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  1. 7 Text VI “From the history of Moscow”

  2. Text The Andronikov Monastery

  1. Learn to read the new words

a monastery – монастырь;

to found – основывать;

to approach smb (smth) = to come nearer to smb (smth); an approach to – подступ, подход к;

to save – спасать; a savior – спаситель;

to construct = to build;

an icon – икона;

in the course of = during;

to restore – восстанавливать; restoration – восстановление;

a cemetery – кладбище;

adjoining – примыкающий;

to enter – входить;

B Read the text, answer the questions

1 Why was the monastery built?

2 Why did the monastery become famous in the 15th century?

3 Why is it worth visiting the monastery?

The Andronikov Monastery was founded in the middle of the 14th century to guard the eastern approaches to Moscow. The white-stone Savior Cathedral was finished in 1427. It is one of the most beautiful stone constructions in Moscow. The outstanding Russian icon painter Andrei Rublyov, the founder of the Moscow school of arts. In the course of the restoration of the Savior Cathedral small pieces of Rublyov’s frescoes were discovered. A. Rublyov lived in the monastery and died there. He was buried in the cemetery adjoining the monastery land. In 1960 the Museum of Early Russian Art was opened in the monastery building. At the entrance to the monastery there is a monument to Rublyov.

C Say it in England and then write it down

Монастыри строились в Москве, чтобы охранять подходы к городу. Они были самыми красивыми сооружениями в Москве, Их расписывали самые талантливые иконописцы. Многие монастыри были превращены в музеи. Стоит посетить их. Вы получите огромное удовольствие, если познакомитесь с произведениями древнерусского искусства.

7.2 Text The Kolomenskoye State Museum and Preserve

  1. Learn to read the new words (a student finds them himself).

  2. Read the text and translate into Russian the sentences marked with a circle.

The text

The first mileposts were put up in the second half of the 17th century between Moscow and the village of Kolomenskoye. °It used to be the countryside residence of the tsar. The former village of Kolomenskoye is now well inside Moscow.

The Museum and the preserve are well known for the Ascension Church. °The church was built to mark the birth of Vasiliy III’s son, the future Ivan the terrible.

It was the time when Russia was at with Sweden. °Peter the Great Supervised the construction of fortifications to protect Arkhangelsk from the sea. A pine log but was built for Peter the Great at the mouth of the Severnaya Dvina. ° Later it was transferred to Arkhangelsk and in the year 1934 it was brought to Moscow. ° After the restoration the log hut of Peter the Great was put in Kolomenskoye.

°The village of Kolomenskoye witnessed the return of the victorious troops of Moscow’s Prince Dmitriy Donskoy after they defeated the Tatar hordes on the field of Kulikovo in 1380. Ivan the Terrible often visited the place. Peter the shown in the exhibitions mounted in the old buildings of Kolomenskoye.

  1. Write down a chain of questions about the text.

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