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9. Retell the text according to the following plan:

1. The occurrence of mercury.

2. Properties of mercury.

3. The use of mercury.

4. The importance of mercury.

10. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the words in bold:

1. By close study they could learn that the vapours of this substance are dangerous. 2. The similarity of mercury to zinc and cadmium is not very close, the metal showing a greater similarity to copper and silver. 3. Close the test tube until the solution cools. 4. The elements of Group II-B and IV-B of the Periodic System closely resemble the elements of Group III and IV respectively. 5. One degree is the one hundredth part of the temperature range between the normal freezing and boiling points of water. 6. The Li content of samples encountered in this laboratory has ranged from 4 to 98%. 7. The amount of water was not enough to carry out this experiment. 8. It should be noted that the increase in temperature amounted to only 20°C.

11. Choose the Russian equivalents from the right column:

due to присутствующий

considerable для того чтобы

somewhat составлять

present отчасти

to be present благодаря

to be due to обычный

in order to значительный

to amount to быть обусловленным

ordinary присутствовать

12. Explain the meaning of the verb "to do" in the following sentences:

1. The old methods of carrying out such experiments should be done away with. 2 He will do his best to finish his work in time. 3 Among the gases with which mercury does react is hydrogen sulphide. 4 Being lower than hydrogen in the activity series mercury does not displace hydrogen from solution but it does react with the oxidizing oxides to form their respective salts. 5 While no exchange takes place between chlo­ride bromate and the corresponding halogen in neutral so­lutions exchange does occur if the solution is acidified. 6 Gold does not combine with oxygen or with sulphur and does not react with any familiar acids. It does, however, combine with chlorine and bromine. 7 Copper does not displace hydrogen from acids, but does react with acidic oxidizing agents. 8 They did carry out this work in due time. 9 Despite Its high boiling point, mercury does show a small vapour pressure even at ordinary temperature. 10 They always do everything in due time. 11 Do you know that a quite new property of this substance was observed? 12 I'll do my best to study well.

13. Translate the following constructions into Russian:

  1. Having examined the substance, they . . .

  2. They having investigated the substance, the analyst

  3. His investigating these phenomena resulted in . . .

  4. The scientists having done new discoveries, it was . . .

  5. The examination of this mixture being carried out, they ...

14. State the functions of the Infinitives and translate the following sentences into Russian:

2. This substance was purified to investigate its properties carefully. 3. Lead is known to be a bright silvery metal with a pronounced bluish colour. 4. The radiation was first thought to consist of gamma-rays, but the energy relationships were found to disagree with this assumption. 5. They proved soluble lead salts to be poisonous. 6. They have been told to ex­amine all the found precipitates. 7. The laboratory appeared to have been equipped very well. 8. The sediment to be investigated appeared on the bottom of the flask. 9. They are likely to have proved this solvent to be very volatile. 10. They were asked to find out all the constituents of the compound. 11. A series of experiments was conducted to determine the effect of adding this element.

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