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- what part of the island of Great Britain England occupies.

- if Wales consists of 3 counties.

- what Kent is famous for.

- mhere Brighton and Hastings are situated.

- what the most important building in Eton is.

- what St.Paul's Cathedral and Buckingham Palace were built from.

- what county is one of England's biggest counties.

- how old the University of Oxford is.

- where William Shakespeare was born.

- if Scotland is a land of scenic beauty.

VIII. Answer the questions.

1. England occupies the largest part of the island of Great Britain, doesn't it? 2.. Does Wales consist of 3 or 7 counties? 3.Is the County of Essex a region of beauty and peace? 4.What is the Royal County of Berkshire famous for? 5.When was Eton college founded? 6.What was the residence of King Arthur? 7.What National Park is there in the County of Somersetshire? 8.What county is a great sporting county? 9.The Glory of Cambridgeshire is Cambridge, isn't it? 10.How nany counties does the province of Northern Ireland consist of?

IX. Speak about Kent using the following words:

"home county", "the Garden of England", to be famous for, the Romans, to plant, orchand. vineyard, fertile soil, mild climate, regular rainfall, ensure.

Speak about Canterbury.

the oldest, to be situated, to be known as, Archbishop of Canterbury, head of the Anglical church, Canterbury Cathedral, pilgrims, "The Canterbury Tales", Geoffrey Chancer, to be connected with.

Speak about the county of Essex.

a region of beauty and peace, Colchester, the oldest recorded town, to be established, the Bronze Age.

Speak about Scotland.

a land of scenic beauty, the Highlands, snow-capped mountains, wood, give way to, salmon rivers, rich farmlands, picturesque village, the Lowlands, romantic castle, the hauting melodies of bagpipes, rich cultural heritage.

Speak about Wales.

242 kilometres, from north to south, the biggest town, to be lo­cated, Swansea, Cardiff, Newport, the South Wales, the West coast, mid Wales, North Wales, wild, beautiful.

X. Translate the sentences.

1.Англия занимает самую большую часть острова Великобритания. 2.Королевское графство Беркшир знаменито Виндсдором, замком, где часто останавливается королева. 3.Самыми знаменитыми городами графства Суссекс являются Брайтон и Хастингс. 4.Так как Итон является таким популярным, очень трудно родителям устроить своих детей в Итон - колледж, хотя они должны платить за это. 5.Собор Святого Павла, Букингемский дворец и даже Белый Дом в Вашингтоне, и главное здание Организации Объединенных Наций были построены из известняка. 6.Контербери является колыбелью английского христианства. 7.Стоунхендж является самым знаменитым, также, как и самым загадочным из всех доисторических памятников. 8.Кембридж является самым любимым городом в Британии благодаря его архитектуре. 9.Глостершир является большим спортивным графством, знаменитым крикетом, регби, футболом и конными скачками. 10.Графство Йоркшир является местом рождения Вильяма Шекспира.

XI. Match the beginning and the end of the sentences.

England occupies

Canterbury is known as

The oldest recorded town in England is

The centre of the county of Hampshire

The county of Devon­shire is

The main town of the county of Oxfordshire is

Bath is called

Scotland is the land of

The University of Oxford is over

The county of Somersetshire is

Cornwall is unique an ancient Celtic land with

Hastings was one of the five ports and

Kent is famous for

wonderful fruit growing since the Romans first planted the orchands and vineyards there.

the see of the Archbishop of Canterbury.

a base of the Royal Fleet.

a magnificent coastline of 326 miles.

mostly a land of willows and quite streams.

800 years old.

tartans and fine malt whisky, of romantic castles, of rich cultural heritage and literature.

The city of museums.


one of England's biggest counties.



the largest port of the island of Great Britain.

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