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7.3 Text The Wonderful world of the Theatre

  1. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the following words and expressions:

Lasted public theatre, close to, performed, the audience’s favorite, for the first time, historical, held.

The text.

In 1702, Peter the Great ordered to open the first _ _ _in Red Square _ _ _Ni-kolskiye Gate. It was called the Comedy House. It was a one-storied building holding 400 people. The plays _ _ _ there had biblical and _ _ _ plots. The gates of the Kremlin, the KitaiGorod and the White Town were not closed down till a very late hour on Mondays and Thursdays when the performances were _ _ _. _ _ _ used to be a jester. Foreign actors were the first to perform there. In 1704 Russian actors performed there _ _ _ . The theatre _ _ _ till the year 1707.

  1. Render the Russian text into English using the following support words and expressions: in the 1730 (several thirties), to get burnt, at the order of, to be provided with mechanical wonders, to hold, opera and musical performance.


В 1730-е годы деревянный театр был сооружен на красной площади. Он мог вмещать 3000 человек. Оперные и музыкальные представления давались там. Самый молодой архитектор сделал проект театра. Но театр сгорел во время одного из пожаров. По приказу Елизаветы Петровны новый деревянный театр был построен в Лефортове. Театр был снабжен различными механическими чудесами.

  1. Answer the questions

  1. What are the most impressive theatres now?

  2. Which of the theatres are the most popular?

  3. What theatre appeals to you?

8 Text VIII

8.1 Read the text “Sign Language”

Man has long dreamed of an international language, but attempts to create one have always failed because no country wants to leave its traditional language. Now a new means of international expression is beginning to catch on: the language of graphic symbols.

Symbols can help to break down the culture barriers raised by the world’s 5.800 languages and dialects. Sings are more effective than words because they take up less space and because their meaning can be understood more quickly.

Who, for example, can fail to understand such symbols as these widely used warnings against thin ice and fallings stones and such sings as plus and minus in mathematics. Packages can be sent in any languages, too. These symbols instruct Dockers to handle them – “keep frozen” and “keep dry”.

Equally clear are labels that show a glass (“fragile”), a crossed out hook (“use no hooks”) and a package separated from the sun by a heavy diagonal line (“protect from heat”).

People as well as packages can travel without knowing any foreign languages. For example, a foreign in airports or railway stations can find an information desk or a pick-up point for lost children, if he looks around for these signs.

“I got off the plane in Moscow some years ago”, a visitor to Russia remembers, “and I was able to find my way to my luggage, the bank at the airport, a taxi and the hotel, and I don’t speak a word of Russian – all by signs”.

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