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Chapters 12-14 (pp. 72-93)

The list of words and word-combinations under study;

  1. now and then (72)- время от времени

  2. lonesome (72)- одинокий

  3. to strike up a conversation (73)- начать разговор

  4. to take in nutrition (74)- питаться, принимать пищу

  5. I let it drop (74)- я не отреагировал, не ответил на…, не поддержал тему

  6. to pay the fare (74)- платить за проезд

  7. to have smth on one’s mind (75)- иметь что- то на уме; вбить себе в голову; думать о

  8. to clap (75)- аплодировать, хлопать

  9. humble (76)- покорный

  10. in a way (78)- в некотором отношении; до известной степени

  11. by the minute (78)- с каждой минутой

  12. yellow (79)- трусливый

  13. fist fights (80)- кулачные бои, драки

  14. nonchalant (81)- безразличный

  15. to drive at (81)- вести к чему- либо

  16. to show up (84)- появиться, показаться

  17. to embarrass (85)- смущать, приводить в замешательство

  18. brand-clean (86)- совершенно чистый

  19. to shrug one’s shoulders (86)- пожать плечами

  20. recuperate (86)- выздоравливать

  21. premature (87)- преждевременный (mature; immature- зрелый; незрелый)

  22. Disciple (88)- апостол

disciple- ученик

  1. a tomb (89)- гробница

  2. to see eye to eye with smb (89)- разделять мнение; соглашаться с

  3. at random (89)- наугад, наобум

  4. to betray (89)- предавать

  5. anyway (89)- в любом случае

  6. to be scared (90)- испугаться

  7. He did all the talking (90)- говорил только он

  8. to loosen (90)- ослабить

  9. to owe smb smth (92)- быть должным кому- то

  10. to duck (92)- уклониться, нагнуть голову

  11. in a high-pitched voice (93)- тонким (высоким ) голосом

  12. to bandage (93)- сделать перевязку


I. Read chapters 12-14 paying attention to the given list.

II. Look up the pronunciation of the following words:

excited; tougher; liquor; closet; marvelous; aisle; innocent; jaw; thief; nonchalant; scare; pint; wrist; comb; peculiar; spinal; premature; miserable; disciple; atheist; tomb; psychic; bourbon.

III. Reproduce the situations in which the words under study are used.

IV. Make up a situation of your own; use from five to ten words and word-combinations from the list of active vocabulary.

V. Give synonyms or synonymous expressions to the following:

  1. lonesome

  2. now and then

  3. to get sore

  4. to yell at smb

  5. to check one’s coat

  6. vacation

  7. terrific

  8. to clap for smb

  9. humble

  10. depressed

  11. to feel like doing smth

  12. all of a sudden

  13. a choice

  14. an elevator

  15. an apartment

  16. frequently

  17. to be embarrassing

  18. in case

  19. to chat

  20. to recuperate

VI. a) Translate the following into Russian:

  1. ”When I got out in front of Ernie’s and paid the fare old Horwitz brought up the fish again. He certainly had it on his mind” (p.75).

  1. “How old are you?” I asked her.

“Old enough to know better”, she said (p.85).

b) Translate in writing the following paragraph:

“In the first place, I’m sort of an atheist… He was right about that, in a way, I don’t” (pp.88-89).

VII. Translate the following sentences into English:

  1. Нью-Йорк ужасен, когда кто-то смеется поздно ночью на улице. Чувствуешь себя одиноким и подавленным.

  1. “К чему ты это клонишь?” - спросила мать сына. “Что у тебя на уме? Ты же знаешь, жизнь переменчива. Все будет хорошо вновь”.

  1. Погода была ужасной, и мне совсем не хотелось выходить на улицу. Вдруг я услышал, что кто-то постучал в дверь. Сначала я испугался. Это своего рода трусость, если подумать. Но потом я собрался с духом, принял беззаботный вид и пошел открыть дверь.

  1. Петру сначала понравился его попутчик, и он разговорился с ним. Речь зашла о религии. Петр не сошелся во взглядах с ним, через некоторое время он замолчал и отвечал невпопад. Теперь попутчик вел беседу за двоих. Но через некоторое время он застеснялся, пожал плечами и прекратил разговор.

VIII. Answer the following questions:

  1. What kind of cabs does Holden usually get?

  1. How does he feel late at night in New York?

  1. Did the driver get interested in the duck problem?

  1. Why was old Ernie’s so crowded?

  1. Do you think Holden liked the way Ernie played the piano?

  1. What’s Holden’s attitude towards the people applauding the pianist?

  1. Why did Holden feel depressed while looking at the people?

  1. Who did he meet at Ernie’s?

  1. Why did Holden have to leave Ernie’s?

  1. Why did he walk all the way back to the hotel?

  1. What made Holden remember his gloves?

  1. Would Holden have socked the boy who had stolen his gloves if he had found out who it was?

  1. How did he explain his yellowness?

  1. What terrific capacity did Holden have?

  1. What did the elevator boy offer him?

  1. How did Holden get ready for the prostitute?

  1. What was Holden’s sexual experience?

  1. Why did he like Monsieur Blanchard in the book he read at the Whooton School?

  1. Was Holden nervous while waiting for the prostitute to come?

  1. How did the girl behave?

  1. How did Holden excuse himself from having sexual intercourse, with the prostitute?

  1. How much did Holden pay the girl?

  1. Why did he feel more miserable and depressed?

  1. Why couldn’t he pray?

  1. What was Holden’s attitude forwards the Disciples?

  1. What religions were the Caulfields?

  1. Who knocked on the door?

  1. Why did Maurice and Sunny arrive?

  1. What worried Holden while he spoke to Maurice?

  1. Was the talk humiliating to Holden?

  1. Why was Holden persistent?

  1. How did Maurice manage to get the money?

  1. What did Holden pretend to be?

  1. Why was the idea of committing suicide repulsive to him?

IX. Give a summary of chapters 12-14.

X. Describe in detail:

  1. Holden’s visit to old Ernie’s.

  2. Holden’s would-be search for his gloves.

XI. Speak on the following points:

  1. Holden’s attitude towards fist fights.

  2. An hour with the prostitute.

  3. Holden’s view on the Disciples.

  4. Encounter with the elevator boy.

XII. Comment on the following:

  1. “People always clap for the wrong things”. (p.75).

  2. “I’m always saying “Glad to ‘ve met you” to somebody I’m not all glad I met. If you want to stay alive, you have to say that stuff, though”. (p.78).

  3. “The goddam movies. They can ruin you. I’m not kidding”. (p.93).

Unit VI