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1. adversity, (n) – напастья, несчастья, превратности судьбы

2. apt, (adj) – 1. подходящий, уместный, соответствующий; 2. склонный, поверженный: способный, понятливый

to be apt to do smth – быть склонным что-либо делать

aptitude, (n) – 1. cклонность, способность

3. challenge, (v) – 1. вызывать, бросать вызов: 2. сомневаться, отрицать, оспаривать; 3. требовать (уважения, внимания)

сhallenge, (n) – 1. вызов, сомнение; 2. сложная задача, проблема; 3. возражение

challenging, (adj) вызывающий, трудный

challengeable, (adj) – сомнительный

4. commit, (v) – 1. совершать (чаще дурное); поручать, вверять

5. сope (with), (v) – справиться, совладать

6. demean, (n) – унижать, ронять достоинство

7. demeaning, (adj) – роняющий достоинство

8. endeavour, (v) – 1. прилагать усилия, стараться; 2. стремиться, добиваться

9 engage, (v) – 1. нанимать на работу; 2. заниматься; 3. привлекать (внимание)

to be engaged in – заниматься чем-л

engagement, (n) – дело, занятие, обязательство

10. engender, (v) – порождать, возбуждать, вызывать

11. enhance, (v) – 1. увеличивать, усиливать, усугублять 2. повышать

enhancement, (n) – повышение

12. excel (in, at), (v) – 1. превосходить; 2. выделяться, отличаться

13. exert, (v) – 1. прилагать (усилия), напрягать (силы); 2. проявлять

14. facilitate, (v) – облегчать, помогать

15. frustrate, (v) – 1. расстраивать, срывать, нарушать; 2. делать тщетно, сводить на нет

16. inclined, (adj) - 1. наклонный; 2. склонный, предрасположенный

inclination (for), (n) – 1. наклонение, наклон 2. влечение, склонность

17. motivation , (n) - мотивация

intrinsic – внутренняя м., achievement – мотивация достижения

extrinsic – внешняя м.

18. nurture, (n) 1. воспитывать, обучать; 2. выращивать; 3. питать

19. obstacle, (n) – препятствие, помеха

20. procrastination, (n) – промедление, оттягивание

21. persuit, (n) – 1. преследование; 2. поиски стремление; занятие

22 persist (in), (v) – 1. упорствовать, настойчиво продолжать; 2. оставаться, существовать, сохранять

persistence, (n) – упорство, настойчивость

persistent, (adj) – упорный, настойчивый

23. rekindle, (v) – вновь зажечь, разжечь

24. self-efficacy, (n) – самоэффективность

25. shrink, (v) – (shrank, shrunk) 1. сжиматься, съеживаться; 2. уменьшать, сокращать, сжимать(ся); 3. удаляться, исчезать

to shrink away from smth. or doing smth – уклоняться от чего-л.

26. spur (on), (v) - побуждать, подстрекать

spur, (n) – стимул, побуждение

27. urge, (v) – 1. побуждать, заставлять; 2. убеждать, настаивать

urge, (n) – побуждение, побудительный мотив

28. withhold, (n) - (withheld) 1. отказывать ( в чем-л), воздерживаться; 2. сдерживать останавливать; 3. утаивать, умалчивать


Exercise 1. Translate the following word combinations into Russian paying attention to your active vocabulary

The season of adversity, to be apt to do smth.; I am apt to hurry, an apt quotation; to commit a suicide ( a sin, an error, a blunder), to commit a task to smb., to meet commitments; to challenge the accuracy of a statement, to bring smth. into challenge, challenging goals; to cope with danger; to demean oneself; to engage the sympathy, to engage in teaching, to meet one’s engagements, to endeavour at perfection, moral endeavour; to excel as an orator, an excellent idea (song, dinner, man, lier), distinctive excellence; to enhance a sense of pride and satisfaction; to exert intelligence (all one’s strength, every effort, influence), he didn’t exert himself much; to facilitate growth, the facility of the task, facilities for research; to frustrate smb’s efforts (plans, a design), the frustration of hopes (desires, plans); to be inclined to leanness (to some opinion, music), an inclination for smth., against one’s inclinations; to raise extrinsic motivation; to overcome an obstacle, obstacle-crossing ability; to shrink into oneself, to shrink away from danger; to spur smb. on to some actions; under the spur of curiosity, on the spur of the moment; we urged him to take steps, urge to write; to withhold one’s consent (one’s help, comment).

