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Checkpoint Test 2.doc
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Answer to task two:

The major of New York was Rudolph W. Giuliani when the 9/11 attacks took place. He served as a major from January 1994 to December 2001.


For 102 minutes on September 11, 2001, the world looked on in horror as terrorists flew hijacked passenger planes into New York City's mighty twin towers, destroying the iconic buildings and killing more than 2,700 people. That day changed America.

Here are some actions that were done to restore the life of the city after the attack:

  1. The main aim of the country has become the extermination of Al-Qaida and overthrow of the regime of talibs in Afghanistan.

  2. The government imposed a ban on all flights on the territory of the U.S.

  3. In some hours after the terroristic acts were created the large-scaled search and rescue organizations.

  4. A lot of funds were created to lend financial support and assistance to injured people and to families of dead people.

  5. The government had to cope with the thousands of tons of toxic debris.


Section Four

Task one. Examine the pre-election situation in the USA for 2012. Then read task one of section five and spend at least 15 minutes meditating on your possible answer. At this point you might as well make yourself a coffee or tea.

Task two. Examine the pre-election situation in the USA for 2008. Then read task two of section five and spend at least 15 minutes meditating on your possible answer. At this point you might as well make yourself a coffee or tea.

Do not provide any answers for this section. Give yourself 15 minutes to think your answer through.

Section Five

Task one. In very simple terms, explain what’s happening in the Republican party before the presidential nomination. What kind of candidate are they looking for? Who is the frontrunner now? How likely is he or she to win the nomination?

Task two. In very simple terms, explain why Obama won in 2008. Will the same reasons and tricks work in 2012? What does Obama need to do to win the new elections?

Answer to task one:

Republicans are searching for a new kind of candidate for 2012. Right now, it’s Herman Cain (Cain's plan received the biggest endorsements). He has transformed himself from a long shot into a frontrunner. There are several candidates like Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann. In April 2011 Donald Trump considered running for the nomination and he criticized Obama’s policies that failed the economy of the U.S. The campaign for 2012 is proving to be an unusual one. Rather than looking to the next in line, Republican voters are looking to what moves their heart. Who will win it in the end is still to be decided. Nevertheless, supporters of Cain are said to be the most enthusiastic.



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