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6. Which people mentioned in the article are defined below? Name the case(s) where they appear.

  1. a person in charge of a committee, a company, etc.

  2. a person or business that sells goods to the public

  3. a person who has an important job as a manager of a company or an organization

  4. a person who helps sb to commit a crime or who knows about it and protects the person from the police

  5. a person who is kept in prison, usually because of his or her political opinions

  6. a person who leaves somebody their property after their death

  7. a person who lends money in exchange for articles left with them

  8. a person who makes, repairs or sells jewellery and watches

  9. a person who pretends to be sb else in order to trick people

  10. a person who takes part in a sport or other activity for enjoyment, not as a job

  11. a police officer just above the rank of chief inspector

  12. a police officer of the lowest rank

  13. a senior police officer who is in charge of the police force in a particular area

  14. an official in charge of the records of a council, court, etc.

  15. an official who acts as a judge in the lowest courts of law

  16. your closest living relative or relatives

  17. the President of the Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court of Justice, next highest in rank to the Lord Chancellor in the legal system of England and Wales

7. Insert the correct prepositions where necessary.

  1. All of them are experts ……………….. their chosen field.

  2. At the end of the speech he seemed to be moving ……………….. the realms of fantasy.

  3. No punishment should fall ……………….. those who were not in charge of the matter in question.

  4. He was arrested for obstruction of a police officer ……………….. the execution of his duty.

  5. How much do I owe ……………….. you for the groceries?

  6. We all had to pledge allegiance ………………..……………….. the flag.

  7. The report is inconsistent ……………….. the financial statements.

  8. She adheres ……………….. teaching methods she learned over 30 years ago.

  9. He is unlikely to ever recover ……………….. his legal costs.

  10. The case was dismissed ……………….. the grounds that there was not enough evidence.

8. Match the words to their definitions.

    1. Advent

    2. Bound

    3. Insinuate

    4. Oppressive

    5. Partisan

    6. Proprietary

    7. Starvation

    8. Subjection

    9. Temperate

    10. Till

      1. a situation in which someone controls you and you have to obey them

      2. behaving in a calm and controlled way

      3. forced to do sth by law, duty or a particular situation

      4. relating to an owner or to the fact of owning sth

      5. showing too much support for one person, group or idea, especially without considering it carefully

      6. the coming of an important event, person, invention, etc.

      7. the place where you pay for goods in a large shop / store

      8. the state of suffering and death caused by having no food

      9. to suggest indirectly that sth unpleasant is true

      10. treating people in a cruel and unfair way and not giving them the same freedom, rights, etc. as other people

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