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1. ambiguous, (adj) – неясный, двусмысленный

ambiguity, ambiguousness, (n) – неясность, двусмысленность, неопределенность

2 assess, (v) – оценивать

assessment, (n) – оценка

3 assume, (v) – 1. предполагать, допускать; 2. принимать, брать на себя; to - - responsibility - взять на себя ответственность

assumption, (n) – 1. предположение, допущение; принятие на себя (ответственности, обязанности)

  1. bizarre, (adj) – странный, эксцентричный.

  2. contrive, (v) – 1. изобретать, придумывать; 2. замышлять, затевать.

6 disturb, (v) – 1. волновать, тревожить, выводить из душевного равновесия; 2. мешать, нарушать

disturbance (n) – 1. расстройство, патологическое отклонение; 2. волнение, беспокойство

7. enterprise, (n) – предприимчивость, (смелая) инициатива

8. evaluate, (v) – 1. оценивать; 2.вычислять, выражать численно

evaluation, (n) – 1. оценка, оценивание, определение; 2. Вычисление

9. evolve , (v) – развиваться

10. forerunner, (n) – предвестник; предшественник

11. gauge, (v) – 1. измерять, проверять (размер); 2. Оценивать (человека, процесс и т.п.)

12. germ, (n) – зародыш; перен. зачаток, зарождение

13. giftedness, (n) – одаренность

14. inspiration, (n) – 1. вдохновение, душевный подъем; 2. стимулирование, побуждение, воздействие; 3. вдыхание, вдох

inspire, (v) -1. вдохновлять, воодушевлять; вдыхать, дышать

15. novel , (adj) – новый

novelty, (n) –новизна, новшество

  1. . single-minded, (adj) – 1. целеустремленный; 2 прямодушный, прямой

17. venturesomeness, (n) – рискованность, способность рисковать

18. veracity, (n) – 1. достоверность, точность

verification, (n) - 1. проверка, контроль; 2. верификация, подтверждение истинности

verify, (v) – 1. проверять, контролировать; 2. подтверждать; устанавливать истинность, подлинность (чего-л)

Developing vocabulary

Exercise 1. Translate the following word combinations into Russian paying attention to your active vocabulary.

ambiguous results ( answer, smile, words, style); to express oneself with ambiguity, no shadow of ambiguity, deliberate ambiguity, to use ambiguities; to assess one’s judgement (point of view, humour, abilities); assessment of one’s opinion ( contribution made by a scientist, a book); to assume measures (duties, the command); Let’s assume that it is true that…; assumption of risk (responsibilities, leadership); bizarre behavior( person, reaction, style); to contrive means (ways) to escape danger (to investigate interplay of all the factors); He contrived to get the highest scores on the test ( to complete the test ahead of time, to expose her secret); to disturb the balance ( one’s plans, one’s work, the train of thought); Don’t disturb him (yourself); to create disturbance; disturbance of mind(speech, respiration); coordination disturbance; man of enterprise; spirit of enterprise; The plan has been materialized through his enterprise; to evaluate results (a subject ‘s performance, general ability); evaluation of student’s papers ( all the circumstances contributing to success); to evolve one’s skills (abilities, gift, talent); to evolve into an invalid ( a bizarre person); the forerunner of serious changers (mental disturbance, confusion); to gauge the length of smth. (one’s strength, ability, character); germ, the germ of life (of an idea); talent and giftedness; to evaluate one’s giftedness, creativity and giftedness; to confuse giftedness with enterprise; to get inspiration from smth., to do smth. by inspiration, He had a sudden inspiration; My friend is a constant inspiration for me; to inspire hope (fear, some thought) into smb.; to inspire smb. with desire to work (with the germ of hope); novel forms, (suggestion, methods of investigation, idea); to lose novelty; the charm of novelty; The novelty soon wears off; venturesomeness to one’s enterprise (initiative, some novel scheme, some feat); a man of perfect veracity, a veracity of soul, a veracity witness; to verify a statement (results, figures, details); verification of results (some chart, some assessment).

