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23. Определите, какой частью речи являются выделенные слова. Переведите предложения.

1. Before the lectures the students work in the consultation room. Our professor lectures in that room. 2. The planet orbits its sum. The orbits meet at this point. 3. There were a lot of good marks. Such qualities usually mark a great scientist. 4. We have all the plans of new factories in this industrial zone. Factories usually plan their work for a month of for a year. 5. The interests of our specialists centre on the problems of food technology. These devices interest the specialists of radio laboratory. 6. The radio leaves no place in the country without information. These devices radio the information from the far-off stations. 7. The device pumps the all from the well. This pump doesn’t work well. 8. The plants which work in cooperation with us machine various parts for the cars of the new make. This plan makes a lot of various machines. 9. When you round the corner, you’ll see a red house. The boxer was knocked in the first round.

24. Замените согласно образцу:

Образец: Winter in he Arctic = The Arctic winter

1) the transport of Moscow; 2) the speed of operation; 3) the construction of this machine; 4) the apartment which has two rooms; 5) the world’s largest deposits of iron ore; 6) calculating machines of the 20h century; 7)the level of the Moskva river; 8) the temperature of the body; 9) recent developments in electronics; 10) investigations in science and tachnology; 11)the oil demand which is continuously increasing; 12) a lesson on chemistry; 13) a flight in space; 14) a newspaper on the wall; 15) the number of the telephone.

25. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:

The traffic speed; the traffic speed increase; the railway bridge; the railway bridge reconstruction; the London underground; the London underground problem; the thermoelectric generator development; the energy accumulation process; the modern house ventilation facilities; the car speed calculation; the arch bridge construction site; the high quality concrete; the research program result; the Moscow region newspaper; the temperature limit determination; the household goods; the household goods store; the steam engine invention; the soil stabilization result; the transport animal; the wheel invention; the deep sea current measuring device; a rocket-propelled five ton sputnik spaceship.

26. Переставьте слова и переведите словосочетания до и после


1) flower garden; 2) glass bottle; 3) home rest; 4) speed control; 5) distribution line; 6) wire metal; 7) salt crystal; 8) salt lake; 9) oil export; 10) home work; 11) Friendship University.

27. Переведите все определения соответствующими существительными:

Летний день; автобусная остановка; каменный век; зимний спорт; лесная дорога; книжная полка; школьный коридор; комнатная температура; городской сад; уличный сад; телефонный спорт.

28. Переведите следующие сочетания на русский язык, обращая внимание на существительные в роли определения.

a bus stop; ice field; steam pressure; a picture gallery; wind velocity; a river port; our Institute building; mass production; production achievements; study films; tape recorders; television programs; methods; liberation movement; a ten per cent wage increase; the twentieth century music; the North Pole expedition; an art critic; foreign language studies; steam turbine; peace policy; a three room apartment; office tele­phone number; the Moon Exploration Committee; apace research laboratories; a two centimetre thick rope; oil Industry workers; gas molecules; iron ore deposits; cosmic ray studios; water power; steam powers electric power generation! air pressure; a new transformer; transformer steel; long distance lines; alternating current transformers; wide scale electrification; electricity consumption; power supply; radio Engineering; Speed Control System Studies; a combined analogue computer; accuracy tests; conductor calculations; current and voltage measurements; velocity automatic governor; atomic power generation; direct current measurements; speed change: the plasma electron Ьeаm; the cur rent density; mass distribution curve; high voltage transmission line design.


Прочтите и переведите текст. Определите, какой частью речи являются выделенные слова, объясните почему.

A man has intellect. He can think and speak. He can work and plan his work. We cannot live without food; we must not work without rest. We rest after work.

A man works and studies according to a plan. It helps him in his work and study. Man studies nature and uses it for his needs. Nature gives us food, metals and minerals. Coal is a mineral, it gives heat. Heat can generate electricity, electricity produces energy. Steel is not a mineral; it belongs to metals; it supplies materials for industry. We use steel for engines, instruments and in construction. Man needs electricity for many industrial uses. With its help we can drive engines and machines build houses and cities, tunnels and bridges, construct sputniks spaceships and rockets. The rocket drives the spaceship and sends it into cosmos. Man's intellect and technical skill pro­gress. We must not stop on the way to progress. Men and women, you and I will he1p to make life happy on this planet.

Т Е К С Т 2

Найдите сказуемые, выраженные глаголами "to be" и "to have". Определите их форму, переведите текст. Задайте к каждому предло­жению общий вопрос.

Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945).

Theodore Dreiser is a great progressive American writer of our age, a great master of realistic art. His wish to study was very strong. He often learned at night after a long day of work. It was bard for the boy who was only sixteen.

When Theodore Dreiser was twenty-one, he started his literary work as a newspaper reporter. The reporters were always in contact with facts of social life. Later on this fact will be of great importance for him, as this work will help him to become a great writer of the American literature.

The name of Theodore Dreiser is very popular with Russian readers. Dreiser's novels were, are, and will be of great inte­rest to the readers all over the world.


Найдите подлежащие и сказуемые, определите форму сказуемого. Переведите текст.


America is a big continent. It has a large territory. The American continent stretches from the Polar Zone to the south, crosses the equator and reaches the fifty-sixth parallel. Two huge oceans divide America from other continents of the world. The Atlantic Ocean washes its coasts in the East; the Pacific Ocean washes its coast in the West. Only in one place America comes close to our country. In the Polar Zone a narrow strait, only eighty-five kilometers wide, lies between Alaska in America and Chukotka in our country. It is the Bearing Strait. Its right and left banks lie in different countries.

Winter in the Polar Zone is very long, cold and darks it begins at the end of August and ends in June. The water of the Behring Strait freezes: thick masses of ice cover it for nine months. The way across the strait over the ice is not long natives can cross it easily but they do not do it: man may not step over the border between two different countries. Alaska, a former part of Russia, is rich in gold and minerals. From the year eighteen sixty-seven it belongs to the United States. The distance between the American Alaska and our Chukotka is not great: the same ocean washes the coasts of the two countries, the same tundra stretches along the coast line. They do not differ in climate and topography.


(Продолженное действие)

1. Глагольные формы Continuous Tense выражают действие, которое соверша­ется в какой-то определенный момент времени в настоящем, будущем или прошедшем, т.е. действие незавершенное, незаконченное.

2. Continuous Tense обрадуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be, который изменяется по временам, лицам и числам, т.е. стоит в личной форме и Причастия I (Participle I) смыслового глагола:

to be (личн.ф.) + Participle I (V-ing)

We are writing (now). – Мы сейчас пишем.

3. В предложении формы Continuous Tense являются сказуемым,

на русский язык переводятся глаголом несовершенного вида (что делал):

The sun was shining when I went out into the street.

Солнце светило, когда я вышел на улицу.

I’ll be studying English from 7 to 8 p.m.

Я буду заниматься английским с 7 до 8 вечера.

При постановке вопроса личная форма глагола to be ставится перед подлежащим.

Are you writing? What are you writing?