Exercise 2. Translate the following word combinations into English paying attention to your active vocabulary.

Побуждать кого-либо делать что-либо, справляться с трудностями, внутренняя мотивация, зажечь новые надежды, заниматься научно-исследовательской работой, уклоняться от встречи с кем-либо, утаивать сведения, истину, способность к точным наукам, умышленное оттягивание, сложная, но интересная работа, совершить преступление, соответствующее наказание, столкнуться со сложной задачей, долгосрочное обязательство, унизительная работа, пример выдающихся человеческих усилий, стараний, привлекать интерес, продолжить дело отца, изменения, вызванные войной, повышенный доступ у информации, превосходить всех в изучении иностранных языков, облегчить (упростить) процесс оплаты, становиться разочарованным, недовольным из-за ч-л, иметь склонность к меланхолии, растения, выращенные в теплице, покупателю не нужно быть агрессивным, нужно быть настойчивым, в поисках работы, повышать самоэффективность, фирма сократилась до пяти человек, неудачи побудили его творить, отказываться платить налоги.

Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences into English using the indicated words from the vocabulary list.

1. to engage Ученые занимаются генной инженерией

более 30 лет.

2. to commit Родители поручили ребенка заботам няни.

3. to endeavour Они стараются видеть вещи как они есть.

4. to engender Случайные неудачи неизбежны в любом

опыте научения и, конечно, вызывают не-


5. to excel Он превзошел своих друзей в стрельбе.

6. aptitude У него удивительная способность к живо-


7. persistence Упорство и смелость – превосходные ка-


8. to spur Внутренняя мотивация побуждает индиви-

да к действию с целью улучшения его сос-

тояния уверенности.

9. to urge Он призывал команду работать эффектив-


10. procrastination Промедление – смерти подобно.



Motivation comprises internal processes which spur us on to satisfy some needs. Humans are motivated by many things – psychological needs, physiological drives, survival, urges, emotions, hurts, impulses, fears, threats, rewards (money, friendship, status and so on) possessions, wishes, intentions, values, mastery, freedom, intrinsic satisfaction, self-satisfaction, interests, pleasure, dislikes, established habits, goals, ambitions and so on. Motivation is trying to reach our goals.

This is where you get the thoughts out of your mind and turn them into a working plan of action. A goal is a concrete and manageable blueprint for success. If you do not start with a specific goal in mind, you will be starting with a great disadvantage. There is no magic in goal. It is merely a focused view of where you want to head. But a goal is like everything else that is worthwhile in life, it only works if you do.

Challenging- but-achievable goals are themselves motivating. On the other hand, easy- to reach goals are boring or demeaning. We are most motivated when we feel capable, responsible, self-directed, respected and hopeful. People who reach many or most of their life goals are usually calmer, happier, healthier, and less stressed or emotional.

In any area where we are hoping to self-improve, both short term and long-range goals are needed. If your long-term goals clearly contribute to your most important values and your philosophy of life, they should be more motivating. Good goals are fairly hard – they stretch us – but they are achievable when taking small steps at a time.

There are many different aspects of psychological motivation. The needs for food, water, air, sleep, shelter and even sex are always there but they don’t usually dominate in our lives. Our social psychological needs, instead, dominate most of our lives, such as attention, comradeship, support, love, social image or status, material things, power and so on. Also, psychological or cognitive factors, in addition to goals, strongly influence our motivation and attitudes, such as self-confidence in our ability as a change agent (self-efficacy and attribution theory). If we see ourselves as able and in control of our lives, then we are much more likely to truly and responsibly take control.