Exercise 2. Translate the following word combinations from Russian into English using your active vocabulary.

Двусмысленные слова; выражаться двусмысленно (неясно); дать двусмысленный ответ; глаза неопределенного цвета

Предпринимать меры; присвоить себе право; предположим, что…; принятие на себя риска; притворная любовь

Придумать средство избежать опасности; ухитриться ответить на все вопросы теста; умудриться прийти вовремя; придумать новый план

Извините за беспокойство; нарушить общественное спокойствие; мешать чьей-либо работе; вызвать беспорядки; расстройство речи

Оценка теста; оценивать достижения в учебе; взвесить аргументы “ за” и “ против”; оценочный аспект;

Развивать умственные способности; создавать (вырабатывать) основы нового подхода; развиваться (превращаться) в настоящего ученого; выявлять новые таланты

Измерить диаметр; выбрать подходящий момент; оценить чей-либо характер; оценить чьи-либо способности; показатель общественного мнения

Черпать вдохновение (to take from) в работе; по (under) вдохновению; вселить надежду (to) в кого-либо; вдохновить кого-либо (to) на новые исследования; вдохнуть воздух

Какая свежая (новая идея)!; Искать совершенно новыe подходы в решении проблемы;

Автоматическая проверка подписи; подтверждать показания свидетеля; проверять достоверность документов

Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to your active vocabulary.

  1. The assumption, that divergent thinking scores correlate with future originality has yet to be established. 2. Scoring the tests requires more subjective evaluation than does the scoring of standardized tests of intelligence. 3. Everyone agrees that in the inspirational phase of creativeness some degree of noninterference is necessary. 4. We must teach engineers to be creative, at least in the sense of being able to confront novelty and to improvise. 5. I am very certain that many, many people have woken up in the middle of the night with a flash of inspiration about some novel idea they would like to write. 6. So far, we have considered evaluations of women’s and men’s performance. 7. The first three or four years of life are a period when the infant’s brain grows to about two thirds of its full size, and evolves in complexity at greater rate than it ever will again. 8. All the evidence that we have indicates that it is reasonable to assume in practically every human being that there is an active will toward health, an impulse toward growth, or toward the actualization of human potentialities. 9. There is general support for the assumption that children proceed through these stages of moral judgement in a fixed and individual fashion.10. Over the period in which these subjects have been assessed for moral judgement, Americans have experienced the civil rights struggle, student protests, the Vietnam War, Watergate, and the women’s movement.

Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences into English using the indicated words from the vocabulary list.


  1. Потребуется дополнительное исследование, так как получаемый результат является

To contrive

  1. Он умудрился закончить тест раньше всех

To disturb

  1. Меня встревожила новость, что профессор заболел.


  1. Он такой целеустремленный человек, что без сомнения, добьется своей цели.


  1. Достоверность гипотезы нужно доказать


  1. Необходимы специальные программы для одаренных детей.

To gauge

  1. Прежде чем включить его в эту группу, неплохо было бы оценить его.



  1. Наш дерзкий план был реализован благодаря его инициативе.

To verify

  1. Были проведены новые исследования, чтобы подтвердить правильность выдвинутой теории.


  1. Она довольно импульсивна и вспыльчива, поэтому для нее характерны вспышки гнева.


Creative thinking

Defining creativity

The word creativity is amongst the most confused and misused concepts in the study of human behavior. Both American and British psychologists have been known to use it synonymously with 'imagination', 'originality', 'divergent thinking', 4inventiveness', 'intuition', 'venturesomeness', 'exploration', 'giftedness' and so on. The truth is we know very little about what makes a creative person and even less about the determinants of creativity. Consequently, there is no clear, unambiguous and widely accepted definition of creativity.

The reasons for this difficulty of definition are not hard to find. Consider, for example, the question of aesthetic enterprises in art, music, sculpture or writ­ing, What objective criterion can we use to evaluate the 'amount' of creativity which has taken place in a work of art? There is no sense in which we can arrive at a widely accepted judgement of creativeness since, in art, music or writing, one's man meat is another man's poison. For this reason, attention tends to have been directed to scientific discovery rather than to artistic creation in the study of creative thinking- Another problem is the confusion arising from our concern to describe the process involved in creative activity from an observation of the products. We assume that parti­cular modes of thinking have taken place when certain kinds of response appear.

