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English_Мет. пособие Кочуровой.doc
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  1. Be ready to speak about your emotional behavior making use of the tests results.

Exercise 5.Choose one of the following topics connected with emotions and prepare a report on it.

  1. Defining emotions and their classifications

  2. Disputable problems connected with the study of emotions

  3. The emotional mind and the rational mind

  4. Emotional development and the role of the child’s family

  5. The best known theories of emotions

  6. Describing an intense emotion you watched or experienced yourself

  7. Creating a favourable emotional atmosphere in the classroom setting is indispensable for high academic achievements

  8. Emotional problems of first-year University students

  9. Teenager’s emotional problems


The Gerund

The Gerund is a non-finite form of the verb, which combines both verbal and nominal characteristics. It is formed by adding the suffix –ing to the item of the verb, and coincides in forms with Participle 1.

The forms of the Gerund in Modern English are as follows:

Active Passive

Simple (indefinite) writing being written

Perfect having written having been written

The Gerund can perform the following functions:

Subject Smoking leads to meditation (Collins)

Part of a compound He began investigating that problem last

verbal predicate year

Part of a compound My task is carrying out this experiment

nominal predicate

Object I like making people happy

Attribute They like his suggestion of solving that

Psychological problem

Adverbial modifier Upon waking I found myself much reco-

vered (Swift)

Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences into Russian and comment on the functions of the Gerund

  1. Writing quickly tires my hand. 2. I dislike being interrupted. 3. Seeing is believing. 4. It’s no use discussing this problem now, it’s too late. 5. The main thing to do in this situation is getting away as soon as possible. 6. Imagination is the mental capacity for experiencing, constructing, or manipulating mental imagery. 7. In other contexts, “imagining” seems to be used in way that is closer to “pretending” or to “thinking a possibility”. 8. Who but a philosopher, however, would dream of denying that imagination has to do with imagery? 9. It would certainly be very convenient for metaphysicians if there were a mental faculty capable of providing a reliable test for possibility. 10. Understanding one’s lifestyle is somewhat like understanding the style of a composer. 11. If our sense of belonging is not fulfilled, anxiety is the result. 12. In striving for goals that have meaning to us, we develop a unique style of life.

Exercise 2. Use the appropriate form of the Gerund of the verbs in brackets and insert prepositions where necessary.

  1. (to speak) without (to think) is (to shoot) without aim. 2. (to strive ) for the goal of superiority, some develop their intellect, others, their artistic talent, and so on. 3. If one is talented in a given area, the other strives for recognition (to develop) other abilities. 4. Only when we have a sense (to belong), we are able to act with courage (to face) and (to deal) with our problems. 5. May is a psychologist most responsible (to translate) European existentialism into the main stream of American psychotherapeutic into the mainstream of American psychotherapeutic theory and practice. 6. When she thinks about (to assert) her own wishes (to defy) her parents, she becomes anxious. 7. Many of the problems we experience are related to the fear (not to be) accepted by the groups we value. 8. If a pair of animals is shocked in a cage from which they can not escape, they begin (to fight) when the shock starts and stop (to fight) when it ends. 9. (to experience) a traumatic event that is beyond of normal range human suffering can have a profound and prolonged effect on the individual. 10. The term of social interest refers to an individual’s awareness (to be) a part of the human community and to the individual’s attitudes to deal with the social world. 11. It includes (to strive) for a better future for humanity. The socialization process, which begins in childhood, involves (to find) a place in one’s society and (to acquire) a sense (to belong) and (to contribute).

Exercise 3. Complete the following using the Gerund.

  1. What do you mean by…? 2. The girl kept on…. 3. They disliked the idea of… 4. What kept you from….? 5. We don’t often have the chance of… 6. She isn’t used to… 7. We couldn’t often dream of…8. He is fond of… 9. She is looking forward to… 10.Is there any use in…? 11. He didn’t care for… 12. What prevented him from…?

Exercise 4. Make up sentences using the Gerund after the following verbs

Prevent, avoid, risk, remember, postpone, mind, rely, regret, excuse, suggest, enjoy, fancy, keep, stop, deny, forgive, it wants (needs).

Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences into English using the Gerund

  1. Этот вопрос стоит обсудить еще раз, перед тем как принять окончательное решение.

  2. Ему было стыдно, что он проявил раздражение.

  3. Она не успокоится , пока весь мир не будет у ее ног.

  4. Результаты этого эксперимента нужно проверить еще раз.

  5. Я сожалею, что мне приходится говорить вам об этом

  6. Она не могла объяснить, почему испытывала такое тревожное чувство, оставаясь одна с детьми

  7. Он избегает встречаться с этим человеком , так как испытывает сильное давление сего стороны.

  8. Бесполезно объяснять ему, что он ведет себя неадекватно.

  9. Он продолжал настаивать на проведении этого исследования.

  10. Если индивид безуспешно пытается преодолеть стресс, то апатия может смениться глубокой депрессией.



Approaching the topic

Discuss the following questions

  1. What is personality?

  2. What are the main characteristics of Freud’s theory of personality?

  3. What are defense mechanisms?

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