To be effective our motivation has to be focused on important tasks. Most of us spend a lot of time doing things that seem urgent at the moment but are really not important in terms of our major mission in life. Our efficiency could be greatly increased if we spent more time doing things that are often not seen as urgent but truly are important, e.g. clarifying the major purpose of our life, developing relationships that facilitate efficiency, growth, and meaningfulness, planning, and preparing for important upcoming tasks, reading, exercising, resting. We need to know a lot about the processes of motivation and self-direction.

No road to success is completely smooth and free of obstacles. It depends on your attitude. Choosing to be positive is choosing to be successful and vice versa.

Interest is an important motivator for a person. So is a desire to learn and to work. When you link these two things together, you create success.

When you believe in yourself, there is little that you cannot accomplish. A confident mind finds a way around every obstacle, or it simply runs through it. So belief is one of the keys to motivation.

The greatest plan in the world will not bring you results unless you work. Hard work is the last and most important element of the process of motivation. If you are dedicated to hard work you will win in the end.

Some individuals are highly motivated to succeed and expend a lot of effort striving to excel. Other individuals are not so motivated to succeed and don’t work as hard to achieve. These two types of individuals vary in their achievement motivation, the desire to accomplish something.

A host of studies have correlated achievement –related responses with different aspects of the individual’s experiences and behavior. The findings are diverse, but they do suggest that achievement-oriented individuals have a stronger hope for success than a fear of failure, are moderate rather than high or low risk-takers, and persist for appropriate length of time in solving difficult problems.

Our achievement motivation can be divided into two main types: intrinsic motivation, the internal desire to be competent and to do smth. for its own sake; and extrinsic motivation, which is influenced by external rewards (1.social rewards, including praise, a smile, encouraging remarks or gesture of approval 2.token rewards( house points, grades, certificates) 3.material rewards (tangible, usable, or edible items) 4.activity rewards ( opportunities for enjoyable activities) and punishments. You work hard in college because a personal standard of excellence is important to you, intrinsic motivation is involved. But if you work hard in college because you know it will bring you a higher-paying job when you graduate, extrinsic motivation is at work.

In reality achievement is motivated by both internal and external factors; persons are never divorced from their external environment.

You can have everything you want in life if only you are willing or eager to invest effort in your activities to progress. So, even if you have intelligence, knowledge base, study skills and even great diligence but you are not motivated, you won’t get far.


Exercise 1. Say whether these statements are true (T) or false (F), and if they are false, say why?

T F 1. Humans are motivated by many things – psychological needs

physiological drivers, emotions, hurts, interests, wishes and so on.

T F 2. Motivation is trying to satisfy our needs.

T F 3. Challenging goals are themselves motivating.

T F 4. There are few different aspects of psychological motivation.

T F 5. Our motivation would be more effective if we spent more time

doing things that are truly important.

T F 6. Interest, and desire are important motivators for a person to learn

and to work.

T F 7. Some individuals are highly motivated to succeed but they don’t

work hard.

T F 8. Hard work is the least important element of the process of motivation.

T F 9. Achievement-oriented individuals have a stronger hope for success

than a fear or failure.

T F 10. If you work hard in college because you know it will bring you a higher-

paying job when you graduate, intrinsic motivation is at work.

Exercise 2. Make up questions to the following answers.

1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Motivation is trying to reach our goals

2 .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

When you feel capable, responsible, self-directed, respected and hopeful.

3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

To make motivation more effective.

4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Then we are much more likely to truly and responsibly take control.

5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Because it is impossible to succeed without belief and hard work.

6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

If we spent more time doing things that are often not seen as urgent but truly are important.

7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

You create success.

8. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

You will win in the end.

9. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Intrinsic and extrinsic.

10. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Intrinsic motivation is involved.

11. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Extrinsic motivation is involved.


