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III.Say, that you know (have read, have heard) it too.

1.I know that England occupies the largest part of the island of Great Britain. 2. I have heard that Kent is one of " home counties". 3.I have read that a lot of pilgrims went to Canterbury Cathedral which has been the mother of English churches since the 7th cen­tury. 4.I know the county of Essex is a region of beauty and peace with its roots deep in English history. 5.I have heard that the Royal county of Berkshire is famous for Windsor, the castle where the Queen often stays. 6.I have read that a mile from Windsor is a little town of Eton. 7.I know that the centre of the county of Hampshire is Winchester. 3.I have heard that Dorsetshire is famous for its limestone. 9.I have read that the Castle of Tintagel was the residence of King Arthur. 10. I know that the county of Avon is famous for two cities - Bristol and Bath.

IV. Agree_or_disagree.

1.Bristol is a busy industrial town and trading centre. 2.The main town of the county of Oxfordshire is Oxford. 3.Cambridge is the loveliest city in Britain due to its architecture. 4.The province of Northern Ireland doesn’t consist of 6 counties. 5.Southern England is not dominated by London. 6.The county of Essex is a region of beauty and peace with its roots deep in English history. 7.Brighton and Hastings are not the most famous cities of the county of Sussex. 8.Hastings was one of the five ports and a base of the Royal Fleet. 9.Stonehenge is the most famous as well as the most mysterious of all prehistoric monuments. 10. Gloucestershire is a great sporting county, famous for cricket, rugby, football and horse racing.

V.How many sentences can you make about the counties and the most famous cities of the U.K.?





5.The county of Avon

6.The University of Oxford

7.The province of Northern Ireland

8.The Royal County of Berkshire

consists of

is famous for

is know as

are famous as

are known as


8 counties.

The see of the Archbishopof Canterbury, Primate of all England and head of the Anglical Church.

Wonderful fruit growing since the Romans first plan­ted orchands and vineyards there.

for its limestone.

35 independent colleges and 5 "halls".

for two cities - Bristol and Bath.

6 counties.

Windsor the castle where the Queen often stays.

VI. True, false or don’t know.

1. Canterbury is one of the youngest English towns. 2.Brighton is one of the most elegant and celebrating bathing re­sorts in the county. 3.It's very easy for parents to get a place for their sons in Eton-college. 4.Hampshire has three important seaports. 5.Cornwall is unique, an ancient Celtic land with a magnificent coastline of 326 miles. 6.The county of Devonshire is one of England’s smallest counties. 7.The county of Warwickshire is the birthplace of William Shakespeare. 8.The less important building in Eton is Eton college. 9.Today there are about a thousand girls in Eton college. 10. Scotland is the land of tartans and fine malt whisky, of romantic castles and the haunting melodies of bagpipes, of rich cultural heritage and literature.

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