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Questions and Tasks

1. What is a lexico-semantic system? What are the relations between the elements of the lexico-semantic system of the language?

2. What are a lexico-semantic field and a lexico-semantic group? How are they structured?

3. What do you know of componential analysis of word meaning? Point out its merits and faults.

4. What are the criteria of synonymy and their shortcomings?

5. Give examples of differences between synonyms. Name the types of synonyms and give examples.

6. Give examples of synonymic sets and determine their dominants.

7. Define antonymy and give examples of different types of antonyms.

8. What is homonymy? What’s the difference between homonymy and polysemy?

9. Speak of the types of homonyms according to the criteria of form and type of meaning. Give examples. What criterion is A.I.Smirnitsky’s classification based on?

10. What are the sources of homonymy?


I. Classify the following words into logical groups on the principle of hyponymy.

animal, asparagus, beet, building, bull, bungalow, bush, cabbage, carrot, cat, cottage, dog, fiction, flower, football, grass, horse, mansion, novel, onion, plant, polo, short story, sport, poem, swimming, tennis, tree, vegetable, villa

II. Arrange the following lexemes into three lexico-semantic groups - feelings, parts of the body, education.

academy, affection, ankle, arm, back, belly, body, bone, book, brow, calf, calmness, cheek, chest, classes, classmate, college, contempt, contentment, course, curriculum, day-student, delight, don, drill, ear, education, elbow, encyclopedia, enthusiasm, envy, erudition, excitement, exercise, exhilaration, eye, face, faculty, finger, foot, forehead, frustration, grammar, hair, hand, happiness, hate, head, headmaster, heel, homework, ignorance, impatience, indifference, indignation, instruction, jealousy, joint, kindness, knee, knowledge, knuckle, learning, lecturer, leg, lesson, library, limb, love, malice, master, neck, nose, passion, pedagogy, primer, professor, rapture, reader, relief, restlessness, satisfaction, scholar, schoolboy, schooling, science, scientist, seminar, shock, smattering, student, sympathy, teacher, staff, temple, tenderness, textbook, thigh, thrill, thumb, toe, torso, training, tuition, tutor, undergraduate, university, unrest, waist, wrath

III. Prove that the following sets of words are synonyms (use dictionaries).

1. to shout – to yell – to roar. 2. angry – furious – enraged. 3. alone – solitary - lonely. 4. to shudder – to shiver – to tremble. 5. fear – terror – horror. 6. to cry – to weep – to sob. 7. to walk – to trot – to stroll. 8. to stare – to gaze – to glare. 9. to desire – to wish – to want. 10. to like – to admire – to worship.

IV. Find the dominant synonym in the following synonymic sets. Explain your choice.

1. to glare – to gaze – to peep – to stare – to look – to glance. 2. to glimmer – to glisten – to blaze – to shine – to flash – to gleam – to sparkle. 3. to astonish – to puzzle – to amaze – to surprise – to astound. 4. to saunter – to wander – to roam – to stroll – to walk. 5. strange – quaint – odd – queer. 6. scent – perfume – smell – odour – aroma. 7. to brood – to meditate – to think, to reflect – to speculate. 8. to produce – to make - to fabricate – to manufacture – to create. 9. to sob – to weep – to cry. 10. furious – angry – enraged.

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