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1.7 Answer the questions

1)When did Julius Caesar invade the British Isles?

2)Were any people already living there at that time?

3)Did the Romans find any human settlement on the Thames?

4)Was London built according to an architectural plan?

5)Did it grow around only one center like most cities?

6)Do you think the Thames played an important part in its development?

7)Which city is older, London or Moscow?

8)How long had London been in existence when Moscow was founded?

9)Who was Moscow founded by?

10)How can you describe the place chosen for the construction of Moscow?

11)When were the first trade and diplomatic contact established between Russia and England?

12)What was built inside the wall and outside?

13)Why did Peter the Great want a new capital for Russia?

14)Why did the construction of St. Petersburg require enormous effort?

15)What can you say about the location of St. Petersburg?

16)What is St. Petersburg famous for?

17)Have you ever been there?

1.8 Find the beginnings in the text

1)… people had already settled there and were living on both sides of the river.

2)… the abbey is now known as Westminster Abbey.

3)… on the bank of the river called the Moskva.

4)… which had been surrounded by a wooden wall by the first residents.

5)… is St. Petersburg, founded by Peter the Great.

6)… that could give Russia an outlet to the seas and other countries.

1.9 Ask your friend

- if he has been to London;

  • whether London grew around two centers;

  • if Muscovite is a person living in Moscow;

  • if the center of Moscow had been surrounded by a brick wall;

  • whether St. Petersburg was built without a preliminary plan;

  • whether Peter the Great founded St. Petersburg;

2 Conversational Exercises

2.1 Read and dramatize the dialogues

  1. :According to the map, the museum isn’t very far from here.

  2. :Let me have a look. Well, it’s most definitely somewhere down this road, but it may be a long walk. Look! There’s a policeman, let’s ask him.

  1. :Excuse me, officer, can you tell us the way to the Museum of Modern Art?

P.: Certainly. Walk down this road to the third traffic light, cross the museum. It’s opposite the City Bank.

A.: Thank you very much. Is it a very long walk? Would it be a better idea to take the bus?

P.: Well. I don’t think so. It isn’t very far.

A.: Thanks again.

P.: Not at all.

2.2 Read and dramatize the dialogues

A.: Excuse me, how do I get to Albert Road?

B.: Albert Road? Let me see… take the 24th bus. The stop is over there across the road. The 24th will take you as far as the New City Library. Get off there, and change to the 15th bus, it will take you to Albert Road.

A.: Thank you ever so.

B.: That’s all right.

2.3 К вам на улице подошел иностранец и попытался задать вам вопрос, пользуясь русско-английским разговорником. Узнав, что вы говорите по-английски, он попросил объяснить ему, как пройти к одной из достопримечательностей вашего города.

2.4 Вы находитесь в Лондоне. Вам необходимо попасть из Лондонского Тауэра /5O/ в Сент-Джеймский парк /6G/. Пользуясь картой Лондона (см. Приложение), опишите свой маршрут.

2.5 Из Лондонского Зоопарка /1Е/ доберитесь до Трафальгарской площади /5I/.

2.6 Опишите один из возможных маршрутов от Музея Шерлока Холмса /2D/ до Вестминстерского Аббатства /7I/.

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