There is some measure of agreement, that, at its simplest, cognitive creativity (it is hard at this point in our knowledge to include aesthetic creativity as well) results in ideas which are novel, useful and relevant to the solution of problems being examined. 'Novelty' is used here in the sense of combining or rearranging es­tablished patterns of knowledge in unique fashions; of course, this can happen at many different levels, as when children constantly create new ideas which, for them, are completely original, but which within the culture are quite familiar. Originality at the highest level would have to occur in the much wider context of the world of knowledge. Nevertheless, many studies are based on the assumption that fluency, variety and novelty of ideas contrived by young people, using fa­miliar material, signify a potentially creative mind. Perhaps, one important consideration of a novel re­sponse, at present impossible to gauge with certainty, is the quality of the process which produced it.

Not all novel responses reflect creative talent. False answers are novel, so are the bizarre statements and actions of the mentally ill; but we could hardly classify these as creative in the cognitive sense. Originality, then, is not enough. There must be a measure of relevance to the solution of a problem as well. Usefulness is not quite so obvious because in science we often find that an original idea has no immediate application and must wait for advances in other fields before it becomes useful.

Assessing creativity

Now it is necessary to give an appraisal of the attempts to assess the term ‘creativity’. A concept which is difficult to define is difficult to measure. Consequently, a number of approaches to the study of creativity have developed in this century. Perhaps the three most promising are: (a) studies of the lifestyles of creative people; (b) assessment, using operational definitions, of the products of creative activity; (c) attempts to discover the processes of creative activity. Of these, the first and the second have been employed with somewhat greater regularity than the last, because observing people’s behavior is easier than trying to discover the processes of internal mental behavior.

Creative people: biographical studies

The search for distinguishing characteristics of creative people has a fairly long history. In the cognitive sphere it is still widely held that creative ability is largely a manifestation of the highly intelligent. Thus, in order to find creative people, you would look amongst those with high intelligence.

Other generalizations about the personal qualities of creative men and women depict them as single-minded, stubborn, non-conformist and persistent in tasks which engage their imaginations. Tolerance to ambiguity is high; they may even enjoy dilemmas and searching out problems which have diverse possibilities. Risk-taking and venturesomeness with ideas appeal to the creative mind. What we are not clear about is the evidence for distinctive qualities in the thinking styles adopted by creative people when they solve problems.

Divergent thinking

The criteria for judging eminent person’s talent in a special field are fairly obvious: he or she must create original ideas which can be clearly recognized as pushing forward the frontiers of knowledge in that specialism. But can we devise objective tests which would predict this creative talent?

New light was thrown on this problem by Guilford in the early 1950s, when he introduced his ‘model of intellect’. He postulated several cognitive operations, amongst which he included convergent and divergent thinking. The convergent thinker is distinguished by an ability to deal with problems requiring one conventional correct solution clearly obtainable from the information available. Problems of this kind can be found in all intelligence tests and in many objective-type questions, in which a problem is presented with several solutions, only one of which is correct. No opportunity is given for productive thinking beyond the information supplied; in fact, items with more than one solution are discarded as unsatisfactory.

The divergent thinker, on the other hand, is adept in problems requiring the generation of several equally acceptable solutions, where the emphasis is on the quantity, variety and originality of responses. In general the items of convergent and divergent thinking tests encourage different approaches, and it is this aspect which has led some psychologists to correlate divergent thinking with creative thinking. As yet, the relationship to be verified convincingly.

Comprehension check

Exercise 1. Say whether these statements are true (T) or false (F) and if they are false say why.

T F 1. The term creativity has many synonyms, such as imagi-

nation’, ‘enterprise’, ‘venturesomeness’,’intuation’ and


T F 2. Creativity is easy to define.