Exercise 1. Match the English word-combinations in the left-hand column with the Russian equivalents in the right-hand column.

1. the wherewithal to cope with adversity A уход от решения сложных проблем

2. lack of authoritative demand B тратить массу усилий, стараясь выделиться

3. achievement-oriented individuals C приписать себе причину успеха и неудачи

4. fertile ground for new ideas D необходимые средства чтобы справиться с


5. to persist in solving difficult problems E отсутствие требований со стороны лиц,

пользующихся авторитетом

6. to take setbacks in one’s stride F плодородная почва для новых идей

7. to spur smb. on to satisfy some needs G символические награды

8. to beat their opponents in a compe- H настойчиво продолжать решать сложные

tition проблемы

9. avoiding tough challenging I преодолеть препятствия без усилия

10. to expend a lot of effort striving J превзойти своих противников в соревно-

to excel вании

11. to attribute to themselves the K побуждать кого-л к удовлетворению

cause of success and failure потребностей

12. token rewards L люди, ориентированные на успех

Exercise 2. Arrange the following words in pairs of (a) synonyms and (b) antonyms:

a) adversity, aim, apt, to endeavour, to engender, to enhance, to excel, inclined, to surpass, a goal, to concentrate, to focus, to give rise, harm, to increase, misfortune, to reach, to try, hurt, to achieve;

b) to do harm, to suppress, intrinsic, credible, to improve, to complicate, to enhance, incompetence, to facilitate, to diminish, competence, to be of benefit, to worsen, extrinsic, incredible, to spur.

Exercise 2. Complete these sentences using one of the words from the box above in each space.

Challenging, extrinsic, easy-to-reach, failure, competition, frustrating, rewards, realistic, success, authoritative demands, achievable, demeaning, intrinsic, long-range,short-term.

1. ------- but ------goals are themselves motivating.

2. You work hard in college because a personal standard of excellence is important to you, -------- motivation is involved.

3. ------- goals are boring or ------- .

4. Since challenging but ------- goals require us to stretch and grow, they must constantly be changed to match the conditions and our ability.

5. ------ is perhaps the most important feature in raising ------ motivation.

6. It is inevitable that there will be ------ in any normal learning or working experience.

7. Individual ----- can be stressful for people who are not very good at the subject.

8. In any area we are hoping to self-improve, both ------ and ------goals are needed.

9. We may enhance a sense of pride and satisfaction by explicit praise approval or by some ------ .

10. ------ ------ can be over-used or misused if people are obeying commands without any awareness of objectives.

Exercise 3. Match each definition with the appropriate word.

1. Motivation a. Loosely, any pleasurable or satisfying

event or thing that is obtained when some

requisite task has been carried out.

2.Competence b. __ A term used safely applicable as a syno-

nym for action, movement, behavior,

mental process, psychological functions.

3. Reward c. ___An intervening process or an internal

state of an organism that impels or drives

it to action.

4. Self-efficacy d. ___The motivation for any behavior that is

dependent on factors that are internal in

origin. It usually derives from feelings of sa-

tisfaction, not from internal rewards.

5. Extrinsic motivation e. Generally, ability to perform some task or

accomplish smth.

6. Procrastination f. __The term for individuals’ sense of their

abilities, of their capacity to deal with the

particular sets of conditions that life puts

before them.

7. Panishment g. ___Generally , the process whereby an

individual acquires the knowledge, values

facility with language, social skills and social

sensitivity that enable him or her to become

integrated into and behave adaptively within


8. Activity. h. __ Postponing something supposed to be


9. Socialization i. ___Motivation that originates in factors

outside the individual. Behaviour that is

motivated by rewards or punishments ad-

ministered by outside forces.

10. Intrinsic motivation j. ___ The administration of some aversive

stimulus contigent upon a particular beha-



Exercise 1. Answer the following questions to the text.

