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11. Give a customer a quotation by email based on the following details.

GPS system ‘Road Navigator TX-2300’

Price: $975.00

more than 10 items: additional 8% discount

price includes 15% VAT

delivery within 6 days of purchase order

12. Read the following short passage and its interpretation on the right. There are 5 mistakes (Vocabulary use) in the English part. Find the mistakes and correct them.

Оптимизация планирования закупок товаров при ограниченном бюджете

Известно, что основными проблемами при планировании закупок товаров являются ошибки прогнозирования продаж, нерегулярность и случайность спроса, ограниченные финансовые ресурсы и, как правило, большая номенклатура закупаемой продукции. Это требует совершенствования моделей и алгоритмов планирования, применения методик, ориентированных на автоматизацию расчётов и активное использование современных информационных систем интегрированного типа (ИИС). Мы проанализировали возможности ИИС обеспечивать полномасштабный учёт ресурсов компании, а также учёт наличия и движения товаров, на основе которого можно оперативно, по мере необходимости, решать задачи бюджетирования закупок, ранжирования и группировки товаров по любому комплексу учётных параметров, прогнозирования продаж на плановый период по каждой номенклатурной позиции.

Optimization of Purchasing Planning with a Limited Budget

It is known that basic problems of purchasing planning are errors of sales broadcasting, an irregular and random questionnaire, limited financial resources and, as a rule, large nomenclature of purchase products. Therefore, it needs to increase models and algorithms of planning, application of the techniques focused on automation of calculations and active use of modern integrated information systems (IIS). We have analysed opportunities if IIS that can open a full-scale account of resources of a company, and also an account of goods availability and movement on the basis of which it is possible to operatively solve, as required, problems of purchasing budgeting, ranging and groupings of goods on any complex of registration parameters, sales forecasting for the purchased period in each nomenclature position.

13. Put the words in the right order to form a question and answer the questions you’ll get.


logistics, main, what, of, the, is, aim?


aspects, the, for, customers, important, physical, what, of, distribution, are, most?


vary, firm, to, from, firm, do, costs, logistics?


logisticians, company, does, need, every?


control, systems, the, what, developed, areas, of, recently, the, inventory, material, and, management, in, two, are?

14. Complete the sentences using the correct active or passive form of the verbs in brackets.


After the unit load __________ (check), it goes into automated storage.


As soon as an appropriate location __________ (identify) by the warehouse management system, a put-away instruction __________ (must, issue).


After the vehicle driver __________ (report) to the gatehouse, the vehicle documentation __________ (check) by staff.


Then the packages __________ (process) i.e. they __________ (may, label) with bar codes.


The goods __________ (check) on unloading.


After that, staff __________ (direct) the driver to an unloading bay or a parking area.

Now put the steps in the goods receiving process in the correct order 1-6.

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