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4. Translate into Russian:

a. give – giving – given by her; get – getting-got by them; see – seeing – seen by him; know – knowing – known; learn – learning – learnt by us; take – taking – taken by us; define – defining – defined by them; observe – observing – observed by him;

b. when studied; if arranged; being combined; as observed; while defining; when asked; while doing; when done; as written, if referred to.

5. Form the Participles from the following verbs:

to read, to compose, to write, to work out, to charge, to leave, to carry out, to make, to discover, to conduct, to combine.

6. Translate the following word-combinations into Russian:

a. An acting law; a living organism; the working analyst; the running students.

b. Students going to the laboratory; specialists making experiments; scientists developing chemistry; the teacher explaining the problem.

c. While reading scientific magazines; when going to the University; while making experiments.

d. Being a good chemist; having no time; being very experienced.

7. Translate the sentences into Russian:

A. 1. The books recommended by our lecturer are very important. 2. The given books are interesting. 3. The data asked are necessary. 4. The formed water is a comprising part of vegetable and animal matter. 5. Being a good chemist he can make many experiments. 6. Having no time he must do this work quickly. 7. Being an experienced the analyst always comments experiments both clear and shortly. 8. The observed substance is an alkali-earth metal. 9. Under normal conditions the given element is a colourless, tasteless gas. 10. The element seen by him is oxygen.

B. 1. The book referred to is mine. 2. The article referred to in this book is of great importance. 3. The book referred to in this work was published this year. 4. The list of elements referred to is important. 5. Use the information referred to in this paper in your report. 6. The new book is much spoken about. 7. These data will be often referred to. 8. The analyst has been sent for. 9. Mixtures are often experimented upon. 10. Chemical substances are worked at. 11. These data can be relied upon. 12. Mercury is often made use of.

8. Translate into Russian:

рекомендованная литература, найденный ими, наблюдаемый сейчас, при переводе, наблюдаемый газ, написанный им, прочитанный ими, распределенные Менделеевым, определенные химиком, составленные ими, взятая ею, полученные им, расположенные ею, проведенные им.

9. Read the text. While translating pay special attention to the Participles. Elements

There is a limited number of chemical elements, however, these elements can compose all the materials found on the earth. Each of them is very important. Some of the elements are very common, others are rare. There are elements never seen in pure form by most chemists as they are so rare.

Elements have properties distinguishing them from other substances.

Some of these properties are their colour, hardness, odour, taste, density, elasticity, flexibility, solubility in water or other liquids, their ability to conduct electricity, thermal conductivity and others. All these properties can help to distinguish one element from another.

For example oxygen is a colourless, odourless, tasteless gas. When combined with hydrogen of the air it burns. Argon is a noble gas. Helium being the most important of the inert gases is the lightest element except for hydrogen. Titanium located all over the world is light-weight, strong and corrosion-resistant. Iron being one of the most common metals is a good electricity and heat conductor.

D. I. Mendeleev is the scientist known by all chemists due to the table comprising elements arranged according to a definite system. This arrangement of elements often referred to by chemists is of great importance to science.

Notes to the text:

according to – согласно, соответственно

due to – благодаря

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