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9. Fill in the gaps with the most suitable words changing the form if necessary.

Inquest, destitution, deprivation, void, bargain, uphold, breach, matrimony, labour, maim

  1. He gambled, lost all his money and died in …………………………. .

  2. He was sentenced to two years with …………………………. in a camp.

  3. At last the betrothed were united in holy …………………………. .

  4. The war resulted in there being many neglected children suffering from social …………………………. .

  5. Hundreds of people are killed or …………………………. in car accidents every week.

  6. The …………………………. of copyright means that some work of some author is published without their consent.

  7. He reached a plea …………………………. with the authorities.

  8. The Court of Appeal is likely to …………………………. the verdict.

  9. A/an …………………………. was held to discover the cause of death.

  10. The contract was declared null and …………………………. .

10. Form the antonyms from the following words with the help of prefixes.

  1. lawful

  2. armed

  3. famed

  4. orderly

  5. guilty

  6. responsible

  7. moral

  8. legal

  9. represent

  10. lead

11. Fill in the gaps with the most appropriate words in the correct form.

procure, negligent, entitle, liable, mutiny, subpoena, coroner, breach, gambling, libel

  1. A/an …………………………. debt is not legally enforceable.

  2. A/an …………………………. action is being brought against the magazine that published the article.

  3. The discontent among the ship’s crew finally led to the outbreak of …………………………..

  4. Offenders will be …………………………. to a heavy fine.

  5. The …………………………. recorded a verdict of accidental death.

  6. The court …………………………. her to appear as a witness.

  7. The school had been …………………………. in not informing the child’s parents about the incident.

  8. They …………………………. us a copy of the report.

  9. They were sued for …………………………. of contract.

  10. This ticket does not …………………………. you to travel first class.

12. Change the form of the words so that it might suit the context.

  1. He was sentenced to life ……………………………………………. for murder.

  2. He is the prime …………………………. in the case.

  3. The incident caused a great deal of political …………………………. .

  4. The company sued its rival for …………………………. .

  5. People with …………………………. papers are deported to another country.

  6. The …………………………. asked for a number of other offences to be taken into account.

  7. The legislation will be difficult to …………………………. .

  8. That one mistake seriously …………………………. the future of the company.

  9. This led to his …………………………. on allegations of conspiracy.

  10. He was a compulsive …………………………. and found it difficult to stop.











13. Match the synonyms.

  1. Acquire

  2. Allege

  3. Consideration

  4. Indict

  5. Intent

  6. Libel

  7. Rescind

  8. Summons

  9. Unlawful

  10. Valid

  11. Void

    1. abolish

    2. accuse

    3. charge

    4. defamation

    5. illegal

    6. invalid

    7. legal

    8. purchase

    9. purpose

    10. recompense

    11. subpoena

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