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Imagine you won the lottery money. Think over the ideas how the money сould be spent.

Would you donate a greater part of it to charity organizations? What projects could you support exactly:

  • financial support for orphanages

  • caring after sick, poor and homeless

  • solving urgent problems in your city / country

  • some global environmental problems, etc.?

Would you prefer to spend the part of the lottery money on your own:

  • helping your relatives / friends

  • further education

  • traveling

  • shopping

  • buying a house

  • starting your own business, etc.?

Write your ideas what is the best way to spend the lottery money you won.

    1. Perform the following writing task:

Write a letter to your friend how you could spend the lottery money. Learn the notes above how to write informal letters.

Module 10 An amazing story


Write an essay “The most amazing story” which is supposed to be written in the third person (third-person narratives). Learn the notes above (See Module 2) how to write narrative stories.

Writing notes

Third-person narratives are written in the third person (he/she/they/etc) and are real or imaginary stories about another person or other people. Like a first-person narrative, a third-person narrative should consist of:

Introduction in which you set the scene (who was involved, time, place, etc) in an interesting way to help the

reader imagine the scene and want to continue reading;

Main body consisting of two or more paragraphs in which you develop your story

presenting the events in the order that they happened; and

Conclusion in which you say what happened at the end and refer to people’s feelings,

final comments or reactions.


A narrow escape

The early evening air was cool and mild as Ted Wilson walked along the almost-deserted beach. He wanted to be completely alone to think about his future. Since he had lost his job, his life seemed to be full of problems. He felt very depressed.

Walking to the far end of the beach, Ted was so deep in thought that he didn’t notice the clouds which had gathered overhead. When the heavy drops of the rain began to fall, he looked up in surprise and hurried back towards his car.

The soft dry sand of the beach slowed him down, so he ran on the hard wet sand at the water’s edge. Before he had gone fifty metres, he suddenly started sinking into the sand. He realized to his horror that he had stepped into quicksand. When he tried to move , the sand pulled him deeper – and the tide was coming in The water soon covered his waist, and continued to rise. ”Help!” – he shouted desperately. ”Help! I’m going to drown!”

Luckily, a man, who was looking for shells at the other end of the beach, heard Ted shouting. He managed to pull Ted out of the quicksand and helped him to safety. Ted was so relieved to have escaped that he couldn’t say a word. He shook a man’s hand , again and again, in silent thanks.

After what had happened, Ted realized that losing a job wasn’t the worst thing that could happen to someone. He felt lucky to be alive, and was sure that everything would be all right in the end.