T F 3. Novelty is combining or rearranging established patterns

of knowledge in a unique way.

T F 4. Novelty is a sign of creative talent

T F 5. Usefulness is a sign of creative talent must be always

taken into account.

T F. 6. There are many approaches to study creativity.

T.F. 7. Assessment of the product of creative activity is easier

than investigating the processes of creativity.

T F. 8. As a rule, there is no difference in IQ between creative and

non-creative people.

T F 9. Creative people possess such personal qualities as single-

mindeness, persistence, tolerance to ambiguity, risk-taking

and others.

T F. 10. Convergent thinking is associated with creativity.

Exercise 2. Match the English word combinations in the left-hand

column with the Russian equivalent in the right-hand


  1. confusion arising from A творческому уму нравится риск

  2. one’s man meat is anot- В вопросы, имеющие более одного

her man’s poison решения, отбрасываются

  1. search out problems which С перегруппировка по-новому устояв-

have diverse possibilities шихся моделей

  1. items with more than one D странные заявления и действия пси-

solution are discarded хически нездоровых людей

  1. rearranging established Е едва ли их можно считать творческими

patterns in unique fashions людьми

  1. bizarre statements and ac- F задачи, которые занимают их вооб-

tions of the mentally ill ражение (увлекают их)

  1. we could hardly classify G выискивать проблемы, которые можно

these people as creative решить по-разному

  1. tasks which engage their H что хорошо для одного, плохо для

imagination другого

  1. risk-taking appeals to the I путаница, связанная с …

creative mind

Exercise 3. Match the psychological terms in the left-hand column with their definitions in the right-hand column.

  1. giftedness A Something new and unusual which

attracts peoples’ attention and interest.

  1. assumption B 1)The act of drawing air into the lungs

2)The sudden solution to a problem or

the occurrence of a creative idea with-

out previous trial and error or reasoning

  1. novelty C Possessing a talent to a high degree

  2. verification D A supposition that smth is true for the

purpose of theoretical development

thinking in which the thinker evaluates

the results of illumination or a sudden so-

lution of the problem

  1. inspiration F The ability to think of new activities or

ideas and make them work.

  1. enterprise G A comparison and often determination

of the relative importance of a phenome-

non, a score or test reasoning

  1. evaluation H 1)the collecting of empirical data for the

purpose of testing a hypothesis 2) one of

the states of creative or artistic thinking

in which the thinker evaluates the results

of illumination or a sudden solution of

the problem

Exercise 4. Arrange the following words into pairs of (a) antonyms and (b) synonyms.

  1. to create veracity

to involve to disturb

evolution disturbance

out-of-date to destroy

falsity degeneration

to inspire to exclude

common novel

to leave alone to expire

calm particular

  1. to venture to measure

to tolerate odd

to mix up to suppose

ambiguous to stand

to gauge amount

to disturb to risk

gift to confuse

bizarre to interfere

quantity uncertain

to assume talent

Speaking and discussion

Exercise 1.Answer the following questions to the text making use of the next expressions

From my point of view,…; As I see,…;It would seem to me that,…;Personally, I think that,…; As far as I can judge,…

  1. Why do many psychologists often use such terms, as “creativity”, “inventiveness”, “imagination”, “venturesomeness” and “giftedness” indiscriminately?

  2. Why is it difficult to define the term’creativity’?

  3. Why can’t we say that such characteristics as novelty and originality always reflect creative talent?

  4. Why can’t usefulness be always taken into account while evaluating creativity?

  5. What are the three most promising approaches to study creativity?

  6. What personal qualities and characteristics are common for highly creative people?

  7. Why do some psychologists correlate divergent thinking with creative thinking?

  8. Why is there growing interest in the problem of creativeness?

  9. In what spheres of life creative people are in great demand?

  1. . Does school encourage or discourage creative thinking and how?

Exercise 2. Retell the text using your active vocabulary

Exercise 3. Choose one of the following topics connected with creativity and prepare a report on it.

