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2. Translate and transcribe the following words, learn them by heart. Find the sentences where they were used and write them out.

Publicity, angle, goal, requirement, public, timely, to target, media kit, a follow-up, a profile, a sample, recent, representative, an expert, an employee, to steer, an issue, appropriate, a merit, to promise, unique, to reach, to increase, to tarnish.

3. Fill in the gaps using the words from the given below. Change the form if necessary.

Publicity, to target, media kit, a sample, an expert, to steer, an issue, to promise, to reach.

  1. … is extremely important in the modern society, because it helps to attract clients.

  2. During the interview the representatives of the firm were given several … of their production.

  3. In the morning he received a fresh press-release, … specifically to his demands: he immediately rushed to the editor and they put it on the front page.

  4. Mr. Swithin needed a really effective PR company to attract as many clients as possible and the PR manager … to do everything possible.

  5. Being an … in media-relations, he knew the proper time and place to announce the news.

  6. Unfortunately they didn’t … their goal, as they didn’t manage to finish the project before the deadline.

  7. She thought she knew all techniques how to … questions, but they didn’t help her to avoid harsh answers.

  8. Although he loved to create …, it still seemed to him a very hard job.

  9. The real … of the modern PR is to attract everybody’s attention no matter how shocking the picture could be.

4. Find the English equivalents for the following phrases:

Получить бесплатную рекламу, положительная история, человеческий, живой интерес, создавать пресс-релизы, увлекательная история с новостями, улучшение имиджа клиента, развивать взаимоотношения, устанавливать связь с журналистом, получать необычные истории, узнаваемый источник, создавать набор для прессы, требовать набор для прессы, эффективно общаться, давать советы для проведения интервью, ключевое сообщение, «блок и мост», выглядеть комфортно, быть настроенным на разговор, путать интервью и разговор, актуальное мероприятие, захватывающий видеоряд, присутствующий, потенциальные средства массовой информации, природная конкурентноспособность, вести видео-презентацию в режиме реального времени, старинное изречение, навсегда, отвечать быстро и активно.

5. Match the definitions with the words


something aimed or fired at, a desired goal


one that serves as an example or type for others of the same classification that serves as a delegate or agent for another


a desired result to achieve a personal or organizational; desired end-point in some sort of assumed development


a person who works for another in return for financial or other compensation.


one who is actively involved in politics, especially party politics


superior quality or worth; excellence, a quality deserving

praise or approval; virtue


a portion, piece, or segment that is representative of a
