be the first in the competition.

b) 1. He is known to have been awarded Bachelor’s degree.2. He seems to be an experienced designer. 3. They were seen to leave the institute. 4. They were expected to come at 3 p.m. 5. Jim is sure to come. 6. He is said to be very much concerned with this problem. 7. He was heard to speak about it very often. 8. They are said to be responsible for everything. 9. He will be likely to pass all examinations. 10. He was seen reading magazines in the library.

2. Point out the Infinitives, state their functions and translate the sentences:

  1. It is very important to outline the perspectives. 2. To decide is to act. 3. I expect to see him in two days. 4. They were the first to come to the classes today. 5. We have come here to see the manager and to sign the agreement. 6. I want him to see this contract. 7. He proved to be a good specialist in natural sciences.

3. Translate the sentences:

1. Я видел, что он шел по улице. 2. Он приказал им принести все документы. 3. Управляющий приказал, чтобы работа была сделана немедленно. 4. Я слышал, как они что-то громко обсуждали. 5. Я хочу, чтобы ты пришла к нам сегодня. 6. Сообща­ют, что этот закон принят. 7. Ожидают, что они приедут сегодня. 8. Говорят, что он поступил в университет.













Действие, противоположное или обратное указанному в мотивирующей основе.

to mask –

to unmask




Признак, противоположный указанному в мотивирующей основе.

kind –


in- / il- /

im- / ir-



Признак, противоположный указанному в мотивирующей основе.

artistic –

inartistic, legal –


movable –


religious –





Неправильное, ошибочное, плохое выполнение действия, указанного в мотивирующей основе.

to inform – to misinform


1. Give the Russian for:

unlawful, unprofessional, unmusical, to undo, illogical, immoral, indirect, irrational, to misjudge, to mistranslate, to misread.

2. Analyse the family words:

law – lawful – lawless – unlawful, practice – practical – unpractical, to produce – productive – unproductive – production, logic – logical – illogical, to act – active – inactive, to move – movable – immovable, regular – irregular – irregularity, judge – to judge – to misjudge, to inform – to misinform – misinformation.

3. Make up the derivatives with the following prefixes:

un-: certain, natural, happy, translatable, able, limited, practical;

in-: direct, active, formal, effective;

il-: legal, liberal;

im-: material, movable, passive;

ir-: regular, respective, rational, religious;

mis-: to judge, to remember, to report, to lead, to inform, to place.


A - 1

1. Read the following words:

attorney [tn], agent [ednt], license [lasns], jurisdiction [dursdkn], philosophy [flsf].

2. Read the following word-combinations and say which of them can be used to describe the profession of a lawyer:

to file a case, to teach, to draft a contract, to sell goods, to license, to pass the bar exam, to be awarded the doctor’s degree, to build houses, to hear the case, to investigate the case, to provide legal advice to clients, to take tourists around the city, to act on behalf of another person, to argue the facts, to sing, to dance.

3. Read and translate the text. Explain your variants of translation of word-combinations in black type:


When we speak about the person who practices law in the USA it is necessary to use the word attorney. An attorney is a united legal profession, which means that it does not draw a distinction between lawyers who plead in court and those who do not.

In the USA there are two types of attorneys: attorneys-in–fact and attorneys-at-law. An attorney-in-fact is known to be an agent who acts on behalf of another person, typically with respect to business, property, or personal matters. Such an agent does not have to be licensed to practice law and often does not have any license at all. An attorney-at-law is known to be a person trained and licensed by a relevant jurisdiction to practice law. He or she has the right to represent clients in legal matters and give legal advice. The term attorney, standing alone, means an attorney-at-law.

After graduation from the Law School attorneys in the USA should be admitted to the bar. They should pass a bar exam to be licensed as attorneys. Practically all the states which require a bar exam also require that the applicant should take a degree. Most often it is PhD – Philosophy Doctor (Law) - a Juris Doctor (J.D.), or Doctor of Jurisprudence. A few states accept foreign law degrees. In addition to this formal education, attorneys in most jurisdictions must complete regular Continuing Legal Education (CLE) requirements.

Once admitted to practice by the highest court of a state, an American attorney may file legal pleadings and argue cases in any state court, provide legal advice to clients, and draft important legal documents such as wills, trusts, deeds, and contracts. The distinguishing feature of the USA attorneys is that they have a narrow specialization. It means that they deal with the cases of one particular branch of law.

Practicing law includes interviewing a client to identify the legal question, analyzing the question, researching a relevant law, devising legal solutions to problems, and executing such solutions through specific tasks such as drafting a contract or filing a motion with a court. That is why most academic legal training is directed to identifying legal issues, researching facts and law, and arguing both the facts and law in favor of either side in any case.

For several years, law schools have trained far more students than new job openings have become available. This has led to attorneys (once they pass the bar) seeking work in other occupations, either by choice or by the lack of employment opportunities.

4. Give the Russian for:

to draw a distinction, to plead in court, to represent clients, legal matters, to be admitted to the bar, to file legal pleadings, wills, trusts, deeds, to interview a client, to devise legal solution, lack of opportunities.

5. Give the English for:

лицо, действующее по доверенности; адвокат (поверенный в суде); собственность; совет юриста; будущий адвокат; аргументировать судебный прецедент; определить правовой вопрос; правовая норма, распространяющаяся на данный факт; подавать в суд ходатайство; в пользу той или другой стороны, (открытая) вакансия.

6. Match the words:


a client

to file


to execute


to interview

legal solution

a narrow

a distinction

to argue


to devise


to draw



a motion