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2126 ТП2010-2-209 Жарикова.doc
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Независимый причастный оборот

Независимый причастный оборот выглядит как отдельное предложение с самостоятельным подлежащим, где вместо глагола – сказуемого употребляется причастие I (Ving) в любой форме. Оборот всегда отделяется запятой.

В основном, независимый причастный оборот стоит в конце предложения, предоставляя уточняющие сведения. Он переводится самостоятельным предложением с союзами: причем, и, а

The computer consists of some parts, processor and memory being located (=are located) on the motherboard.

Компьютер состоит из нескольких частей, причем процессор и память расположены на материнской плате.

I. Переведите предложения с независимым причастным оборотом на русский язык.

1. There are two types of built-in memory used in a computer, volatile memory storing data temporarily and nonvolatile memory keeping it permanently.

2. The entered data consists of raw facts, the computer converting them into meaningful information.

3. Two types of RAM are utilized, static RAM being more expensive.

4. The entire CPU can be developed on one microprocessor, in powerful computers the processing task being performed by multiple processing chips.

5. All the computer resources are managed from the control unit, the CPUs instructions being built into it.

6. Memory may have different capacity, the amount of memory affecting the speed and power of the computer.

7. ROM contains start-up instructions, the hardware devices and operating system being checked by it as well.

8. The computer program may be written in many programming languages, programmers using high-level languages.

9. Within a computer data is organized into files, a computer file being also able to contain program instructions.

10. To a computer any sentence looks like a string of ones and zeros, the on-state of the switch representing a 1 and the off-state representing a 0.


I. Прочитайте текст и переведите его на русский язык. Выделите предложение, содержащее независимый причастный оборот. Data

The words data and information are often used interchangeably. There is, however, an important distinction between them. Data consists of raw facts that a computer organizes to produce information. Therefore, information refers to the processed output that is organized, meaningful and useful to the person who receives it. Data, on the other hand, can be thought of as random facts that are accepted as the input to a computer and are intended to be processed. Taken individually, most of them do not have meaning. Grouped together, however, they convey specific meanings. Hence, a computer converts meaningless data into useful information.

It often seems as though computers must understand us because we understand the information they produce. But it is not so. Everything that computers do is recognizing two distinct physical states produced by electricity. The difference between these two states depends on whether a switch is on or off. A computer appears to understand data only because of operating at a very high speed, assembling its individual on / off states into meaningful patterns. So, data is the term used to describe the information represented by groups of on/off switches.

In fact, data consists of letters, numbers, sounds or images. No matter what kind of data is entered into a computer, however, the computer converts it to numbers. In a computer everything is a number. Numbers are numbers, letters and punctuation marks are numbers, sounds and pictures are numbers. Even the computer’s own instructions are numbers.

Computer data looks rather strange. To a person any sentence may look like a string of alphabetic characters but to a computer it looks like the string of ones and zeros because only two numeric symbols can be available. These two numeric values mean two possible states – on and off, the off-state representing a 0, and the on-state representing a 1. Because there are only two values, computers are said to function in a binary number system.

When referring to computerized data the value represented by each switch’s state – whether the switch is turned on or off – is called a bit. A bit is the smallest possible unit of data a computer can recognize or use. To represent anything meaningful (in other words to convey information) a computer uses bits in groups. A group of 8 bits is called a bite. The byte is an extremely important unit because different 8-bit combinations may represent all the characters on the keyboard.

Within the computer, data is organized into files. A computer file is simply a set of data that has been given a name.

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