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Question 27: The War of Independence



  • Lack of consistent policy from England & self-government of the colonies.

  • Inland expansion & hindered progress.

  • British and French conflict

  • Congress at Albany. Benjamin Franklin’s plan of union

England was to deal with:

  • To organize the vast possessions to facilitate (способствовать) defense.

  • Reconcile (примирить) the divergent interests of different areas and peoples.

  • Distribute more evenly the cost of imperial administration.

The steps done by GB:

  1. Prohibited the westward expansion. But the farmers needed this land.

  2. The Sugar Act of 1764.

  3. The Currency Act

  4. The Stamp Act

  5. Townshend Acts

  6. The Tea Act

  • Sons of Liberty (Samuel Adams).

  • Boston Tea Party

  • The 2nd Continental Congress appointed George Washington as commander-in-chief.

  • On 4th July 1776 the Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence drafted by Tomas Jefferson

  • Military campaign

  • Versailles Treaty

Question 28: Formation of the New Country (usa)


On the 25th of November, 1783 the last British ships were leaving the harbor of New York.

The 13 colonies made up a new country and nation. Now they needed their own government.


  • Tomas Jefferson Declaration of Independence

  • The 13 states joined into a confederation.

  • Reforms: Congress consists of the representatives of the states they choose the leader they form the government.

The Congress

 

The House of Representatives The Senate

  • Each state has 2 representatives in Senate

  • Membership in the House of Representatives depends on the size of population.

  • Government is divided into 3 branches, where each branch has its own power and limits power of the other two, so no single branch could get the absolute power.

  • Constitution

  • the Bill of Rights

  • President

The first political parties

Hamilton’s followers Federalists

Jefferson’s ones Democratic-Republicans

The War of 1812

In 19th century different regions of the country were developing in different ways. Each had it’s own style of life.

In the North – ppl moved to large cities and industries

In the South – vast cotton plantations, using slave labour

In the West – farming & settling he frontier.

Question 29: The War between the North and the South


1.The Slavery system

Slaves had no rights under the law.

  • They could not meet together in public,

  • Travel without permission.

  • Could not be taught read and write.

  • Corporal punishment was applied in case of disobedience.

In 1808 Congress outlawed the slave trade with Africa. But the system of slavery continued for 60 years after it. Harriet Beecher Stowe “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”

The election of 1860 showed clearly that the US was a divided country. Abraham Lincoln won the elections. The result of it was the division of the country into 2 parts.

Confederate States of America (Jefferson Davis)

Both sides had advantages to help them win the war.


  • Had more soldiers - More supplies - Better transportation


  • Better generals - Was fighting on home ground.

Commanders - Robert E. Lee vs Ulysses S. Grant, William Sherman

The battle at Gettysburg

On the 14th of April 1865 President Lincoln was attacked by a southerner.


The Ku Klux Klan