1. What does motivation comprise?

2. What is a goal?

3. Why are some people usually calmer, healthier and less stressed?

4. What goals are needed when we are hoping to self-improve?

5. What will you be starting with, if you don’t start with a specific goal in mind?

6. When are we most motivated?

7. What aspects of psychological motivation do you know?

8. What does our motivation have to be focused on to be effective?

9. How do two types of individuals vary in their achievement motivation?

10. What can you say about achievement-oriented individuals?

11. How can our achievement motivation be divided into?

12. What rewards can be used to raise extrinsic motivation?

13. Is it enough to have intelligence, knowledge, skills, diligence in order to succeed?

Exercise 2. Retell the text using your active vocabulary.

Exercise 3. Find out if your group-mate is poorly motivated or not motivated at all. So ask him the following questions and make your own conclusions about his motivation?

1. Really preferring something other than attending this university:

-- would prefer not to go to college

-- would rather attend another college

-- would prefer a different kind of training.

2. College as a means to end other than learning:

-- to avoid getting a job

-- to find a mate

-- to have a good time

-- to get away from home

-- to prove self-worth.

3. Distracting from personal problems:

-- conflict with the same sex

-- conflict with the opposite sex

-- conflict with parents

-- lack of confidence

-- underfined resistsnce to college

-- angry at the world

-- overuse of drugs or alcohol

-- fear of evaluation

-- difficulty of financial resources

-- marriage problems

-- phobias and other anxieties

-- insecurity

-- loneliness.

4. Lack of interest:

-- underfined vocational goals

-- underfined educational goals

-- course material is not what you think is important.

5. Continuing self-defeating behaviour patterns:

-- excessive dependence on parents or others

-- fear as a motivator

-- grades or academic achievement as motivators

-- high school habits.

Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1.Мотивацию составляют побуждения, вызывающие активность организма.

2. Одной из разновидности мотивации является мотивация достижения.

3. В возрасте 3-5 лет ориентированная на успех мотивация усиливается, когда успех поощряется похвалой.

4. Исследования показали, что основные типы поведения, направленные на достижение успеха, формируются между 3 и 30годами.

5. Ребенку всегда легче справиться с осуждением в ситуации неудачи, если преобладает атмосфера дружелюбия и уважения.

6. На формирование высокой потребности в достижении успеха оказывает влияние степень эмоциональной вовлеченности родителей в дела ребенка.

7. Вы можете мотивировать учащегося эффективно, используя средства для мотивации, соответствующие конкретному учащемуся в конкретной ситуации.

8. Мотивацию можно разделить на два вида: внутреннюю и внешнюю.

9.Каждый ребенок обладает теми или иными способностями и задача учителя – обнаружить и развить эти способности.

10. Дальнейшее промедление привело бы к полному провалу операции.

Grammar revision

The Sequence of Tenses

The sequence of tenses is a certain dependence of the tense of the verb in a subordinate clause on that of the verb in the principle clause: if the verb in the principle clause is in one of the past tenses, a past tense (or future-in the- past) must be used in the subordinate clause. The main sphere where the sequence of tenses is applied is object clauses.

Principle clause Subordinate clause Time of action in subordinate


I knew that he worked much (работает) simultaneous with subordinate

he was working clause

I knew that he had worked (работал); prior to principle clause

he had been working (работал)

I knew that he would work much (будет работать); posterior to principle clause

he would be working (будет работать)

If there are several subordinate clauses in a sentence, the rule of the sequence of tenses is observed in all of them.

In Russian, the tense of the verb in the subordinate clause does not depend on the tense of the verb in the principle clause.

The sequence of tenses is not observed if the object clause expresses a general truth or the definite time of the completed action.

e.g 1. We knew that water consists of oxygen and hydrogen.

2. He said he was in England in 1992.

When direct speech is converted into indirect speech pronouns and adverbs expressing nearness are replaced by words expressing distance if the verb in the principle clause is in the past tense.