  1. Defining creativity

  2. Creative abilities of children and adults

  3. The way school and Universities environments influence creativity

  4. Creative people and their characteristics

  5. Studying creative output as away to understand creativity

  6. Dependence of creativity on the mode of thinking (convergent – divergent)

  7. The creative process and its stages

  8. The biography of an eminent creative person

  9. The main means and techniques to study creativity

Grammar revision

The participle

The participle is a non-finite form of the verb. There are two participles in English- Participle 1(or the Present Participle and Participle11 (or the Past Participle).

Participle 11 has only one form, that is the third basic form of the verb, and conveys a passive meaning:

written –написанный

translated – переведенный

Participle 1 is formed by adding suffex – ing to the stem of the verb. It has the following forms.

Active Passive

Present telling- having told-

pассказывающий, будучи рассказан-

pассказывая ным

Perfect having told – having been told –

рассказав будучи рассказан-


Exercise 1. Translate the following English sentences into Russian paying special attention to participles.

Оценивая, оценивающий, оценив, оцененный, будучи оцененным; обладая, обладающий; озадачивая, озадачивающий, озадаченный, озадачив, будучи озадаченным; подтверждая, подтверждающий, подтвердив, подтвержденный, будучи подтвержденным; завершая, завершающий, завершив, завершенный, будучи завершенным; создавая, создающий, создав, созданный, будучи созданным; руководящий, руководимый, будучи руководимым.

Exercise 2. Translate the following English sentences into Russian paying special attention to participles.

  1. Increasing attention has recently been given to latency. 2. Some experimenters wait until the rat is facing the door, but to do so is to tamper (искажать) with the measurements being taken. 3.

Logicians describe thinking as necessarily involving stages of hypothesis, deduction, experimental testing and confirmation. 4. Beginning with Thorndike’s studies there has been a close and continuous relationship between motivation and learning. 5. The study of motivation is usually not considered as including intelligence and skill. 6. Crime and criminals receive special attention in the media, having been the subject of many motives, books and new reports. 7. Taken together, these control variable findings offer some interesting speculations. 8. To consider the frequency of repeated responses in an individual demands something like the experimental situation just described. 9. The example shows the results obtained. 10. It has been demonstrated experimentally that non-verbal signals can also have an operant conditioning effect on thought and behavior, reinforcing what is perceived as approved and discouraging that which is perceived as disapproved. 11. The responses of approval or disapproval received by the patient from the therapist in the course of therapy become an operant conditioning system shaping his behavior in the desired direction. Starting out from Breuer’s method, I found myself engaged in a consideration of the mechanism of neurosis.

Exercise 3. Choose the proper form of participles given in brackets.

  1. In classroom setting we find practices increasingly (involving, involved) such methods as ‘creative writing’, ‘imaginative’ work in art and drama.

  2. At least three factors have contributed to the (increased, increasing) enthusiasm for research in creative thinking.

  3. When (looked, looking) at bright boys and girls with high IQ measures it is hardly possible to predict who of them will become creative people in the future.

  4. Learning may be enhanced or inhibited by the learning methods (encouraged, encouraging) in the classroom.

  5. As (indicated, indicating) above, IQ tests require people to take information as (given, giving) and use it to arrive at a single correct answer.

Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using participles.

  1. Наше исследование подтвердило гипотезу, выдвинутую группой российских ученых.

  2. Интересуясь проблемой креативности, он старался познакомиться с творческими людьми.

  3. Решив проблему, он попытался проверить правильность полученных результатов.

  4. После того как его протестировали, его взяли в группу одаренных детей.

  5. Смущенный и испуганный, он не смог правильно ответить ни на один вопрос.

  6. Среди ученых, изучающих креативность, много российских психологов.

  7. Будучи серьезно больным, он не смог провести давно запланированного эксперимента.



Approaching the topic

Discuss the following questions

  1. What is emotion to your mind?

  2. What emotions do you know?

  3. How can you distinguish one emotion from another?

  4. Do emotions and their manifestations change in the course of human life?

  5. What are the problems connected with emotions that are still to be resolved?

  6. Can you think of any classifications of emotions?

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