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1. Maria and Tim have a series of conversations over the following weeks. Role play these conversations, using the key information for each one.

Maria One week later

  • You have heard nothing from Tim.

  • You call him again and get through first time. Make Smalltalk.

  • Say politely that you've heard nothing from him, despite sending two e-mails.

  • Listen sympathetically to his explanations and say that you're looking forward to receiving payment.

  • End the conversation appropriately.

Tim One week later

  • Maria phones you again. She gets through first time.

  • Apologise for not having contacted her. (Find an excuse.)

  • The invoice has just turned up: someone found it behind a cupboard in the post room.

  • Promise that it will be paid soon by bank transfer.

  • End the conversation appropriately.

Maria Two weeks later

  • You still haven't received payment. Phone Tim again.

  • No small talk this time: get straight to the point. Your company is in serious financial difficulty because of non-payment of this invoice.

  • Say that you are really concerned about the situation. Ask Tim what he means when he says the invoice will be paid 'soon'.

  • End politely but coldly.

Tim Two weeks later

  • Maria phones you again.

  • Apologise for the fact that the invoice still hasn't been paid.

  • You understand the financial difficulty caused. Say that the invoice will be paid soon.

  • End politely.

Список использованной литературы

  1. Basic survival. International communication for professional people. Peter Viney Macmillan.

  2. Business and commerce. Neil Wood (Workshop). Oxford/ University press.

  3. Business opportunities. Vicki Hollett. Oxford/ University press.

  4. Business vocabulary in use. Bill Mascull. Cambridge/ University press.

Бизнес-курс английского языка Методические рекомендации

Составитель Епимахова Алина Юрьевна

Редактор Л.Л. Шигорина

Подписано в печать 14.06.2006

Формат 60/84 1/16 Бумага газетная.

Печать офсетная. Усл.печ.л. 1,3. Уч.-изд.л. 0,7.

Тираж 100 экз. Заказ

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