Direct speech Indirect speech

this that

these those

now then

today that day

tomorrow the next day, (the followingday)

yesterday the day before, (the previous day)

next week the following week

last week the previous week

ago before

Exercise 1. Comment on the use of the sequence of tenses in the following sentences.

1. He refused to take money as he could not guarantee that the treatment would help. 2. He really believed that he would die when thinking stopped. 3. She said that she could not help feeling that she had become unpopular. 4. We were told that the word psychology means “the science of the mind”. 5. He wondered if she had informed the students about the time of the lecture. 6. We noticed that the reward or the reinforcement came after the response had been made. 7. Some researchers claimed that there was a separate category of episodic memory called autobiographic memory. 8. She exclaimed that she would tell us everything about the difference between these two phenomena. 9. She realized that her old life she had lived in that city was ended. 10. She knew that she would make that experiment by all means.

Exercise 2. Turn the following sentences into reported speech using the verbs from the box in the Past Simple Tense.

[To say, to tell, to admit, to declare, to explain, to promise, to ask, to wonder, to add.]

1. I have read a lot of books on psychology. 2. You do not realize that you have offended me. 3. We were just speaking about attention. 4. Over the past twenty years, several models have been proposed to describe the structure of semantic LTM. 5. You are always grumbling over trifling matters. 6. What happens in your body when a flashbulb memory is formed? 7. You can perform a skill even if you have not engaged in it for many months or years. 8. He has been writing his course paper for two weeks. 9. In the next sections we will consider two situations connected with LTM. 10. There may be times when cramming is better than not studying at all. 11. Ebbinghaus was a pioneer in the psychology of memory. 12. So far we have qualified “yes” and “no” answers to our questions about age and IQ. 13. She is not feeling well today, but she doesn’t want to consult the doctor.

Exercise 3. Use indirect speech.

1. He said, “She is one of the most remarkable woman I’ve ever seen. 2. She exclaimed, “I brought up my children according to old traditions”. 3. My psychologist remarked, “They are building a new child-care centre close by”. 4. The lecturer noticed, “Many scientists have characterizes this community as oppressive”. 5. The young girl said. “I can not believe in love in a cottage”. 6. He said,” Psychologists more and more often refer to Z. Freud’s works on psychoanalysis”. 7. At last she said to me.” Whanever you are on the road of life you can choose, you can decide where it is you want to go”. 8. He said,” I’ll make the arrangements for the interview if I know what day it will schedule for”. 9. He remarked,” Being motivated by the best of intentions, most teachers want their students to become informed and independent thinkers”. 10. The professor made the conclusion , “ Nowadays people are marrying later and divorcing more often”.

Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to the sequence of tenses.

1. Она всегда думала, что к тому времени, когда ей будет 20 лет, она будет чувствовать себя совсем взрослой. 2. Я не знала, что Мария уезжает на следующий день. 3. Он сказал, что за эти годы его взгляды на семейную жизнь сильно изменились. 4. Он добавил, что Чарли был необычным ребенком еще в школе. 5. Она чувствовала себя несчастной, потому что получила низкий бал по математике. 6. Все удивлялись , как ему удается так быстро запоминать такое большое количество чисел. 7. Он сделал вывод, что ранние годы влияют на всю нашу последующую жизнь. 8. Мы понимали, что недостатки этого опыта будут превалировать над его достоинствами. 9. Он ответил, что все это лишь плод ее воображения и что на самом деле дело было не в ней. 10. Она не сомневалась, что рано или поздно сможет объяснить причину его неадекватного поведения.



Approaching the topic

Discuss the following questions

1. Do you agree that the use of drugs is common and is simply a “bad habit”?

2. There is no harm in drinking a cup of coffee or tea or a glass of wine, eating chocolate, smoking a cigarette, is there?

3. Have you ever heard about any techniques to help people stop smoking?

4. Why is alcohol dependence the most common and widespread?

5. What do know about drugs and drug abuse?

6. Can you draw a line between drug use and drug abuse?

7. Who do you think is at risk for infection of AIDS?

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